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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

Page 24

by Shawn Conners


  Troop Size

  In general, in warfare: using small troops against the enemy's troops is dangerous. Using large troops against the enemy's large troops does not guarantee victory. Using small troops against the enemy’s large troops is asking for failure. Using large troops against small troops can achieve swift victory. Thus war is also a comparison of strength and numbers.


  Encamped, On the Move, In Battle

  When in encampment, be careful about the weapons and armors. When on the move, be cautious about the rows and files. When in battle, be careful about when to advance or stop.


  Respecting Troops

  In general, in warfare: if you respect the troops, the troops will be satisfied. If you lead in person, they will follow. When orders are not organized and clear, the troops will disregard the orders given and act on their own. If orders are issued in proper measure, they will be seriously regarded. When the drumbeat is rapid, troops will move swiftly. When the drumbeat is more measured, troops will advance in measured steps. When their uniforms are light, they will feel agile. If their uniforms are heavy, they will feel stalwart.


  From Small to Big

  When the horses and chariots are sturdy, the armor and weapons are strong, then even a small force can perform like a big force.


  Bad Characteristics of a General

  If the general has the same knowledge and wisdom as his troops, they will not be able to achieve results. If the general always insists on his own decisions, a lot of his troops will be sacrificed. If the general is scared of death and not courageous, his troops will have many doubts. If the general fights without strategizing, he will not be victorious.


  Some Causes of Death

  In general, men will die for love and gratitude, out of anger, out of fear of military greatness or authority, for righteousness or greed. Thus in warfare, laws can regulate men, making them regard death lightly. Moral and a righteous cause can make men willing to die for righteousness.


  Timing, Terrain & Popular Support

  In warfare, whether one wins or loses depends on whether he has the correct timing, in the right terrain and gains popular support.



  In warfare, the whole army should not be on alert for more than three days; a single company should not be on alert for more than half of a day, and the guard duty of a single soldier should not exceed one rest period.


  Strategic Attack vs. Physical Attack

  During war, strategic attack is the best way to achieve victory. Next is physical attack. The general should know the war situation well and pay attention to details. This is to allow him to decide whether a strategic attack or a physical attack can achieve victory. This is a question that the general needs to contemplate.


  Unity and Victory

  Regarding victory, when the whole army unites as one, victory can be achieved.


  Drums and Drumbeats

  In warfare, for drums, there are drums that direct the deployment of flags and pennants; drums for advancing the chariots, drums for war horses, drums for directing infantry, drums for taking over, drums for organizing or forming formations, drums for standing and sitting. All seven should be prepared.


  Strength in Formation and Numbers

  In warfare, when the formation is already solid, do not make it more solid. When you have numerical advantage, do not commit all of them to attack. Committing all of them to attack will endanger the effort.


  Using Formations

  In warfare, it is not the forming of a battle formation that is difficult; it is the point in which that the men can be ordered into a formation fast that is difficult. It is not the point in which that the men can be ordered into a formation fast that is difficult, it is the ability of the men to exercise flexibility in using formation that is difficult. All in all, it is not the knowledge of formation that is difficult, it is the appropriate implementation of the formations that is difficult.


  Character and Culture

  All men have their own nature, and nature can differ from region to region. Through teaching, these natures can become part of the culture. Culture differs from region to region. Through moral teaching, these cultures can come together.


  Basic Principles to Achieve Victory

  In warfare, whether the troops are numerous or few, even though they have attained victory, they should act as if they have not achieved it. A general that does not require the weapons to be sharp, armor to be strong, chariots to be sturdy, horses to be strong or troops to be expanded have not acknowledged the basic principles to achieve victory


  Crediting Victory and Assuming Blame

  In warfare, if you are victorious, share the achievement and praise with the troops. If about to re-engage in battle, make the rewards exceptionally generous, and the punishments heavier. If you failed to achieve victory, accept the blame yourself. If you fight again, assume a leading position and do
not repeat the tactics used last time. Whether you win or not, do not deviate from this principle for it is the “True Principle”.


  Treating the Population

  With regard to people, rescue them from suffering with benevolence; engage them in battle with righteousness; make judgment with wisdom; fight with courage; lead them through credibility; encourage them with profits, and gain victory through honors. Thus the leader must embody benevolence and his actions accord with righteousness. He must make decisions wisely, be courageous in handling big matters and rule the state with credibility. If the leader is humble and friendly, his people will be deferential. If the leader attributes failings to himself, the people will follow the ways of previous wise people, following their principles. When the hearts of the population are won and they are happy, they will give their best for the state.


  To Attack or Avoid the Enemy

  In warfare, attack the weak and quiet, avoid the strong and quiet. Attack the tired, avoid the well trained and alert. Attack those who are very afraid, avoid those who are alert. Since antiquity these have been the rules governing the army.


  Chapter 5 - Employing Masses

  Employing Large or Small Forces

  In warfare, when you employ a small number, their defense should be solid. When you employ a large mass they must be well-ordered. With a small force it is advantageous to win using Indirect methods; with a large mass, it is advantageous to use Direct tactics. When employing a large mass, they must be able to advance and stop; when employing a small number, they must be able to advance and withdraw. If your large mass encounters a small enemy force, surround them at a distance but leave one side open. Conversely, if you divide your forces and attack in turn, a small force can withstand a large mass. If their masses are beset by uncertainty, you should take advantage of it. If you are attacking an enemy occupying a strategic position, abandon your flags as if in flight, and when the enemy attacks, turn around to mount a counterattack. If the enemy is vast, then concentrate your force and let them surround you. If the enemy is fewer and fearful, avoid them at the moment and attack when opportunity arises.


  Movement of Troops

  In warfare, keep the wind to your back, the mountains behind, heights on the right and defiles on the left. Pass through wetlands, cross over damaged roads. Select camping ground that is configured like a turtle's back.


  After Deployment

  In warfare, after deployment, observe the enemy’s actions. Watch the enemy and then initiate movement. If they are waiting for our attack, then act accordingly. Do not drum the advance, but wait for the moment when their masses arise. If they attack, concentrate your forces and attack his weakness.


  Testing the Enemy

  In warfare, employ large and small numbers to observe their tactical variations; advance and retreat to probe the solidity of their defenses. Endanger them to observe their fears. Be tranquil to observe if they become lax. Move to observe if they have doubts. Mount a surprise attack to see their discipline. Mount a strike when they are in doubt. Attack when they are unprepared, so they are not able to fight with full strength. Attack his well-ordered formation to break down his deployment. Use their failure to attack them, preventing them from executing their strategies, forcing them to abandon them, and when they are fearful, attack them.

  一般作战,应使用或多或少的兵力去试探敌人,以观察它的变化。用忽进忽退的行动,以观察它的阵势是否稳固;迫近威胁敌人,看它是否恐惧;按兵不动,看它是否 懈怠;进行佯动,看它是否疑感;突然教击,看它阵容是否整治。在敌人犹豫不决的时候打击它,乘敌人仓卒无备的时候选攻它,使敌人战斗力无法施展。袭击敌人并打乱它的部署,利用敌人冒险轻进的错误,阻止它实现其企图,粉碎它既定的计划,乘它军心恐惧时歼灭它。

  Chasing the Enemy

  In warfare, when pursuing an enemy, do not rest. If some of the enemy stops on the road, be wary.


  Planning Attack and Retreat

  In warfare, when nearing an enemy's city, you must have a route of attack; when about to withdraw, you must ponder the retreat route.


  Timing and Resting

  In warfare, if you move too early, you will be exhausted easily; if you move too late, the men may be afraid. If focused on resting the men, the men would become lax, if you do not rest the men, they will be exhausted; yet if the men are allowed to rest too long, they may become afraid.


  Troop Administration

  Writing letters to families should be forbidden, this is to break focus on all the small troubles of life. Select the best and equip them with weapons; this is to increase the strength of the troops. Abandoning armor and carrying minimal rations, this is to motivate the troops. From antiquity, this has been the administration of troops.


  The Book of Wuzi

  Wu Qi


  The Book of Wuzi (吴子) is attributed to Wu Qi. It is also sometimes referred to as The Wuzi or The Book of Wu Qi. In an ongoing dialogue, Lord Wen of Wei (魏文侯) and his son, Lord Wu of
Wei (魏武侯) asked Master Wu Qi questions about war theory, strategy, exploiting the terrain to best advantage, and handling unexpected situations. It is believed to have been written during the middle of the Warring States period (c. 5th century BCE).[10]

  Part 1

  Introduction - Strengthening the Nation

  Need for Strengthening Domestic and External Issues

  Wearing the attire of a Confucian scholar, Wu Qi attended an audience with Lord Wen of Wei to discuss military matters. At the outset of the audience, Lord Wen of Wei announced, “I do not have much interest in military matters.”

  Wu Qi replied, “From plain visible facts, I can deduce the hidden. From the past, I may foretell the future. How can your Lordship sincerely say that he has no interest in this subject?

  “All through the four seasons, you have gathered the skins of wild animals, covered them with lacquer, painted them with colors and embellished them with glistening images of rhinoceros and elephants. Wearing these in winter does not keep one warm; wearing them in summer does not make one cool. Further, my Lord has ordered the making of twelve and twenty four feet long halberds, and has had the chariots covered in leather. These chariots are not grand and beautiful for ceremonies. These chariots are not mobile enough for hunting. If they are to not be used for war, I have no idea what use you might have for them. Your Lordship, however, does not seek capable people who are adept in using them. As such, it is similar to a nesting hen fighting against the fox, or a puppy fighting a tiger: although they have great fighting spirit, they will still perish.

  “In times past, the Lord of the Cheng Sang Clan concentrated on improving the culture and domestic issues but neglected military matters, thereby leading to the extinction of the state. The Lord of the Yu Hu Clan was belligerent, thus he concentrated only on military matters and neglected domestic matters. He also led his state to extinction.


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