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Page 56

by Aubrey St. Clair

  I look over at Jackie to see what she thinks, but she’s just got a stupid grin on her face as she stares at Bash. She was the one that pointed him out to me in the first place, before things at the pool table got physical. She always notices guys like him, although I think he might even be more than she can handle, which is why she started flirting with the bartender instead. Still, she isn’t too shy to look, and as much of an ass as he is, I can’t blame her. He’s the hottest thing around by a long shot. And so completely not my type.

  “I think you should mind your own business, sir,” Edward finally manages to say. I’m impressed that his voice doesn’t crack. I can see a bead of sweat on his brow. That’s about as rattled as I’ve ever seen him.

  “Anything that happens in this bar is my business. I heard the lady tell you no. Don’t make me say it as well. When I say no, things tend to break. Sometimes bottles. Sometimes chairs or tables. Often bones.”

  Edward’s thin tongue slips out and wets his lips. He turns to me, as if we are the only two in the room. “You think you’ve been having trouble finding a new job so far? I was going easy on you, dear. You think you can do better than me? When I’m done, you won’t even be able to do worse.”

  As if to convince the bar of his bravado, Edward doesn’t even glance back at the big man still staring him down. He simply turns on his heel and leaves, flanked by the two men he arrived with. There’s a moment where the silence enveloping the bar hangs like a thick cloud, but then it bursts and the conversations begin again almost at once. The show is over, and aside from the group of leather-clad bikers still standing around, there’s nothing to see anymore.

  “Wow, that was intense,” Jackie whispers as she sinks back down onto her stool. “I need another drink.”

  Bash finally relaxes, turning to nod at this friends, who immediately return to what they had been doing before. As they turn, I can finally see the details on their jackets. There’s a design that looks like a heavily armored skeleton, grinning at me with the words “Chrome Soldiers” in an arc above and “MC” written below. If these guys are soldiers, then that makes Bash their leader.

  Still, whatever their relationship, it must be nice to know that you have a group of friends ready to have your back like that. I suddenly miss my friends back home. Jackie is great, but I haven’t known her that long, and a quick glance confirms that she’s already back talking excitedly to the bartender as he mixes her another Manhattan.

  I’m surrounded by people, but I’m hundreds of miles from anything I’d really call home. I have a billionaire looking to ruin my life, and the only people around to stand up for me are Jackie and a smoking hot biker dude who I just met a few minutes ago and also happens to be a complete prick.

  “Let me guess, ex-boyfriend?” Bash’s lip is curled up into a smirk, as if he had me pegged all along. As if he knows everything about me from that brief glimpse at one of my biggest mistakes. Just like Edward thought he could waltz back in here and snap his fingers and I’d go running back to him. What the hell is it about me that makes everyone think I’m so predictable? Just because I’m nice doesn’t mean I’m weak. Just because I’ve dated men like Edward doesn’t mean I’m a total bore.

  Despite the fact that everyone in the bar has gone back to their conversations, I can see some of them looking over at me out of the corner of their eye. I’m the new spectacle now, and I just want to get away, but Jackie is making moon eyes at the bartender and will probably make me feel like a killjoy if I tell her I want to go home.

  But what am I going to do there, anyway? It’s not even midnight on a Saturday night. My professional life is most likely in the toilet now, and I haven’t had sex in weeks. Something about the old Evelyn just isn’t working. It’s time for a new Evelyn. An Evelyn that is willing to take chances and do crazy shit that she would never have done before.

  Before I think it through, I take my phone and drop it into an abandoned glass of beer on the bar before I turn to reply, completely ignoring his little quip.

  “So, do you want to show me that back room, or what?”



  All I really expected was a “thank you,” and I didn’t even give a shit if she gave me that, to be honest. That’s not why I stepped in to get rid of that douchebag. The MC spends a lot of time in this bar. The bar up front is really just a cover, with our main clubhouse in the back. Which means that Axle’s is my second home, and no one comes into my home and disrespects someone. Even if the person they’re disrespecting thinks I’m a piece of shit, which I’m pretty sure this girl does. Which makes it even more surprising that she wants to go into the back room with me.

  “I don’t even know your name, Blondie,” I say as I escort her through the small kitchen and into the hallway that leads to my office.

  “I know,” she replies. Obviously she wants to keep it that way, but I can’t help but seize the opening.

  “Then how will I know what to call you when you’re sucking my cock?”

  I’m leading the way, so it’s disappointing that I can’t see the look on her face, but I’m pretty sure I hear a stifled gasp that is almost as satisfying. I’m fairly sure this girl is going to turn tail and run as fast as she can once I make a move on her, so I might as well at least get some enjoyment out of continuing to tease her. A girl like this doesn’t ask to go to the back room of a bar with a stranger that looks like me unless she’s trying to make a point or prove something to herself. And in my experience, there’s only so far most people will go to prove something, even to themselves.

  Especially something that isn’t true.

  It isn’t hard to figure out what she’s trying to prove, either, now that I’ve had a minute to think about it. Mr. Suit out there was her boyfriend, and he’s the complete opposite of me. But he’s a boring dick, and probably the kind of guy she’s always been with. And I bet my teasing her about him touched a nerve that’s extra sensitive because she’s heard it all before. Following me back here is her way of proving that she’s got an edge. That she’s into excitement and danger and fun.

  She has no idea what she’s in for, picking me to make her point. Won’t matter anyway, though. I can’t see her bluff lasting longer than it takes for me to unzip my fly. If it even lasts that long.

  “You can call me Bash,” I say as I unlock the door to my office and push it open. “I know you didn’t ask, but I figure you’ll need to know in a few minutes, too.”

  She doesn’t even look at me as she walks into my office, pausing only long enough to flick the lights on. I guess the only thing worse than being alone with a strange biker is doing so in the dark. Fine by me, though. If this thing goes far enough, I’m happy to see some skin.

  “I know,” she says. “I heard the bartender call you that. What kind of a name is Bash, anyway? Is that your stage name or something?”

  “Stage name? We’re not actors here, Blondie.” I grab hold of the edge of my vest and shake it. “This here is the real thing.”

  She gives a little shrug. “You know what I mean. Bash isn’t your real name. Who names their kid Bash?”

  She’s looking around at the sparse furnishings of my office, obviously stalling. Now that we’re here, she’s finally realizing what she’s gotten herself into and is having second thoughts. It won’t be long before she heads for the door and back to her safe life. At least she tried, she’ll tell herself. She’ll have a story to tell. Maybe it’ll get bigger each time, like an unsuccessful fisherman talking about his one brush with Moby fucking Dick.

  “Parents who never stuck around long enough to give a fuck.” There’s more harshness to my voice than I meant, but who the fuck cares? She’s on her way out, anyway.

  “Sorry,” she says immediately, “I didn’t mean to—”

  “What are you doing here, Blondie?” I cut her off. I don’t need apologies. I should be here with Jez right now, anyway. At least then I’d be getting my cock sucked.

  “I… uh…�
�� She doesn’t know what to say at this point, and she can’t even look me in the eyes. She wants to bail, and is too ashamed to admit it. It was fun to tease her, but this is getting boring. Girls like this are all the same. They love the idea of a guy like me taking them hard in the back room, of forgetting about their boring boyfriends or husbands or life. But it’s just a fantasy for them. Reality is too frightening. As much as I’d love to fuck this girl into next week, I’m just wasting my time here. I can take her back out, return with Jez, and be balls deep in minutes. I don’t need this shit.

  “Let me save us both some time. Your skinny, suited asshole out there pissed you off, and being in a place like this reminded you of how boring your life is. You saw me and wet yourself, wondering what it’s like to ride with the real men, but now that we’re back here, you’re having second thoughts. You’d rather stick with the safe and unsatisfying cocks than take a chance on one that was built to make you scream.”

  “Why is it that you’re such an ass?” Her eyes finally lift off the floor and meet mine, and there’s a fire in them that I find surprising. Just means I hit another nerve. “Maybe I was just thinking we could talk first? Maybe I was coming back here to fuck you, and maybe you were the one in for the fuck of your life, but you just blew it by running your stupid mouth again?”

  I bark out a laugh and move a bit closer. “Honey, if you’re coming back here with a guy like me, then you should know that talking first isn’t part of the program.” She’s breathing heavily now, whether from fear or excitement, I don’t actually know. Still, she’s lasted longer than I thought she would, and that fire I saw in her eyes actually turned me on a bit. My cock is suddenly a lot more crowded in my jeans than it was a minute ago. I need to get Jez in here quick.

  I jerk my head toward the door. “Come on, let’s go back to the bar where you can drink a few more fruity cocktails and tell your friend all about how brave you were coming back here and—”

  “Oh, shut up already,” she says as she steps forward. My eyes widen in shock as she presses her mouth against mine.

  I’m surprised, but I kiss her back. She pauses as my tongue invades her mouth, and then I feel her almost start to pull away as I touch her silk-covered ribcage. For a moment, I’m torn. On the one hand, I’d feel vindicated if she pulled away and ran out of here like I’ve expected her to do since we walked through the door. On the other hand, I’d hate for her to leave now that we’re just getting started. My cock is ready to tear a hole through my jeans, and after kissing this girl, it isn’t going to be satisfied with going back to Jez.

  But then, as if finally coming to a decision, she melts into me. Her mouth and tongue push back against mine and she slides her own hand down my pants until her fingertips graze the edge of my dick.

  One more brief pause and then that’s it; she presses her palm against me hard before she reaches up and begins to unzip my fly.



  The only thing I could think of to shut this guy up was to kiss him, and I did it without thinking. Well, that’s not entirely true. I’ve been thinking about kissing him a lot in the last few minutes, but I was far from a decision on the subject until I decided I really wanted him to stop talking like a jackass.

  I wasn’t actually sure what I was going to do once I got back here. The whole plan was so spur of the moment and unlike me, but that’s why I did it, wasn’t it? I’m tired of being like me. Where has that gotten me? Getting stepped on by the CEO of a billion-dollar company in a strange city where I have barely any friends or support. That’s what being nice and following rules has gotten me.

  After Edward, I swore I was going to change some things and get as far away from that life as possible, but just coming to a biker bar for a few drinks with Jackie isn’t enough. I’ve been applying to the same jobs, going through the same routines, and it’s all going to just land me in the same place.

  I need to do something different, but I can start by doing someone different.

  And Bash is as different as they come. At least compared to the men I usually date.

  Not that I plan on dating him, but that’s something different for me as well. I’ve never had a one-night stand before, something that Jackie has teased me about in the past.

  Well, here I am Bash. Let’s do this.

  His tongue catches me by surprise, but it only takes me a moment to recover and slide my hand down to the growing hardness in his pants. I can surprise him right back, and by the way he jumps as I touch him, I know I’ve succeeded. Bash might be a complete stranger, but he’s also another person who seems to think he knows exactly who I am and what I’m capable of doing. It’s infuriating, and in a way, that turns me on—just like his scent, a heady combination of musk, weed, and leather that should probably repel me, except it doesn’t.

  Well here I am, surprising us both with a wild side I never knew I had. And who better to test it out on than a hot biker who I’ll be happy to never have to see again after tonight. Until then, though, I want to see more of him. All of him.

  I pull on his zipper until I’ve opened it enough to slip my hand inside. I’m being a lot more forward than I feel. I’m actually surprised that my hand isn’t shaking as violently as my heart is pounding in my chest. Before that trembling can start, though, I grab onto the closet thing I can to anchor me.

  My God, this guy has a big cock.

  I’m no virgin, and Edward was hardly my first, but what I’m holding in my hand now isn’t even in the same class as the rest of those guys, and I haven’t even seen it yet. But I now want to even more desperately.

  For the first time tonight, I realize just how horny I am. It’s been weeks since I’ve had sex. Even before breaking up, Edward was barely around at a reasonable enough hour for us to fuck, and after catching him at the office, I have a better understanding of what was keeping him so busy. And as much as I’ve found Bash’s attitude annoying and crass, I have to admit that seeing the way he handled himself at the bar made me a little bit wet.

  He drips raw power and confidence. Edward has the confidence thing down, but he’s a wimp physically. He’d prefer to pay someone to fight his battles than risk breaking a manicured nail. I told myself that I didn’t care about stuff like that, which I don’t. Or at least, I didn’t think I did. Yet seeing Bash knock those college kids around and then turn his back on them, knowing that they wouldn’t retaliate, and then how he just knocked the crap out of those other bikers… well, I’d be lying to say that it didn’t turn me on at all. It was only once he spoke to me that I realized he was just a complete meathead.

  But with a cock like this, I’m willing to overlook his intellectual failings. For tonight, anyway.

  “You just introducing yourself to that, or are you going to take it out and do something?” He’s pulled his mouth free of mine, which means he’s going to start talking again. But there are other ways to shut a man up.

  Even as I’m unbuttoning his pants with both hands, having reluctantly removed the one from his cock, and rolling them down his hips, I can’t believe what I’m doing. This is so not me. This guy is a complete stranger, not to mention a dangerous biker, and I’m as eager to go down on him as a horny teenager on her first unchaperoned date. I’m hornier then I would ever admit to this guy. I have no idea what about him turns me on. Well, other than how absolutely sexy and masculine he is…

  Bash’s cock is even more impressive to look at than it was to feel. It’s enormous, as I thought, and as hard as the steel motorcycle this guy likely rides. A bead of pre-cum wets the tip, proving that I’m not the only one here completely turned on right now.

  Before I can talk myself out of it, or let him change my mind by opening his mouth again, I lean forward and let him slide between my lips, sucking him into my mouth in a single swallow that draws a surprised gasp from the big man.

  I knew I could get him to stop talking.

  I wrap my fingers around his warm shaft and I let them move up and
down in time with my mouth, getting him nice and wet so that I slide along him easily. His hands are stretched out behind him, holding onto a large, metal desk for support. When I use my other hand to cradle his balls and give them a little squeeze, he lets out another groan of satisfaction. I can’t help but smile.

  Who has all the power now?

  “Holy fuck, you can suck a cock, Blondie. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

  I don’t love him calling me Blondie, but I know I haven’t given him another option. And I don’t intend to. This is a one-time deal, he doesn’t need to know my name. Besides, it’s even hotter this way. Not only have I never had a one-night stand before, I certainly have never sucked someone’s cock who didn’t even know my name.

  “Jesus,” he says under his breath as I speed up a little bit. Even as turned on as I am, I’m starting to have second thoughts about going all the way with this guy. Maybe if I get him off like this he’ll be done, and then I can leave without actually backing down. No one can blame me if the asshole comes once and then tells me to piss off. I can see this guy doing that. Maybe it’s for the best.

  “Stop, wait.” His hands swing around and grab onto my head, gently pushing me back and off of him. “I don’t want to waste this load in your mouth. Take your clothes off.”

  Well, so much for that idea. “Wow, can you be sexier when you order me around?”

  Bash puts a hand under my arm to help me up as he barks a quick laugh. “We’re both adults here, Blondie. Let’s not waste time. I’m not your boyfriend. You came back here for one reason, and we both know what it is. Even if I am surprised that you’re actually going to go through with it.”

  I shrug. “I was just curious if you’ve ever heard of foreplay.”

  The biker lifts an eyebrow as his dark eyes flit down to my waist and then back up at me. “Take off your pants. I’m willing to bet anything you want that you’re wet enough right now that you don’t need any extra foreplay.” His cock is jutting out in front of him, glistening from my saliva, and I can’t take my eyes off of it. He’s right. I would never win that bet, but his attitude is creeping back into the conversation and bringing my automatic defenses back up.


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