Sweet Victory

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Sweet Victory Page 17

by Melanie Shawn

  “Well,” said Karina, “I don't think it has to be that dire. Luke, you and Ryan go sign up to help on the construction team. I will work with Sam on getting the snowboarding program ready during the day, and we'll just text you with things that we desperately need your input on. That should make it a manageable workload for everybody.”

  “That sounds great, Karina, thanks for offering,” Luke said sincerely.

  As the two guys headed off to sign up on the clipboard, Ryan said, “I really think you're gonna like the guys, they're a great group.”

  When they were out of earshot, Karina grinned at Sam and said, “So, I guess he's pretty much tailor-made for you, then?”

  Sam just smiled.

  --- ~ ---

  Thursday morning, as Luke drove up to Mountain Ridge, he was hoping he would get to spend some time with Sam that day. Luke had not seen Sam, other than briefly in passing, since Monday. He missed her. A lot.

  The week had gone by quickly, and, Ryan was right - he had really enjoyed getting to know the group of guys he had been working with. Justin, Ryan, Eric and Jake were all great, and yesterday Henry, the acting mayor and Amanda's godfather, had been there helping out. Luke grinned at the memory. Henry was one of a kind!

  As much as he had enjoyed both the work and the company, though, he was having Sam withdrawals in a BIG way.

  Luke drove directly to the cabin he would be working on today and saw that Justin had just pulled up as well.

  “Hey, man,” Luke greeted him as they both got out of their trucks.

  “Hey,” Justin returned the greeting, friendly.

  Aiming for as casual a tone as possible, Luke asked, “So, by the way...I don't suppose you know where Samantha's working today, do you?”

  Justin smiled at him, and Luke could swear that it was a knowing smile.

  “I just have some questions...you know...about the ski program...” Luke finished lamely.

  Justin grinned, and said in an innocent tone, “She's with Amanda in the office today, getting things organized. I could call her if you like – she's just a short walkie-talkie summons away.”

  “Oh, no,” Luke protested, “It can wait.”

  “Oh, don't be silly,” Justin bluffed, pulling the two-way radio from his belt, “I mean, if it's about work and it's serious, why wait?”

  Luke laughed, “It's fine, it's not serious, it's not important.”

  Justin grinned and clipped the radio back on his belt.

  Well, Luke thought with disappointment, I guess seeing Samantha today is not in the cards. Suddenly, though, an idea popped into his head. He had seen a bowling alley at the end of Main Street, and it looked like a fun place. Maybe Samantha would want to go hit some pins tonight.

  Striving again for the casual tone that he could never seem to perfect when the subject was Samantha, he asked Justin, “Hey do you know if Sam likes to bowl?”

  “Hell, yes - if it’s a game, then Sam is in,” Justin started unloading his truck, handing Luke the sealant they would be using to finish the floors of the cabin, “That girl loves to win, doesn’t really matter at what.”

  “She’s really that competitive?” Luke asked.

  “Oh yeah. In fact, there is only a single time I can remember that losing didn’t seem to bother her. But I’m pretty sure that was a one-time only occurrence.”

  “Why, what happened?” Luke asked curiously as the two of them walked into the cabin and greeted Eric, who was already inside working.

  Justin laughed as he set the supplies down on the table, “Hey Eric, can you think of anytime that Sam has been okay with not winning at something?”

  “Only one time comes to mind,” Eric answered, and then he and Justin chorused, “Putt N’ Stuff.”

  “Ding, ding, ding we have a winner,” Justin announced, “That is the only time I have seen that Sam has been cool about not winning. But, like I said, I think it was a one-time deal.

  “And honestly, I don’t think anyone could be mad about losing to Kyle Austen Reed. You should see the guy, he is good at everything.”

  “Kyle Austen Reed? You mean the Kyle Austen Reed?” Luke asked in disbelief.

  “Oh yes, there is only one Kyle Austen Reed – movie star – master of all things,” Eric said as Justin nodded his head in agreement and both of them laughed.

  “So did he and Sam date or something?” Luke asked, still not following. He didn't even know the complete story yet, but he did know that his gut clenched at the idea of his Samantha out on a date with the handsome celebrity.

  “No, actually, that's a funny story. Kyle thought he was on a date with Karina. Well, a group date anyway. He came to town when she moved back, thinking that their relationship was more than it actually was, and stayed for a few weeks.

  “He’s actually a really cool guy when you get to know him. We all went mini-golfing and Sam was paired up with him to try to put a buffer between him and Karina and Ryan, who had just started seeing each other.”

  “Man, it’s like a soap opera up here.” Luke said trying to process all that information.

  “It is,” Justin agreed, “But the upshot of all of that is that Sam would most likely love to go bowling.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  As Sam walked into Lone Pine Lanes bowling alley, she was immediately hit with the smell of stale popcorn and beer. The old bowling alley had smelled like this since she could remember, and she loved it.

  The smell reminded her of the many Friday nights and Saturday afternoons that she and the rest of the Fabulous Four had spent here, bowling and playing games in the arcade.

  Some of Sam’s best childhood memories were here at The Lanes, as it was called by locals. Part of that was because she always had a good time with her friends, but part of it was also because she was a really good bowler. She had bowled two perfect games in her life, but most of the time her score ranged from 220 to 260. Her friends were decent bowlers, but Sam was better - and Sam loved to win.

  She had been so excited when Luke had stopped by the offices and asked her to go bowling with him. She had been thinking about him pretty much non-stop since she had last seen him on Monday – so much so that she had actually been arranging little quick, casual, “accidental” run-ins with each other during the days at Mountain Ridge. He had always seemed happy to see her when they had “bumped into” each other, and she was pretty sure he wasn't aware that she was basically stalking him.

  After Sam had agreed to the bowling, they had ironed out the details. He had to run home and take a shower since he had been working on the cabins all day, so they decided to meet here.

  Her excitement had been building all throughout the past hour, and now that she was walking into the bowling alley, it was at almost a fever pitch.

  Not only was she excited to spend more time with Luke, but she was nervous, as well. There was still the one, big, unresolved elephant in the room, and it was starting to dominate her thoughts. The 'virgin' thing. Telling Luke. Whether to tell him, how to tell him, when to tell him – it was just a lot to juggle.

  When Luke had popped his head into the office and asked Sam out to go bowling, Amanda was there as well, they had been working on files together. After Luke left, Sam asked Amanda if she still thought it was a good idea to spill the ‘virgin’ beans. Amanda had told her that yes, she did think it was the best move – but Sam feared she may be losing her nerve.

  She sighed. She decided that all she could really do was to try and play it by ear tonight. If the opportunity presented itself she would tell Luke.


  As she stood leaning against the railing, watching several families bowl, she got an overwhelming feeling of envy. She saw a Dad help a boy who looked to be about four years old walk up to the line and roll the ball down the lane. There were bumpers placed on each side, and the heavy shining ball caromed all the way down to the end, knocking over several pins. The whole family cheered and Sam clapped as well.

  She felt goos
ebumps on her arm even before she heard Luke speak, the second time that had happened. First the other morning in the office and now here. Hmm, she thought, looks like my body went and had Luke radar installed when I wasn’t looking.

  “Hello, beautiful,” she heard Luke say right behind her, speaking softly into her ear.

  As she turned he quickly pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly. Burying his face in the crook of her neck, she could feel his lips against the sensitive spot right below her ear.

  “I missed you,” he near-moaned, his voice sending a shiver down her spine.

  She was a little light headed, just from a hug. She also was reveling in the fact that Luke Reynolds had missed her. And not only that, but he was actually hugging her, in public, almost as if they were a couple. It felt so surreal. Surreal...but amazing.

  She simply wasn’t the ‘girl that got the guy’ - she wasn’t the girl that inspired men to show public displays of affection, she wasn’t the girl to get much less retain a guy’s affection.

  Yet, somehow, with Luke, she was that girl. It was more than she could have ever dreamed, and she had no idea how it had happened.

  But you know what they say - why look a gift horse in the mouth?

  He squeezed her tightly one more time before pulling back a little so that he could kiss her. The kiss was brief, yet somehow extremely thorough, with a passion that left her breathless and wanting so much more.

  As Luke ended the kiss and stepped back, she felt her legs wobble beneath her. Her knees were weak. Wow, she had always thought that was just a myth, a phrase people used. Who knew a kiss could actually make your knees weak? She grabbed the railing behind her to steady herself. Damn, Luke sure had some potent kisses!

  “You OK?” Luke asked, concern etched in his face.

  “Yep,” Sam smiled as she released the rail and stood under her own power, “Just wasn’t expecting that, is all.”

  Luke leaned close so that their mouths were almost touching and said in a low, sexy rumble, “Remember Samantha I always want one.”

  The side of his mouth turned up in a sexy grin as he took Sam’s hand and led her to the shoe rental counter.

  She was still feeling a little fuzzy-headed as they sat on the bench and put their shoes on. Sam was starting to believe that the very air that she breathed in when he was around acted as a powerful intoxicant.

  “So, how have things been going up at the cabins?” Sam asked, trying to regain her senses and get her bearings back by using the universal excitement-killer: small talk.

  “Better than I had expected, actually. When Justin and Amanda called us into their offices on Monday morning, I’ve gotta be honest, I didn’t have high hopes. I mean, we're all well-meaning, but to replace a professional construction crew? To get the job done on that tight timeframe?

  “But, man, everyone has really stepped up to the plate. When people here say they are going to be there and do something, they actually show up and do it.”

  Sam could hear in his voice how impressed he was with the way that the town had rallied for Justin and Amanda.

  “Hope Falls is a great place that way. The community really looks out for each other and helps when needed. Plus, I don't know if you had picked up on this, but Amanda is kind of the sweetheart of Hope Falls. With Parker passing, I think the town has somewhat adopted her. Everyone wants her and Justin to be successful running Mountain Ridge.”

  As they picked out their respective bowling balls, Sam couldn’t help but admire Luke’s arms. His biceps bulged as he picked up each ball, weighing it, considering, looking for just the right one. She felt her forehead start to sweat along her hairline. Man alive, Luke Reynolds sure could fill out a t-shirt!

  She had a powerful urge to run her hands over his arms, in fact, her fingers were tingling at just the thought of it. She had to ball them into fists to keep them from reaching out and caressing him against her conscious will.

  Luke cleared his throat, causing her to tear her gaze away from his gorgeous body. He smiled suggestively and said, in a silky voice, “If you keep looking at me like that, I am not going to be able to bowl.”

  She tilted her head in confusion, not sure why he wouldn’t he be able to bowl with her looking at him. Was she making him self-conscious? Was he not used to bowling in front of a crowd? Was he afraid of being judged?

  “I don't get it. Why?” she asked innocently.

  He nodded down to his jeans, and when Sam followed the trajectory of his gaze, she noticed that his pants did seem to be a little snug. Her eyes flew back up to his face, growing as wide as saucers as she asked, “Did I do that?”

  Luke laughed, nodding his head, “Yes, you sure did, and since we are in a family establishment I would like to try and keep our game as G rated as possible. As long as we're in the building, that is.”

  Sam couldn’t believe that she had the power to affect a man such as Luke Reynolds that way...and from just a look, to boot! She was overwhelmed by a feeling of power, of confidence. She liked it!

  “OK” she said, feeling sassy, “but if we’re working with a rating system here, you have to admit that kiss was at least PG.”

  Luke laughed as Sam turned to take her first turn at rolling the smooth ball down the lane.


  Luke was seriously regretting choosing this activity. Not because he cared that Sam was wiping the floor with him. He could really care less about that – in fact, he found it rather hot. Nope. The problem was that he was having quite a difficult time bowling while sporting semi-wood.

  Every time he would get himself under control, she would bend over to roll the ball, which would then cause her magnificent ass to be on display. He tried to make himself not look, but the perfect spheres were like a magnet that his eyes were drawn to. She had the most perfect heart-shaped backside, it was almost too good to be true.

  As if that wasn’t bad enough, every time she bent over to pick up her ball, or fix her shoes, or stretch – because, YES, she was taking it that seriously – her light pink scoop-neck t-shirt would give him just the tiniest peek at the sexy pink bra she was wearing, which had a little white bow in the center. Of course, the bra was sexy enough, but the worst part (or the best part, depending on how you looked at it) was that the bra showed enough cleavage to make it clear the pair of breasts encased inside it were one of the most magnificent pairs known to mankind.

  Dear God, last time she bent down his mouth had literally watered!

  Great, he mused sarcastically – was he going to spend this entire date drooling, and with a hard on?! So sexy! She wouldn't be able to control herself! Dammit, why could he not seem to keep his body under control?

  He shook his head. It was the kissing. Samantha Holt was not only sexy, smart, beautiful, cute, and funny...she could kiss like nobody else his lips had ever touched. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. He was quickly becoming an addict, he realized - addicted to her kisses.

  He wasn’t joking when he said he always wanted a kiss...he always wanted a kiss. He had gone three days without one, and he honestly wasn’t sure if he could do that again.

  He sighed. If kissing her affected him this strongly, he couldn’t even begin to think about what would happen when he finally got to make love to Sam. He glanced down at his jeans. Lock it down, he told himself. Best for both the drooling and the erection if you don't let your mind wander too far down that path.

  “Hey, earth to Luke, it’s your turn,” Sam sing-songed, waving her hand in front of his face, “Unless, of course, you want to give up...which I totally understand. I mean, the probability of you making a comeback is slim to none.”

  Alright, he told himself sternly, time to pull his head out of his A.S.S. (as his mom would paraphrase) and stop mooning over Sam like he was a fifteen year old girl.

  Luke smiled, stood and grabbed his bowling ball from the return carriage. He made the short trip to the line in three confident steps, set his form, focused, pulled his arm back an
d released the ball sending, it rolling down the lane and knocking every pin down.


  He walked back to where Sam was standing with her mouth slightly open. Shaking his head slightly he tugged her chin up so she was looking directly into his eyes, “Why would I want to quit? Baby, I’m just getting started.”

  He leaned down to kiss her, mainly because he couldn’t stop himself.

  After he pulled away, she stumbled a little bit on the way to the ball return, and was slightly shaky as she picked up her bowling ball. As she made her way to the lane, she wavered slightly, and didn’t seem quite as focused. She drew her arm back and launched the ball, and when it reached the end of the lane, 4 pins were left standing.

  She spun around on her heels and pointed her finger in accusation, “Hey you did that on purpose!”

  He held his hands up, a sign of surrender, “I really didn’t, but if I had known that was all it took to slow you down I would have tried it a lot sooner.”

  Sam laughed.

  “Oh, I dare you to try it again,” she proclaimed sassily, “Next time, I'll be prepared!”

  “I believe I'll take you up on that,” Luke replied huskily, and he did. Every time it was Sam’s turn, Luke would grab her and kiss her.

  Sure she put up a little protest. He had to chase her a few times to catch her. She threatened him with various forms of torture if he didn’t stop. But her hollow protests were always delivered with laughter, and in the end he always ended up with her in his arms. It was a good night.

  As they walked out to the parking lot, though, Luke could feel that something had shifted between them. He didn’t know if it was all the kissing, or if she was feeling the pressure of saying goodbye and the awkwardness that always accompanied the decision of whether to go home together or not, but something felt more intense between them.

  Sam was bundled in a down jacket, gloves, a scarf and a beanie. Hot damn, he thought to himself, even covered from head to toe in bulky snow gear, she was sexy as hell.

  He considered his next move. Should he invite her to his place, or should he just kiss her and have them both go their separate ways?


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