Private Dances
Page 10
“I could live with that, darlin’. I surely could.” Dale reached up for him, tugging at his shirt.
“Bene.” His shirt went first, then Dale’s. He tugged at Dale’s jeans, working the button and zipper, pulling out Dale’s cock so he could rub and caress.
“Careful. I haven’t. It’s been a while. I don’t wanna blow early.”
“You are young, caro. You can get up again.” The idea that Dale would be that ready for him enflamed him. He chose to believe it was for him.
“For you? Yeah. Yeah, I reckon….” Dale arched up, pushing into his touch, eyes burning into him.
“Sì, you can.” Dropping to his knees, Gen spread Dale even more, bending to nuzzle his cheek against Dale’s cock, then pulling those jeans down far enough that he could lick Dale’s balls.
Dale moaned, chuckling a little. “God. Missed that. Missed you. Been praying for June.”
“Mmm.” God, he had been waiting too, impatiently. Now he had what he wanted, and he was damned if he would be too angry to not enjoy it. His mouth dropped over Dale’s cock so he could suck hard.
“Gen!” Dale’s hand landed on his head, hips bucking up furiously, cock pushing deep.
Oh, that felt good. Gen closed his eyes and sucked harder, wanting Dale to come so hard he forgot everyone and everything else. And Dale was nothing if not honest. He would not let Gen suck him bare if he had been with anyone else.
His name rang out, over and over, Dale’s voice hoarse and raw as it poured over him, He pushed at Dale’s sac, seed splashing on his tongue. Licking Dale clean, Gen rested his head on Dale’s thigh, the springy hair there scratching a little. That flavor sustained him.
“Damn, darlin’.” Dale’s fingers petted his hair, his temple. “Feels so good.”
“Love.” Suddenly impatient again, this time to be skin on skin, Gen rose and yanked Dale’s jeans off the one leg they still clung to, then took off his own pants and crawled on the bed with Dale. “I missed you so.”
“I hear that.” Dale’s leg wrapped over his hip, tugging them close together. “Been the longest semester in history.”
“Yes? I would be lying if I said that did not please me. I fear I am very jealous right now, caro.” His fingers stroked down Dale’s back, his hard prick settling against Dale’s hip. “I would apologize, but I simply need you too much.”
“There ain’t no need to be jealous of Keno, darlin’. I’m just making money and keeping my job.” Dale moved him, rubbing them together in steady motions.
“I know. You wouldn’t lie to me.” He smiled, the grin moving into a chuckle. “That does not stop me from wanting to hit him.”
Dale snorted, then started to laugh, the sound almost bubbling against his skin. “He’s kind of an arrogant asshole, when it comes down to it, darlin’. I wouldn’t stop you.”
“Oh. Well, then, if I see him again, I will.” Laughing with Dale was pure joy. Gen rubbed, kissing Dale’s throat, licking at sweat.
“Mmm. What do you need, darlin’? How do you want me?”
However he could have Dale, Gen wanted him. “This is fine, caro. We have time. I want to know how you are. I want to hear you are graduating.”
“Well, I got one semester left.” Dale sighed. “If I take the summer sessions, I can be done in August. If not, it’ll be December. It depends on you, I guess.”
“Depends on me? I can come and stay here. You can go to class in the mornings….”
“Yeah? I can do class and be done in August.” Dale looked… excited.
“Sì. Sì, I can do my business from anywhere. I wanted you for the summer, but I would rather you got out of school.” Gen kissed that smile, feeling the excitement grow in his belly.
“Yeah, me too. This whole schooling and working and missing you thing is getting hard.”
Hard. Oh, yes, he was hard. Gen hummed a little, rocking. “As long as you miss me, caro, we can work it out.”
“What do I gotta do to prove it to you, Gen?”
The plaintive note in Dale’s voice had him sighing, taking more kisses. “Just be with me now, Dale. I will have to get over this on my own.”
“You think too much, man. Honest.” Dale brought their lips together again, tongue pushing into his mouth.
He always had. It was one of his great failings in his personal life, one of his best attributes in business. His hands slid down to hold Dale’s hips, letting him rub them together, giving his aching cock some kind of friction. Of course, Dale seemed quite intent on not allowing him enough breath to have even a single thought. Smart boy. Gen smiled into the kiss, moving faster, feeling that he might get it up again as well, despite how much older he was.
Dale hummed, lovely eyes shining up at him. The kiss went deeper and longer, Dale’s hands pushing him faster.
“Good, caro. So good every time.” All he could do was kiss and touch some more, needing to come so bad he hurt.
“Uh-huh. Come on.” Dale tugged him hard, dragging him up and up so that mouth could reach his prick.
“Oh, oh, caro.” Arching, he pushed into Dale’s mouth, needing more heat and love and skin and… sì.
Dale’s fingers gripped his ass, tugged him in deep. God help him, those lips wrapped around his cock, the suction curling his toes, tugging him into that tight throat. All he could do was shoot. Shoot and hope he could indeed rise again, like he’d been thinking earlier.
He was held in that hot mouth, tongue and lips cleaning his prick, loving him.
Gen stroked Dale’s hair, his shoulders, luxuriating in being able to touch. “Grazie, sweet.”
“Mmm-hmm.” Dale kissed the tip of his prick, eyes laughing. “See? Thinking bad.”
“You’re right. I should do more and think less.” Rolling, he put Dale on top of him, his eyes half closing as they moved together again.
“Mmm-hmm. Fuck, you’re real. Here.” Dale licked his lips, his jaw, his chin.
“I am. So are you.” His fingers found the small of Dale’s back, catching on the tiny hairs there. Kissing Dale’s throat left him moaning, the taste of salt and musk filling him.
“Uh-huh.” Dale groaned, arching against him. “You were a good surprise.”
“Mmm.” He was losing the English. His hands bracketed Dale’s hips once more, squeezing, rocking. His cock rose again, amazing him with his swiftness.
Dale straddled his hips, cock rubbing his stomach. “Fuck me?”
“God, yes.” Nothing would please him more. “Get yourself ready?”
“You have any stuff, darlin’?”
“I….” No. He had forgotten entirely. He’d been so angry. “Give me your hand.”
Dale tilted his head a moment, then offered one hand over, Dale balancing his weight on the other hand. He took Dale’s fingers into his mouth. That got him a deep, sweet moan, Dale’s eyes rolling back into his head. Yes, he liked that as well. The suggestiveness of taking Dale’s fingers in pleased him, the way Dale writhed on him pleased him more. Gen sucked harder, loving the taste of that hot skin.
“Oh. Darlin’. I….” Dale shuddered, cock dropping a hot spot of heat right on his belly.
“We need to hurry, caro. I swear, I feel like a teenager. Now, put your fingers around here.” Pushing that hand around behind Dale, Gen carefully set Dale to making himself ready.
Dale straightened up with one hand on the headboard, riding his own fingers and looking….
“Caro. Ti amo. You are… please. Hurry.” His body ached, arching and rubbing, his skin overly hot.
“Uh-huh. Want you. Deep. Hard.” Dale leaned forward, almost growling. “Been empty for so long.”
“Now. Yes.” He helped lift Dale up, feeling Dale’s arm move once more, then twice before Dale groaned and leaned down to kiss him. They broke for air. “Ready, caro?”
“Hell, yes.” Dale nodded, eyes lit right up with need.
“Good. Come up here.” They moved, both of them a little awkward becaus
e of their wet hands and skin, but managing to get Dale into place, Gen’s cock nudging and poking at that hot, wet little hole. Then he pushed in and the whole world went white-hot.
He heard Dale’s grunt like it came from forever away, and then Dale’s body clenched tight as a fist around him, those muscles fluttering all against his shaft. His eyes rolled back in his head, and his hands clenched on Dale’s hips, just as hard. Shaking, squirming, Gen planted his feet and rocked up, grunting, working into Dale’s body.
It was an inferno, this thing between them—skin sliding and slapping, grunts and groans filling the air. His words left him like they always did when he was with Dale this way, and he hoped what he felt came through in his touch. In each and every thrust.
Dale rode him, stretched out tall above him so he could see every long line, every gleaming inch of skin. Running his hands up Dale’s body, Gen let his thumbs roll over Dale’s nipples, rubbing them hard, adding to the sensation. The way it made Dale clamp down around him had him crying out.
“Again. Do. It. Again.” Dale’s cock slapped against that flat belly.
“This?” He pinched this time, hard enough to make those tiny nipples go a deep red when he released them. And then he had to taste them, pushing up to wrap his lips about one.
“Uh. Uh-huh. Gen. Darlin’.” Dale started jacking that long, heated cock, muscles going tight around him.
“Oh….” He froze for a moment, staring. Then he arched hard, really fucking Dale now, hips rocking and rocking. God. Yes.
Dale’s cries echoed, rang through the room as Dale gripped the headboard, muscles shaking violently.
Gen came so hard he saw stars, his body shaking, his legs pulling up to cradle Dale when Dale shot. Their skin slapped together and they jerked and moaned, both of them heaving with the force of it.
“Goddamn. Darlin’. I—damn.” Dale collapsed against him, muscles trembling.
Nodding, he held Dale close, breathing hard. His body felt completely alive and yet completely unable to move. The things Dale did to him amazed him. Dale murmured something—something about being happy and seeing him and love—then collapsed against him with a soft sigh.
They could talk more later, he thought while he stroked Dale’s sweaty back. He truly did believe Dale when he said that other man meant nothing. It was his own jealousy he had to deal with, somehow.
For right now he would luxuriate in them being together.
Chapter Nine
“…THE SHAPE of this shows us….”
Dale blinked and tried to focus on Dr. Martin’s words, but it wasn’t working. Shit, it wasn’t even close. His head bobbed, eyes fluttering as they tried to close.
He and Gen had gone after it again last night. Gen’d been all pissy about him missing a dinner date, and he’d been all het up because he’d been stuck in traffic with his truck overheating, and then he’d blown a tire, and goddamn, he was trying, wasn’t he? Trying to live three fucking lives at once, and it wasn’t fucking working for him, because this three hours of sleep a night thing was going to kill him.
It wasn’t that he didn’t fucking love Gen. He did, but Gen couldn’t stay in his “tiny little apartment” and Gen’s condo was downtown, which goddamn, the traffic there could kill a man, and he was fucked if he spent the night and had an eight o’clock class, but he was more fucked if he headed home, because then Gen pouted.
And then there was the work part, which was going well except that Gen growled and fussed every time he and Keno danced. And now that the show had a little play whip on top of the ropes?
Jesus Christ.
He wasn’t going to have to do it long.
Just a summer.
Hell, right now, he’d settle for surviving this class.
GEN WAS worried about Dale.
Oh, he had stopped worrying about Dale cheating on him with Keno. The Native American boy had no interest in Dale, really. He was there to work.
In fact, Gen had stopped worrying about Dale cheating on him with anyone, despite how watching Dale dance with someone else made him feel. Dale was his. If he had learned anything during his time in Houston, it was that Dale was his, as Dale would say, lock, stock, and barrel.
No, he was worried about Dale’s peace of mind. His health. Dale came to him tired every night, and he felt selfish as could be, not letting it go. But he needed the closeness. The loving.
He was addicted.
Gen could only hope his addiction did not cost Dale his dreams.
“DALE, YOU need a tattoo.”
“What?” He looked over from where he was packing his costumes up for cleaning.
“A tattoo. On your lower back, maybe. It would be sexy. People’d love it.” Ken was brushing his long, long hair, eyes looking at him in that coldly professional way Ken had. Sometimes it was cool, knowing Ken wasn’t interested. Sometimes it was creepy as hell.
“I don’t think so. Tattoos are permanent.” And they hurt. And Gen would scream.
“It would make you more money.”
“I’m not going to be dancing forever, man.” Hell, Keno wouldn’t be dancing forever. It was a young guy’s job. “Hey, what’re you gonna do when you don’t dance anymore?”
“I’m going to open a club. Real exclusive. Only private dances. I’ve been saving up, learning the business side.” The dark hair went back, Keno grinning at him. “What about you?”
“I probably will find a big setup to do research for, maybe do PR on a freelance basis for a bunch of little ranches.” Maybe he could help Gen out. There had to be a job for him that would let him and Gen be together. Surely they had cattle in Italy.
“Maybe you and me, we could work together. We dance good.”
“Yeah, maybe. That’d be cool.” Except that he was gonna be in Italy with his man if it killed him, and if that didn’t work out, he didn’t know what his plan was.
Maybe become a clown in a Russian circus.
Or go back and try bull riding again.
He grinned at himself. Nah. That led to serious ass bruising, and that wasn’t attractive.
“YOU NEED to focus, Dee. Your mind’s not on the dancing today.” Ken wiped his forehead, tossing another towel over.
Well, no.
No, it wasn’t.
Not with Gen pacing back and forth outside like a caged tiger, waiting for him to get finished.
Lord, he was bone-tired.
Eighteen hours of college, twenty hours of work, nights with Gen, rehearsals—he’d not been in this good a shape in his life. You could bounce quarters off his belly. Hell, he had a guy last night that paid to do that.
“Sorry, man. Just having an off night. They still loved us, huh?”
Keno dried his long hair, grinned over. “Your man? I think he was watching close.”
“Yeah. Yeah, he probably was.” He wiped off, grabbed his jeans. He wasn’t doing a private show tonight. He wanted a burger and a beer.
“You be careful. You ain’t doing nothin’ wrong, man. Jus’ makin’ money.”
“Yeah. I know. I do. It’s cool.”
Just making money and driving Gen out of his mind.
He waved and went to cash out his tips, boots tapping along with the music. Gen was right there when he was done, hand cupping his elbow to walk him out. Like a granny chaperone or something.
“Hey, darlin’. You have a good evening?” See him. See him not pick a fight.
Go him.
“Buona sera, amore. I enjoyed watching you, as always.” Gen wasn’t as stiff-lipped tonight, not as hard through the shoulders.
“Keno is pissed at me. I wasn’t on.” He shrugged, leaned a little. “I’m dying for a burger, man. You hungry?”
“I wanted to wait for you, so yes.” Gen stopped by the car, handing him the keys. “I fear I drank on an empty stomach.”
“No problem. Thanks for waiting. You want to take my truck or your car?”
tever you’re comfortable with, love.” That would explain why Gen was so low-key, he guessed.
“Hmm. No one’ll steal my truck, darlin’. Your pretty little car? Shit. It’s worth more than three of us make in a year.”
Besides. Driving the little car. Woo.
He led Gen over to the little hot rod and tumped the man right on in. Okay. Burgers. Beer. Possibly pie. Maybe the Dairy Dart. They had onion rings.
“You like the idea of driving, hmm?” Gen’s hand landed on his thigh when he sat down, fingers stroking.
“Hell, I used to dream about driving something like this.” Never really thought he would get to either.
“Well, then, perhaps we shall have to drive about a bit after supper.” Gen squeezed his thigh, smiling at him, and Dale had high hopes for the evening.
“Yeah? I’d like that. Hell, I got tomorrow off—school and work. You want to head for the coast?” Oh, man. That would be fun as all fuck.
“Oh. I would like that.” Gen chuckled. “You know how I feel about the beach.”
“Yeah. Let’s go.” He grinned, headed for the highway. “You want to grab some McD’s on our way out or do you want to stop?”
“Whatever you like, caro. You wanted a hamburger.”
“I do. We’ll get takeout.” Cokes. Fries. Burgers. Ooh. Fried pies.
“That would be lovely. I don’t think I’ve eaten on the highway before.” There wasn’t a hint of irony in Gen’s voice. Sometimes he had this wonder for all things American.
“Well, then. You haven’t experienced life.” He pulled into a Jack in the Crack and ordered enough food to feed a small army. Tacos, egg rolls, fries, and burgers and shakes. God, he was hungry.
“Are we feeding more than just us?”
Oh, yeah, like Gen had never ordered them room service for fifteen.
“We’ve got an hour’s drive, you were buying, and I just shook my ass off.” He grinned over, grabbed a taco.
“You did. I am not sure why Keno thought you were off.”