Destination Ruin

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Destination Ruin Page 19

by Norman Christof

  The guards appeared to be getting a little bored with the routine though. Whatever was funny that had drawn them into the street to converse with Bruce and Susan had lost its appeal. The guards look suspicious.

  "It's not working," Holly said worriedly. "They never got close enough, and now the guards are walking away. What we do if this doesn't work?"

  Before Garrett had a chance to answer, Bruce took matters into his own hands. He seemed to grow taller, as he motioned for Susan to move in the opposite direction. He sprinted half a dozen steps to the guards before they even realized he was coming after them. By the time he knocked the bigger one to the ground with a staccato blow to the kidney, Susan was already moving down the street. As the second guard turned, Bruce grabbed his weapon, shifted all his weight forward into an open-handed blow into the guard's nose. The guard fell back into the street covering his face with both hands. Breathing became difficult as his nose and throat filled with blood. Without hesitating, Bruce retrieved the weapon from the first guard who was struggling to get up.

  Bruce then turned and sprinted the opposite direction from which Susan had run. He knew he was the quicker of the two, and wanted to draw them away. Susan ducked down an alleyway before either guard realized what was going on.

  All the guards could see was Bruce running down the street with their weapons. The completely forgot about Susan. By the time they got to their feet, they were pissed that they'd been made fools of. The chase was on, and as big and agile a man as Bruce was it wouldn't take long before they caught up with him.


  There wasn't much that Holly and Garrett could do at this point, except for watch Bruce tear down the street the best he could. It was nerve-racking, especially for Holly. In the short time she’d known the older couple, she’d grown rather attached to them. They reminded her of her late grandparents, and there was something comforting about that these days. They'd both been through too much adventure and turmoil and anarchy the past little while, but still maintained stoic resilience.

  "I don't know how much longer I can watch this," Holly said, as she fought the urge to look away. Susan was already out of sight, but a couple of guards disappeared down the same street Susan had. Not seeing what was going on there, was as nerve-wracking as it was disheartening to watch the gap between Bruce and his pursuers dissolve.

  "We don't have much choice," Garrett replied. "This is the plan, and we have to stick with it. Sam's got the first group below, and we're in charge of the second group. We need to wait until the right moment before we move."

  "This just feels wrong. We're tempting fate. It's like that bad game the kids play, trying to piss off the old folks in the neighborhood."

  Garrett didn't know what else to tell her, but he knew they couldn't go. They had to wait. He took hold of Holly's hand, but she barely noticed.

  The scene on the street wasn't going exactly as they had hoped for. There were still guards and the others inside the Y. It was like they didn't even notice the drama unfolding in the street.

  Then Bruce did something unexpected, and certainly not part of the plan. He turned, dropped to a knee and raise the weapon he'd confiscated from the first guard.

  Holly squeezed Garrett's hand in a vise. If she hadn't noticed his hand before, she noticed it now.

  "No, no, no," she said.

  The first bullet missed, but the sound of the weapon going off in the street certainly got the attention the others at the YMCA. Another three men dashed out of the building. They were young,big, and fast. It didn't take them long to realize that was going on and pretty quickly they were heading in the direction of the gunshots.

  Holly and Garrett's diverted their attention back to Bruce. It was almost like watching a tennis match, with heads bobbing from one side to the other. Their heads jerked left, then whipped right. The anxiety on their faces was visceral. Bruce started to move, keeping the gun on target. He fired another two shots. One of them hit the mark, and a guard hit the hard street face first, his momentum fueled by dead weight.

  Another gang came pouring out of the Y. Holly wondered just how many were in there. Bruce saw them and didn't waste any time getting back on his feet and heading down the street.

  "Shit, shit, shit," Garrett said. He wanted to go too, even if it meant jumping the gun. It was painful to watch Bruce as his pursuers closed ground. He had maybe another half block at the most before they'd be on him. The new group that had emerged from the Y were quicker than his original pursuers. Even from this distance, it was clear that Bruce was breathing heavy.

  One of the pursuers that had chase Susan down the side street reemerged. The other one didn't. Neither Holly or Garrett could decide if this was a good sign or a bad sign.

  "What if they catch him?" Holly said, leaning in Bruce's direction. "We can't let that happened."

  Just then a larger group of survivors from their side appeared in the street, making their way to the Y. It was Sam's group, and he was at the front of the pack. As they moved across the street, no one else emerged from the Y. Sam glanced over his shoulder, to the where Holly and Garrett were hidden. He seemed to be double checking, making sure they were really there, that they hadn't diverted from the plan.

  Clearly, it hadn't been easy for Sam to watch what was taking place on the street in front of them either, and now that the waiting was over he wasn't wasting any time.


  As the plan unfolded, the lack of military precision became apparent. If not for Sam's leadership, things would have completely broken down. Even highly trained military soldiers, wouldn't be working at the peak given recent events. These people were tired, hungry, and worn beyond the point of exhaustion. Now, they were faced with combating a foe, that was clearly more organized, better rested, and better fed than they were.

  Still, they came together. There's something about enduring common hardship that brings out the best in people. It inspires them to function as a team, knowing that others are depending on them. All that being said, fatigue and human emotion can cloud the judgment of even the most determined.

  What Sam's group lacked in skill, they made up for in size. The group to follow, led by Holly and Garrett were smaller and older. Sam's group was crucial. Holly and Garrett's was back up.

  The others that were now a block and a half down the street, chasing Bruce picked up on the commotion behind them. They didn't have the choice of turning back, given that Bruce was firing on them.

  Sam's group, however, lacked discipline. A number of them broke rank and headed in Bruce's direction. They weren't armed but saw that Bruce was in trouble. Holly and Garrett weren't the only ones to see this act of bravery. The would-be rescuers called to Bruce and motioning him to come back. They could clearly see pursuers in between them but pushed on in spite of them.

  Bruce yelled back. "Don't worry about me. Stick with the plan!" He was yelling and waving his arms, trying to wave them off. He recognized the risk even if they didn't.

  Sam noticed as well that more members of his group were hanging back, looking for a way to get to Bruce. He shook his head but realized he didn't have time to chase after any stragglers.

  "Let's go," Sam called to his group. "On me! Everyone gather to me." He motioned towards the Y. He couldn't afford to lose anymore if they were to take the Y. He was almost on the doorsteps.

  In spite of Sam's best efforts, some still focused on Bruce's dilemma. Bruce's attackers had the upper hand. Bruce focused on them now, he’d run out of time to warn off his friends.

  Sam's group hit the steps of the Y, and Holly and Garrett moved their group in the street. They knew the next few moments would be critical and hesitation would be fatal. But, just as they made their move another distraction became visible.

  Susan emerged in the clutches of a large, angry man. It was hard from this distance to see her face, but it was clear she was limping. Holly noticed at first, as did a few others. She prayed that the limp was something minor, a sprain and no
t a gunshot wound.

  Holly's distraction caused the rest of her group to freeze.

  Garrett saw what was going on, and called to Holly. Everyone could hear him. "We have to leave her for now. Don't worry. There'll be time. We have to take the Y." Holly turned her gaze from Susan to Garrett. "Once we do that, we'll have the upper hand. Holly!" Holly wasn't listening, her eyes moved back to Susan, as she made her way back up the street, as a captive.

  Things went from bad to worse. Bruce realized something was up. He emptied his gun at the pursuers circling him. They returned fire. Bruce did the only thing he could at that moment.

  Chapter 34 ~ Tackling Dummies

  Sometimes when you're an impossible situation, the worst thing you can do is think logically. You've got a lizard brain for a reason, and sometimes you want it to override that highly evolved cerebral cortex. Analyzing every possible scenario to keep you out of trouble at a time like this will only end badly.

  Bruce was already there, and his lizard brain was in full control. He wasn't thinking about the situation, he wasn't analyzing anything to the nth degree, he simply acted on instinct. He could see Susan, just barely. She was distant, but it was unmistakably her. He could picture her face, her pain, her pleading for help. She never complained and rarely needed help. She was the most independent woman he knew. Still, even from this distance, Bruce could tell. The details were blurry, and for once he was grateful for his failing eyesight. Right now, 20/20 vision would be emotionally painful.

  Bruce didn't take time to dwell on all this. Instead, he acted. Here he was, surrounded by over half a dozen angry people, all younger, faster and highly motivated. Outgunned and running out of ammunition he guessed. He didn't know how many rounds of ammunition he started with, let alone what was left. The only thoughts on his mind were that he had to get to Susan. Things couldn't end like this.

  Those surrounding him were confident and on edge. Confidence isn't always a good thing. The power of the mob was with them. Nobody was taking orders, in a rabid mob everyone thinks they’re in charge. They act on pure gut instinct, fueled by their mutually reckless neighbors.

  Bruce dropped both his hand at his sides. He looked dejected, as if surrendering. It fed the mob. Bruce wasn't confident. A strange and discomforting feeling for him. He was the opposite of confident, he was desperate as hell.

  Then something happened in his lizard brain, that made him act in a way that made no sense. He didn't drop his weapons and surrender, instead he took a deep breath. In a split second, he moved his left arm upward as if to level his weapon but then loosened his fingers. He threw the gun in the direction of the biggest guy in the group. Briefly he fantasized of the gun going off in mid-air, and hitting the big guy dead center in the forehead. Clearly a ridiculous thought.

  Instead, as the gun flew through the air and the mob fixated on the flying weapon, Bruce made his move.

  He charged the smallest guy in the group head first. He bent into a crouch and lowered his shoulders like he'd done many years ago in high school football, then took his man cleanly on the numbers.

  Two ridiculous movements in the time lapse of a split second were enough of a surprise to throw the mob off. Bruce had his opening and made the most of it. There was a crack in the circle, an opportunity for him to escape. He thought of Susan, and ran with everything in him as adrenaline pounded through his body. It took a few more seconds for the rest of the group to realize what happened. Half of the mob already thought they’d won. The threat had been neutralized, as the stranger gave up his gun. He was running from them. What more could he do?

  To the other half, he wasn't a neutralized threat, he was the perpetrator of crimes against their group. He needed to be punished. That's what their leader would think. That's what the big man would expect.

  Half gave chase, and half stood there confused. Bruce only had a small head start but intended to make the most of it. The remainder of the group stood there, staring at each other. Those that gave chase moved with increased vigor.

  The indecisive ones realized now that there was a choice. They either had to stand their ground or to take the blame for just standing there while others took action. That's not a conversation any of them wanted to have with their unforgiving leader. Like sheep, they joined in the chase, but only halfheartedly.

  Desire and desperation weren’t enough. Bruce didn't have time for such thoughts. Three of the fastest caught up to Bruce in less than half a block. It took all three of them to take him down, but take him down they did, and then the rest of the sheep caught up. Bruce struggled on the ground, his face bloodied from slamming into the street, but it wasn't enough.

  The biggest pursuer brought him to his knees, while two others restrained him from standing. Then, once they had him settled they forcibly lifted and pushed him in the direction of the Y. Bruce was sore, tired and out of breath, but he wasn't giving up. At least for the moment, they were bringing him closer to Susan. What would happen after that, was anyone's guess, but Bruce was sure it wouldn't end well for his captors.

  Chapter 35 ~ Pedal Pumping

  Browntown, NJ. 35 miles south of New York City.

  William had a bad feeling about the whole thing, but couldn't figure out why. If he had a name for it, he would've called it his spidey-sense, but he wasn't the type to be taken in by fanciful, comic book characters. Still, he stayed on high alert. He considered talking to Becky about it but was torn between crossing the line between keeping her aware and spooking her. Instead, he opted for extolling the virtues of being more aware of what was going on around them. Something he called situational awareness.

  "I don't know why we have to be so suspicious of everybody around us. It's not like we're living in some third world swamp of a country where everybody wants to gyp us out of what we're carrying." Becky looked away with a questioning glare. It wasn't a hostile look, but she was clearly suggesting that William was out of his gourd.

  "I'm not saying you have to distrust everybody, I'm just saying it pays to be vigilant. We're in strange surroundings, and things have gone crazy. You never know when people might do something desperate."

  "Oh, you mean like all of a sudden take on a life of thievery and start stealing bicycles." Becky looked down at the bicycles they were walking. The road was bumpy to navigate, and they decided to give their butts a break from the jarring ride. The weather was nice, and the walking was easy. Still, William seemed edgy.

  "They're just bicycles," William said. "It's not like we hurt anyone, or ruined their lives. Their previous city owners can find some other way to get around. They've got more options. They're not hitting the open road and trying to make it all the way to North Carolina."

  "Oh, so the end justifies the means I suppose?"

  "Yeah, something like that."

  The scenery changed as they left the rural setting, and entered a small town. There were a couple of decrepit buildings on the edge of town that looked like they'd been part of a larger farm. The encroaching town had rendered them useless and they'd sat idle for years.

  William preferred walking through the countryside with better visibility. They had a clear view of open fields and farmhouses with long lanes to the main road. William suggested, that they cross the road, and get back on the bikes as the roads here looked good.

  Becky agreed as they both mounted their bikes, but as they made their way just past the abandoned buildings, there were others on bicycles. A rambunctious group came out of hiding and started chasing them. William spotted them first.

  "Becky, pedal faster," he said in an alarming voice.

  Becky looked back and could see the gang. They didn't look overly threatening, just the kind of people that you might find in any small town, but the look on William's face got her motivated.

  Within a few seconds, there were both peddling their legs as fast as they could and breathing hard. The heavy backpacks didn't make it easy for them, but their bikes were faster than their pursuers bikes. Either that
or their fear was a bigger motivator than whatever drove the strangers.

  What they couldn't have seen however was the second group waiting around some tall just ahead. They were put distance between themselves and their pursuers just as they reached the bushes.

  Chapter 36 ~ Going South

  Sometimes you're the spider, big hairy and audacious, faster than all hell, and impossible to catch. Then some days you're the heel of the boot snuffing the life out of every spider you find. Today, things were going badly for the big hairy audacious spider.

  Sam's vanguard was supposed to surprise the meager force left in the Y and take down whoever was left. Hopefully, that would include getting their hands on the leader of the whole operation. Sam's gut told him that capturing the big guy was the key to success. He wasn't entirely wrong. Loosely formed groups led by opportunistic, charismatic leader didn't have contingency plans for replacement leaders. It wasn't something that dictators liked to broadcast to their followers. It made them look weak. Sam knew that if they could take out the dictator, then the mop up should be easy.

  Holly and Garrett's group would be part of that mop-up operation. They'd be the final nail in the coffin to drive home their victory.

  Things, however, weren't going anywhere near what the plan called for. Bruce and Susan's drama was incredibly distracting to say the least. The two of them had provided morale for the group of survivors as they bided their time on the beach. They were very well liked, and now they were in trouble, big trouble.

  Several people moved towards Susan when they saw her coming down the street, clearly in bad shape. Others moved in the direction of Bruce when they saw him chased and tackled in the street. Gasps came from the rest as they saw him hit the ground and come up bloodied. Those in the group that didn't know Bruce or Susan wondered what they'd gotten themselves into.


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