Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2)

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Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2) Page 1

by Sarah Bailey




  Defied Copyright © 2020 by Sarah Bailey

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Please note the spelling throughout is British English.

  Cover Art by Sarah Bailey

  Published by Twisted Tree Publications

  [email protected]


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39


  About The Author

  To all those who love a little darkness in their romances

  This one’s for you!

  Chapter 1

  Ash’s words were bold. So fucking bold. The look in her eye told me she wasn’t fucking around. She really wanted this. And I was fucked if I was going to deny I didn’t want it too. I wanted to consume her. Devour her. But I’d start with kissing her beautiful, soft lips which made my dick ache with need every time I looked at them. This girl had me in the palm of her hand. She was my angel. And I’d give her exactly what she was asking for.

  Yes, I was fully aware of the consequences of taking Ash to bed. It would forever change things between me, Ash and Quinn, but when the girl of your fucking dreams asks you to be with her, you don’t fucking well say no.

  So I didn’t answer her with words, I answered her with my mouth against hers. Pleasure bloomed in my chest immediately, sending waves of it down to my cock which throbbed restlessly and leaked. And when she opened her mouth to me, allowing my tongue to clash with hers, I all but fucking died. She tasted like sunshine and roses. The explosion of flavour made me tug her firmly against me, my hands running down her bare back.

  “God, I want to fuck you,” I groaned against her mouth.

  “Do it. Fuck me.”

  Her words were like a fucking taunt. Challenging me to follow her down the rabbit hole into oblivion. And yet a part of me held back. The part of me which still valued my friendships. What a fucking mess.

  “You know it’s not that simple,” I told her, pulling away and looking into her beautiful blues.

  Her face fell and I immediately felt shit. There was no doubt. I would have her legs wrapped around me whilst I drove into her again and again sooner rather than later, but we had to talk about this. We had to be on the same page.

  Reaching up, I cupped her cheek, stroking my thumb across her bottom lip which was glistening from our kiss.

  “I need to get some things straight first, angel. Trust me, I’m having a hard time not ripping that dress off you right now.”

  I almost groaned when her eyes flicked down to the very distinct bulge between my legs. Leaning closer, I forced her to look at me.

  “You’re going to get hands-on experience very soon when I bury my cock in what I’m going to assume is a very wet, tight little pussy which I know will feel like heaven.” I dragged my face across hers until my breath dusted along her ear. “I’m going to be so deep inside you, you won’t know what’s fucking up or down any longer. Believe me when I tell you I’ll fuck you so long and hard, your pussy will be throbbing when I’m done filling you up with every last drop of cum I have to give you.”

  Ash shuddered, gripping my shoulders and I knew she was as desperate as me.

  “I’m going to need you to be patient a little while longer.”

  I felt her nod and I pulled away. She looked like she was about to combust. I’d done that to her with a few simple words. Maybe Ash got off on my dirty mouth. I was planning to dirty her up some more with it.

  “What I’m going to ask isn’t meant to be in any way insulting. We have to be clear before we take this step.”

  “Okay… ask away.”

  She didn’t look hesitant. Determination flooded her features.

  “This isn’t about getting back at Quinn, is it?”

  “No… This is me being honest. I want him as much as I want you. It’s not about my fight with him. I’m done allowing other people to run my life for me. I want to be with you and Quinn…”

  I read between the lines.

  “You want Eric and Rory too.”

  She nodded and I smiled. It didn’t bother me in the slightest that she had a connection with all of us. I’d never been the jealous type nor did I believe in restricting ourselves to only one form of experience in life. If Ash wanted to explore something more with all of us, if she was interested in trying polyamory, then who the fuck was I to say no to it. After all, those were my best friends. I could see the attraction for her.

  “It sounds crazy.”

  “No, angel, it’s not crazy. You can’t deny your need for a connection and if this is how you need to express it, then I understand.” I linked our fingers together. “I will never judge you or make you feel as though your decisions are stupid. I’ve told you before, you do you.”

  She reached up with her free hand and stroked my jaw.

  “You’re a little perfect, you know.”

  I smirked.

  “Better believe it.”

  She smiled wide, and god, if it wasn’t fucking radiant.

  “Any more questions?”

  I moved closer and trailed my lips along her jaw.

  “Did Quinn fuck you bare?”

  “Yes, I’m on birth control.”

  The thought of my cock covered in her arousal, feeling her skin on skin made the ache in my dick borderline painful. I reached her earlobe and took it between my teeth, dragging them down. She let out this perfect little pant.


  “Shh, patience. We have all the time in the fucking world. Tell me, angel, what makes you want this so much?”

  “To be with all of you?”


  I continued nibbling her ear which I knew was distracting her but I didn’t care. Turning her on was addictive. I could only imagine how wet she was right now.

  “It’s just a feeling… a distinctive pull dragging me along this path. I don’t believe in destinies,
but this feels right. Like I’m supposed to be with you. I never wanted to cause problems which is why I haven’t acted on it until now, but why should I deny myself a chance to explore the possibility?”

  My fingers went to her dress, finding the zip on the side and tugging on it.

  “You know the others won’t be as receptive as I am.”

  Whilst I knew Rory would be okay with the sharing aspect, he was still all kinds of fucked up and after tonight, I wasn’t quite sure he was coping well with his need for Ash. I needed to speak to him. As for Eric, fuck knows what he’d think. He might like Ash, but that didn’t mean he’d be on board with all of this. Didn’t mean he’d want to get involved. And Quinn? Well, he was going to flip his fucking shit.

  “I know.” She put her hands on mine where I was trying to unzip her dress. “You’ve already seen me naked. I want to see you first.”

  I pulled back and looked at her. Ash had sure got bold this evening, but she had also been through an ordeal. Was now really the right time for us to be doing this? I could keep my dick in my pants if she wasn’t ready. The wait would be worth it.

  I let her reach for me regardless, flicking open the buttons on my shirt one by one. Her eyes were intent on me as she tugged it out of my trousers and pushed it off my shoulders.

  “Fuck,” she whispered.

  Her hands immediately went to my chest, fingertips running down the muscles I’d worked hard to build. Ash’s hands were tiny, but her touch was torture. It made my skin prickle all over and I held back from groaning in absolute ecstasy. Her hands went to my arms next, stroking down the intricate patterns I’d had inked there.

  “These are beautiful.”

  One sleeve was a series of tribal patterns running down from my shoulder to my wrist. The other was various depictions of skulls, roses, a pin-up girl dressed in military-style clothing and a pair of angel wings were tattooed on my inner wrist. She ran her fingers across it.

  “I got them for my mother,” I said, wanting to give her some kind of explanation, but dreading the question that would surely follow.

  “She must be special.”

  “She was.”

  Ash didn’t ask me what that meant. She merely nodded before standing up and unzipping her dress, allowing the red fabric to fall to the floor in a puddle before stepping out of her heels. She was wearing nothing underneath. I couldn’t help staring at her luminescent skin glowing under the soft lights emitting from my bedside tables. I’d seen her before, but now she was naked just for me and somehow that made her all the more stunning.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, angel,” I told her as I reached for her, pulling her in between my legs.

  “So are you,” she whispered, her hands tangling in my hair and tugging my head back so I had to look into her eyes. “I need you to touch me.”

  I didn’t give her any time to object, flipping her over onto the bed and crawling over her. I ran a hand down her chest, watching her skin prickle under my touch and her back arch towards me. Leaning down, I captured one of her dusky pink nipples in my mouth, swirling my tongue around the taut bud. Her moan set my blood on fire as her fingers threaded in my hair again.

  “More,” she whimpered.

  I smiled against her breast, continuing to lavish her nipple. My hand travelled lower, reaching her soft curls before delving between her folds. I groaned when I felt how wet she was for me. She opened her legs wider as if inviting me in.


  She didn’t need to ask twice. I slid not one but two fingers inside her, revelling in how tight she was. Fuck, her pussy was going to feel so good wrapped around my cock. She pulsed around my fingers as I started to thrust them inside her before my thumb landed on her throbbing clit.

  “Oh god, Xavier.”

  My full name on her lips made my cock jerk. Not many people called me that these days, but I could totally get on board with it coming from her.

  “Christ, angel, you’re so fucking tight, I might split you in two.”

  She thrust her hips up, demanding I give her more.

  “Don’t stop. Give it to me.”

  My free hand went to my trousers, fumbling with the zip whilst I continued to fuck her with my fingers, adding a third to open her up to me further. She whined as if the stretch was making her crazy. All I could think about was impaling her on my cock, making her take every last fucking inch. Nothing else mattered. The questions I hadn’t asked her? Who gave a shit when she was writhing against my fingers like she couldn’t get enough.

  One hand wasn’t working so I had to reluctantly pull out of her. Her eyes flew open, a little pout appearing on her lips which only made me smile.

  “Don’t worry, angel, I plan to give you something much bigger instead.”

  She stared at my hands as I finally got the zipper open. I kicked off my trousers and tugged off my boxers. My cock stuck out, demanding to be put to good use.


  I looked down at her. Her blue eyes were guarded which concerned me.

  “What is it?”

  Her hands went to her face, covering it up like she was embarrassed. Her chest and neck were flushed red. I leant over her and reached up, tugging her fingers from her eyes.

  “Have you changed your mind?”

  She shook her head, her blue eyes full of conflicting emotions.

  “Talk to me, Ash.”

  She swallowed and dropped her hands completely.

  “I really want you, Xav, don’t think I don’t or that I’ve decided I no longer want to do this… it’s just seeing you makes this all so real. I’m a little… overwhelmed.”

  I leant down, pressing my forehead to hers as I cupped her cheek. She didn’t need to be embarrassed by her feelings with me.

  “That’s okay. We don’t have to do this tonight if it’s too fast. Here, let’s get under the covers together and we can just cuddle, okay?”

  She nodded, giving me a smile. I hoped she didn’t expect me to get dressed again since I wanted her naked body pressed against mine. Just feeling her was more than enough.

  We both slipped under the covers. I leant over and flipped off the lights, plunging us both into darkness. Ash curled up in my arms, her hand resting on my chest as we lay facing each other.



  “Can I still touch you?”

  I grinned. So Ash wanted to play even if she wasn’t ready to fuck yet.

  “Please do.”

  My cock still ached for her, especially now it was caught between our bodies and rubbing against her stomach. And my bold girl immediately reached down and wrapped her hand around it.

  “It’s really thick,” she whispered. “I think you will split me in two.”

  Even though her fingers didn’t quite reach around it, didn’t stop her stroking me. I groaned, my chest rumbling with the noise.

  “I’ll try not to. You’re rather precious to me, angel.”

  I felt her lips against mine, stealing my breath as she kissed me. Fuck, this girl was everything I imagined and so much more. My hand left her back, skimming over her hip before slipping between her legs and finding her sweet spot. She rocked against my fingers as I stroked her clit, making her moan in my mouth. The sound only made my cock harder. I could feel my balls tightening, so pent up from our foreplay already. I hoped she didn’t think I was some kind of two thrusts and done guy.

  “Ash, fuck, you’re going to make me blow my fucking load all over the bed in a minute.”

  “We wouldn’t want to make the sheets messy.”

  Before I knew it, she’d moved down, dislodging my hand from her pussy and her lips were wrapped around the head of my cock. Her tongue swirled around it and I couldn’t hold back from moaning, my fingers tangling in her hair and pressing against the back of her head. She couldn’t take a lot but having her mouth wrapped around my cock was more than enough. It was so wet and
warm and she used her tongue to caress me as she sucked.

  “Christ, angel, I’m going to come.”

  Everything tightened and the explosive sensation washed over me. My cock pulsed and twitched, spraying her mouth with cum. Ash didn’t stop milking me, she worked me until I was spent, utterly defenceless against the onslaught of her mouth.

  Well, shit.

  After she’d swallowed, she licked me clean before she shifted back up to my face and smiled. I stroked her face and dragged her closer. I didn’t care if I could taste myself on her lips as I kissed her deeply and ran my hand down her side. My fingers delved back between her legs, thrusting inside her whilst I thumbed her little nub. She bucked and writhed against me whilst I devoured her mouth and thrust my fingers in her very wet little pussy.

  Her cry of pleasure as she came, trembling and shaking with each wave echoed around my skull.


  There was no fucking sound sweeter. None at all. No one was like Ash. She shone so brilliantly and I was enraptured by everything about her.

  When she came down, I pulled my fingers from her and she wrapped her body around mine, clutching me close.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “For what, angel?”

  “For not making me feel like I’m wrong to want this… and for being you.”

  I kissed the top of her head.

  “You’re welcome.”

  There were so many other things I wanted to say to her, but Ash had been through enough this evening. So instead I watched her as she fell asleep in my arms, content now I had my girl with me. No matter what happened as a result of this, I wouldn’t regret it. Ash and I were right for each other, just as Ash was right for the rest of them… They just didn’t know it yet.

  Chapter 2

  I’d fucked up yesterday. Well and truly fucked up. Talking to her like that was a mistake. I’d upset her. I knew I had. All I’d wanted to do was to make sure Ash was taken care of since Quinn had been doing a shit job of it, but I’d become intoxicated with the girl who wasn’t mine. And instead of finding her so I could apologise, I was lying in my bed with my arm slung over my eyes.


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