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Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2)

Page 13

by Sarah Bailey

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  He released her hair and stepped back, reaching out and picking up the lube. Ash didn’t seem to notice as she looked at me. Her eyes were a mess of desire. All her pent up sexual tension flowed out of her, permeating the air with a heady cocktail of lust.

  “You good, angel?” I whispered.

  “So good. I’ve missed your cock.”

  I smirked. Dirty girl. Her hands tightened in mine as she picked up the pace a little. Her hot little pussy was working me with such precise strokes as if she was in complete control. Quinn had just banned her from coming. She couldn’t afford to allow that control to slip if she wanted to obey him.

  Quinn knelt on the bed behind her and skirted between my legs. He pulled Ash flush against him, his hands running up her body as her head lolled against his shoulder. She continued to rise and fall on me as his fingers roamed over her breasts, pinching and tweaking her nipples. He planted kisses down her neck, making her moan.

  “Did you like it when you had two cocks inside you last time?”

  “Yes, sir. It felt so naughty.”

  “Do you want that again, little girl?”

  She arched back into him.

  “Yes, I want you both, sir.”

  I wasn’t sure if she knew exactly what he meant this time. I sure as hell did. And I’d done this before in a threesome. It sort of surprised me Quinn wanted to get his dick that close to mine, but then again, I think this pulsating lust between the three of us had thrown the rulebook out the window.

  He pulled away and pushed her forward, forcing her to lean over me.

  “Kiss him.”

  My hands tangled in her hair as I dragged her against me. Her lips met mine and I shoved my tongue in her mouth, devouring her. She squirmed against me and I had a feeling I knew why. I opened my eyes and peeked up at Quinn who had his hands behind her, one planted on her lower back whilst the other was between us.

  “Oh god,” she whined in my mouth.

  His eyes were dark and there was a smile on his lips as if he was enjoying this as much as Ash and I were.

  “That’s right, little girl. I’m going to stretch you out on both our cocks.”

  Her muffled moans as I continued to kiss her only made me harder. She clenched around my cock again and again. Then I felt his finger breach her. Ash turned her face from mine, crying out as her hands gripped my shoulders, nails digging into my skin.

  “Fuck, sir… oh god, I can’t.”

  “You can,” I told her. “You can take us both, angel.”

  “But you’re both so big.”

  I almost laughed and I could see Quinn grinning as he worked his finger inside her.

  “Why thank you.”

  She swatted my shoulder.

  “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  “Already has, right, Quinn?”

  He actually laughed and shook his head.

  “Mmm, I already had her telling me my cock is too big for her poor little arse last time, but I’m certainly not complaining now. Your compliments flatter me, little girl.”

  She glanced back at him over her shoulder.

  “It’s not flattery if it’s true. Both of you already know your cocks are sizeable.”

  He leant down and kissed her back.

  “Your blushes and protestations are so cute when we all know you’re going to love every moment of my cock and his stretching you to your limits.”

  She moaned because he thrust a second finger inside her. Ash kept bucking and whining as he worked her open until she was panting and gripping me so hard, I thought she might draw blood with her nails.

  “You ready, little girl?”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready, sir.”

  He sat back on his heels and picked up the bottle of lube. I watched him coat his cock before pressing more inside her. Then he leant forward, placing a hand on her back whilst he brought his cock to her back entrance. I felt Ash take a breath, her body tense. So I ran my hands down her back, soothing her since Quinn’s edict had been not to touch her clit.

  “It’s okay, angel, I’ve got you. It’ll hurt but then it’ll feel good. You’re doing so well,” I murmured in her ear.

  The moment his cock slid up inside her, she cursed loudly and then bit down on my shoulder. I let her because I knew she was struggling.

  “Shh, angel, it’s okay. I know it hurts. I know it’s too much, but you can do it. You can take us both. I promise.”

  With him in her arse, she felt ten times tighter. I could feel him and I was damn sure he could feel me, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t feel wrong. It felt right. So fucking right.

  His hand rubbed her back as he slid deeper. Ash turned her face into my neck and whimpered, but she didn’t tell him to stop. Not once did she complain whilst he worked his way up inside her and when he slid back before thrusting forward again, she merely whined against my skin.

  “You okay there, angel?”

  “I feel so full.”

  I decided not to state the obvious and continued to stroke her shoulders, trying to calm her down a little so she’d relax into it. Every minute which went by, the tension in her body eased until she pushed herself off my chest a little and stared down at me. Quinn gripped her hips and encouraged her to work herself on our cocks. She placed both hands on me and started to move against us.

  “You’re so tight like this, little girl.”

  “Does it feel good?”

  “Fuck yes it does,” I told her.

  “You feel like heaven,” Quinn said, his eyes dark and the smile on his face a tell-tell sign of how much he was enjoying this.

  Ash rode both of us with Quinn’s encouragement. Her face scrunched up but she didn’t look uncomfortable. If anything she was getting into it.

  “Fuck,” she moaned. “Fuck. Oh god.”

  “Good girl,” Quinn murmured in her ear as he kissed her shoulder.

  “Please, sir, I want to come.”

  “Not yet… you’ve got to fuck us both first.”

  She did as he said, crying out and panting the whole time as she worked our cocks. She was so fucking tight and it was hard for me to hold back. The ripple of pleasure drove up my spine and my balls were about fucking full to bursting.

  “Fuck, angel, I’m so damn close.”

  Quinn’s head dropped on her shoulder and he looked like he was about to explode.

  “Please, sir, please.”

  He dropped his hand between her legs and stroked her. It was like a detonator going off. She screamed as her body shook and trembled around both of us. Her pussy clamped down hard and I was done.

  “Xavier! Fuck! Quinn!”

  “Little girl,” he groaned.

  “Jesus, angel.”

  That was it. We both came inside her, flooding her with cum as she rocked against us with her own climax. The intensity of it made my vision blur. I held onto her thighs, my cock pulsing inside her tight pussy again and again until I was utterly spent.

  Ash collapsed on top of me and Quinn leant heavily against her back, his hands planted on either side of me. None of us moved or said a word. There was no need. The intensity of the experience and our pleasure with each other said it all.

  Quinn was the first to move, pulling out of her and collapsing next to me, his arm resting over his face. Ash slipped off me next, planting herself in the small gap between us. I slung a hand over her waist whilst Quinn stroked her shoulder with his free hand.

  “Is it safe to say you’re okay with this sharing thing now?” Ash whispered.

  “I am,” Quinn rumbled.

  “Good because I’d really like to do that again sometime.”

  “You would, angel?” I asked, a little surprised by her statement.

  “Yes… it felt different but in a good way. Being with both of you is… everything.”

  I smiled and lean
t over, kissing her shoulder.

  “Same here, angel, same here.”

  Quinn opened his eyes and looked at me.

  “Just to be clear, we’re not having sex with each other, Xav.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “I don’t want to fuck you, man… I just like the whole dynamic between us. It’s fucking hot.”

  He was silent for a moment before he nodded and smiled.

  “Yeah, it is pretty fucking hot.”

  Ash shifted next to us, cuddling closer to Quinn. I knew she’d missed him so I didn’t think anything of it. She’d spent more than enough time with me over the past few days considering Eric was refusing to speak to her. It was down to me and Rory to keep her out of trouble.

  “You both belong to me,” Ash said. “And I belong to you.”

  “I know, angel.”

  Quinn reached over and stroked her cheek.

  “Me too.”

  And that was fucking that. Nothing else needed to be said. We were a threesome now in a strange sort of way. I wondered how it would work if and when Ash involved the other two although how likely that was with Eric pissed off at us, I had no idea.

  Didn’t matter, I was happy right now with Ash and Quinn and I was pretty damn sure they were too.

  We could deal with the rest of the shit as it came.

  And we’d do it together.

  Chapter 20

  It’s funny how you don’t pay attention to time passing when you have so little contact with the world outside the four walls you’ve been trapped in for weeks. The only time I’d left was to go to their casino that night over two weeks ago. I’d been with the boys well over a month now. It felt like longer. It felt like forever.

  I lay with my head on Quinn’s chest as he stroked my arm after we’d had sex. Though in all honesty, I wouldn’t really call what just happened sex. It felt far more intimate than the other times we’d been together. He wasn’t his usual controlling and dominant self. The way he caressed my skin, kissed me with such reverence, our hands linked together whilst he thrust into me at such a leisurely pace, it felt more like making love. Except how was I meant to know if it was love between us or not.

  The only person I thought I’d loved was Nate, but he definitely wasn’t the man I’d come to know. Not underneath that façade he wore. The way I felt about the man I was wrapped around wasn’t remotely the same. The visceral reaction I had to him every moment we spent together couldn’t be put into words.

  My heart raced. My skin prickled. My body felt hot and cold at the same time. And the rush of emotions I got when he looked at me with those dark eyes and spoke to me with that deep, seductive, almost gravelly voice made me feel like I was on cloud nine. Simply put, I was enamoured with everything about him.

  “Tell me something you’ve never told anyone else before,” I said, tracing a line around his pec.

  “Always so curious, little girl.”

  “You’ve lived a whole nine years longer than me, I’m sure you have plenty of secrets.”

  “No need to rub it in.”

  I grinned.

  “Feeling delicate about your old age?”

  “And you wonder why I have the urge to punish you for being a little brat.”

  I kissed his chest and looked up at him.

  “Still hot as fuck for thirty,” I murmured under my breath.

  “You’re forgiven.”

  I bit my lip and waited. I could be patient. He would tell me eventually. He stared at me for at least a minute before letting out a huff.

  “Fine… but no more of this.” He tugged my lip from my teeth. “It makes me want to bite you all over.”

  I squirmed, wriggling against him which made his arm around me tighten and he gave me one of those ‘settle down’ looks. I obeyed since I wanted him to tell me his truths.

  “Rory won’t be happy about me revealing this, but I’ll tell you about the day we met. I was five and he was two. His foster parents lived next to mine in our block of flats on the estate.”

  “He has foster parents?”

  Quinn’s expression darkened significantly.

  “Had, Ash, had.”

  His tone sent a shiver down my spine and I got the distinct impression there was bad blood there.


  “His mum left him with mine. I know now it was because she was selling herself under social services’ radar. That’s beside the point. Rory can explain the rest as and when he decides he can trust you with it.”

  My heart lurched, aching for Rory already.

  “My mother stuck him in my room and told me to watch him since she was going out. I remember it being a Saturday as I wasn’t at school. Casey was home but my parents used to leave us alone all the time. So there I was sitting on my bed with a small toddler in my room having absolutely no fucking clue what to do or say. This little guy with blonde hair and these intense hazel eyes sat staring at the floor, so quiet and so unlike any kid I’d ever encountered before.”

  I could imagine the two of them as kids. I wondered if either of them had photos from back then.

  “So I got out one of the only books I owned, sat down next to him and started to read. I don’t know why, I couldn’t even do it that well at the time, but I read to him. It just seemed right. I knew he was listening even if he didn’t talk. When I was done, I leant against my bed and this little kid crawled up in my lap and hugged me. His way of saying thank you I assumed so I hugged him back. His sleeve pulled up and that’s when I noticed marks on his arm in the shape of fingers. Adult fingers. So I hugged him harder and told him it’d be okay. That I’d be here for him from now on.”

  His eyes closed for a long moment before he opened them and all I could see was pain.

  “Every Saturday for months after that, Rory was with me. I brought books home from school after telling my teacher what I was doing. She encouraged me, she knew I struggled with reading, but I had a reason to try with Rory. Probably why he likes comics so much as I often brought him home books with pictures.”

  I hadn’t realised I was crying until Quinn reached up and wiped away a tear from under my eye.

  “They abused him?” I whispered.

  He nodded, his expression full of immense sadness as if memories of that time haunted him.

  “I told you to be careful with him for a reason. His demons are dark and twisted in ways you can’t imagine.”

  “I am being careful. He doesn’t scare me.”

  I hadn’t told Quinn about Rory wrapping his hand around my throat. It seemed better all-round not to. Especially when Quinn kept warning me about not pushing Rory too far. I wanted to push his buttons. Some would call that playing with fire. Maybe I wanted to get burnt. The darkness coiling around Rory excited me. The sick little twisted part of my soul wanted to link itself to his and see just how depraved he really was inside.

  “You should be scared, little girl. Scared of what he wants to do to you.”

  “Oh, and you know what that is, I take it?”

  He smirked.

  “Perhaps I do.”

  He wasn’t going to say anymore. I could tell by his expression. I sighed and laid my head back down on his chest, not caring my cheeks were still damp. My heart was broken for the little blonde boy and his dark-haired friend.

  “I want to take you to the casino tomorrow.”

  I tapped my fingers on his chest.


  “I have business to attend to.”

  “Why would you take me? Won’t that get back to Papa?”

  His fingers tangled in my hair, massaging my scalp.

  “No. The boys are busy and I’m not leaving you alone at home.”

  So that was why. I wasn’t sure why I had to be chaperoned at all times. It’s not like I was going anywhere. I told him I wanted to stay.

  “Rory’s leaving the house?”

  “Rory is coming with us.”

  “Oh okay. Do I have to dress up again?”

  “No, we’re not going out on the floor.”

  He reached over and turned out the light. We lay there in silence for a long moment.



  “What are you doing about Papa?”

  “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.”


  “Go to sleep, little girl. We’re getting up early tomorrow.”

  I hadn’t exactly wanted to ask. Knowing the man you were falling for wanted to end your father was a hard pill to swallow.

  Falling for? Get with the program, Ash. You legit love Quinn and you know it.

  Did I? If I really loved him then how come I still felt like parts of me were missing? Was it even possible for me to love more than one person? I hadn’t exactly thought this whole relationship with more than one man thing through. Following my wants and needs felt right but the lines kept blurring now emotions were involved.

  My mind was a whirl of activity so even though Quinn had told me to go to sleep I couldn’t. I lay there listening to his breathing turn steady and his hold around me relaxed. The thumping rhythm of his heart rang in my ear where it was pressed to his chest. He was asleep.

  “Quinn,” I whispered. “I think I love you and I don’t know what to do with that or whether I should tell you or not. You want to destroy my family… and I’m not okay with that. So why do I still feel this way?”

  My hushed words were only met with silence. And right then, I felt more alone than I had done when I first arrived here.

  What if he still resented me for Casey’s death?

  What if he couldn’t love me because I’d asked him to share me?

  How was I ever going to sleep with all this shit running through my head?

  So I did something I shouldn’t have. I crawled out of his bed, pulled my t-shirt on and padded out into the hallway, shutting his door quietly behind me. I walked until I stopped outside another bedroom door where the light was spilling out underneath. I raised my hand and knocked.

  When the door was pulled open, I swallowed hard. Staring at me was someone who’d refused to talk to me for days on end. Someone with evergreen forest eyes whom I desperately wanted to make up with. Someone who was standing there shirtless, all their lean muscle on display, making my mouth water.


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