Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2)

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Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2) Page 12

by Sarah Bailey

  I tried not to smirk. Rory hated dealing with messy emotions and problems because he had enough of his own, but he’d always been the one to counsel me against reckless behaviour. I owed him for that.

  “I suppose I’ll have to go find out the actual details from the horse’s mouth.”

  He shrugged.

  “You should take a break anyway.”

  He was right, as usual. The past few days had frayed my nerves. I was jumpy and irritable. Not that I would ever take out my own bullshit on Ash, but perhaps I did need to let off some steam between the sheets. She’d told me she missed me.

  “Is E okay?”

  “I don’t know. I told him he needs to talk to Xav about his feelings, but I doubt he will. He can’t get over his own fears of losing him, so we’re just left with this shit instead. I don’t know if it’s only Xav though. A part of me wonders if it’s because it’s Ash that Xav’s enamoured with.”

  I cocked an eyebrow.

  “After all the shit he gave us three about her…”

  “I’m not saying he likes her. For once, I can’t tell. If he looks at her, it’s this blank expression like he’s turned off all of his emotions. So maybe it’s because he’s fed up of her being the centre of all the conflict in our house.”

  I rubbed the spot over my chest where my heart lay thinking about how much I missed Ash too. True, she had caused a lot of shit between the four of us, but she’d also brought me some semblance of calm when I was with her. The chaos that seemed to rage on inside me stilled when I was holding onto her, my hands full of her hair or her soft curves.

  I suppose that’s why I’d decided to try to let go of my anger and hatred towards her for what happened to Casey. It hadn’t been her fault. Not really. She was the victim and yet she’d still managed to go on despite what she’d seen. Strong and resolute. That was Ash even if sometimes she still fell apart. But at the end of the day, we were all human and could only cope with so much pain before it overloaded our senses.

  “We were in conflict long before she arrived, just of a different kind.”

  He grinned. Our lives had been full of conflict and chaos. It marked us. Drove us. Made us who we were.

  “I think she’s with Xav… in case you were wondering.”

  I stood up, deciding to leave my phone down here because I didn’t want any interruptions.

  “Good. I can kill two birds with one stone.”

  I didn’t stop to see if he’d worked out what that might have meant other than the obvious. A part of me wanted to stay and talk to him further about this whole situation between me, Xav and Ash. Did Rory wonder what made me agree to this? Or perhaps he didn’t. Perhaps he already knew. It’s not like I’d been able to discuss the fact that I’d had what could only be described as a threesome with them. I didn’t want to touch Xav, obviously, but watching Ash pleasure him… well, let’s just say it brought to my attention desires I wasn’t aware I possessed.

  I went straight up to Xav’s room and knocked on the door. There was a muffled “Yeah?” so I opened it and strode in, closing the door behind me. Xav was sat at his desk on his laptop whilst Ash was sprawled out on his bed in a t-shirt and tiny little knickers which barely did anything to cover her with what looked suspiciously like one of Rory’s comics between her fingers.

  “We need to talk,” I announced when Xav looked up and Ash’s eyes met mine. “Also is that really what you’re wearing today?”

  “The door was closed,” she said with a frown.

  “What do you want, Quinn?” Xav asked, his expression almost bored.

  “I want to know why neither of you thought to tell me about your little spat with Eric and the fact the whole house knows we’re both fucking her.”

  Xav sat up straighter and Ash looked away, her face blossoming red.

  “You’ve been a little busy, man.”

  “That’s an excuse and you know it.”

  “Who told you?”


  Ash abruptly closed the comic she had and laid it on the bedside table. Good thing she was being careful with it, Rory wouldn’t be best pleased if he found one of them ruined. Though perhaps he’d give her a pass considering he seemed to have a soft spot when it came to Ash. He never let the rest of us take his comics out of his room.

  “I need to tell you both something,” she said, her voice quiet.

  I approached her and sat on the edge of Xav’s bed.

  “What is it, little girl?”

  She let out a shuddering breath before crawling over to me. I let her curl up in my lap. She buried her face in my neck, clutching me close like she was starved of my affection.

  “I’ve missed you so much, sir.”

  My heart lurched. I wrapped my arms around her and nuzzled her hair. She smelt so good.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been around.”

  “I need you, Quinn. I need you more than I need air sometimes. I hate being away from you.”

  My chest felt as though it was in a vice. Hearing the note of desperation in her voice made me look up at Xav. His blue eyes were dark with concern. I indicated her with my hand, wondering why neither of them had come to me with any of this. Didn’t she know I’d make time for her if she needed me?

  “I told her to tell you, but she didn’t want to be a nuisance. She’s upset with herself for causing all this shit. I’m trying, man, but she wasn’t lying when she said she needs you just as much as me.”

  Hearing her say it and seeing the evidence were two very different things. I rested my cheek against the top of her head and hummed, rocking her a little like she was a small child who needed soothing. But she wasn’t that. She was my little girl and she needed what only I could give her. I felt the tension in her body slowly melt away until she kissed my throat and sighed deeply.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “You’re welcome, little girl, however, I am going to have to punish you for not telling me what you needed sooner.”

  “I know, sir.”

  “Good. First, you’re going to talk about what happened, understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  She pulled away and sat next to me, her head bowed. Her whole demeanour concerned me. What was she hiding?

  “You know I mentioned Eric helped me after your punishment?”


  “I didn’t tell you how.”

  I’d guessed, but I wasn’t certain. Who knew how far he’d have gone to help her?

  “We don’t need the details, little girl.”

  “I know, but… it might make more sense to you why he’s so closed off from me and Xav now if I tell you.”

  I looked over at Xav who’d leant forward in his chair, his eyes intent on Ash. She twisted her fingers in her lap, staring down at them as if she could burn through them with her eyes.

  “He tried to soothe me afterwards. My whole body felt like it was on fire, my skin so sensitive. I ached with a need I couldn’t control. So when he did touch me, to rub cream on my nipples because they were so raw, it was almost too much, but nowhere near enough to give me the release I so desperately craved. It clawed at me, making me crazy.”

  I’d done that to her and I really did intend to give her that release she needed, but she’d run off before I could. It wasn’t as if I didn’t understand why. She wasn’t used to edging so her need overwhelmed her.

  “I really didn’t want to make things awkward between us, but I couldn’t do it myself. Everything just hurt too much. I tried to refuse when he offered at first, but my need outweighed everything else. So I let him touch me… I let him make me come with his fingers inside me. The way he looked at me before he pressed his cheek against mine, I can’t get it out of my head. His eyes burnt into me, showing me without words the truth of just how much he… desires me. No one has looked at me with such intensity and passion before. It scared me a little but I was too far gone to care.” />
  Her hands trembled and her body shook a little as if she was right back there with him.

  “When I did come, all I could think of was him and I locked together and I didn’t want it to end, but it did. I was so exhausted all I could do was thank him, which in hindsight was stupid as it ruined the moment between us.”

  She looked up at me and Xav then, her blue eyes so intense with need.

  “I wanted more, so much more and I couldn’t have it because he still, at the time, thought I was only with you,” she indicated me with her hand, “and I didn’t know how to tell him about our new arrangement. We shared this moment when I was in the bath, I guess it was flirting, I don’t really know, but I thought he might kiss me. He didn’t, even though I could tell he wanted to. Then I outright asked if he liked me, but he answered with this noncommittal, yes, you’re a nice girl which isn’t what I wanted to hear so I got a bit defensive and told him to drop it when he tried to ask me why I wanted to know. I should’ve been honest and then he would’ve been prepared when he saw Xav and me kissing.”

  She sighed and rubbed her leg.

  “It’s all my fault.”

  I took her hand, unable to stand seeing her like this.

  “It’s not, little girl. You couldn’t know he’d see you two.”

  “He won’t talk to me or Xav now.”

  I looked over at Xav again. He had no idea how Eric felt towards him and I wasn’t about to enlighten either of them. That was Eric’s responsibility. Now I understood what the fuck had happened. Having to watch the girl you like and the man you’re in love with together would be enough to make anyone crazy, but Eric had loved Xav their whole lives.

  Ash blaming herself for this situation wasn’t going to help matters any further. She might have inadvertently stepped on a landmine when it came to Xav and Eric, but she didn’t know what she’d walked into. If Eric didn’t want to tell Xav, it wasn’t my place to reveal his secrets so I wasn’t going to talk about it to her either.

  “That’s not your fault.”

  “It is! If I wasn’t so selfish in my—”


  Her eyes widened and she stared up at me.

  “You are not selfish. Xav and I agreed to this thing because we want to be with you. You haven’t coerced either of us into this situation. I don’t want to hear anything more about selfishness, do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I might have considered it selfish when she first told me, but now, I recognised a need in all of us I could no longer deny. One I wanted to explore further.

  “Take off your clothes.”


  “Do I have to repeat myself?”

  Her eyes widened.

  “No, sir.”

  She did as I said, tugging off her t-shirt and shimmying out of her knickers.

  “Good, now I want you to undress him.”

  I pointed over at Xav who had a smirk on his face as if he knew exactly where this was going. There was still the matter of what we would do about Eric to discuss, but after hearing what he’d done to her, I was turned on as fuck. The way she’d described it was so… erotic. So it could wait until after this because I was damned if I wasn’t going to get inside my little girl after days of being without her tight body clutching mine.

  Ash got off the bed and walked over to him, encouraging Xav up off his chair. She pulled off his t-shirt, staring up at him with trepidation in her expression. She didn’t know what I was going to tell her to do next. When she’d stripped off his clothes, she looked over at me.

  I stood, tugging at the collar of my shirt.

  “Lay him out on the bed and straddle him… I want to watch you ride his cock, little girl.”

  Chapter 19

  Well, holy shit. When Quinn had come in to talk to us about Eric, the last thing I’d expected was for it to take a sexual turn. I mean things had been shit for days to be honest. The way Eric kept looking at me like I broke him made my heart ache. Now Ash had explained what happened between the two of them, it began to make some semblance of sense but I still felt like I was missing an integral piece of the puzzle. Until he decided to talk to me, I couldn’t ask. Maybe I should be the bigger person and apologise to him, but he seemed so closed off, I wasn’t sure whether it would help matters or not.

  The only source of solace I’d had was Ash, but she’d withdrawn too. She blamed herself and even though I kept telling her it wasn’t her fault, nothing I said seemed to get through to her. It didn’t help she was missing Quinn too. She’d slept in his bed twice in the past four days, but she told me he’d come in late both times so they hadn’t done anything but sleep. The only time she and I’d had sex was right after the shit with Eric and it’d been about comfort more than anything else.

  So yeah, I guess the sexual tension in the air between the three of us had been palpable when she’d talked about her experience with Eric. A part of me hadn’t expected the visceral reaction it gave me. The need to see him and her together. To see the way he looked at her when it was just them locked together in passion and ecstasy. To say it unnerved me was an understatement. I’d never thought about him in that way before. And I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

  I shoved aside my thoughts as Ash was dragging me over to the bed and pushing me down onto it. I let her because, hell, if I didn’t want to have her sit on my cock, which was already rock hard in anticipation. Again, there was something about Quinn telling us what to do which made me harder.

  Ash pinned my hands against the covers as she crawled over me, her blue eyes blazing with heat but there was also a little hesitation too. Quinn still stood at the end of the bed watching us with a lazy smile on his face. He got off on being in charge. Calling the shots. That’s why he led us. He liked being in control.

  “That’s it, now rub yourself against him. Show me how much you want it.”

  She let out a little pant as she settled her pussy against my cock and rocked back and forth, coating me in her arousal.

  “Good girl.”

  “Jesus, angel,” I groaned. “You’re so fucking wet.”

  “Tell me how much you want it, little girl. Tell me how much you want his cock in you.”

  Ash looked back, locking eyes with Quinn as she continued to work herself against my cock.

  “I need his cock inside me. I want to fuck him, my pussy aches… it’s so empty. I need cock, sir. I want to be stretched out by his cock. I want to take it deep and hard.”

  Whenever filthy shit spilt out of her pretty little mouth, it only made me want her more. She was a dirty girl underneath that innocent exterior. I mean fuck, she’d had two cocks in her the last time we did this.

  Quinn’s eyes darkened significantly as he unbuttoned his shirt. Ash was transfixed by him and I couldn’t really blame her. Dominant guys weren’t at all my type. I needed someone who’d let me take the reins, but hell, the way he stood there with a smirk on his face like he knew both of us would do exactly what he said… well… that was pretty hot even if I wasn’t attracted to Quinn in the slightest.

  “Such a bad girl, so desperate for cock. Have we not been satisfying you enough?”

  “I’ve missed you, sir. I’ve missed both of you.”

  He threw his shirt off before slipping out of his shoes and tugging on his belt.

  “Fuck him, little girl. Show me how much you want cock.”

  Ash let go of my hands and reached for me, holding my cock straight up so she could sink down on it. I couldn’t help the low moan spilling from my mouth when her pussy contracted around my cock after the tip slipped in. I gripped her thighs, wanting to shove her down on my cock, but knowing Quinn wanted her to slide down on me herself.

  She kept her eyes on him the entire time she sunk down on me as if she couldn’t look away. I, on the other hand, was intently watching her hot little body as she took me. The way her tits bounced, her hard little nipples b
egging to be bitten. Ash was so responsive not just to touch, but to our voices too.

  When I tore my eyes away from Ash finally, Quinn had stripped out of his own clothes, his cock firmly gripped in his hand. It’d been a very long time since I’d seen him, Eric or Rory undressed. And well, I could appreciate the view.

  “More, little girl, take all of him.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He walked around the bed and Ash’s head turned back to me. She placed her hands on my chest and sunk lower, biting her bottom lip.

  “Lube?” he mouthed to me when he reached us.

  I waved a hand towards the bedside table next to us. He knew I’d have it considering what I got up to. A regular supply was necessary. He tugged open the drawer, raising an eyebrow. Okay, so I may have several bottles and a heck of a lot of condoms in there too. Selecting a bottle, he placed it on the bedside table before shutting the drawer and shaking his head at me. I smirked and shrugged a little.

  He buried his hand in Ash’s hair and dragged her face towards him as he leant down.

  “Do you like that? Having his cock in your tight little pussy.”

  “Yes, sir. I love it.”

  He ran his nose up her cheek then he kissed her, sucking on her bottom lip before their tongues clashed. His other hand ran down her chest and pinched one of her nipples. She bucked, making me curse as she clenched hard around my cock. He tugged her back by her hair, keeping his fist in it.

  “Now fuck him like I told you to. Work that pretty little pussy around his cock.”

  He didn’t let go of her hair, keeping her head angled back with her eyes intent on his as she began to rise and fall on me. I linked my hands with hers to steady her.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen, little girl. You’re not allowed to come until I tell you to. Neither of us will touch your needy little clit even if you beg for it. You’re going to take what you’re given and do exactly as you’re told. That’s your punishment. Understood?”


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