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Doomed Cases Box Set: The Complete Collection Books 1- 4 & Prequel

Page 33

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  Zach’s eyes darkened, and he pulled over to the side of the road. I should have kept my mouth shut.

  “Because of the prince? He fucked you up so badly that now you can’t put your full trust in another man?” he asked gently in a tone of voice that I completely didn’t recognise. I stared at my hands, chewing on my bottom lip, and thinking that I couldn’t cry in front of him.

  “Yes, we loved each other. I have never talked to anyone about this, but what we had was special. It was truly like a fairytale,” I said, struggling to keep my voice even. Once the first tear rolled down my cheek, I couldn’t stop myself. I was a damaged woman who was too scared to cry in front of a man.

  “Now you have a chance to get back together with him. He obviously caused such havoc. He wants you back, Flower.”

  “No, it’s over. This could never work. I’m moving forward and not jumping back to that old life. Arthur is going to be the future king and I’m no one,” I said, wiping the tears away. “I do like you, Zach, and I was ready then, but my life always spins out of control. I was afraid I’d screw it up.”

  He reached out and lifted my chin, his eyes filled with heat. He used his thumb to wipe the tears away, and my soul sparked back to life. It was okay to show him that vulnerable part of me hidden somewhere underneath.

  “You’re beautiful, and you deserve someone who can give you everything. Now I understand, and if you let me in, I could smooth your sorrows and seal that frisky little heart of yours back together again. The choice is yours.”

  Chapter 8

  “...but nature scants that light in all it makes, working in much the manner of a painter who knows the true art, but whose brush hand shakes.”

  ― Dante Alighieri

  There was a buzzing in my ears. Zach’s genuine words were slowly turning my stone-cold heart into a healthy muscle that beat loudly in my chest. I couldn’t give him an answer, but I understood what he was saying. He wanted to be there for me. I had only ever experienced something like that with Ricky, and now another man was reaching out, telling me that it was okay to feel vulnerable once in a while.

  When we reached Zach’s house, and I waited downstairs while he sorted his spare room for me, I knew that he meant what he said in the car. I had to start appreciating that he had a huge heart, and he was willing to help me, even after I blew him off. He made me a strong cup of tea and stayed with me until I fell asleep.

  That night, I closed my eyes, aware that I had a man beside me, a man who was willing to take me as I was—damaged and lost in a world that I couldn’t fit in. Maybe I had made a mistake not trusting him before. The conflict from the past didn’t matter. I was the problem and he showed me the solution. Now it was my decision, my choice that I had to make in order to move forward. My demonic soul was torn between the world on the outside and the one down below.

  The morning came, and I woke up with a start, nearly falling on the floor. I didn’t recognise the space around me, and my heart beat frantically in my chest. I was dreaming that Alexis threw me down to the pits, and I was falling through darkness.

  The sheets were clean and smelled of lavender and some other flowery scent. Last night seemed kind of blurry, but the memories quickly came back, and suddenly I remembered what happened. I pushed the covers away, ignoring the headache and the achy muscles. My knuckles were bruised, and I had to remind myself that next time, I should stay away from human business that didn’t concern me. The arsehole boyfriend wasn’t worth the hassle. Shaking my head, I started putting my clothes back on, knowing that it was a new day, and I had to get on with finding Nameless.

  Zach was most likely downstairs, or he had left for work in the early hours of the morning. The clock on the wall was showing me that it was just after eleven o’clock in the morning. There were a couple of missed calls from Ricky on my phone. He most likely had heard about the statement that Arthur had released to the press last night. Today wasn’t going to be easy; today I had to get back to work after acting like an emotional wreck last night.

  I brushed my hair with my hands, washed my face and took a deep breath, then headed downstairs to face reality and Zach. After countless nights, he probably accepted that I had many flaws.

  “Morning, sunshine, how are we feeling this morning or should I say afternoon?”

  Zach’s voice startled me, and I jumped, nearly dropping my phone. He was standing in the kitchen, clean-shaven, dressed in a white shirt. Gorgeous, yeah, he looked really good in white. I asked myself, why the hell I didn’t jump his bones earlier on when I had a chance. He would definitely brighten my miserable future.

  “I’m good, hangover, but nothing I can’t handle,” I replied, looking around. Nothing much had changed in Zach’s house. I still remembered that painfully steamy encounter in the corner of his room.

  “Late breakfast is on the menu today. How would you like your eggs to be cooked?” he asked with a wink. It looked like Zach was back to being his playful self after all. Maybe it was better that I opened up to him in the car, that I cried a little. He knew now that deep down I wasn’t made of steel.

  “Scrambled, please.”

  I went into his kitchen and sat down in the chair. The breakfast followed, then strong coffee. It was still early for me, but the food fuelled my body with boosting energy. We had a long day ahead, and I needed to get moving on tracking down Nameless Thief.

  We ate in silence. Zach was staring at me the entire time, and his never-ending curiosity began shifting into a vibrant lust. Of course, how could I have forgotten about it?

  “Tell me about Nameless Thief, how he operates, and where we can find him?” I asked when I was done with my food.

  “I have been trying to catch that snake for years, but he always got away. He robbed The British Museum a few years back. We don’t have any photos in the files. He has been careful and none of his associates are willing to talk,” Zach explained, finishing his coffee. He was very tidy for a man and his kitchen was clean.

  “We have to track him down. He cannot release those letters,” I said, thinking about people who could help with this case. Nameless was a half demon; that’s why Zach couldn’t catch him. I had resources and necessary magic, the advantage. “The entire monarchy could be at stake.”

  “We have the same goal, Flower, and we did manage to solve the last case. We will find him.”

  “Good, because I don’t want to waste time. We have to work out a plan and get on with it straight away,” I told him, wondering if I had enough potions in my closet to protect myself and Zach.

  A mad gleam flickered in his eyes.

  “What did the prince want from you yesterday when he asked you to stay?” Zach asked the question, shifting the tension between us. I looked down at my empty coffee, wrapping my fingers around the cup.

  “He wants to rekindle whatever we had, regardless of what I think,” I replied, not sure if talking to Zach about me and Arthur was a good idea. After yesterday he knew that deep inside, I was an insecure little girl, desiring someone who could never be truly mine.

  Zach smiled and ran his finger over my bare arm. Goosebumps broke out everywhere, and my energy soared.

  “I have to give it to the guy—he has balls, calling off the wedding, but he won’t win with me here. Come on, let’s move it. We have things to do,” Zach said, giving me his look that sent shivers down my spine. Our story was pretty much open ended.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, thinking that I needed to get to the office and have a chat with Ricky. Emma was still waiting to hear about the truth, and I promised that this was going to happen today.

  “Underground. That’s where most thieves operate,” Zach said, glancing at the clock in the kitchen. “But first I need to pop into the station.”

  “Well, in that case, I think we should meet up in a few hours, because I need to be in the office. I have a meeting with Ricky,” I told him, hoping that everything would go according to plan, at least today.

I shouldn’t have been drinking tequila last night. The magic had completely messed up my head. I kept wondering if I should have shared the truth with Arthur, but at the same time, I wasn’t prepared to risk his life for the sake of my own happiness. He was a royal, after all, and needed to be protected. The rules of the demonic world were strict. Maybe most of them didn’t apply to me, but when it came to royal business, the faction wouldn’t care if half of my soul was demonic or not.

  “All right, whatever, Max, but I bet you Nameless Thief is hiding in the underground. I’ve been chasing after him for as long as I can remember. I got to know his connections. Meet me at Angel Station around two o’clock. That should give us enough time to sort out our affairs.”

  I nodded, thinking that it was kind of odd that we were a team again. My powers were dangerous, and Zach was sensitive, so I had to be careful with using my abilities in front of him this time around. He gave me a lift to the city and then I took the tube back to Brixton.

  “Remember, Flower, I still want you, and whatever Arthur does, I’ll beat him to it,” Zach assured me before I jumped out of the car. His words made me feel better for some reason.

  I walked to the office with my stomach in knots. Since Emma started working with us things changed, and I actually wanted to show up on time. Ricky was in a better mood and finally, after years, all the cases were in order. Who knew how Emma would react when I revealed that I was half demon and Ricky was born in Hell? I somehow convinced the head of Berith faction that she was ready, so now I just needed to convince myself.

  The city was busy. The upcoming bank holiday weekend got everyone on the street. Emma was already in full mode when I got upstairs, working and talking to Ricky about her daughter’s school project. She was in a very good mood, cataloging some evidence from one of the crimes scenes.

  “Hey, Max, how are you? Isn’t this a bit early for you?” she asked, laughing. Ricky was on his feet the second he heard my voice. The case and the prince, yeah, we needed to talk. He had an expensive blue shirt on and a new haircut. Unlike me, Ricky had style and he enjoyed the life of luxury.

  “Detective Quinton gave me a ride here,” I said, not wanting to hide anything from those two.

  Emma started clapping and squeaking like a bird, and I rolled my eyes.

  “That’s exciting. So, you’re going to date him then?” she asked, after she was calm enough to speak.

  “I don’t do dating. We’re working together again,” I muttered and went to Ricky’s office, hoping that he wouldn’t dwell on what happened to me last night.

  “That son of a bitch put you in a difficult spot, Max,” my business partner said. “I went over to your place last night. The parking lot was filled with reporters.”

  “It’s a long story. I was in the Broken Shoe, then ended up at Zach’s, and before you ask, no, nothing happened,” I said, not wanting to tell Ricky that I was still considering hooking up with Zach. “Now can we call Emma in here and tell her what’s going on. We’ve waited long enough, and Watchers might be over to see how she is adjusting.”

  “What happened in the palace yesterday, and where is Ronan?”

  “Don’t know. He vanished after Arthur kept me in Rodriguez’s office for a bit longer,” I mumbled, pushing myself not to think about the future ahead. “He’s wants to date me, Rick, going behind his family and all that palaver.”

  Ricky dragged his hand through his hair and exhaled sharply. We both knew that Arthur was stubborn and ready for anything.

  “I’ll help you as much as possible, but if worse comes to worst, you might have to use your abilities to keep him away. We can’t afford to lose focus,” Ricky told me, and I had to agree with him. He was worried for me, worried about my future. This man who I treated like a brother was never selfish, and he often looked out for me more than he looked out for himself.

  “Yeah, about that. I need to call Emma in here, right now. I need to go out soon. Zach has a lead for Nameless Thief.”

  Ricky nodded, got up, and a moment later, Emma, Ricky, and I were squeezed into his small office. Tension rolled through the space. At times humans were mentally stronger than demons, but equally as vulnerable.

  “So, guys, what’s going on? You aren’t going to fire me, right? Because it looks like this conversation is going to be serious,” Emma said, laughing nervously. I smoothed my palms over my trousers, gathering the courage to start talking.

  “There is something important that we want to tell you, something about the two of us,” Ricky said, beating me to it. “It might sound unbelievable, but we want you to listen very carefully.”

  Emma had nothing to say to that, but I could see deep down that she was thinking we were going to fire her. I felt like I had to say something. I reached out and touched her hand.

  “You remember the night we met in the alley, when you were attacked?” I asked, ready to return her real memories.

  “Of course. You saved me from those men who tried to rob me.”

  I nodded. “Yes, but those men weren’t real humans. You see, they were demons, convicted demons from Hell that wanted your lust. I only did what was necessary, prevented you from being exposed to the other world that exists.”

  I didn’t want to say any more. My energy pulsated as streams of power flew from me to Emma. After a moment of silence her smile disappeared, and she was staring at me completely startled, most likely ready to scream and run. Yeah, this wasn’t exactly going as planned.

  Chapter 9

  “Avarice, envy, pride,

  The fatal sparks, have set the hearts of all

  On Fire.”

  –Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy

  Emma blinked a few times, then opened her mouth but didn’t say anything. The uncomfortable silence stretched for ages, and I started to think that maybe she wasn’t ready to handle what the world had in store for her. I concentrated on her thoughts, and she seemed very confused. I didn’t know what to make of it. Ricky was born in Hell, so he was slightly less receptive to a human’s way of living.

  “Demons?” Emma repeated, narrowing her eyes at me. “I remember it now—they were doing strange, unexplained things, and then you showed up. The light … they were struck with a lightning bolt.”

  She seemed nervous, her voice uneven. Ricky shifted in the chair and my pulse was speeding away. We both needed to take it easy, because we were freaking her out and that wasn’t supposed to happen.

  “There are some things that you might not understand, and we are here to explain everything,” I began. This wasn’t supposed to be difficult, but I had never told a human about Hell or Heaven. She needed to understand that not all demons on Earth or in Hell were evil. They had jobs down below like any ordinary humans, but with much better opportunities on Earth, they wanted to live amongst humans. Emma didn’t interrupt; she listened carefully when I went over our demonic faction system, and the fact that humans weren’t supposed to be aware of everything that was going on between Hell and Earth. Humans were protected. Lucifer had worked out a plan with the archangels upstairs centuries ago. Maybe for anyone with a closed mind this story was unbelievable and overall too complicated, but Emma had already experienced certain things, and I was hoping that she would understand. I told her that demons and mongrels had certain magical abilities.

  “All right, let me get this straight: you’re a mongrel, a half demon and half human. And Ricky here was born in Hell?” she repeated, slightly flustered. Her pulse was beating faster than it was supposed to, but that was normal. She had a lot to take in. I wasn’t expecting her to just accept the fact that demons and humans had co-existed in the past centuries.

  “Yes, Emma, Maxine saved you that day. She wasn’t supposed to expose herself like that, especially on the streets, but our Max doesn’t like following the rules, as you know. Then you showed up for an interview. I liked you and made an instant decision. We did make an exception. We didn’t plan to employ a human, but you settled well.”

  Emma got up and brought her hands to her face, then picked up some papers on Ricky’s desk. A moment later she was fanning herself with it, staring at both of us with some sort of twisted excitement.

  “I don’t know… This can’t be possible. I mean I believe in God, but Lucifer, the demons and mongrels. My head is telling me that you two are out of your minds, but my heart wants to agree with you.” She was talking very fast, like she was having trouble catching her breath. “But I remember that night clearly now. Before, my thoughts were all murky, but now everything is so vivid. You had done something, Maxine, and the earth started shaking. It opened up, creating a large hole, sucking them both inside.”

  I got up then and placed my hands on her shoulders. I wasn’t using my energy this time around to calm her down. Her thoughts were erratic, but I wasn’t worried. She just needed time to adjust to this whole new world.

  “Don’t worry, it’s a lot to take in. You became a part of the team and we didn’t want to keep messing around with your mind. A couple of days ago, I applied for a relief license. I had to present your case in a hearing, and the head of the factions granted it. Human safety is a priority to all the demons on Earth. There are exceptions, like now with us. I went to the hearing to convince them that you could handle the truth, that you’re strong-minded and reliable,” I said, sounding like I was giving a lecture in front of a large number of students.

  “You know, that night in the alley wasn’t the first time that I saw some strange things,” Emma mumbled. “Once in a beauty salon a woman did something with nail varnish … and once in my daughter’s school, I saw this woman in the rest room, her eyes were glowing. I’m not making this up, but all this time, I kept saying to myself that I was probably hallucinating.”


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