Paradisal Tragedy

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Paradisal Tragedy Page 19

by Ada Marie

  She grabbed her clothes and locked herself in the bathroom to shower.


  “I didn’t think you’d be back anytime soon. “ Casey said as she sat on the couch. Annabella decided to give them space, so she went into his room and waited for him. The conversation with his mother was something he needed to have on his own.

  “I wasn’t going to, but Bella convinced me that I needed to talk to you; clear the air,” Travis told her. He paced around the room, unable to sit near her.

  “I love that girl,” Casey smiled.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? Did you not think I could handle it?” Travis asked, cutting to the point.

  “I didn’t find out until a few weeks after he was gone. Travis, I watched you cry every day. You passed his office and you’d just have to that look in your eye like your world had fallen apart. I saw you become distant. And I know I should have told you, but I’m not going to regret it if that’s what you’re looking for. You’re my boy; I carried you for nine months and I’ve loved you since the moment I found out I was pregnant. I vowed to always protect you from any kind of pain, and that’s what I did. I couldn’t bear for you to ever think any of this was your fault,” Casey said.

  “Mom, you should have trusted me enough to let me know that I had a sibling. Hell, now I have three and a father who wants to see me. “

  “I’m not going to tell you that you should go, but sweetheart, I don’t think you should ignore him either. Who knows, maybe you might even be interested in what he has to say,” Casey told her son as he plopped in the chair across from her.

  “I just don’t understand what the hell he wants now. He’s had four years to claim me as his son, but he never did. And now all of the sudden he wants to give a damn,” Travis said.

  “I don’t know his motives but what I do know is that I love you more than anything in this entire world and given the chance I’d do it all over again. A mother never wants to see their child in pain. And that’s why I didn’t tell you. I’m sorry that you got hurt, but I’m not sorry that I didn’t tell you.”

  Travis knew that his mother’s intentions were pure, but it didn’t make it any easier to forgive her. He knew that he didn’t hate her, in fact if anything he loved her more. The fact that she took his suffering for her just showed how truly amazing of a mother she was. Travis knew he wouldn’t stay mad at her because it would be completely selfish to do so. She only wanted what was best for him, and even though she did that in a way that was completely wrong to him, he couldn’t hold it against her because if the roles were reversed, he would have done the same thing.

  “It’s okay, mom. I’m not mad at you, at least not anymore. I was hurt, I felt betrayed. I felt like we were so close, I was thought you’d never keep anything from me. I know that you only did it to protect me, but I just felt like if you could keep something so huge from me that we weren’t as close as I thought we were,” Travis explained.

  “I understand, but I love you and I’m always going to protect you, and sometimes you’re not always going to agree with the ways I choose to protect you,” Casey explained to her son. The only thing that mattered to her was her son’s happiness and she’d go a long way to make sure he got it.

  “I know. I have to go shower, I texted him with that number you gave me, I’m supposed to be meeting him a bit,” Travis admitted, but the truth was he didn’t want to meet him at all. What was he supposed to say to the man that left him to pick of the broken pieces? What did he say to the man who forced him into growing up? He just didn’t know what to think about anything anymore.


  “I’m glad you came. “ Travis’s father, Jamie, said as Travis and Annabella sat across from him at a coffee shop. Jamie and Travis looked a lot a lot. Travis had his familiar green eyes and his brown hair. Just looking at them together, you could tell they were related.

  “I wasn’t going to,” Travis snapped. How did his father have any right to be happy to see him after all the pain he’s caused?

  “What changed your mind?”

  “What is it that you want?” Travis asked in a harsh tone, ignoring his question.

  “You’re my son, I wanted to see you. I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Yeah, you’ve missed me so much that you never call, you never write, never come by. Don’t give me that load of crap, you could care less about me. Or my mother. “Travis snapped, feeling the anger rise inside of him. Just the thought that this father thought he’d actually buy his I’ve missed you speech showed how much he didn’t know him at all.

  “I know that I wasn’t the perfect father to you, but I really am trying. “ He told him

  “That’s bull. When were you going to tell me you had a whole other family? “

  “The time was never right, Travis. I didn’t want to keep it from you; I just didn’t know how to tell you the truth.”

  “That’s bull. I’m so sick and tired of you lies, you think can come and go as you please and I’m going to just welcome you with open arms every time, but I’m not. You left me, and it was a little bearable when I thought it was because you fell in love with someone else, but it’s dawned on me that you didn’t just leave because of mom, you left because you have another kid. And you know how much that hurts. It’s like a knife twisting at my heart. You weren’t a good father to me, even before you left but yet you could be a father to your other kids,” Travis preached to his father as he just stared at him. Travis felt Annabella’s hand touch him in comfort, reminding him of where he was.

  “I never wanted to hurt you,” he tried to defend, and that was enough for Travis.

  “But you did. You took my life and turned it upside down. You left without a single goodbye. I heard my mother cry herself to sleep every single night for two years. She never got over you, because of you she barely even dates. Screw me, screw my feelings, I’m a big boy. How could you do that to her? She gave you everything and more. More than you deserve. You never deserved her.”

  “It’s not that simple, Travis.”

  “Yes it is. You hurt her and more than that you left our family, and I’m done listening to all your excuses. This was a bad idea. Come on Bella,” Travis said as he grabbed her hand, but before he was completely standing, Jamie stood in his way.

  “Get out of my way.”

  “Please don’t walk away.”

  “You showed me how to do that best,” Travis replied moving around him, but Jamie pulled his arm back. Reacting on instinct, Travis’s hand formed into a fist and before he realized what was happening, he pounded it into his father’s face.

  “That’s for my mother. Now don’t ever try to contact me again. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t have a father, you’re dead to me,” he said then they left.

  “I’m sorry you had to witness that,” Travis said when they arrived back at his house. Casey was gone at work, and Annabella wasn’t sure it was a good idea for them to go back to her house.

  “It’s okay, I’m proud of you for standing up to him. It’s good that you got it all out,” Annabella told him.

  “You’ve given me strength. I feel happier than I’ve ever been. You’ve changed me; you’ve made me a better man,” he commented as he pulled her to his lap.

  “I don’t know what to say to that,” Annabella said. She was speechless.

  “You don’t have to say anything. I just want you to know that it’s not just me that makes your life better, you make mine better just as much. I can’t see my life without you again. You’re amazing, you’re talented, and you’re funny. You bring me to life.”

  “Travis, I feel same way. You’ve helped me in ways I never thought anyone could help me.”

  “I know you do. I’m glad you moved here, because that brought you to me,” Travis said, just as he pulled her into a kiss. Annabella felt
the happiness in the room fill the air. Travis was always so good to her. She loved how they helped each other through the hard times. She loved being with him, feeling his kisses, his touches. She loved it all. She loved him.

  “Travis, I love you,” she said, not realizing herself that words were coming out.

  Pulling her tightly, Travis was stunned by her declaration. Sure, he said it to her first, but he never expected her to say it back, especially not so soon.

  “You do?” he asked her.

  “Yes,” she smiled.

  “Are you sure? I mean I don’t want you to feel obligated to say it. I want you to say because you know in your heart that’s how you feel.”

  “I’m sure. I think I knew it when you said it, but I was too afraid to tell you.”

  “You don’t ever have to be afraid to tell me something.”

  “I know. I love you,” she repeated.

  “I love you too,” Travis told her as she pulled him into a kiss.

  In that moment, Travis knew everything would be okay. Being with Annabella was all he could ever want. Everything was perfect.


  Annabella and Travis sat in her bedroom as the waited for her friends to get here. It was Christmas break and they were going to spend each and every day together. It was amazing how fast time went by. It felt like just yesterday. Over the course of the past six months, she’d been happier than she had been in her entire life. After that day when they’d met with Travis’s father, and she told him she loved him, everything started into place. Even Marissa didn’t come around again, as Travis had expected she would. They had nothing that tied them to their pasts anymore; it was just Travis and Annabella, here and now.

  “So, are you going to be nice to Aubrey?” Annabella asked, not sure if their understanding would last now that he knew she had a part in why she was left in the locker room that awful night.

  “I told you I would. Did I give you any reason to doubt that?” Travis asked her.

  “No, but after what I told you, I thought you’d start to hate her again,” Annabella admitted as she searched Travis’s face for some insight to what he was thinking.

  “Look, I hate the fact that she had some part to do with what happened, if she wouldn’t have stood you up, he would have never touched you, but it wasn’t her fault. I don’t blame her, just like you don’t. I blame the lowlife douche bag that thought he had a right to force himself on you. I’m just grateful I don’t know him. If I did, I’d kill him.” Travis said with fury in his voice.

  “Travis, don’t say that,” she said, although she was grateful he cared enough to want to hurt her rapist the way he’d hurt her. She didn’t want him to act as violently towards anyone as her rapist had been on her.

  “Why the hell not? That pig deserves to die for what he did to you, Bella, if I had known you back then, I’d kill him my damn self,” Travis threatened with hatred in his eyes.

  “Travis, it’s in the past,” Annabella told him, not wanting to live in the past anymore.

  “So you’re just over what he did to you?” Travis asked, searching her face for answers.

  “I’ll never be over what happened and I’ll never be okay with was he did. I’ll always have times when things bring me back there. I won’t give him the power to control the rest of my life though. I can’t live in the past forever. I let go, and for the first time I can breathe again,” Annabella said to him as she pushed him to the bed and kissed him. Travis’s kisses were enchanting. He kissed her in a way that no one ever had. Not even Matt. He was gentle, but at the same time he didn’t kiss her as if she’d break. Each kiss was filled with a passion that was indescribable.

  “God, I love you,” Travis said, moving beside her on the bed and pulling her into his arms. It was the one place he preferred her. He could hold her forever, if only she’d let him.

  “I love you too Travis. So much. Do you ever think about the future?” she asked him out of the blue.

  It shocked him to hear the question. He’d never thought about the future before, not with his life, nor a life with someone else, now here she was asking him about it.

  “To be honest, no,” Travis admitted.

  “Not at all?” she asked, disappointed.

  “Before I met you, I knew where I was going, and that was nowhere. I never thought I could amount to anything. Girls were just sex to me, but when you walked into my life everything changed. So if you’re asking me what I see in my future, I don’t know Bella, but if you’re asking me who I see in my future, my answer is you,” he said honestly. He’d never imagined spending his life with anyone, and although they were young, he wanted to be with Annabella for as long as possible, and he just hoped that she felt the same way.

  Annabella stared at Travis as she absorbed his words. She couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. She’d known Travis to be cocky, irritating, complicated, rebellious, but she hadn’t really know him to be the guy to confess things like his future with her. She loved this side of him; she loved every side of him. She couldn’t bear to think about where she would be if Travis hadn’t walked into her life. She said it before, but she was going to say it again, he saved her life.

  “Earth to Bella,” Travis said as he noticed her slipping farther and farther away.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking about something,” Annabella told Travis as she snuggled closer to him.

  “What about? “

  “How everything you said, is exactly how I felt. Travis, I never imagined that I could be this close to someone. After than night, I thought my life love was permanently over. I never came close to having anyone I actually wanted to be with.” Annabella told Travis.

  “I know, and I’m so grateful that you’re here with me. Well considering this is your house, I’m glad I’m here with you. You get the point though.”

  “Travis, are you sure you want to be here when they get here? I mean you and my friends, you aren’t that nice to each other.”

  “That’s true, but they’re your friends so any friend of yours is a friend of mine. I don’t have to like them; I just have to tolerate them. I don’t mind Matt. Matt, he loved you that’s the only problem I ever had with him. Your other friends though, they just seem all about them. I won’t be rude though, I’ll be on my best behavior. I promise,” Travis said with a smirk.

  “You just have to get to know them, they’re really great they just don’t know you,” Annabella defended them. She wasn’t sure who she wasn’t trying to convince: her or Travis.

  “I told you, I’d do it for you, but I doubt I will ever like them Annabella.”

  “I liked your friends,” Annabella told him with a pout. Over the course of the last six months, Travis took her to his job, where she met Travis’s best friend Cameron. He was a blonde with green eyes. His skin was tan; Annabella wasn’t sure if it was his natural skin tone, or if it was from the sun. He was a bit rough around the edges, as Travis was, but deep inside him was a big marshmallow.

  He told her stories about Travis over the years. Travis even introduced her as his girlfriend, which made her grin. Cameron was welcoming towards her, and he made her feel just as much of a friend as Travis was to him. She got to meet Cameron’s girlfriend, Kallie, who she took an instant liking towards. She wasn’t like most girls at all. She was fearless. She did what she wanted, how she wanted and didn’t care what people thought. They became friends instantly, and she hung out with her outside of hanging with Travis and Cameron.

  “My friends are different. They’re nice people. I don’t say that to be a Dick, but come one, Kallie and Cameron don’t make you feel small. And I guess it’s a bonus that they really love you. “Travis told her as he kissed her nose

  “I love them too. Almost as much as I love you.” She told him in an excited voic

  “Well, I love you too baby. Now I want to make out with you until we have to face your friends, when will they be here? “Travis asked her as he ended up on top of her on the bed

  “I’m not sure, but I imagine we have time,” Annabella informed him, placing her arms around his neck just as their lips met.

  They stayed like that for what felt like a lifetime, before a knock on the door forced them to pull apart.

  “Just a second,” she called, throwing the shirt that Travis removed throughout their make out session at him.

  “Hurry up,” Ryan called.

  “Why are you rushing me?” Annabella asked just as she opened the door.

  “They’re here,” Ryan said, pulling her out. Travis wasn’t far behind.

  “Oh joy,” Travis responded, making Ryan laugh. Over the past few months of being around Annabella he also got to know her brother, and they became good friends. They had a lot in common, including their feelings for one Aubrey.

  “Oh my God, you look amazing,” Aubrey said as she pulled her friend into a hug. Not long after Chelsea and Maxie joined in.

  “Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself, in fact you look way different. I love your hair,” she said, noticing Aubrey’s bob cut and black highlights.

  After a bit more chit chat, Aubrey moved to where Chelsea and Maxie were. They went into deep conversation about something that looked important.

  “It’s great to see you Bella,” Matt said. He clung to a blonde that looked familiar.

  “You too Matt.”

  “You remember Kelsey right?” he asked.

  “I do. It’s great to see you again.”

  “You too. I always wondered where you moved off to. You have a beautiful home,” Kelsey told her, throwing her blonde hair out of her face to reveal her crystal blue eyes.

  Annabella smiled inside at the thought that Matt finally moved on. It was all she ever wanted for him.


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