Book Read Free

Be Mine

Page 1

by Sabrina James

  Jennifer couldn’t believe how smug Claudia was being. What made her think she was going to win? There were lots of other couples at North Ridge High. Maybe one of them would be voted Most Romantic. There was no guarantee that Claudia and Chase were going to win. If they made the final cut, they were going to be stiff competition. But that didn’t mean they were the most romantic. And it didn’t mean they deserved to win!

  Listening to Claudia go on and on, Jennifer wanted nothing more than to knock her down a few pegs. She couldn’t stand listening to her anymore! Claudia was so sure that she and Chase were going to win.

  Before Jennifer could stop herself, the words came tumbling out of her mouth.

  “I wouldn’t be too sure about winning,” she said.

  Also by Sabrina James

  Secret Santa

  Table of Contents


  Title Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Sneak Peek

  Author Bio

  Also Available



  To: The Students of North Ridge High

  From: Principal Seymour Hicks

  Date: Wednesday, February 6

  Subject: Valentine’s Day!

  Attention all couples! Do you think you and your sweetheart are the most romantic couple at North Ridge High? If you do, we want to know!

  Tell us in an essay of five hundred words or less submitted no later than this Friday. Over the weekend, the essays will be read by myself and three other members of the faculty. On Monday, we’ll reveal which five couples will be chosen to compete as Most Romantic. Those couples will have until Valentine’s Day to show their classmates why they should be voted Most Romantic.

  The winning couple will be announced at next Thursday’s Valentine’s Day dance and will receive an evening for two in New York City, complete with a chauffeur-driven limousine, dinner, and tickets to a Broadway show. Runners-up will receive a five-pound box of chocolate.

  Happy Valentine’s Day!

  “I hate Valentine’s Day!” seventeen-year-old Jennifer Harris exclaimed.

  Jennifer’s best friend, Violet Wagner, stared at her over the black rims of her cat-eye-shaped glasses. “I thought you only hated Christmas. Now you’ve added Valentine’s Day to the list.”

  “Have you seen this?” Jennifer waved at Violet the memo she had found inside her locker that morning. “Have you?”

  “Uh, no,” Violet said, taking off her pink parka and unwrapping the long pink scarf wrapped around her neck. “I just got here and I’m still freezing. It’s so cold outside. I feel like a Popsicle! They say we might get a snowstorm this weekend.” Violet’s blue eyes glittered with excitement. “Wouldn’t it be cool if it lasted until Monday and we got a snow day?”

  Jennifer ignored Violet’s wish, shoving the memo in her face. “Read it! Read it!” she insisted as Violet took the memo in her gloved hands. “Principal Hicks strikes again! First there was that Secret Santa memo in December and now this! Does he live to make me miserable?”

  Violet skimmed the memo and then handed it back to Jennifer. “I don’t understand what all the drama is about.”

  “Once again, we’re made to feel inferior because we don’t have boyfriends!”

  Violet opened up her locker to hang her parka and collect her books for her morning classes. As she did, her own copy of the memo floated to the floor. “I don’t think Principal Hicks is conspiring against students who don’t have boyfriends or girlfriends.”

  “Well, it feels that way,” Jennifer grumbled.

  “You’re just mad because you didn’t have someone secretly crushing on you the way some of the other girls did during the Secret Santa exchange,” Violet said.

  “And now those girls have boyfriends for Valentine’s Day,” Jennifer said. “My Secret Santa was a freshman who gave me a six-pack of Wint O Green LifeSavers!”

  “Hey, he wanted you to have minty-fresh breath. You should be flattered! Obviously, he was hoping for a kiss! It’s not too late. I bet he’d let you give him one for Valentine’s Day.”

  Jennifer scowled. “He didn’t get one then and he’s not getting one now. And don’t mention that day to me!”

  Jennifer had always hated Valentine’s Day. The reason was that she’d never had a boyfriend on that day. Sure, she’d gone on a number of dates since junior high, but she had never had a long-term boyfriend the way some of the other girls in her class had. Every Valentine’s Day she would get to see those girls get boxes of candy and bouquets of flowers and hear about their Valentine’s Day dates. When was she going to have her first real Valentine’s Day?

  “You know I’m happy to be your date for Valentine’s Day,” Violet said as she picked up the memo and stuck it into her oversized shoulder bag. She closed her locker and started walking down the hall with Jennifer. “We can rent some chick flicks and pretend we’re the ones falling in love.”

  “Uh-uh. No way,” Jennifer said with determination. “We’re not going to be couch potatoes this year. We’re going to the Valentine’s Day dance.”

  A look of panic washed over Violet’s face. “Alone?”

  “Why not? A lot of guys do it. It’s the perfect place to meet someone.”

  Violet made a face and shook her head, her shoulder-length brown curls bobbing. “No, it isn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s like getting stuck with the leftovers.”

  “Newsflash, Violet. We’re going to be leftovers, too.”

  “Well, what if we don’t meet someone? Then we’re still alone. How humiliating is that! And to make it worse, we’re going to be surrounded by all those couples who get to flaunt the fact that they have someone while the rest of us are all alone!” Violet’s voice started to rise. “Do you want to listen to their baby talk? Do you really want to watch them slow-dancing and kissing and then slipping away holding hands? Why do they get their own special day and we don’t? Why? Tell me why!”

  “Ah-ha!” Jennifer triumphantly exclaimed. “So you do feel the same way as me!”

  “Okay, okay!” Violet grumbled. “I hate Valentine’s Day, too. I hate seeing all those cute stuffed animals in the store windows, knowing that I’m not going to get one. I hate going into card stores and seeing all those pink and red envelopes, knowing I’m not going to find one in my mailbox. I hate going into stores, smelling all that delicious chocolate and knowing I’m going to buy a box of it when it’s marked fifty percent off the next day instead of having a guy give it to me. And I especially hate that I’m not going to have my own special someone to cuddle up with on February fourteenth. Who’s going to walk me to my front door after our Valentine’s Day date and kiss me like I’ve never been kissed before because he has feelings for me and only me.” Violet wrinkled her noses at Jennifer. “How do you always get me to confess my deep dark secrets?”

  “Easy,” Jennifer said, tossing her arm around Violet’s shoulders and giving her a hug. “Best friends know each other inside and out.”

  Jennifer and Violet had been be
st friends since third grade. They had bonded when they both hadn’t been invited to Claudia Monroe’s ninth birthday party. Claudia was the richest girl in their class and made sure everyone knew it. Whatever she wanted, her parents bought for her, so she was always the first to have the latest “hot” item. She had an inground swimming pool inside her house and was always having pool parties, even in the winter. During the summer and on school breaks, she and her family traveled the world and sometimes Claudia would get to bring along a friend or two. All expenses paid, of course. Everyone wanted to be her friend.

  But Jennifer didn’t.

  Jennifer didn’t like Claudia because she was a fake. She was trying to buy friendship with all her money, Jennifer thought, and she didn’t like the fact that Claudia thought she was better than everyone else. The fact that she was rich made her think she could do and say whatever she wanted.

  She was a spoiled brat.

  Jennifer suspected that Claudia knew she didn’t like her. Jennifer didn’t advertise her feelings — she wasn’t stupid! — but she never hung out with Claudia and her friends at lunch or after school. Unlike other girls in her class, she never sucked up to Claudia, asking her if she wanted to do homework together or if she wanted to hang out.

  But Violet had wanted to be friends with Claudia.

  That year, Violet was the new girl in their class. She and her family had moved to North Ridge over the summer. She was quiet and studious and loved to read — she always had her nose buried in a book. From the way Violet’s eyes would always follow Claudia’s every move, Jennifer could see Violet wanted to be friends with Claudia, but Claudia didn’t want to be friends with Violet. Often, Jennifer would hear Claudia call Violet a nerd behind her back. And she would do it in a voice loud enough for Violet to hear. But Violet never said anything. Maybe she was hoping if she didn’t, she would pass some sort of test with Claudia and become her friend. But Claudia still ignored Violet and snubbed her every chance she got.

  The way Claudia treated Violet made Jennifer mad. So what if Violet liked to read and she was the smartest girl in their class? That didn’t mean she deserved to be laughed at. Jennifer knew there was a reason behind Claudia’s actions. Until Violet arrived, Claudia had been the smartest girl in their class.

  Now she wasn’t.

  Violet was.

  And Claudia didn’t like it.

  So she decided to teach Violet a lesson.

  For weeks, Claudia had been talking about her upcoming ninth birthday party and how her parents were going to recreate a carnival in their backyard. Not only was there going to be a booth with cotton candy and caramel apples, but there were also going to be bumper cars, a merry-go-round, pony rides, and a magician. Claudia had made a point of handing her invitations out at lunch. Everyone in their class was invited. Except Jennifer and Violet. Jennifer didn’t care, but she could see that Violet’s feelings were hurt. When Violet asked Claudia why she wasn’t being invited, Claudia told her she was having a nerd-free party.

  After Claudia left, Violet’s lower lip started to tremble and she ran off to the girls’ bathroom. Jennifer hurried after her and could hear sobbing inside. She waited a few seconds and then walked inside, handing Violet a tissue to wipe her eyes.

  “Thanks,” Violet sniffed.

  “Who needs Claudia’s party?” Jennifer told her. “We can have a party of our own!”

  And so they had. Jennifer’s mother had made them cupcakes and they spent the day listening to CDs, playing video games, watching DVDs, and talking trash about Claudia. They talked about other things, too, like their favorite TV shows, movie stars, and musicians, and discovered how much they had in common. After that, they were joined at the hip.

  “Are you ready for Mr. Seliski’s test today?” Violet asked, cutting into Jennifer’s thoughts.

  “I don’t know why we have to take Anatomy and Physiology. It’s not like I’m planning to become a doctor.”

  “You didn’t want to take Physics, remember?”

  “Well, duh! I almost failed Chemistry. There was no way I was taking another hard science class. I thought Seliski’s class would be a breeze. Instead, we’re constantly cutting things up. Blech!”

  “It’ll look good on your transcript,” Violet said.

  “If I hear the word transcript one more time, I’m going to scream!” Jennifer exclaimed. “My guidance counselor keeps telling me I need to do more extracurricular activities, but how can I when I have a part-time job? College isn’t going to pay for itself. I need to start saving.”

  “I’m sure you’re going to win a scholarship. With the exception of Chemistry last year, your grades are pretty good.”

  Jennifer crossed her fingers. “Let’s hope!”

  When Jennifer and Violet got to Mr. Seliski’s door, they found it was locked.

  “I guess he’s running late this morning,” Violet said.

  Jennifer didn’t answer. She was too busy listening to Claudia Monroe, who was a few feet away and leaning against a locker. As always, she had Eden Atkins and Natalie Bauer, her two best friends, by her side. Jennifer actually liked Eden and Natalie although she couldn’t understand why they were friends with Claudia. Neither one of them could be branded a Mean Girl the way Claudia was. Yet all three of them had been friends since freshman year.

  “I should tell Principal Hicks to not even bother reading all those other essays,” Claudia said. “Chase and I are going to win. Can you think of any other couple at North Ridge High that’s more romantic than us?”

  Jennifer wanted to roll her eyes. If Claudia was a Mean Girl, then Chase was her Dumb Jock accessory. He was barely passing his classes but managed to skate by because he was on North Ridge High’s football, basketball, and baseball teams. True, they had been dating since freshman year, but that didn’t mean they were romantic. Mean girls always dated jocks. It was a high school rule. Of course, it didn’t hurt that Chase was hunkalicious. He was over six feet tall and buff, with buzzed brown hair and dark blue eyes.

  “I wonder if there are going to be crowns. Like at prom. Do you think we’ll get crowned?” Claudia asked. She didn’t wait for Eden and Natalie to answer. “There have to be crowns! Otherwise how else are we going to stand out? I’m going to have to make sure I have the perfect dress and it has to be pink. Pink for Valentine’s Day!”

  Jennifer couldn’t believe how smug Claudia was being. What made her think she was going to win? There were lots of other couples at North Ridge High. Maybe one of them would be voted Most Romantic. There was no guarantee that Claudia and Chase were going to win. Of course, this was high school and the popular crowd always ruled. Claudia and Chase had tons of friends. If they made the final cut, they were going to be stiff competition. But that didn’t mean they were the most romantic. And it didn’t mean they deserved to win!

  Listening to Claudia go on and on, Jennifer wanted nothing more than to knock her down a few pegs. She couldn’t stand listening to her anymore! Claudia was so sure that she and Chase were going to win.

  Before Jennifer could stop herself, the words came tumbling out of her mouth.

  “I wouldn’t be too sure about winning,” she said.

  Claudia looked away from Eden and Natalie, staring at Jennifer with a bored expression. “And why’s that?”

  “Because you’re going to have some competition.”

  “From who?”

  “Me and my boyfriend.”

  Claudia’s green eyes widened and she stared at Jennifer in disbelief. “Boyfriend? You have a boyfriend?”

  “Why do you find that so hard to believe?” Jennifer demanded, trying hard not to sound hostile. She didn’t want Claudia to know that her comment bugged her.

  Claudia shrugged and tossed her short cap of blonde hair. “You’ve always been more of a serial dater. You know. One guy one week. Another guy another week.”

  “I just hadn’t found the right guy.”

  Claudia folded her arms over the front of her cashme
re sweater. Jennifer knew it was cashmere because the department store where she worked part-time sold them. They were super expensive. Even with the after-Christmas markdown and her store discount, she still wasn’t able to afford to buy one. But Claudia had the exact same sweater in three different colors. “But now you have?”

  “That’s right. I have. I’ve been seeing someone since New Year’s Eve. We met at a party. It was so romantic. The clock struck midnight and we were both standing next to each other and he asked if he could give me my first kiss of the new year. How could I say no?”

  “Why haven’t I seen the two of you together?” Claudia asked.

  “We’ve been keeping things low-key,” Jennifer said, wondering if Claudia was buying any of what she was saying. She tried to keep track of everything she’d said so far. Without a doubt, Claudia would remember every single word of this conversation and then try to trip Jennifer up at another time.

  The bell for first class rang and Claudia stepped away from the locker she was leaning against. “I’m glad you’ve found someone. It’s about time! I’m giving a party on Saturday night. Why don’t you come?”

  It was the first time Jennifer had ever been invited to one of Claudia’s parties. She couldn’t believe it.

  “Thanks for the invite,” she said, not wanting to appear rude.

  “So you’ll come?”

  Jennifer shrugged and answered without thinking. “Sure. Why not?”

  Claudia smiled and as her smile grew, Jennifer realized she’d just made a mistake. A big one. Claudia had set a trap and she’d unknowingly stepped right into it. Instantly, her stomach dropped and butterflies began dancing around. The look of glee on Claudia’s face was similar to that of a cat who had cornered a mouse and was getting ready to pounce.

  “Don’t forget to bring your boyfriend,” Claudia added.

  “B-b-bring my boyfriend?” Jennifer said.

  “That’s right. You’re a couple, aren’t you?”


  “You’re not going to leave him home alone on a Saturday night. Everyone can meet him!”

  “Everyone?” Jennifer gasped.


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