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Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2)

Page 15

by Sarah Bailey

  “I should’ve expected an appearance from you,” Eric said in a low voice, opening the door a little wider.

  “Is she here?”


  “Is she okay?”

  “She’s still asleep, but I think so.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck. I worried about that girl far too much. Especially after I realised how much she needed me around.

  “You going to tell me why she’s here or do I need to wait for her to do so?”

  He leant against the other side of the frame, still holding the door partially closed. He was only dressed in a pair of shorts.

  “She came to apologise to me and talk.”

  My heart gave a tug. Why wouldn’t she have talked to me? Then again, I had shut her down last night when she asked about her father. I didn’t feel like getting into it with her considering it’d likely lead to an argument I didn’t want to have.


  “Yes, Quinn. Girls like to talk about their relationships with people other than their partners.”

  I scowled. I knew that, but why did she seek him out?

  “So she’s treating you like one of her girlfriends.”

  It was his turn to give me a dirty look.

  “Ash doesn’t have anyone else other than us. You, of all people, should know that. So what if I was trying to help her? You going to tell me you’re pissed off at me for that?”

  I looked away.

  “No… Thank you for taking care of her.”

  “Not that I need your thanks, but you’re welcome.”

  I was acting ridiculous right now. All because my feelings for her had gotten all tangled up inside me. She was on my mind all the time, especially when we were apart. All I wanted was for her to be happy. I’d do whatever it took to make that happen.

  Because you love her.

  I almost shook myself. I’d known that for a while, coming to the realisation after Xav and I had ended up inside her at the same time. Telling her was an entirely different matter. Of course, I wanted her to love me back, but with this sharing business, I wasn’t sure if that was part of the deal.

  “Eric?” came a muffled feminine voice from behind the door.


  Eric ducked his head back in the room.

  “I’m here… One of your boyfriends came knocking.”

  My heart thumped over his terminology. I supposed that is what Xav and I were.

  “Which one?”


  Eric opened the door wider and she came into view all huddled up underneath his covers with her hair in disarray. Adorable even when half asleep.

  “Little girl.”

  “Do I have to get up, sir?”


  She stretched and crawled out of Eric’s bed. Approaching us cautiously, she tugged down her t-shirt a little. She came to a standstill next to Eric and looked up at him.

  “Thank you… for the talk and letting me, um, sleep next to you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m always here if you need me, Ash.”

  She nodded, her eyes betraying her need for affection from him. Whilst it might’ve bothered me at one point, I didn’t feel that stab of jealousy any longer. I was secure in the knowledge Ash needed my affection as much as she craved it from Xav, Eric and even Rory, although that might be wishful thinking on her behalf since Rory didn’t give anyone affection.

  I took a step towards him and dropped my head down to his ear.

  “She wants you to hug her, E. I suggest you give her one.”

  He gave me a strange look when I pulled away. I shrugged and backed off, giving the two of them some space. Making Ash happy was my priority. Giving her what she needed. And she most definitely needed this.

  Ash looked up at him almost expectantly. He fidgeted for a long moment before stepping up to her and half putting his arms out. She didn’t hesitate with wrapping hers around his back and pressing her cheek against his bare chest. He awkwardly held her, all of his muscles tense until Ash stroked her fingers down his back and let out a soft little noise of contentment. Then he relaxed into her hold. And a very large part of me felt relief for Ash’s sake.

  “Always here for me?” she murmured.


  She nuzzled her face against him then pulled away. His hesitation with dropping his arms for her spoke volumes about his reluctance to let go. I held back a smile. So Eric really did like Ash. There was zero doubt in my mind now after seeing this little exchange. Perhaps I could nudge her towards telling him how she felt. Maybe they needed that extra little push.

  She gave him one of her brightest smiles before she turned and walked over to me, taking my hand.

  “Ready for breakfast, little girl?”

  She leant into me and nodded. I spared Eric a glance before I tugged her along the hallway. His eyes were on Ash, his expression betraying his longing for her. And all I could think was soon, man, soon. He shut his door and I brought my attention back to my girl.

  “So… you made up with him and apparently I’m your boyfriend now.”

  Her cheeks went red.

  “He said it, not me.”

  “I like it.”

  Her lips tugged up at the corners.

  “We made up and nothing else happened except sleeping.”

  “No? You didn’t tell him how you feel?”

  Her fingers in mine tightened a little.

  “It didn’t feel like the right time to broach the subject, though he did ask questions about the three of us. He knows we all… sleep together.”

  It wasn’t as if it wouldn’t become common knowledge so I wasn’t entirely that fussed about Eric knowing.

  We were about to walk past Xav’s door when it was flung open and he stood there, his eyes falling on Ash.


  “Morning Xav.”

  He put a hand out to her. I let her go to him, not even flinching when he leant down and kissed her. She brushed her hand across his chest when he let her go.

  “You made up with E?”

  She nodded and looked away.

  “Yes, but… I don’t think he’s ready to talk to you yet.”

  Xav’s face fell a little. She rubbed his chest.

  “I’m sorry.”

  I loved how she felt so much responsibility towards us already. Like it was her job to fix our problems even though we’d never put that on her. It made me aware of how much she fit into our lives. How integral she’d become after only a month.

  “Not your fault, angel. It’s my responsibility to sort it out, not yours.”

  “I wish I could do more.”

  He cupped the back of her head and pressed a kiss to her temple.

  “You’re so sweet, angel, but this isn’t something you can fix.”

  “I know.”

  As much as I didn’t want to interrupt their moment, I had things to get on with today.

  “Little girl, we need to go.”

  She nodded, went up on her tiptoes and gave Xav one last kiss before turning back to me.

  “I’ll see you later,” she threw over her shoulder at him as we walked down the hallway towards the stairs.

  “I’m counting on it, angel.”

  She smiled up at me and took my hand, linking our fingers together again.

  “Why’d you tell Eric to hug me?”

  “It’s what you wanted, wasn’t it?”

  She chewed on her lip, making me want to bite it.

  “Well yes, but—”

  “No buts, little girl. I want you happy and his affection makes you happy.”

  She stopped at the top of the stairs and turned to me, blue eyes radiant.

  “You know, you’re incredibly sweet, kind and caring when you want to be.”

  “Just don’t tell anyone else, might ruin my devilish reputation.”

  She shoved my arm and ro
lled her eyes.

  “Quinn! I was trying to give you a compliment, don’t ruin it.”

  I tugged her closer and cupped her face.

  “I’m serious, you’re ruining my image, little girl.”

  I kissed her before she could retort. She’d made me soft for her, so fucking soft and I didn’t care. Ash was everything to me in a way no other woman had been.

  I love you, little girl. So. Fucking. Much.

  And maybe I’d tell her that soon.

  Chapter 23

  I spun around in the chair Quinn had brought into the office for me whilst I watched the monitors for the casino. Who knew what Quinn was actually up to, he seemed very intent on his laptop. Rory was somewhere else in the building. He told me he’d check in on me, but I hadn’t seen him since we got here.

  I suppose it was interesting watching people gambling in the daytime like that was normal. The place wasn’t packed or anything. Quinn had told me they catered to a very exclusive clientele.



  He didn’t even look up from his laptop.

  “Can I go get something to drink?”

  “Down the hall, second door on the left is a kitchen. No one should be up here, but if there is, do not talk to them.”

  I hopped up off the chair. He’d told me before we got here I wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone but him and Rory.

  “Do you want anything?”

  His eyes flicked up to mine.


  I gave him a smile and a nod. At least I’d be doing something helpful rather than sitting around waiting for something to happen. I wandered out of the room and along the hall, pushing open the door he mentioned. It was a small kitchen with a little seating area.

  I filled the kettle and found mugs along with tea and coffee. I was just tapping my fingers on the counter waiting for it to boil when the door opened. Rory walked in, tension radiating from him.

  “Hey Ror, do you want a drink?”

  His eyes softened a fraction. He hadn’t told me to stop calling him that. My eyes raked down his body. A longing to reach out and touch him spread through me like wildfire. My fingers twitched and I curled my hands into fists to refrain from acting on the impulse, dropping them to my sides. I remembered the way his hand felt against my skin, the warmth of him seeping into me and how that simple touch lit a fuse inside me. One which ignited every single time he was near me.

  Then there was the image of him as a little boy Quinn had given me last night. The one who didn’t talk and his only solace was when the boy three years his senior read to him once a week. My heart ached, the pain in my chest expanding as I pictured him and how alone he must have felt.

  No matter how much I longed to be closer to Rory, I couldn’t walk over to him and force him into accepting what was between us. He needed baby steps. And he needed to do this on his own terms. He had to come to me whilst I tugged on the strings tying us together. Rory needed to want me enough to throw caution to the wind.

  “You need to come with me.”

  “Oh… Okay, I’ll just finish—”

  “No, little star, now.”

  My whole body thrummed at his term of endearment. He only used it when we were alone but it made me feel special to him. And his tone, that commanding, stern voice he’d used the first time we’d been at the Syndicate. It sent shivers down my spine and had me immediately obeying him. I followed him out of the kitchen back towards the office.

  “What’s going on?”

  He didn’t answer me, merely pushed open the door. Quinn was on his feet staring at the monitors with a scowl.

  “We have a problem,” Rory said, looking over at him.

  “I can see that.”

  Quinn turned and strode towards us, taking me by the arm before I had a chance to see who he’d been looking at.

  “Come, little girl. You need to stay behind me and be quiet, is that understood?”

  I couldn’t help the words “Yes, sir,” falling from my lips as he tugged me along the hallway towards the lift with Rory trailing after us. When we were riding down, I stared up at Quinn.

  “What’s going on? Why couldn’t I have stayed in the office?”

  His jaw ticked.

  “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  “But why?”

  “Because if anyone so much as lays a hand on your pretty little head, I will end them.”

  I trembled at his words and the intensity in his voice. The most terrifying thing about it all is he sounded a little like Papa except Quinn was nothing like him. He didn’t scare me in the same way. I revelled in his dominance and control.

  “What?” I whispered.

  His eyes finally flicked down to me and I could see the anger in them.

  “You’re ours and I won’t let anyone take you. I can’t protect you if you’re not by my side.”

  Ours, not mine but ours.

  I was theirs. I’d come to accept that when I decided I wanted them. When I made a choice by myself for the first time in my life without thinking about anyone else’s expectations.

  So I reached out and linked my fingers with Quinn’s, wanting to reassure him I was still very much his little girl. He leant down and kissed my temple.

  “There are so many things I want to say to you, little girl,” he whispered. “Later. I promise.”

  Then the doors opened and that put an end to any further questions. He pulled me out behind him, Rory bringing up the rear. I didn’t recognise where we were, but I didn’t have much time to look at our surroundings as we were going through a pair of double doors into a lounge area. Standing in the middle of it were several people, although I was behind Quinn so I couldn’t exactly see them properly.

  Quinn stopped several feet away from the closest person, releasing my hand and pressing me further behind him. Rory came to a standstill next to him, keeping me further hidden from view.

  “How nice of you to greet us yourselves. I’ve heard many things about you, Mr Knox,” came a deep accented voice which sent a cold chill running down my spine.

  The muscles of Quinn’s back tensed. I peered between his and Rory’s shoulders and my stomach dropped out from underneath me. My hand blindly reached up and clung to the back of Quinn’s shirt. I knew who that was although I’d never made his acquaintance.

  “Have you now?” Quinn asked, his tone almost bored, but I knew he was anything but.

  The man chuckled, his blue eyes glinting in the low light. His hair was dark blonde, slicked back off his face with product. Very much the spitting image of his older brother, except his skin wasn’t marked by the violence of his trade.

  “Allow me to introduce myself.” He gave Quinn a little nod. “Viktor Bykov. I’m aware you have met my brother.”

  The Russian man grinned and it made my skin crawl. Papa told me Victor was a vicious man underneath his charming façade. He told me never to trust anyone with links to the Bratva, but he particularly hated Viktor. I had no idea why, only that he had too much clout amongst the crime families. No one crossed him or his brother, Gregor.

  “I know who you are.”

  “I see my reputation precedes me.”

  His grasp of English was far superior to Gregor’s, but Viktor was a businessman and not a member of the Russian Mafia.

  “What can I do for you, Mr Bykov?”

  Quinn shifted on his feet a little and I pressed myself closer to his back. I swore he could feel me trembling behind him and holding onto his shirt like it was my lifeline. I kept my knees locked so they wouldn’t buckle.

  Be strong. You’ve got nothing to be afraid of. Rory and Quinn will protect you.

  “Please, call me Viktor. I’m aware my brother caused you trouble and I wish to apologise for his conduct.”

  “Apology accepted. Is there anything else?”

  “I’m interested in the establishment you run her
e. I hear your membership is very… exclusive.”

  Quinn inclined his head.

  “But this is not your only venture, is it?”


  “I hear you and your friends have your fingers in many pies, Mr Knox.”

  Rory tensed next to Quinn, his hand twitched by his side. That’s when I noticed he had something clenched in his fist.

  “Would you care to get to the point, Mr Bykov?”

  I glanced back up to find Viktor’s eyes directly on me. His eyes narrowed at Quinn’s insistence on not calling him by his first name.

  “Are you not going to introduce me to your… lady friend?”

  He put a finger to his mouth, a deadly grin appearing on his face. I had the distinct impression he knew exactly who I was and that I was the real reason he was here.


  “Come now, that’s not very… what is the word… hospitable.”

  Quinn flicked his hand out.

  “My casino. My rules.”

  Rory’s fist clenched around the object in his hand harder. I had the urge to reach out and soothe him, but I kept my free hand by my side.

  “Then perhaps she might like to introduce herself.”

  His eyes bored into mine.

  What does he want with me?

  “Quinn,” I whispered, my voice low enough that only he and Rory could hear me. “He already knows who I am.”

  Seconds ticked by. A cold sweat beaded at the back of my neck. Tension rippled between the three of us. Then Quinn put his hand out to his side.

  “Little girl.”

  Viktor’s eyebrow flicked up in surprise at Quinn’s reference to me. I knew what it was. A statement of his ownership of me. And right then, I didn’t care to correct him. Letting go of his shirt, I came around his side, stood next to him and looked up at Viktor. Without Quinn and Rory in front of me, the full force of his gaze hit me like a brick. I shivered involuntarily, wanting to be far, far away from this man. I didn’t know why his presence bothered me so much.

  For a man in his forties, he looked remarkably young. His brother was only a few years older than him, but Gregor looked his age and then some.

  “Hello Ashleigh.”

  I steeled myself, swallowing hard through the dryness of my throat.


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