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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

Page 20

by Shawn Conners


  The art of generalship is to be calm and somber in thought, inscrutable and comprehensive in strategizing; and strict, just and fair in the management of military affairs. He must be able to keep information away from the knowledge of his officers and men, so that they will not know his plans. He changes his methods of doing things and alters his strategies so that no one can see through his plans and schemes. He changes his campsites and travels by unexpected routes so that no one can guess his motives. The shrewd and capable general, on a specific military mission, is like someone who leads his men to scale great heights and, at the most crucial moment, removes the ladder that leads them up. He would lead his army deep into the hostile territory of the enemy and then reveal his real intention after burning the boats and breaking the cooking pots. He would lead the army like a flock of sheep, herding them in one direction, and then switching back to another without them understanding what he is trying to accomplish. To assemble all the divisions of the army and expose them to great danger is what a general is expected to do.


  The variations and changes of the various types of ground, the advantages pertaining to defensive and aggressive actions and the understanding of human nature are all important aspects that must be carefully studied.


  The principle governing occupation of hostile territory is: When an army penetrates deep into hostile territory, it will be more united and focused in battle; when it makes only a shallow penetration, its fighting spirit is likely to be threatened and diluted. When the army leaves its own country behind and crosses the border into another country for battle, it is on isolated ground. When an area is high accessible and communicative to various parties, it is focal ground. When an army penetrates deep into hostile territory, it is on serious ground. When an army makes only a shallow penetration into hostile territory, it is on frontier ground. When the area to the rear of the army is highly dangerous, and the area before it is very narrow, it is on constricted ground. An area from which there is no escape route is called death ground.


  On dispersive ground, the general must unite the determination of the army. On frontier ground, the general must keep the forces in close contact. When encountering key ground, the general must rush his forces forward to occupy it before the enemy does. On communicative ground, the general must be vigilant in defense. On focal ground, the general must strengthen his alliances. On serious ground, a general must ensure a continuous supply of food and provisions. On treacherous ground, a general must push his forces quickly forward so as to pass it. On constricted ground, a general must seal the points of entry and exit. On death ground, the general must fight as if he does not wish to live.


  It is the intuitive nature of soldiers to resist when they are surrounded, to fight until death when they do not have any alternative and to obey when they are in a highly dangerous situation.


  Thus, if the schemes and ploys of the neighboring warlords are not known, one should not be keen to enter into any alliances with them. Those who do not know the conditions of forested mountains, the dangerous terrain of mountain paths and the treacherous nature of swamps and marshes will not be able to conduct the movement of troops. Those who do not use local guides will not be able to gain the advantages of the terrain.


  If one fails to understand and exploit even one of the nine types of ground, one cannot claim to be the supreme commander of an all-conquering army. When a supreme commander attacks a large state, he ensures that it is impossible for the enemy to assemble all his forces against him. He will overpower his enemy convincingly and overawe the other states so much that none of the allies of the enemy would dare unite against him. Thus, he does not have to contend with securing alliances with other states. He does not have to foster or cultivate its power over other states. Rather, he relies on his supreme ability to overpower the enemy to achieve his own agenda and goals. Thus, he is able to conquer cities and overthrow the states in his enemies.


  In a war situation, bestow rewards that do not adhere to conventions and norms. Implement orders that do not conform to customary law and regulations. Direct the various forces of the army as if instructing one person. Order the officers and men to carry out tasks, but do not tell them the reason or intention. Order them to go after advantages and gains but do not divulge the dangers involved. Throw the officers and men on dangerous ground and they will attempt to survive. Place the troops on death ground and they will strive to remain alive. When the troops are thrown into situations of grave danger, they are capable of turning defeat into victory.


  Thus the art of warfare is to pretend to accommodate the motives and desire of the enemy. Concentrate your forces on a single position of the enemy. Thus, even coming from a thousand li, you can still kill the generals of the enemy. This is what is meant by the art of accomplishing tasks in a skillful and capable manner.


  Thus, when the date for war is decided upon, close all border exits, cancel all travel permits and disallow the movement of emissaries from other states. Finalize and oversee closely all final preparations, plans and strategies for war in the temple of the ancestors.


  When the enemy provides an opening, move in swiftly to exploit it. Capture first what the enemy treasures most, and do not let the enemy know the date of the attack. Military strategy must be adapted to the circumstances of the enemy so that actions and decisions can be determined accordingly. Thus, at the beginning of a battle, be as coy as a virgin girl so as to lure the enemy into providing an opening. As the battle progresses, be as swift as an escaping hare so as to catch the enemy unaware.


  Chapter 12

  Attacking with Fire

  There are five ways to use fire to attack the enemy. The first way is to burn the enemy soldiers in their camp. The second way is to burn enemy stockpiles and provisions. The third way is to burn the heavy military equipment and supplies of the enemy. Fourth is to burn the armory and warehouses of the enemy. The fifth way is to torch the transportation trains of the enemy.


  To launch attacks by fire, one must possess the necessary conditions. The materials and equipment needed to start and use a fire must be available at all times. There are opportunistic times for launching attacks by fire. There are also suitable days to start a fire. Opportunistic time refers to periods of dry and hot weather. Suitability of days refers to the location of the moon in relation to the four positions of the stars among the constellations. These four positions of the moon and stars among the constellation signal the days on which strong winds will arrive.


  In assaults by fire, one must use the five ways of attacking interchangeably, depending on circumstances. When the fire breaks out within the camp of the enemy, prepare quickly to attack the enemy from outside. When fire breaks within the camp of the enemy and there is no confusion nor commotion among soldiers, wait patiently and do not be eager to attack. When the fire is burning ferociously with opportunities to be gained, follow through quickly with your attacks. When there are no opportunities to be gained and followed through, cease immediately. Fire can be started from outside the camp of the enemy. There is no need to wait for the fire to start within the camp of the enemy. Fires can always be started at suitable times and occasions.


  When fire is burning in the windward direction, do not assault the leeward position. If the wind blows strongly, and continuously, during the day, it then tends to cease blowing during the night.


  The adept in warfare knows the five interchangeable methods of attacking with fire and would plan and prepare for their usage with vigilance. Thus, those who use fire as a means to support attacks are wise and shrewd. Those who use water as a means to support attacks are powerful. Water can be used to cut off and isolate an enemy, but it cannot be used to destroy and deprive him of his equipment, provisions and supplies.


  Now in warfare, those who are able to win battles and secure land and cities but are unable to exploit the gains swiftly and expediently will jeopardize their interest. This is tantamount to a waste of time and resources. Thus, it is said that it is the enlightened leader who deliberates on the plan, while the capable general implements it. Move only when there are advantages to be gained. Strike only when there are definite chances of success. Fight only when there are definite dangers.


  A warlord must not embark on a military campaign simply out of anger. A general must not go into battle out of rage. Move when there are advantages to be gained. Cease when there are no advantages to be gained.


  Anger can return to happiness. Anger can return to joy. But a destroyed nation cannot be reinstated. A dead person cannot be resurrected.


  Thus, an enlightened ruler must always be prudent in matters of war, and a general must always be cautious and attentive. This is the way to ensure security for a nation and to preserve the strength and entirety of the army.


  Chapter 13

  Intelligence and Espionage

  Raising an army of 100,000 for a distant military campaign will impose severe strains on the incomes of the people. This, together with the drain on the state treasury, will amount to a daily expenditure of 1,000 pieces of gold. There will be great commotion and disruption of peace at home and abroad, and people will be exhausted from transporting military supplies along supply routes. The disruption to work, jobs and various professions will affect 700,000 households.


  Two opposing armies may be at war with each other for many years, seeking the ultimate day of victory. However, if one is reluctant to part with honors and ranks, money and gold for espionage purposes and remains ignorant of the situation of the enemy, he is extremely inhumane. Indeed such a person can never be a general of men, can never be a good assistant to the ruler and can never be a master of victories. Thus, the enlightened ruler and the capable general are able to secure victories for their military campaigns and achieve successes that surpass those of many others. The reason is because of foreknowledge.


  This foreknowledge cannot be obtained from the spirits or from the gods. It cannot be obtained by comparing with similar present or past events and situations. Neither can it be obtained from the study of astrology. This foreknowledge must be obtained from men who have knowledge of the situation of the enemy.


  There are five kinds of secret agents which can be used. They are local agents, inside agents, double agents, doomed agents and live agents. When these five types of agents are deployed simultaneously, their complex modes of operations will be beyond comprehension of the enemy. They are like mythical and divine schemes that can be deemed the most precious treasures and weapons of the ruler.


  Local agents are ordinary people recruited from the homeland of the enemy and used as spies. Inside agents are officials of the enemy who are recruited and employed. Double agents are spies of the enemy who have been recruited to work. Doomed agents refer to our own spies who are unable to keep secrets and are then deliberately fed false information to leak to the spies of the enemy. Living agents are our spies who have returned safely from the territory of the enemy with information.



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