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The Hollow Blade: A LitRPG Portal Apocalypse Story (Arcadia Academy Book 1)

Page 11

by Wolfe Locke

  So you must survive. Swear no oath and do not bind yourself freely. You are the only hope the people of this world have of survival. These monsters seem to have their own designs and intentions for you.

  But I must also congratulate you, you’re body has now reached its first break through. It is called shadow, and it is a measure of your ability to manipulate your own.

  Shadow – 1

  Your shadow can briefly match your movements with physical effect.

  Strength – 11.32

  Your strength is a bit better than an average man.

  Agility – 13.09

  Your agility is somewhat better than the average man.

  Endurance – 9.06

  Your endurance is a bit better than an average man.

  You can summon an Imp. I’d suggest you not use this power because of its corrupting influence.

  This message will now fade, and time will return to normal.

  ​With his bit said. The future vision of me disappeared from where he had been sitting on the bed and was gone. Leaving me to ponder and think about what he said as I opted to clean myself up, take a shower, wash the grime I’d been walking around with off of me and get changed into fresh clothing.

  ​When I was done and changed into fresh clothes, I sat down on my bed, noticing for the first time just how tight the corners of my duvet had been tucked and smiled when I thought about how thoroughly that lesson had been ingrained in me by the Cadre. A lot has changed in the last few days. My smile faded as the memories and thoughts of the last few days came to the forefront of my thoughts.

  ​I thought back to the words of the demon triumvirate in front of the portal, and though they’d said to prepare. I didn’t really know how to “prepare” more. All I felt was exhausted, and though my body had managed to strangely heal. I still had a deep fatigue.

  ​“That settles it.” I muttered as I hoped into bed. There was still a lot of day left and could use the rest. Whatever I needed to do, could wait till after. I’m not fixing anything right now. The best thing I can do is rest and restore my strength. The rest can be a problem for the me of the future.

  Chapter 15: The Time After

  * * *

  ​One thing that wasn’t hard to figure out was that following the mass demotion, morale among the cadets was at an all-time low, and though I’d seen Markus already, I’d yet to link up with Mathias, who up until his demotion had enjoyed a brief stay as our leader. I need to fix that. So as the highest-ranking cadet, I called a meeting and Markus agreed with me that it was the right thing to do. I wasn’t going to use my new standing to cut him out of the decision making.

  ​Once the word was put out, I went ahead and posted up in the common area and waited as all the remaining cadets drifted in to hear what I had to say. Judging by the scowls and glares, I’d managed to make more than a few enemies, but I’d also gained allies and people who looked up to me. When I thought everyone was in, I went ahead and limped towards the front of the common area and motioned for everyone to quiet down so I could speak. Some of the limp was for show. They didn’t need to know I was basically fully healed already. I didn’t need them to treat me any differently.

  ​I began to talk, and some of the angry expressions softened as I did. “I know that all of you feel helpless. You’re angry. I get that. I feel it too. I know what that despair feels like. You know me. You know my family name. My clan. Valdanes isn’t just a word tossed around without reason. I am not your enemy, and I cannot do this alone. I am here to tell you that hope is not lost. Vozrun is trying to break you by taking away your ranks. By telling you that you are nothing. That what you have accomplished before now didn’t matter.”

  ​“But do you want to know what I think? I think a lowly Iron ranger defeated one of their monsters, and now they want to demoralize all of us. They think they can break us, all of us, by taking away your rank. But your rank doesn’t decide your power, or how much fight you have in you. That’s your heart, and I know you’ve all got plenty of it left. It’s up to us to continue to keep fighting. We need to show them that we will not back down. We need to stand together. If they want to take away your ranks, then fine. I know you can show them why those ranks were earned them in the first place.”

  ​The crowd did not cheer, but they did hold their heads a bit higher. I could still see a bit of resentment in their eyes, but it wasn’t the only thing anymore. Where before, they had been hollow and bitter, now the spark of hope had begun to be rekindled. I knew I’d sparked just enough that the other cadets would continue to train. They would continue to learn, and they would prove these demons wrong. They would pass their challenges, and together we would save everyone.

  ​It did not matter what rank they were. All that mattered was that they were in this together.

  ​A hand clamped down on my shoulder as a Markus’s familiar voice laughed. “You give terrible speeches. But it’ll do. That went a long way towards handling some harsh feelings toward you. Maybe I won’t need to save you from a blade in the back after all.”

  Chapter 16: The Cutting Edge

  * * *

  It was a week later that the triumvirate summoned us again, and though I was feeling strong after the damage I took during the first challenge, I wasn’t sure everyone else was ready. I’d noticed Markus wasn’t quite as big as he used to be, not that he’d shrank but that I was growing bigger and catching up with him.

  ​After the deaths of some of our comrades at the hands of the Dullahans, no one needed to be prompted to not tally. As soon as the order came to assemble, we obeyed, and a stream of cadets could be seeing leaving the dorms and the instruction halls.

  ​Once again, the cadets of the academy lined up in front of the hellish maw that was the gate to the Hollow Realm. This time I lead the formation and Markus remained right beside me, though Mathias was keeping his distance. As we marched, the rest of the cadets held their heads a bit higher. They’ve got a bit of hope they didn’t have before. They were still riding the high of me having cleared the first challenge, and my speech a few days prior had given them a much needed morale boost.

  ​As had become the norm, the three demons of the triumvirate waited for the cadets. And as always, it was Vozrun who spoke for them, and with her words, a calming soothing sensation washed over the cadets, at least most of them, except for me. Having gone to the Hollow realm and survived seemed to have given me just a little bit of immunity from the layered enchanting effects of her voice.

  ​“I would first like to congratulate you all on passing the first challenge.” Said Vozrun as she looked out at all of us, I thought for a moment there was a quick flash of annoyance as her eyes locked with mine when she realized I was no longer under the effect of the calm. “Although the manticores challenge was taken on by only one of you and completed by only one of you, you cadets will all benefit from this victory. As a reward, the magical barricade that has been blocking access to the Arcanium will be lifted. You will find new training and access to knowledge you’ve likely never seen or heard about before.”

  ​Excited whispers and murmurs went through the cadets.

  ​“That changes things a bit, don’t you think?” A familiar voice called out.

  ​I was surprised by the sudden appearance. Markus and I, just like the other cadets, had been standing there focused on the demons and nothing else. At the sound of Matthias’s voice behind me, I shouted out to him to join us. behind them, they both turned in surprise.

  ​“When did you get there?” asked Markus, a look of annoyance on his face that Matthias hadn’t joined us earlier.

  ​“I’ve been here the entire time. I’ve been monitoring the situation. And things are getting worse at a rapid rate.” Replied Mathias coyly before he responded to the question. “You need to work on your perceptions skills.”

  ​In response, Markus rolled his eyes.

  ​“It does change things.” I answered, feeling irritated that Mathias was acting l
ike this. “With access to the Arcanium, all of us cadets can resume studying Swordcraft techniques on our own terms. Maybe even integrate some of the techniques that the Dullahans have been teaching us.”

  ​The thing about the Arcanium was that it was the equivalent of a magical laboratory. Within its walls were held countless books on various kinds of Swordcraft techniques. I hadn’t been allowed access to it previously. It was typically reserved for only Silver ranked students or higher. But now the rank structure had been turned upside down, and the triumvirate and their minions were in charge of the academy, it seemed they intended to make its access less restricted.

  ​“I still don’t understand why they’re being so cordial.” Said Markus. “Vozrun speaks like she’s a professor, not a demon. The other two I’m not so sure about. But her? She seems almost human. What’s their angel? They said for us to serve them. But for why? They showed us how strong they are, what use do they have for us?”

  ​“Don’t let them fool you.” Mathias cut in, “If you start thinking of them as human, you’ll fall right into their trap. They want you to see them as human, to forget what they are. They are monsters. They’ll always be monsters. They’ve killed our comrades and invaded our world. They want us to put our guard down for some reason. Remember what they are and focus on that. Demons. They are demons.”

  ​I looked at Markus and we both nodded. Mathias was right and we both knew it, but our options were limited currently. None of us were in a position to challenge the Triumvirate.

  ​Though we had been allowed to talk amongst ourselves for awhile, I didn’t want to draw any more attention from Vozrun, I hadn’t forgotten the truth of the Triumvirate, even if Mathias seemed to have thought I did. I wasn’t going to give the demons any reason to make more examples of my comrades.

  ​“Attention!” I shouted out as I channeled the Lightning Blade technique into my Katana in a show of force. It was a move not born from anger or frustration, I just needed the rest of the cadets to pay attention.

  ​A wave of dread came over all of us as Vozrun started to speak, her voice both calming and terrible. “You may all take the day to study the secrets within the Arcanium. I will not guarantee that you will have this opportunity again.”

  ​Vozrun smiled, and for the first time since the monster had stepped through the portal, for the first time for all of us to see, the demon opened a mouth that was full of sharpened fangs. “If you so choose, Migral, Tokoth, and I will be there to offer special insight and training in techniques that we may know. However, if you chose to do so, it will be alone. We will only bestow our secrets and techniques on a few of you. Those who dare to leave the rest of you behind.”

  ​More murmurs of complaints went out from all of us cadets, but the idea behind it wasn’t terrible. What could I learn from them? Any of them? If I wanted to get stronger, why wouldn’t I want to know their techniques?

  ​Vozrun glared and the noise quieted down. “Do not test my patience. My mercy is not without limits. I can understand your reluctance. But you very well may want to swallow your pride and push away your fear to learn what we are willing to teach you, to take on the power we are willing to grant you. The next challenge will be tomorrow and those among you who have remained without power are sure to fall.”

  ​The quiet immediately ended as all the cadets started yelling in complaint. “Tomorrow? Tomorrow? That’s no time at all! This isn’t fair! We aren’t ready yet. It’s too soon. You can’t do this.”

  ​Vozrun waited patiently for the other cadets to quiet down while I stood like a statue, unmoving trying to figure out the demon’s angle. What are they after?

  ​In that moment, I was hit with the start of what might have been understanding of Vozrun. This demon is old and powerful, older and more powerful than I’d thought. They’ve likely seen the rise and fall not just of empires, but of worlds. How am I, who are we against something like that? My nerves started acting up. understanding that this being. I stood and just stared, and Vozrun returned the stare, and for a moment, I was positive the demon knew exactly what my thoughts were.

  ​The clamoring died down when Vozrun looked at both Migral and Tokoth, and the two demons stepped forward with an aura of menace towards the cadets. The noise died down immediately, and with it, the two demons stepped back into place next to Vozrun.

  ​“That is enough. Do not interrupt the proceedings again. You seem to be mistaken as to your position.” Said Vozrun. “We are not your friends. Our primary goal remains the same. The only reason that you are all still alive and standing is because of the potential showed by a few. A potential we wish to foster and see grow.”

  ​“Make no mistake. Nothing else has changed should you fail and mark my words. Some of you will fail. Your blood will soak this grass and we will move on to the rest of the world when finished with this one. Your chances of living through this are completely contingent on your ability to weather the challenges that we have laid before you. Even then, your life is not assured. Take what you are given. The future is granted to no one. Whatever fate awaits you, it will be yours to seize.” Vozrun’s voice died down and for once, the cadets remained silent.

  ​Vozrun waited a moment and looked out at all of us before continuing. “The next challenge will take place tomorrow. The Arcanium is open today for any who would like to utilize it for training, and for one on one instruction in the secret techniques. The Arcanium will remain open for any survivors going forward. Dismissed.”

  ​Most of the cadets immediately took off to seek refuge back in their dorms. I noticed the look of fear and dread on most of the faces I saw. The slight bit of morale that I had managed to build up had come tumbling down under the weight of the demon’s words. Everyone had the same thought. This is the last time some of us are going to be seen alive. Tomorrow brings death.

  ​“Definitely not human.” I muttered, and both Mathias and Markus agreed with me.

  ​“Far from it.” Replied Mathias. “Well, boys. What’s the plan?”

  ​“We go to the Arcanium and see what we can learn from them.” I responded. They might have been monsters, but so far what I’d learned from them had kept me alive during the first challenge.

  ​“Are you sure?” asked Markus. “Isn’t that fraternizing with the enemy or something?”

  ​“At this point, it’s considered survival.” I replied, thinking back to my earlier point. “One of the first things that we are taught as swordsmen is that we must utilize any advantage that is presented to us in order to win the battle. Even though the advantage is being offered by the enemy, we cannot afford not to take it. Pride has killed many men in the past. Let’s not let it do the same to us.”

  ​Markus and Mathias watched me with fire in their eyes, and I knew that I could count on the two of them to back me up. They wouldn’t give up the fight.

  ​“When did you go and get so philosophical on me?” asked Markus with a half smile.

  ​“Around the time that a gateway to another world opened up, and it was full of monsters.” I replied with a shrug. “Come on. We may as well see what we can learn.”

  Chapter 17: The Arcanium

  * * *

  ​Following dismissal by Vozrun, the three of us made our way to the Arcanium. It was a massive two story building on the east side of the academy grounds. I’d only ever seen it up close once before when given the initial orientation when I’d arrived at the academy years prior.

  ​When we arrived, I was happy to see, and I’m sure Markus and Mathias shared my thoughts on it, that a lot of our fellow cadets had made the decision to spend time in the Arcanium. It wasn’t nearly as many as I would have liked, but hopefully the others would eventually follow our example. It’s not about doing what the monsters want. It’s about getting stronger.

  ​Once we passed through the great double doors, we found ourselves on the first floor. A library. Many of the other cadets were already walking down the isles, fully immersed in r
eading the books and scrolls. I wonder if they’ve managed to find anything yet.

  ​We had all come to the Arcanium for the same reasons. To look for information on the various types of Swordcraft, and to find out how we might be able to use those techniques once we found them. Literally anything that might give us an idea.

  ​Several groups of cadets were moving massive stacks of books around on to tables, opened up, and reading intently as they passed notes and comments between each other. Whenever one of the cadets finished a book, they would close it and hold it up, and a book elemental of wind and paper would swoop over and grab the tome and put it back in place on the shelves.

  ​Seeing the massive effort and the grim looks on faces was disheartening. I’m not going to find what I need in time for tomorrow. The books would need to wait. Vozrun had offered the services of the Triumvirate as instructors, and I intended to take them up on it.

  ​“Alright. This is where we part ways awhile. We’ve all got our studying to do. Good luck.” Markus said as he took off, muttering about finding a way to layer a regenerative technique onto his iron skin ability. Mathias followed after before splitting off to do his own research. Their booted feet sounding louder than normal in the near quiet Arcanium.

  ​This place is like a tomb. It might as well be. How many of us are going to survive tomorrow?

  ​I pushed the thought out of my mind and busied myself by looking for one of the three demons, but they were nowhere in sight. Then, after a few, I caught sight of Tokoth. He was leading a cadet out of the back storeroom. The cadet looked shaken and covered in minor wounds. Whatever the demon had done had left the cadet shaken and injured.


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