Destination Ruin

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Destination Ruin Page 18

by Norman Christof

  Their feet crunched as they crept slowly across the gravel-top roof. They kept low so they could see the YMCA just across the street.

  "I wouldn't worry too much about being spotted," Sam said. "It's not like we're going up against a bunch of trained soldiers here, these are just everyday regular folks like you two."

  Holly looked at Sam and wondered just what his background was. "And you're suggesting, that you have some sort of expertise in that area? I thought you were just some kind of corporate raider or something. You're not like a Navy seal or special ops trained are you?"

  Sam smiled. "No, not really anyways, it never got that far."

  "Could you be any more evasive?" Garrett said, giving Sam a disapproving look. "She's married you know. That man-of-mystery talk might work with girls you hit on in bars, but take a look around you. This ain't no New York midtown club."

  Holly punched Garrett in the shoulder. If he had a notion to repair the relationship issues between them, talking like a jealous fool wasn't the way.

  "Sorry, I'm just nervous," Garrett said.

  Regardless of Sam's casual demeanor regarding the occupants of the YMCA, they all crouched at the edge of the building roof. It was an old six-floor walk-up apartment that looked like it had been scheduled for demolition. Probably to make room for some fancy new high-rise casino, designed to further separate money from some Mr. and Mrs. Average Joe while on a vacation that they couldn't afford.

  The YMCA looked quite a bit different from when they left last left it. The windows were all boarded up, and although the gang may not have highly trained special-ops or Navy SEALs, they did have people posted outside the main entrance. They were armed, heavily armed, at least compared to Garrett, Holly, and Sam.

  "Is this really the best approach?" Garrett asked. "The last time we were in there we just barely made it out. Do we really need to go poking the bear in his den one more time? I'm sure there are other places, where we can find supplies and shelter."

  "If that there are other places as good or almost as good as this one, then this gangs probably been there." Sam pointed towards the front doors of the YMCA. Two more people came to relieve the two that were standing at the main entrance, and they were even more heavily armed. Automatic weapons that looked like they'd been lifted from a military armory. The two they relieved went on patrol around the building, then disappeared down a back alley that ran alongside the Y. "These guys may not be highly trained military, but they're learning fast."

  "Maybe there's somebody in there, that's got some expertise," Holly said as she shifted her weight trying to find a more comfortable stance.

  "Chances are pretty good," Garrett agreed. "In a crowd of twenty more Americans, you're likely to find somebody with military experience. Not necessarily special ops or Navy SEALs, but it's not like these guys are trying to invade a foreign country. They just need enough smarts, to keep others out."

  "I guess you're pretty lucky that you guys have me along for the ride then aren't you?" Sam said.

  "Well, that's yet to be seen. For all we know, you're nothing more than a mall cop."

  Sam smiled. "All in good time Holly. All in good time."

  All three of them were distracted by the commotion of a vehicle pulling up quickly to the Y. It was one of those big black Chevy Suburbans that with a little more window tinting could easily be mistaken for a government-issued vehicle. The doors flew open, and two people were dragged out of the back. One had a hood over his head, but based on the fact that the second person was Veronica it wasn't hard to figure out who was under the hood. They could see the distress in her eyes and body language, even from several floors up.

  "It looks like Gary's been pissing them off too," Holly said. "Maybe we should have tried throwing a hood over his head to shut him up."

  "I thought you said he'd left and run with you," Garrett asked Sam. "How is it that you manage to get away from these guys, but Gary didn't?"

  Sam ignored the question but wasn't too surprised by what he saw. Gary's performance in the pursuit wasn't overly impressive, and he figured that when they split up, Gary had about a 50-50 chance of escaping.

  "I know you guys aren't too thrilled about having to revisit this place, but remember, we have a lot more help now." Sam was referring to the other lifeboat survivors that had joined them. They were currently secluded inside the building below, waiting for instruction.

  "We don't have any superheroes down there," Holly said. "They've got weapons over there, big weapons. What makes you think rushing that place with a whole mob of people will make much of a difference?"

  "If we did just rush the place, it wouldn't end well," Garrett said.

  "I agree," Sam said. "That's not what I'm suggesting."

  "It's still risky though," Holly said.

  "Getting out of bed in the morning is risky, even in the best of times," Sam replied. "Today, definitely more so. The questions we need to answer though, is do you feel any loyalty to our two new friends being forced against their will? Do you have any concerns, about why they're in there after your last foray into the place? Do you think there's a potential connection?"

  Holly and Garrett didn't answer, but memories have of how they'd gotten out of the building, and the damage they'd caused ran through their minds. Given the little they knew about this particular gang, Veronica and Gary could be in for a world full of hurt."

  "I don't think these guys are the vengeful type," Garrett said. "But I can't be hundred percent sure. At least not sure enough that I'd stake my own life on it."

  "I realize, that we barely know those two, but they did follow us, and we're at least partially responsible for them being where they are," Holly spoke as she watched the two of them being pushed through the front doors. They didn't look too rough or hurt, but they didn't look happy either. "I certainly wouldn't want to be in their shoes right now, and I'd be lying if I didn't say I was feeling incredibly lucky to be sitting up here with you two. That being said, it doesn't make me feel any better about having to confront the whole group."

  Garrett tapped Holly's shoulder, and pointed to the left of the building, and who was coming around the corner. They didn't know his name, but they remembered him from the lifeboat. The short guy that had carried the gun on board that had eventually killed the captain of the lifeboat. The short man that had run away the second they'd made landfall.

  Garrett felt a pang of anger in his gut, as he watched the short man casually stroll to the front of the building. He swaggered like he was king of the world, and stopped long enough to talk at the two men guarding the front door. They couldn't hear what he was saying, but it looked like he was giving him orders.

  "Someone seems to have weaseled his way in with a new group of friends pretty quickly," Holly said. "Do you think those people down there, know what he did on the lifeboat?" Sam and Garrett shook their heads but didn't answer.

  They watched the building for another fifteen or twenty minutes, trying to see if they could pick out any weak spots to help them move forward.

  "Any idea, how badly hurt you think the big guy was inside that you shot?" Sam asked

  "It was pretty close quarters when I pulled the trigger," Garrett said. "There was a lot of commotion, and I've never shot anyone with a flare gun, but I have a bad feeling that I might have killed him. Holly gave him a concerned look. She wasn't about to disagree with his assessment.

  "In that case," Sam said. "I think the sooner we get moving, the better. They've probably still in shock from the fallout of your escape. It won't last long though. Your little friend down there is likely trying to take advantage of the situation. If his past actions are an indication of his character, I suggest that we hit now while they're still recovering."

  Chapter 32 ~ Victory

  The current situation reminded Sam one of those crazy military-style obstacle course events that they open up to anyone willing to pay. The participants figure they're signing up for the ultimate physical challenge like
they're an elite team of warriors about to become the next gold-medal Olympic decathlon winners. In reality, they're a bunch of beer swilling, overweight, middle-aged fools trying to prove themselves in one last hurrah. It never occurs to them that their glory days were over years ago. That being said, you had to give them kudos for spirit and enthusiasm.

  The current situation with the lifeboat survivors was a completely different thing. These weren't people volunteering to put down hard earned money to play obstacle-course-warriors with a beer-fueled party afterward to celebrate their faux-victory.

  In this situation victory was anything but an assured outcome at the end of the day. This was the real shit. Life and death kind of stuff. Sam knew that he had to play it up like it wasn't that bad. Morale was everything. It was important that these people believed in their course of action. The whole group had moved out of the building and into an alleyway that got them closer to the Y but still out of sight. They listened intently to hear what Sam had to say.

  To make things easier, he split them up into two groups. It was Garrett's suggestion. Clearly, not everyone in the group would be operating at the same physical level. Their ages ranged anywhere from fifteen all the way up to mid-sixties. They couldn't expect the elderly folks and even some of the younger folks who clearly weren't physically ready for much more than climbing a flight of stairs to perform like the Marines.

  The older group was supposed to be the diversion group. If their plan went well, they'd split up the group controlling the YMCA, and make it easier to talker control of the building.

  Holly walked amongst the crowds, not so much concerned with giving direction, but more intent on giving moral support. Garrett and Sam seemed determined to outdo each other to prove their superiority. In reality, it was hard to tell which one of them would make the best leader.

  Garrett was clearly used to being in charge even if it was just in the workplace. This was more of a quasi-military operation, in which case Sam's dubious past experience seemed to have the most appropriate skill set. Although specifically what that skill set was, Sam still remained elusive about, but he seemed to know what he was doing. Holly tried not to think too much about the two of them and what they were doing but instead moved amongst the group giving as much moral support as she could.

  An elderly couple stopped her, as she was moving about and making friendly eye contact with as many in the group as she could.

  The elderly lady introduced herself, by gently grabbing Holly's arm and pulling her to the side.

  "My name's Susan."

  "Holly smiled at her assuredly. Hello Susan, thank you for being here with us today to help us do whatever it is that we’re supposed to do." Holly rolled her eyes to minimize the gravity of the task facing them.

  "I surely hope, that you're not trying to instill confidence with the rest of the crowd that way. I mean, I've been through a lot worse situations than this, but I'm not so sure that everybody here has."

  Holly leaned in closer, to confide with Susan. "I'm kind of new at this. I wasn't even a cheerleader in high school, it wasn't really my thing you know. But I figure someone's got to talk to try and reassure everyone that this is going to work out. Build up the morale and all; you know what I mean?"

  "Oh yes, I know exactly what you mean. I'm a retired Security Naval officer actually." Holly's eyes lit up in surprise. That wasn't what she'd expected from the diminutive elderly lady in front of her. "Don't let appearances fool you," Susan continued. "I know it may sound kind of high-tech and James Bondish, but it wasn't quite that exciting. I was primarily an encryption expert on board ship. Did a lot of code deciphering, and providing reports to senior officers."

  "Still, you did time in the military, so you have a pretty good idea of what it takes to get people to work together in a critical situation like this right?"

  "It's been a few years, but there are some things about basic training you never forget. That young man over there, I think his name is Sam," she pointed towards Sam who was addressing an anxious-looking group of survivors. "He'll be okay, he looks like he knows what he's doing. I wouldn't worry too much. What you guys are trying to do here is pretty simple really. A small diversion, followed by a tactical strike against a divided force. It makes sense, and given the skill level of the people you're working with here it's the best move."

  "Would you like to talk to Sam? Or maybe Garrett?" Holly pointed towards the both of them in the crowd, to distinguish between the two.

  "He's your husband right?" Holly nodded in agreement. "I could tell, he seems like a good guy, but he needs to listen to Sam. Clearly, he looks like a man trying to prove himself, but Sam's got more boots-on-the-ground experience from what I’ve seen."

  "I know, that's partially because of me. We've been going through a rough patch, and he keeps trying to prove himself."

  Susan smiled and nodded towards a man sitting just behind them. He looked like he was about to doze off. "It's nice, to have someone still trying to make an impression on you. This old fart of a husband, wouldn't know where to begin after all these years."

  "He must've done something right if you guys have lasted this long." Holly rubbed Susan's shoulder.

  "Yes, he did. Sometimes we just forget." Susan drifted off a bit.

  Holly was starting to think that her role as a motivator was failing during her conversation with Susan. Then she had an idea. "So how about you lead our initial distraction group in this little effort?" Holly said, hoping to change the topic to something more optimistic.

  "Thanks for the vote of confidence, but I'm not so sure I'm the right choice. I know I was military, but it's been so long ... maybe someone younger?"

  "But you'd be a perfect choice, just because they'd never expect something from you." Susan gave her a funny look. Almost as if she felt insulted. "No, no. I don't mean that in a bad sort of way, I just think that even I didn't suspect your background, and how capable you are. You look so mild-mannered and genteel. Those guys in the YMCA will think the same thing. As suspicious as they may be, they'll never expect you to pull something fast on them. You're a perfect choice. Like an undercover secret agent, all James Bondish and all."

  Susan smiled and stood a little taller. Holly felt better too, seeing a sparkle in Susan's eyes. "I'm going to go talk to Sam," Holly said. "I'm gonna let him know, that you and your husband should maybe be the ones to go out first with a few of the others. You'd be an inspiration to the rest of the group."

  Susan's husband got up faster than he looked capable of. He'd been listening all along, only looking like he was half-asleep.

  "Count me in," he said. "I'm tired of all the sitting around we did on that damn beach, it's about time we did something to improve our lot. What do we need to do?"

  Chapter 33 ~ Jaws Of Death

  Holly and Garrett watched with disbelief from their protected hiding position. It was a scene that neither one ever wanted to witness in their lifetime. Today, however, was a day for the unexpected. Today, was the day they hoped would turn favorably in their direction.

  They weren't far from the YMCA, but hopefully secluded enough that they wouldn't be seen. The lighting was in their favor. The day faded to dim, but there were no lights in their room to give them away.

  It was hard to tell if Susan and Bruce were consummate professionals, or completely drunk. It was an impressive performance. They'd seemed like a such a normal everyday old couple when Holly first met Susan.

  Now they walk down the street like a couple of barflies that had just been kicked out of their favorite establishment with nowhere to go and no one to take them there. It looked like they could barely walk down the street, stumbling over nothing and clinging to each other for balance. While Holly and Garrett couldn't hear what they were saying, it was pretty obvious that the guards across the street at the YMCA could. They were cracking up.

  Every dozen steps or so Susan and Bruce would stop and start pushing each other as if they were about to break into a fistfig
ht. Then without each other to balance off of, they'd start flailing around like drowning clowns. Quickly, they'd resume holding onto one another and stagger a little further down the street.

  "They were perfectly sober when they left here right?" Garrett said.

  "I never really got a chance to talk to Bruce," Holly said. "But I'm pretty sure that Susan was as stone sober as you and I right now. They certainly don't look like they're walking down the street like that though. Even if they had gotten their hands on something, it was not long ago that I talked to her so there's no way she could be that drunk."

  "What did they say their profession was? Were they like actors or street performers or something? I don't know how they can just start acting like that on cue."

  "She said she was a security officer in the Navy. I guess you never know what kind of hidden talents people have."

  "Yeah, a hidden talent I suppose. If that's what you want to call it."

  "Hey, maybe they always wanted to be actors and did a lot of community theater or something. Who knows? The important thing is that it's working."

  It certainly did seem to be working, as the guards across the Y started to walk from their posts towards the couple. Initially, Susan and Bruce continued along their merry way oblivious to them. Fighting, flailing, walking and so on.

  When the guards finally approached them, Susan and Bruce feigned surprise. They acted like they'd never seen the guards before. There was a bit of bantering back and forth, and then it appeared that Bruce and Susan were asking them for something. Bruce was a pretty big man, but given his age it was hard to tell what he was capable of. He carried himself differently at the moment, shorter and less imposing than before.

  Earlier, Bruce had connected right away was Sam, who seemed to like him just as much. Sam could see something in the two of them that could be helpful to the group.


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