Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2)

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Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2) Page 7

by Sarah Bailey

  “Hello, handsome, I was wondering why you didn’t come down to breakfast this morning,” came a little voice to my left.

  I almost jumped out of my skin before I spun around and found Ash standing by the door with a smile on her face and a mug of tea in her hand. I raised an eyebrow.


  “Mmmhmm,” she mused as she came closer and popped the mug down on my desk. “And yes, I was talking about you… I don’t see anyone else here.”

  I smirked and snagged a hand around her waist, pulling her into my lap. She let me kiss her, my hands tangled in her hair whilst hers curled around my neck.

  “Morning my angel, and you really are a fucking angel today, bringing me life-giving substances.”

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “What, tea?”

  “Tea is life.”

  She rolled her eyes and settled her head on my shoulder.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah… I’m good. Why are you up here looking all stressed?”

  I sighed and wrapped her up in my arms. It would be stupid to deny I’d missed her last night, but I knew she needed time with Quinn. They needed to work shit out between them. Me coming in the middle of that wouldn’t help our situation. I wasn’t jealous by any means. I knew Ash wasn’t fucking around when she told me she wanted all of us and that meant there being some give and take.

  “Fucking website bullshit, been up since six fixing it.”

  She glanced over at my laptop and wrinkled her nose.

  “Sounds complicated.”

  “Nah, just hassle is all. Need to get it back up and running as soon as possible or Quinn will have my head for losing us a shit ton of money.”

  She shifted in my lap and looked at me.

  “I should leave you be then…”

  “Oh no, you’re not going anywhere.” I grinned. “The code is debugging and will take another fifteen minutes or so.”

  She mimicked what I’d said going over her head with her hand. I bit my lip and looked her over. She was wearing a tight light grey jersey dress which highlighted every inch of her hot little body. A body I wanted my hands full of.

  “It means I have time for you.”

  Ash grinned and kissed me again.

  “We wouldn’t want your tea to get cold,” she told me between kisses.

  “Fuck tea when I have this tasty little number right here.”

  I picked her up as I stood and stumbled towards the bed, desperate to be in between her legs. If she’d let me that is. I’d never want her to think I was putting pressure on her, but fuck did I want my cock wrapped up in her tight pussy.

  I had her on my bed and her dress pulled off her within thirty seconds. My eyes almost bugged out when I realised she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Fuck, she was so sexy and secure in her own skin.

  “Did you and Quinn talk last night?” I asked as I planted kisses down her chest, making her squirm.



  Her hands curled around the bottom of my t-shirt and I aided her in taking it off me.

  “And he’s trying which is all I can ask for.”

  “So this is okay?”

  Considering she was busy tugging down my shorts, I figured it was, but I wanted to make sure. You never knew with Quinn sometimes.

  “I told him I was spending tonight with you and whilst he didn’t look happy about it, he sort of gave me his blessing.”

  I cocked an eyebrow and put my hands over hers where they were rested on the waistband of my boxers.

  “He what?”

  Ash stared up at me, her blue eyes dark with lust so I knew her focus wasn’t really on what she and Quinn had talked about.

  “He told me he trusts you to take care of me.”

  I stilled. That was far more than I ever expected from him after his constant threats against my life if I touched her. Then again, I also hadn’t expected him to let me kiss her in front of him let alone order her to suck me off whilst he fucked her. Quinn telling me and Ash what to do in the bedroom? I had to admit it was pretty hot. I might have zero interest in sleeping with Quinn, but I’d liked the dynamic between the three of us. It just worked somehow.

  “Oh, and he also said if you dare do anything to hurt me, he’ll break your legs.”

  I snorted.

  “He really said that?”

  “Well, he actually said he’d throw you through your bedroom window and he wouldn’t care if you broke your legs upon landing on the pavement outside.”

  “How nice of him. I’ll be sure to let him know I prefer the window to be open so I don’t get glass all over me if he really has to throw me out of it.”

  She grinned and I let her tug my boxers off me.

  “I don’t want to talk about him anymore.”

  I raised an eyebrow as Ash wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled me closer.

  “No? What do you want to do then, angel?”

  She turned my head and I felt her breath dusting across my ear.

  “To fuck.”

  Her words made my cock throb in anticipation. Fuck I wanted her so much. I pried open her legs and settled between them.

  “Do you now? Is Quinn not satisfying you enough?”


  I grinned and kissed her neck as my hands roamed across her body and found her tits. She arched up against me. I wanted to take my time even though I should be dealing with this fucking website.

  “Mmm, don’t worry, angel, I haven’t forgotten the way you writhed beneath him whilst he fucked you.”

  She moaned the next moment as I took one of her nipples in my mouth and bit down. Her hands gripped my shoulders, her nails digging into my skin.

  “It was so fucking hot watching you get fucked by him.”

  I lavished her little nipple until she cried out and bucked against me all over again.

  “Please, I want you to fuck me.”

  My cock was pressed right up against her little wet pussy. I shifted up again so I could look into her eyes.

  “I want you to be sure.”

  Her hand left my shoulder and she cupped my face. Her blue eyes were so earnest.

  “I am sure. This is all so new to me, but I know what I need and that’s this. Us. It’s not about who can satisfy me the most… it’s about our connection. I want this with you so much.”

  Her words made my heart slam against my ribcage. I was in serious danger of falling head over heels for this girl. The way she made me feel so fucking protective over her was crazy. She was mine to keep safe. I’d guard her with my fucking life. My angel.

  So I kissed her as I slipped my hand between us and gripped my cock. It throbbed restlessly. There were no more reasons to hold back. I lined myself up and pressed forward. Ash let out a whimper in my mouth when the tip slid home. I tried to be as gentle as possible since she was tighter than I imagined. Pulling away, I leant my forehead against hers, watching her for any signs she didn’t want this before pushing in further.

  Her blue eyes were wide, pupils fully dilated and her mouth parted on a breath. Something about this moment struck me hard. The beauty of it. The beauty of her. The intensity of this bond we seemed to share. The moment she’d opened her mouth, I felt something sparking in my chest. A need so intense I could barely control it.

  Mine to protect. Mine to cherish. Mine.

  It’s why I’d had a massive go at Quinn over his treatment of her. I wanted to look after her not chain her up against her will.

  Now I could claim what was mine. Her. She belonged to me. And I belonged to her. It didn’t bother me in the slightest she belonged to them too.

  “Ash, you are so precious to me,” I whispered as I pulled back slightly and pushed deeper. “My angel. I know I can be far too relaxed about shit, but you and me… it’s real. This is more than just wanting to be inside you, though you really do feel fucking good
. I want to be with you. See you laugh and smile. You’re so fucking radiant when you smile.”

  Her blue eyes welled with tears and I really didn’t want to make her cry. She reached up, her hands tangling in my hair.

  “You’re my safety and my home. I belong with you.”

  Her words made my chest ache. I thrust deeper, holding back a groan because her pussy was heaven. So wet. So fucking warm. So fucking everything. But it was so much more than that. It was Ash that had me losing my cool. I buried my face in her neck, kissing her skin and slid home. She clenched around me, trying to accommodate my cock. Being fully inside her felt like ecstasy. It felt like home. I gave her a full minute to adjust before pulling out and sliding back in. She wrapped her legs around me and moved against me.

  “Oh, shit, fuck, Xavier… don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”

  No fucking way I was about to stop or pull out of the sweetest damn pussy I’d ever had the pleasure of being inside. I kissed up her jaw and claimed her mouth, thrusting harder because I needed more. Ash held me closer, matching my kiss with her own passion. This felt so right. Being with her like this. Having her beneath me. Wrapped up in her beautiful body.

  “Deeper,” she moaned against my mouth. “All of you.”

  I gave her exactly what she asked for and was rewarded with her mewls of pleasure. She looked so fucking beautiful like she was drunk off the pleasure I was giving her.

  “Angel, fuck. I want to see you come.”

  I didn’t think she was quite expecting me to flip us over and sit up against the headboard. I gripped her hips and pushed her down on my cock, encouraging her to ride me. Somehow this wasn’t enough for me even when she gripped my shoulders and stared down at me with such intensity as if she and I were intrinsic to each other. I needed to see her with her head tipped back as I pounded into her. Watch her writhe in ecstasy as she came.

  I pulled her off me and lay her down before sitting up on my knees. Grabbing her hips, I tugged her up on my knees and impaled her on my cock. I thrust into her with my thumb on her clit. From this position her back was arched, her tits pushed up, making her look like a fucking goddess. Her blonde hair splayed out over the covers like a halo.

  My angel.

  She moaned and gripped the covers, but she kept her eyes on mine. They told me how much she loved this. How she needed this.

  “That’s it, angel. Let go.”

  My fingers dug into her hip, keeping her anchored as I slammed into her over and over, making her take every inch just like she asked for. The moment she exploded, her cry echoed around my head.

  “Xavier! Fuck!”

  I almost faltered because she looked so damn amazing when she came. Like everything melted away as her body trembled and her fingers tangled with the sheets. Nothing could prepare me for the sight of her coming all over me even though I’d seen her come on my fingers before and when Quinn had driven her to climax. Ash was stunning.

  I kept fucking her, pounding into her tight pussy with brutal strokes because I was so fucking close myself. She was still clenching around me when I erupted. Pulse after pulse drove through me as my eyes rolled back in my head and the grip I had on her hip was bruising.

  “Fuck… fuck, angel.”

  I let go of her hip and set both my hands on the bed next to me, breathing heavily. When I looked at Ash, she had a lazy smile on her face. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d come so hard. It’d been a while since I’d got laid, but this was something else. It hadn’t just been a physical release, but an emotional one.

  “You look like you just got drunk off my cock.”

  Her smile widened.

  “I guess I did.”

  I grinned, pulled out of her and lay down by her side, running my fingers along her bare stomach.

  “Was that everything you’d hoped for?”

  I don’t know why I asked her that. Perhaps I was a little nervous she’d not want this again. That it hadn’t felt as right for her as it had done for me.

  “It was more…” she looked up at me, her expression completely earnest. “I wasn’t sure how I’d feel, but I know this is what I want now more than ever.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way.”

  “Thank you… not for the sex, though that was incredible, but for being in this with me. For letting me explore my feelings.”

  I leant down and nuzzled my nose with hers.

  “You’re welcome, angel. I’m always here for you.”

  She entwined our fingers together and placed them on her heart.

  “Shouldn’t you get back to sorting out the website?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Fuck… Yeah, I should.”

  I let go of her hand and hopped off the bed, snagging my laptop and coming back to sit with her, propping myself up against the headboard. Ash snuggled up next to me, this happy glow radiating off her. Things were going to be just fine between us. But would they be with Quinn? He might have given her his blessing, but when faced with the reality of a situation, sometimes people acted out of character. Then again I never expected what happened between the three of us yesterday. So who knew what would befall us when we emerged from my room.

  There was only one way to find out.

  Chapter 12

  Ash walked into my office with a rather sheepish expression on her face as if she’d done something wrong. Though why she would even think that was a question I didn’t have time to ask. She came right up to my desk and stopped.

  “If this is about last night and me staying with X—”

  I put a hand up, cutting her off and nodded towards the bookshelves. Ash looked over her shoulder.

  “Oh… we’re not alone… Um, hi Rory.”

  He nodded at her and narrowed his eyes at me. Rory wasn’t stupid. He probably knew there was something going on between me, Ash and Xav. As to whether he’d say anything was another matter entirely.

  I honestly still had no idea how I felt about this sharing business. However, I wasn’t stupid. Her expression when she came in here said everything. The two of them had fucked and if I thought about it too long, I might lose my cool over the whole thing. I didn’t want to do that to her because I realised emotions and feelings weren’t something you could control or turn off. Just like I couldn’t change my feelings towards her. How much I wanted and needed her. I told her I’d try and that’s what I was doing.

  “I need to show you something.”

  Ash looked back at me and I raised my hand, beckoning her over. She walked around the desk and leant down to my ear.

  “You could’ve said it had nothing to do with… you know,” she hissed.

  “And not get to see you all embarrassed?”

  She shoved my shoulder and scowled which only made me smile. Ash was like a little kitten when she got mad, a kitten with very sharp claws who could slash your face and leave you with scars if she wished. Not to be underestimated under any circumstances.

  “What did you want to show me?”

  I pointed at my screen before tugging her into my lap and nuzzling her neck. My hand slid along her stomach, holding her against me. Just because I had to show her something she would likely not want to see, didn’t mean I hadn’t missed her. She squirmed against me, making it hard for me to think straight with her wriggling in my lap.

  “Play the video, little girl.”

  I let her lean forward. She faltered when her eyes scanned the screen and I knew she’d seen the headline.

  “What is this?” she whispered.

  “Press play.”

  A voice blared out of the speakers when she pressed play.

  “Isabella Russo, wife of Frank Russo, owner of Instinct Investments has made a short statement regarding their daughter, Ashleigh, outside their London home this morning. It comes after weeks of speculation as to their daughter’s whereabouts after the public breakup between Ashleigh and her father’s right-hand man, Na
thaniel Tucker.”

  I watched the blood drain from Ash’s face as the video cut to her mother.

  “My daughter, Ashleigh, is currently attending a wellness clinic to help her through a difficult period in her life. Her father and I are giving Ashleigh our full support and at this time, we hope you will respect our privacy whilst she gets the help she needs.”

  “A fucking wellness clinic? Well, of course, my mother would say that to save face. No doubt the press have been hounding them about me since Nate and I broke up. Not like Papa would ever go to the police over my disappearance, not when he thinks it’s family business.”

  She crossed her arms and sat back against my chest looking like a grumpy little kitten instead of an angry one.

  “Why are you showing me this?”

  “You said you wanted to stay with us.”

  She looked up at me.

  “I do.”

  “Then you deserve to know what’s going on outside these four walls since you’re here of your own free will now.”

  Her brows furrowed.

  “So I’m not your prisoner any longer?”

  I smirked.

  “I didn’t say you could leave the house without permission, but no.”

  She bit her lip then raised her head and kissed me on the cheek.

  “Thank you… I don’t like being your captive. It wasn’t very fun being chained up.”

  “No? I thought you liked the ropes and handcuffs.”

  “Quinn!” she hissed, glancing at Rory.

  My grin got wider and I shook my head. She needn’t be embarrassed. Especially not if she wanted to pursue my quiet friend. His desires were far worse than mine. It did make me wonder if she could cope with it. I didn’t want Rory to hurt Ash. I might trust him with my life, but there was a difference between his protective instincts towards me and the things he enjoyed in an intimate setting.

  Rory kept a neutral expression but I could see the amusement in his eyes as if seeing Ash embarrassed over me casually talking about our sex life was the highlight of his day. She would have to get used to this if she was serious about this sharing business.

  “Come on, little girl, they all witnessed you receiving discipline, I think we’re well beyond embarrassment now. Rory isn’t going to bat an eyelid over your enjoyment of being tied up when I fuck you.”


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