Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2)

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Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2) Page 9

by Sarah Bailey

  I retracted my hand but she reached out and stopped me, her fingers curling over my wrist. I could feel the tremors running through her body. She was struggling and it made me feel all sorts of shit I shouldn’t be. No fucking way I could take advantage of her like this. Even having to touch her breasts had been torturous.

  “No. I can’t… I ache everywhere. It hurts so much.”

  Her hand fell from my wrist and she closed her eyes, more tears spilling from them. I was going to kill Quinn for this. Placing my fingers on the bridge of my nose, I took a breath.

  “Do you need me to help you with this too?”

  “I can’t ask you to do that.”

  I dropped my hand and stared down at her.

  “You’re not asking, I’m offering.”

  This was ridiculous and Quinn could get fucked if he decided to go batshit crazy jealous on me for daring to touch her. He’d caused this so he could just deal with the consequences.


  “Look, Ash, I know this is uncomfortable for the both of us, but I can’t watch you in pain like this.”

  She kept her eyes closed.

  “I know.”

  “Then will you let me? I’ll be gentle and I promise not to let anything get weird between us afterwards.”

  For a long moment, I thought she’d say no, but she nodded ever so subtly.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  Kicking off my shoes, I lay next to her on my side. I brushed my fingers over her collarbone, trailing them lower, but flat out avoiding her nipples which I knew where too sore. She let out a breath and her hands clenched at her sides. Saying something right now seemed a little pointless. Besides, what could I say? It’s not like I ever expected to be in this position.

  My fingers trailed lower, dancing across her stomach. Her skin was so damn soft. Touching her like this was torture for me as much as I’m sure it was for her with how sensitive she must be after the number of times Quinn had denied her an orgasm. On her next breath, she opened her legs enough for me to slide my hand between them.

  Her eyes opened when I brushed my fingers between her folds, finding her soaking wet. I deliberately avoided touching her clit for fear it’d be too much. Her gaze had me transfixed.

  “Ash… can I…?” I whispered because saying it any louder would break this weird moment between us.

  “Yes,” she whispered back.

  Her little whimper when I slid two fingers inside her, made my cock ache. I was so fucking hard right then. I had been for what felt like a lifetime having witnessed the way she bucked and trembled downstairs. This wasn’t about me though.

  I hooked my fingers upwards, finding the right spot before gently rubbing and thrusting inside her. She gasped but didn’t close her eyes. As if mesmerised by her, I lowered my face until we were inches apart.

  “Like this?”

  She nodded. Then she reached out with her hand which had been in between us and gripped my t-shirt right by my stomach as if she needed an anchor to hold on to. I tried not to think too hard about how wet she was. Nor how her inner walls clenched around my fingers. God, she was so hot and tight.

  I had to admit it to myself. I wanted her. I wanted her so much it fucking burnt in my chest like some kind of fireball lodged between my ribs. Having stayed away to attempt some form of distance between us so I wouldn’t have to deal with my unwelcome feelings towards this girl, all of that was now ruined and up in flames.

  Her hips bucked a little so I thrust harder, hoping that’s what she wanted. Her mouth parted and I couldn’t help looking at her lips. We were close enough that I could close the distance, however, I wouldn’t. She was still Quinn’s. This was just for her and likely we’d never talk about it again. Pretend it never happened.

  So to avoid temptation I dropped my head and pressed my cheek against hers. She let out a choked sound between a moan and a whine.

  “I’ve got you, Ash,” I whispered. “It’s okay.”

  “Eric… I…”

  “What do you need?”

  “More. I just… I need more… I’m so close.”

  “Tell me exactly.”

  I wanted to know what would bring her to the edge and make her fall off.

  “My… my clit, but gentle… sensitive.”

  She was too far gone to make full sentences any longer. Carefully, I ran my thumb along her little nub. She cried out, whimpering and cursed. I almost backed off but I knew she needed this. I circled her clit with the softest of touches and continued thrusting my fingers inside her tight pussy. Each one of her moans made my cock throb harder and the desperate need pounded inside me.

  “Oh god, I… fuck… shit.”

  Her back arched off the bed and she came apart. Her body was trembling and I felt the warm, wet gush of her arousal flooding my hand whilst her pussy clenched and released around my fingers. The world ceased to exist for those moments as I felt her writhing against me as if she couldn’t get enough.

  When she went limp, I pulled my fingers from her and lay back again. Her eyes were closed, sweat beaded all over her body and her breathing was a little shallow. I reached down and pulled the blanket I kept on the end of my bed over her, covering up her naked skin before leaning down and kissing her forehead.

  “Thank you,” she whispered when I pulled away.

  “Just rest, Ash.”

  I didn’t want her thanking me for it like it was some kind of transaction between the two of us because it felt like so much fucking more to me. Those moments had shifted everything.

  I climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom, leaning heavily against the door.

  What the fuck just happened?

  For so long my whole world had revolved around a single person, but now… now something had changed. Now… two people were at the centre of its axis. Two people who couldn’t be more different from each other. I almost put my hand to my face but then I realised it was still covered in her. I stared down at it glistening across my skin.

  “Fuck,” I muttered.

  Without thinking, I used my other hand to unbutton my fly before tugging my cock out. Then I wrapped my arousal coated hand around it, groaning at the sensation of her essence against me. I stroked myself, the images of her naked, my fingers inside her on repeat. It was fucking crazy, but I couldn’t stop. I was so turned on, it didn’t take long before the tingling started in the base of my spine. Moving closer to the sink, I slammed my hand down on the counter before erupting all over it, a low, hoarse cry spilling out of my mouth.

  Holy. Fuck. Shit. Christ.

  When I’d stopped shaking, I washed away the evidence in the sink, wiping down the counter and my hand. Then I slid down to the floor, banging my head against the cupboard behind me. This was the very last thing I needed. I thought I could get away from falling under her spell like the others… but somehow fate or whatever the fuck it was had intervened.

  And now I was well and truly screwed beyond belief.

  Chapter 14

  When I woke up I heard voices, but when I looked around the room, I found I was alone. That’s when I noticed the door to the hallway was ajar.

  “She’s sleeping,” came Eric’s voice.

  “Then let me see her,” Xav’s voice floated through the gap.


  “E, she needs me.”

  “When she wakes up, I will ask her who she wants to see, until then, you, Quinn and Rory are going to stay away.”

  My heart lurched. I’d pushed Quinn away without meaning to. The whole experience downstairs had been far too overwhelming. I still felt exhausted even though I had no idea how long I’d been out.

  “You’re acting like a mother hen.”

  “Someone has to. She’s only twenty-one, Xav, or did you conveniently forget she’s still young? She doesn’t need this shit off any of you.”

  “Hey man, that was Quinn.”

  “Did you sto
p him? No, so shut up.”

  Hearing Eric so protective over me gave me butterflies in my stomach. I had no idea he cared so much. Though the way he’d looked after me before was… magical. He’d listened and been so attentive like I was fragile and he was scared he’d break me.

  “I admit he took it too far, but you and I were in different rooms if you think she hated what he did.”

  I had at first. The way Quinn insisted on pushing my boundaries could be a little much sometimes. Then I stopped fighting with myself and gave in. I allowed myself to enjoy what he was doing to me in front of the others. It’d taken a toll on me physically and emotionally. I needed the release he’d denied me too many times. Instead of allowing Quinn to finish his lesson, I’d said the safe word. It made my heart full when he’d stopped and let me go immediately. But then I just needed to be away from everything so I could calm down.

  “Oh, I’m perfectly aware of how much she enjoyed it, thank you very much for the useless reminder.”

  “Why are you in such a shit mood? Honestly, you’re acting like I did something to personally offend you.”

  “Yeah? Well, maybe you fucking well did.”

  I flinched at the irritation in Eric’s voice. Why were he and Xav fighting? I thought they were best friends.

  “Are you serious right now? What the fuck did I ever do to you?”

  “Maybe I’m fed up of how you never take anything seriously. You act like life is one big joke half the time. Always playing the field and not giving a shit about anyone else’s feelings. Maybe if you opened your fucking eyes, you’d see exactly why I’m just done with this shit from you.”

  There was silence for a very long time.

  “You know what, fuck you and your self-righteous bullshit.”

  Then I heard loud footsteps leading away from the room. The door was shoved open and a seriously pissed off Eric walked in, shut the door and slammed his hand against it.

  “Fuck,” he muttered.

  I pulled the blanket covering me higher and stared at his rigid back unsure whether to say anything or not. I still wasn’t sure of his feelings towards me. Nor did I know how to approach this in light of earlier.

  He turned and stopped when his eyes fell on me.

  “You’re awake.”

  I nodded.

  “Did you hear…?”

  I nodded again. His face fell and he ran a hand through his hair.

  “Are you okay?” I croaked, finding my throat scratchy.

  “Not exactly.”

  “Do you… do you want to talk about it?”

  He shook his head.

  “Okay. Um, well if you ever do… I’m, uh, willing to listen.”

  He cocked his head to the side, observing me with those forest green eyes of his. His chestnut hair was messy after he’d raked his fingers through it. The urge to smooth it down made my fingers twitch.

  “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

  The sudden change of topic made me look down at myself. I was still naked under the blanket and my skin felt sticky.

  “Um, I guess so…”

  “Let me make you something.”

  He turned again. I sat up abruptly, putting my hand out.


  He looked back at me, eyes wide.

  “I don’t want to be alone… and I feel gross and sticky.”

  He looked like a deer caught in headlights for all of thirty seconds before turning back and walking over to me.

  “You can have a shower or I can run you a bath if you’d like. But I do think you should eat something too.”

  He seemed to want to take care of me so I decided to let him.

  “Well, okay… a bath would be nice.”

  He nodded and walked away into his bathroom. I heard the water running a moment later before he came out with his phone in his hand.

  “I’ll ask one of the others to bring something up for you.”

  Going to assume he’ll ask Rory or Quinn considering he just had a fight with Xav.

  I looked away and noticed a pile of my clothes sitting on the end of the bed. He’d got them for me. My heart tightened. Was there anything he wouldn’t do to take care of me?

  “I want to talk to Quinn. Or at least I think I need to.”

  When I looked back up at Eric standing in the doorway of the bathroom, his expression was tense.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure I need him to know I’m not upset with him.”

  “I can tell him… if you want.”

  “No, he needs to hear it from me himself.”

  Besides, I could handle Quinn. He might piss me off and do shit I didn’t care for, but we’d grown so much closer in the past few days. Whether he liked it or not, we had a relationship and I wanted to be an adult about it. That meant not shying away from situations like this one.

  “Ash, do you really like what he does to you?”

  Eric’s expression was so serious as if this had been playing on his mind and he was concerned for me.

  “For the most part, yes.”

  He took a step closer.

  “The most part?”

  I looked down at my hands tangled up in the blanket.

  “Sometimes he pushes my boundaries too much. I don’t always like it but I understand his need for my obedience. And sometimes I act out on purpose.”

  I didn’t want him thinking what Quinn and I did was non-consensual. When he disciplined me I felt free in a way I’d never experienced before. Handing over my control to him was liberating.

  “Is that what you did today?”

  “No. He doesn’t think I should be embarrassed by my own desires and I guess I am a little.”

  “You know there’s no judgement in our household. As long as you’re happy and not feeling coerced into anything.”

  There was a knock on the door before I could respond. Eric walked over and opened it. Quinn stood outside with a plate and a glass of water. He stared at me over Eric’s shoulder.

  “Will she see me?” he asked quietly.

  Eric nodded before stepping back and walking into the bathroom to give us privacy and I guess to check on the bath.

  Quinn came in and set the plate and the glass on the bedside table before sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “I’m sorry, little girl.”

  I reached out and took his hand, rubbing my thumb over the back of it.

  “It’s okay, I’m not upset. It was just too much for me to handle. I needed some space… I hope that’s okay.”

  He reached out with his free hand and cupped my face.

  “It is, though I wanted to be the one to take care of you since it’s my responsibility.”

  “Why didn’t you come after me?”

  He looked towards the door.

  “E told me not to.”

  That’s when it hit me. Eric hadn’t been very impressed with Quinn’s behaviour so he’d come after me. He’d picked me up and calmed me down, gave me the release I so desperately needed and put me to bed. In his bed. And kept the others away.

  He cares. But does he care enough to want more? Does he like me?

  “He took care of me.”

  Quinn’s eyes narrowed.

  “Did he now?”


  “What happened?”

  I looked away.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” I mumbled.

  His fingers tightened on my face before he dropped his hand. Then he leant over and kissed my cheek.

  “I’m not angry,” he whispered. “You’re free to be with him. I told you I’d try and I am. Do you think today was just about you? It was about me finding a way to accept your need for all of us too.”

  I hadn’t thought of it like that. Quinn was struggling with this whole thing, I knew that much, but the only way we’d get through it is with open and honest communication.

��s just I haven’t addressed it with him yet,” I whispered back. “It wasn’t a huge thing… I just needed to… after what you did and he helped me. That’s it.”

  I turned my face into his and he kissed me. It was sweet and comforting rather than anything passionate. His eyes met mine when he pulled away.

  “Okay, I believe you.”

  The way things had turned around between us still surprised me, but my appreciation for this man grew and grew.

  He let go of my hand and stood up.

  “I’ll let you eat and get some more rest, little girl. Be good for E.”

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

  “I will.”

  He smiled and left, closing the door behind him. As if I wasn’t going to behave for Eric. He wasn’t like Quinn in the sense that I didn’t feel the need to push him. I just wanted to know him. Desperately. He was the only one out of the four I knew very little about. I was far closer to Rory even with all of his issues than Eric.

  Instead of pondering how to approach everything with Eric, I picked up the glass of water and gulped half of it down before starting on the sandwich Quinn had brought up for me. Turns out, I was ravenous. I polished it off before Eric came out of the bathroom.

  “Okay?” he asked.


  He put a hand out to me. I didn’t bother with clutching the blanket to me as I shifted off the bed. When I stood, I realised just how sore my muscles were. Gingerly, I went over to him and took his hand which I don’t think he was expecting. It was clear to me he was trying not to look at my nakedness, but I really wouldn’t have minded if he did. I’d been nude around the boys enough that it no longer really bothered me.

  He drew me into the bathroom. It was clean and simple. The walls had black and white tiles. There was a separate shower and the bath was reasonably large. A sweet-smelling floral scent I couldn’t place floated up from the water. He helped me step up into the tub and settle myself under the hot, steamy water. My nipples were still sore as hell, but my muscles began to relax after a moment.

  “Do you need anything else?”

  I looked up at him. His green eyes were conflicted and sad, like a lost puppy dog who just needed someone to care for him. And every part of me wished to be that someone.


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