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Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China

Page 34

by Shawn Conners

  Verse 2

  The reason why the deeds of the Former Kings are passed down is that they entrusted the upright with responsibility and eliminated the deceitful. They always preserved the benevolent and congenial hearts, but were decisive, without delaying, in effecting punishments.


  Verse 3

  One who understands the Way of warfare will invariably first plan against the defeats, which arise from not knowing when to cease. Why must one always think that advancing would be successful? If you advance too recklessly and seek to engage the enemy in battle, should they – on the contrary – have plans in place to stop you going forth; the enemy will control the victory. Thus the ‘Art of War’ says: “If they seek us, engage them; when you see them, attack. When the aggressors dare not oppose us, press the attack, and they will inevitably lose their opportunity to control the situation.”


  Verse 4

  Those from whom the initiative has been taken have low fighting spirit; those who are afraid are unable to mount a defense; those who have suffered defeat have no men to fight. They are all cases of an army general who is not able to command and manage his troops well. When you decide to go forth and have no doubts, follow your plan. When you take the initiative and attack the enemy and still no one confronts you, press the attack home. If you can have a clear picture of the enemy’s situation and occupy the high ground, then overawe them into submission. This is the pinnacle of implementing the ‘Art of War’.


  Verse 5

  Those who are unguarded in their discussions can be clandestinely overheard. Those who plunder and bully without proper discipline can be destroyed. Those who are met with gushing waters or struck by lightning will be thrown into chaos. You must settle those of your troops who are in crisis, eliminate their worries and decide matters through wisdom. Plan properly during the planning phase in the court; emphasize on selecting the right general to be given the mandate; arouse the fighting spirit of the army when inside the enemy territory. Only then can the enemy state be forced to submit without fighting.


  Chapter 13 – Heavy Punishment

  Verse 1

  If a general commanding 1,000 men or more retreats from battle, surrenders his defenses, or abandons his terrain and deserts his troops, he is termed as a ‘state brigand’, someone who has stolen from the state. He should be executed, his family exterminated, his name expunged from the registers, his ancestral graves broken open, his bones exposed in marketplace.

  If a commander of 100 or more men retreats from battle, surrenders his defenses, or abandons his terrain and deserts his troops, he is termed an ‘army brigand’. He should be executed, his family broken, and his male and female children shall serve in government as slaves.

  If you cause the people to fear heavy punishment within the state, then outside the state they will regard the enemy lightly. Thus the Former Kings made the regulations and measures clear before making their punishment heavy. When punishments are heavy, then they will fear them within the state. When they fear them within the state, then they will be stalwart outside of it.


  Chapter 14 – Army Organizations

  Within the army, the regulations for organizations should be as follows: five men comprise a squad of five, with all the members being mutually responsible for each other. Ten men comprise a squad of ten, with all the members being mutually responsible for each other. Fifty men compose a platoon, with all the members being mutually responsible for each other. 100 men comprise a company, with all the members being mutually responsible for each other.

  If any member of the squad of five or ten violates an order or commits an offense, should the others report it, their punishment will be remitted. If they know about it but do not report it, then the entire squad will be punished. If any member of a platoon or company violates an order or commits an offense, should the others report it, their punishment can be remitted. If they know about it but do not report it, then the entire platoon or company will be punished. All the officers – from the level of the squad of five up to the top generals in command, superiors and inferiors – are mutually responsible for each other. If someone violates an order or commits and offense, those who report it will be spared from punishment, while those who know about it but do not report it will all share the same offense.

  Now when the members of the squads of five and ten are mutually bonded and the upper and lower ranks are mutually linked, no perversity will remain undiscovered, no offense will remain unreported. Fathers will not be able to cover for their sons and elder brothers will not be able to cover for their younger brothers. How much less so will the people of the state, living and eating together, be able to violate orders and conceal each other?

  军队的联保制度,是按五人编为一伍,伍内的人互相联保,十人编为一什,什内的人互相联保;五十人编为一属,属内的人互相联保;百人编为一闾,闾内的人互相联保。伍内如有触犯禁令的,同伍的人揭发了他,全伍免罪,知道而不揭发,全伍受罚。什内有触犯禁令的,同什的人揭发了他,全什免罪,知道而不揭发,全什受罚。属内有触犯禁令的,同属的人揭发了他,全属免罪,知道而不揭发,全属受罚。闾内有触犯禁令的,同间的人揭发了他,全闾免罪,知道而不揭发,全闾受罚。 将吏从什长以上到左、右将军,上下都互相联保,凡有触犯禁令的,揭发了的都免于治罪,知道而不揭发的,都与他同罪。同伍同什的人都互相具结,上下之间都互相联保,就没有不能破获的阴谋,没有不被揭发的罪恶。即使父亲也不能够包庇他的儿子,哥哥也不能够包庇他的弟弟,何况一般的人呢?既然同吃同住在一起,哪还敢有违犯禁令而私相包庇的呢?

  Chapter 15 – Exit and Entry

  The Central, Left, Right, Forward and Rear armies all have their designated camping ground – each surrounded on all four sides by temporary walls – with no passage among them permitted. The general has his designated terrain; the regimental commander has his designated camping ground; and the company commander has his designated camping ground. They should all construct ditches and sluices, and make the orders for the passageways to be blocked, so
that it is impossible for someone who is not a member of the company to pass through. If someone who is not a member of the company enters, then the commander should execute him. If he fails to execute him, he will share the offense with him.

  Along the roads leading to the encampment, set up lookout posts every 120 paces. Survey the men and the terrain to make sure the lookout posts are within sight of each other. Prohibit crossing over the roads, and make sure the roads are always clear. If a soldier does not have a tally or token issued by a general or commanding officers, he cannot pass through. Wood gatherers, fodder seekers and animal herders need to form and move in squads of five. If they are not moving in squads of five, they cannot pass through. If an officer does not have a token, if the soldiers are not in orderly arrangement, the guards at the crossing gates should execute them. If anyone oversteps the demarcation lines, execute him. Thus if within the army, no one contravenes nor violates the prohibitions, then without there will not be any perversity that is not caught.

  中军和左、右、前、后各军,都有分配的营地,营地四周围以矮墙,不能互相来往。将有营地,帅有营地,伯也有营地,各个营地周围都挖有界沟,并明确颁布营地的禁令,规定各”伯” 驻地,不是同”伯”的人不得进入。如有不同”伯”的人擅自进入,伯长应杀他们。伯长不杀他们,就和他门同罪。军中纵横方向的道路,每隔一百二十步设立一个岗哨,根据人数和地形使岗哨能够监视到各条道路,负责限制行人往来,保障交通顺畅,除非持有将吏的符节一律不准通行。打柴和放牧的人员,都要整队行动,不整队的不得通行。官吏没有符节,士兵没有整队的,都由担任营门警卫的军官惩罚他们。凡是越出自己营地范围,进入别人营地的,都应加以惩罚。这样,内 部就没有触犯禁令的人,外来的奸细也就不难查获了。

  Chapter 16 – Rewards & Punishment in War

  The orders which bind the squad of five states: ‘Five men comprise the squad of five. They collectively write an agreement that binds them together with the commander. If in battle they lose men, but capture or kill an equivalent number of enemies, they negate each other. If they capture members of an enemy squad without losing anyone themselves, they will be rewarded. If they lose members without capturing or killing an equal number of the enemy, they will be killed and their families implicated.

  If they lose their squad leader but capture a squad leader, the two negate each other. If they capture a squad leader without losing their own, they will be rewarded. If they lose their squad leader without capturing an enemy squad leader, they will be killed and their families exterminated. However if they rejoin the battle and take the head of a squad leader, then their punishment will be lifted. If they lose their general or kill one, the two negate each other. If they capture a general without losing their own, they will be rewarded. If they lose their general and do not kill an enemy general, they should be considered according to the Law for abandoning their positions and fleeing.’

  The martial law during war states: ‘The leader of a squad of ten can execute the other nine. A company commander can execute double squad leaders. The general of 1,000 men can execute company commanders. The general of 10,000 men can execute the general of 1,000 men. The generals of the Left and Right Armies can execute the generals of 10,000 men. The Grand General has no one he cannot execute.’

  束伍令规定,五人编为一伍,写一份五人联保凭征,保存在将吏那里。战斗时,伍内伤亡与斩获的数量相等的,功罪相当;有斩获而自己没有伤亡的,有赏;伍内有伤亡而没有斩获的,处死刑,并惩办他的家族。自己的什长伯长伤亡而能斩获敌人什长伯长的,功罪相抵;斩获敌人什长伯长而自己什长伯长没有伤亡的,有赏;自己 什长伯长伤亡而没有斩获敌人什长伯长的,处死刑,并惩办他们的家族;战时军规律军,能斩获故人什长伯长的,可以免罪。将领伤亡而能斩获故统率将领的,功罪相抵;斩获敌人将领而自己将领没有伤亡的,有赏;自己将领伤亡而没有斩获敌人将领的,按放弃防地,临阵脱逃论罪。战时军律规定,什长有权处死所属的任何一个人,伯长有权处死什长,统率千人的将领有权处死伯长,统率万人的将领有权处死统率千人的。将领,左、右将军有权处死统率万人的将领,大将军有权处死全军的任何人。

  Chapter 17 – Regulating & Ordering the Troops

  To regulate the troops, segment them into three armies. The Left Army will have green flags, and the troops will wear green feathers. The Right Army will have white flags, and the troops will wear white feathers. The Central Army will have yellow flags, and the troops will wear yellow feathers.

  The troops will have five emblems: the front line will have the green emblems, the second row red emblems, the third row yellow emblems, the fourth row white emblems, and the fifth row black emblems.

  Next, anyone who loses his emblem will be punished. The first five lines place their emblems on their heads; the next five lines place their emblems on their necks; the next five on their chest, the next five on their stomachs and the last five on their waists. In this way, it will never happen that the troops will have someone other than their own officers or officers other than their own troops. If someone sees a case where it is incorrect but does not inquire about it, or sees confusion but does not act to stop it, his crime will be comparable to that of the offender.

  When the drums sound for the troops to move and engage in battle, those lines that move forward confront the danger, while those who retreat to the rear are reviled. Those who venture forward past the five lines will be rewarded; those who retreat past the five lines to the rear will be executed. By this rule, it can be known that advancing and retreating, moving to the fore and rear are achievements. Thus it is said: ‘If you beat the drum, they advance like thunderclap, they move like the wind and rain, no one will dare oppose you to the fore, no one will dare chase after you to the rear.’ This speaks volumes about having regulations.

  管理军队,就是依经手卒把军队区分为三军。左军用青旗,士兵戴青色羽毛;右军用白旗,士兵戴白色羽毛;中军用黄旗,士兵戴黄色羽毛。士兵的标记有五种,第一行用青色标记,第二行用红色标记,第三行用黄色标记,第四行用白色标记,第五行用黑色标记,按此次序规定,管理士兵,遗失标记的,要给以惩罚。第一个五行的标记佩在头上,第二个五行的标记佩在颈上,第三个五行的标记佩在胸前,第四个五行的标记佩在腹部,第五个五行的标记佩在腰间。这样,士兵就不会认错他的官长,官长也不会认错他的士兵。如果官长发现不属于自己的士兵而不加盘问,见到行列混乱而不加制止,就和犯错误的人同罪。开始进行格斗的时候,如果前行的奋勇前进,就是敢于战斗,后行的退缩不前,就是沾污军誉,超过前面五行而前进的有赏,越出后面五行而后退的就杀。这些规定都是为了分清吏卒们进、退、先、后的功过是非。因此可以说,命令一下,军队前进就象雷霆那样迅速,冲击就象风雨那样猛烈,没有哪个敌人敢于在前面阻挡,也没有哪个敌人敢于在后面尾追,这 就说明了经卒令的重大作用。

  Chapters 18 – 24

  Chapter 18 – Regulating the Movement of Troops

  Verse 1

  Gongs, drums, bells and flags – these four instruments each have their methods of employment. When the drum sounds, the army should advance; when the drums are beat again, they should attack. When the gongs sound, they should stop; when the gongs are struck again, they should withdraw. Bells are used to transmit order. When flags point to the left, the army should go left; when the flags point to the right, then to the right. For non-regular units these signals should be mixed up. Beat the drum once and they may move to the left; beat it another time and they may advance to the left. For each step there is one beat, this is the pace beat. If for the ten steps, there is
one beat, this is the quick march beat. If the drumming is unbroken, this is the racing beat. The shang note comes from the general’s drum. The jiao note comes from that of a regimental commander’s drum. The low pitch drum is that of a company commander. When the three drums sound together, the generals, regimental commander and company commanders are all of one mind. For the non-regular units, these signals should be mixed up. If a drummer misses a beat, he is executed. Those who set up a clamor are executed. Those who do not obey the gongs, drums, bells, and flags but move by themselves are executed. When combat methods are taught to 100 men, after their instruction is complete, unite them with other companies to comprise 1,000 men. When the instruction of 1,000 men is complete, unite them with other regiments to comprise of 10,000. When the tens of thousands have been instructed, assemble them into one army. When the masses of the army can divide and unite, they can then execute the methods of large scale combat. When the army’s instructions are complete, test them with military maneuvers.



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