Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2)

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Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2) Page 4

by Sarah Bailey

  Until her.

  My hands went to my trousers, unzipping the fly before I pulled my cock from my boxers. No fucking way I was getting fully undressed right now. That would be too weird. As if this whole fucking thing wasn’t weird to start with.

  I stared down at my little girl waiting patiently for me with her little red arse so raw from her punishment. Stepping towards her, I ran a hand down her behind, making her whimper and wince. Then I held my cock and lined it up at her entrance. Her pussy was glistening with her arousal. She loved it when I spanked her even if it hurt.

  I grunted as I sunk inside her, not letting up as each inch slid into her tight little pussy. She moaned and arched her back. She felt so fucking good. I’d missed her last night. After our argument, I felt desolate. As if a piece of me had been ripped out. Now, I was whole again because she was right here and I had my cock buried in her.

  Even knowing it would hurt her, I placed both hands on her behind and gripped her cheeks before I slid out almost all the way. Ash cried out when I slammed back in, her whole body tensing and relaxing. Then she reached out and gripped Xav’s hand, clutching him like he was her lifeline whilst I fucked her into submission.

  “Oh god, fuck me, sir.”

  Xav leant down and brushed her hair back behind her ear.

  “You know, watching him fuck you is really hot,” he said in a low voice. “You like it hard and rough, don’t you, angel?”

  “Yes,” she hissed. “I love it.”

  “That’s how it’s going to be when we’re together. You’re going to claw the sheets and beg me not to stop.”

  The fact he was so casually talking about fucking her should’ve bothered me. It should’ve made me want to tell him to get the fuck out.

  “I think you like being watched, angel. The way your body arches up and asks for more. You want him so fucking much, don’t you?”

  “Yes, oh god, yes.”

  She was about to get more than she bargained for. I slowed my pace a little which made her whine in protest. Xav looked up, eyes questioning until he saw me pick up the bottle of lube, spread apart her cheeks and drizzle it across her tight, puckered hole. Then he grinned and it only spurred me on. He wanted to watch me finger her tight little arse. Little did either of them know I planned to stick my dick up there and take her virginity.

  Ash moaned and wiggled when I stroked her little hole. She arched back when I slid one finger in. I worked her a little before adding a second, loving the way she stretched for me. Her pussy clenched around my cock as I continued to fuck her, albeit slowly.

  “Quinn,” she whined when I added a third.

  “You like having your hole stretched, little girl.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  A smile spread across my face.

  “Good. You’re about to have it stretched a whole lot fucking more.”

  She whipped her head back and stared at me.

  “Wh… What?”

  “Don’t look at me, look at him.”

  She did as I requested although I could see her reluctance. I slipped out of her pussy and pulled my fingers from her arse. Then I found myself saying something I never thought I would.

  “I want you to take his cock out and slide your lips over it.”

  I think I shocked all three of us because Xav stared at me, eyes wide and Ash’s body tensed up. No one said anything for a long minute.

  “You want me to suck Xav’s dick whilst you take my… anal virginity?”

  I have no fucking idea what I want.

  “Is that a problem?”

  “I… uh… no…”


  “No objections from me,” he said with a grin.

  I didn’t see any further need to discuss this. Whatever the fuck was happening between the three of us right now, I no longer had the fucking energy to question or fight it. Ash told me she wanted all of us. Well, I was pretty fucking sure she was getting far more than she ever expected right now.

  I shoved my boxers and trousers down further before I picked up the lube again, making sure to thoroughly coat my cock and her tight little hole. Then I pressed against her. My cock looked so fucking big compared to her tiny puckered hole. Ash took a breath, but I didn’t look at her or Xav. As I started to push into her, finding a heck of a lot of resistance, she tensed up. I stopped because this wasn’t going to work like this.

  “Little girl, you have to relax or I’m going to hurt you more than necessary.”

  “I’m scared,” she whispered.

  That’s when Xav took over for me. He leant down and cupped her face.

  “It will hurt, angel, but then it’ll feel good. Here, if you’re distracted, it’ll be easier.”

  Then he straightened and shifted so her head was between his legs. Ash raised herself up on her elbows and unbuttoned his jeans. I was pretty sure she’d already had his cock in her mouth before judging by the way she pulled it out, wrapped her hand around it and then her lips.

  That was my cue to try again. I pressed forward and this time, I slid home. She cried out around a mouth full of cock. My eyes almost rolled back in my head because she gripped me so fucking tightly. I gave her time to adjust to the new feeling. After a minute she seemed to settle and I gave her more.

  By the time I was pressed up against her arse, she’d released Xav’s cock and was breathing heavily with her face practically pressed into the mattress.

  “Fuck, fuck, god, fuck,” she mumbled into the covers.

  “You okay there, angel?” Xav asked.

  She looked up at him.

  “Do I look like I’m okay? Jesus, Quinn, your dick is far too fucking big.”

  I couldn’t help grinning when she glared back at me.

  “If you can’t take his dick in your arse, how do you expect to take anyone else’s?”

  Her head whipped back to him.

  “You two are supposed to be making this easier for me not taking the piss.”

  The whole situation was so fucking ridiculous, I started laughing which prompted Xav to as well. Ash looked between us, indignation written all over her face.

  “Oh yeah, real fucking funny. Let’s laugh at Ash’s discomfort.”

  I stroked her side.

  “I’m sorry, little girl. It’s not funny.”

  It didn’t stop me laughing. How the fuck had I ended up with my dick in Ash’s arse in front of Xav whilst she sucked his dick? This wasn’t normal and it certainly wasn’t where I thought this morning would end up. There was work awaiting the both of us and I was pretty damn fucking sure Rory and Eric would be wondering where all of us were. They must’ve heard me shouting at Xav earlier.

  “God, shut the hell up and just fuck me already,” Ash huffed. “You owe me an orgasm for this.”

  I reached around and found her clit, stroking her which made her moan. I leant down and kissed her shoulder.

  “Don’t worry, little girl, I intend to make you come so hard you pass out.”

  She moaned louder when I pulled out a little way and thrust back in. It wasn’t long before I was fucking her in earnest whilst playing with her swollen nub. She bucked and whimpered until I told her she needed to keep sucking Xav’s cock. That kept her quiet.

  I definitely wasn’t going to last long. She was so fucking tight and hot. It was heavenly, being inside her. Taking her virginity.

  “Come, little girl, fucking come for me.”

  She moaned, the noise muffled by Xav’s cock. He had his hands in her hair, encouraging her but his eyes were on me fucking her. I don’t know why none of this seemed to bother me, but it didn’t. The rational part of my brain had shut down and I was running off instinct. The need to fuck Ash and have this moment overrode everything else.

  “Fuck,” I grunted, unable to stop the tidal wave as my cock erupted in her tight little arse.

  Ash moaned again and then her body tensed around me. Her free hand grasped
the covers and she trembled all over with her climax. I think it was only Xav’s hand around her head which kept her sucking his cock and then he was groaning and spilling in her mouth.

  There was a long minute where none of us said a word when we’d all come down from mutual highs. I pulled out of Ash and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Quinn,” she whispered.


  “Hold me… please… sir.”

  Without thinking, I shifted up the bed and leant against the headboard. Ash crawled up and tucked herself against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and stroked her hair.

  “What the fuck just happened?” Xav asked in a quiet voice.

  “Honestly… I have no idea.”

  “Neither do I,” Ash whispered.

  Well… fuck.

  Chapter 6

  The house had been eerily quiet all morning. At least since I’d heard Quinn having ago at Xav for god knows what reason. Not sure where they disappeared to after that. I went into the kitchen and pulled some leftovers out of the fridge to heat up for lunch.

  Last night still bothered me. Having a gun in my face wasn’t exactly how I thought things would go down. I hadn’t had the chance to ask Quinn if our distraction had worked so who knew if it was worth the threat to my life or not. His plans could be called reckless, but Quinn was nothing if not thorough in his approach to anything. We just hadn’t accounted for Gregor Bykov being a sore loser.

  I looked up as Xav, Quinn and Ash walked in all looking a little wide-eyed. Ash was walking funny and she didn’t sit down at the counter like the other two, instead standing between them. When no one spoke, I found myself looking between them and wondering what the hell was going on. Asking them probably wasn’t the wisest idea so I decided on something a tad more neutral.

  “You want something to eat?”

  “Uh, sure, but I can make it,” Ash said.

  Considering she could barely walk without wincing, I very much doubted she’d be comfortable doing that.

  “It’s okay, I don’t mind.”

  Cooking was the way I relaxed so perhaps it would help me unwind after last night.

  Xav and Quinn both reached out and touched Ash’s shoulders, giving them a squeeze. What was weird about it was the fact that Quinn didn’t object to Xav touching her.

  “You need to relax, little girl,” Quinn murmured. “I know you’re sore.”

  “Okay,” she whispered, leaning into him. He wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head.

  Considering I was relatively sure they’d fought last night, this surprised me. Had they made up already?

  Xav leant over and whispered something in her ear which made her shrug. Then they all looked down at the counter, their faces a little pale. The atmosphere filled me with unease.

  “Okay, did something happen? You three are acting weird as fuck right now.”

  “No!” they all said in unison, looking up at me.

  So obviously something had, but before I had a chance to question them further, Xav put a hand out.

  “Say, you don’t still have that cream you used on my shoulder when I pulled a muscle a few weeks ago? I can’t remember what it’s called.”

  The memory of that made my heart race and gave me an uncomfortable stirring. It wasn’t as if I could forget the way his back had flexed when I massaged the arnica cream into his shoulder, nor how I wanted to run my hands all over him.

  Stop or you’re going to end up with a huge fucking hard-on in the kitchen.

  It wasn’t my fault he was so bloody beautiful. My attraction to my best friend wasn’t just about his looks, though Xav was entirely the most handsome man I’d ever laid eyes on. His auburn hair was always a little messy and I won’t even go there with the muscles and tattoos. I’d been with him when he’d had a few of them inked. To say I wasn’t turned on by the experience would be a lie. Like I said, it wasn’t about the way he looked. He was an idiot half the time, but he was my idiot. He said dumb shit, made stupid jokes and drove me insane, but he was also the most non-judgemental person I’d ever encountered. We got each other. And I’d loved him for as long as I could remember.

  “Yeah, in my bathroom, why?”

  “Our Ash could probably use some.”

  Our Ash. What the actual fuck does that mean?

  I rubbed the back of my neck. Xav looked at me expectantly.

  “Oh, you want me to get it now?”

  He raised an eyebrow. Shit did I love the way his piercing blue eyes sparkled every time he found something funny.

  “Well, yeah, man.”

  I rolled my eyes but walked out of the kitchen, still very confused about what was going on. Those three weren’t themselves and I couldn’t work out why. Quinn had seemed pretty grumpy this morning, but now… I couldn’t explain it. It’s as if they’d somehow all found a way to be at peace with each other, but then there was still an atmosphere of tension between them. It didn’t make any sense.

  As I approached my bedroom, I heard the creak of a floorboard behind me. Whipping my head around, as my heart pounded in my ears, I found Rory behind me.

  “Jesus, you scared the shit out of me.”

  “Sorry,” he mumbled.

  He stared up at me then, his hazel eyes narrowed.

  “You look confused.”

  Rory had always had the ability to see through all our bullshit. I sighed and looked down the hallway.

  “Something weird is going on with Quinn, Xav and Ash.”

  He cocked his head to the side, urging me to continue.

  “They’ve been missing all morning and now they’re downstairs acting… well… weird. Like something happened between them but they don’t want to talk about it.”

  Rory frowned and looked away, his fingers curling harder around the comics he was holding.

  “You sure Xav and Quinn aren’t at each other’s throats?”

  “I’m very sure.”


  It was my turn to be confused, not that I wasn’t already.

  “Glad I’m not the only one who thinks so, but why is that weird?”

  He shifted on his feet before leaning against the wall.

  “Quinn and Ash had a fight last night, she told him it was over, which I discovered when he barged into my room this morning and started on about how he couldn’t find her. He was all agitated about it. And when he told me he hadn’t seen Xav either, well, I put two and two together.”

  My eyebrows shot up. And my heart squeezed painfully in my chest.

  “Do you think they…?”

  “Fuck knows. I mean this is Xav, but he’s different with her. It’s not even his usual saviour complex bullshit either. There’s this gentleness to him when he’s with her like she’s this precious thing he has to take care of.” He smirked. “I think that’s why he calls her angel.”

  I looked away, unconsciously clenching my fist. It had been my intention to tell Xav how I felt after the whole near-death experience last night but how could I now? What would he even say? Me admitting I’d been in love with him all this time would change everything. I’d lied to him and Xav really hated it when people did that.

  “You should tell him, you know.”

  “Excuse me?”

  My eyes met Rory’s again. His expression was neutral, but his eyes had that all-knowing look in them.

  “Xav might be oblivious but Quinn and I are very much aware of how you feel about him. You do tend to wear your heart on your sleeve, E.”

  It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it was. I couldn’t control how I felt about Xav, but I thought I’d hidden it better. Still, there was no point denying it to Rory.

  “And get in between whatever is going on between those three down there? Yeah, no thanks.”

  It was an instinctive reaction to shut down this line of conversation so I wouldn’t have to feel this insane jealousy or resentment t
owards my best friend. This time it wasn’t just directed at Xav. No, my emotions were tangled up over Ash as well. I didn’t know what to make of it, only that it was all fucked up.

  “That shit has nothing to do with you and Xav and you know it.”

  I sighed and rubbed my face, hating that he was right. Hating everything about this situation.

  “I’m not telling him when it’s clear he’s infatuated with her.”

  “That’s just another excuse in what I’m sure is a long line of ones you’ve made up so you can pretend everything is going to be okay between the two of you if you keep hiding it.”

  I wasn’t going to stand around and discuss my feelings towards Xav with Rory and the merits of telling him about them. His words hit far too close to home. I started towards my bedroom again.


  “We are not having this conversation.”

  I heard him sigh, but I ignored it, shoving open my bedroom door and going straight to my bathroom.

  “What does he fucking well know?” I muttered, rummaging through my bathroom cabinet.

  He couldn’t know how Xav would react. No one could. Even though I knew him like the back of my damn hand, I couldn’t predict it. Xav and I had grown up together. Shared so much between us. We were like chalk and cheese. He was the joker and I was the serious one. I’d always wanted more though. More of him. More than he could ever give me even though I knew very well he liked men as well as women.

  I never really saw the world the way most people did. When I looked at a person, I saw them for who they were. Their outward appearance, gender, sexual orientation or any other labels they wished to give themselves didn’t matter to me in the sense that it didn’t define my attraction to them.

  With Xav, I loved his kind yet broken soul with every inch of mine. I won’t lie about him being easy on the eyes nor how I wanted to worship his body in the way he deserved, but that had only come later when we’d gone through puberty. Before, I’d just loved him for who he was without there being anything sexual between us.

  Being in love with my best friend hadn’t stopped me from being attracted to others. I’d had relationships in the past, but nothing really fulfilled me in the way my friendship with him did. And I hadn’t felt the same level of attraction towards anyone else.


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