Paradisal Tragedy

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Paradisal Tragedy Page 20

by Ada Marie

  “Thank you so much,” Annabella said.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “It’s nice to see you again too, Travis,” Matt told him as Travis came to stand next to her and linked his fingers with hers.

  “You too. I mean that this time,” Travis joked as the two boys shook hands.

  “Me too,” Matt said in a joking voice.

  “So enough of this chit-chat, what are we all doing tonight?” Aubrey asked out of nowhere.

  “Aubrey, we just got here. Can we get relaxed before we decide on what the hell we’re doing tonight?” Matt asked, in an annoyed voice.

  “Seriously,” Kelsey responded as she gave Aubrey a death glare.

  “Geeze, I was just asking.”

  “Everyone calm down,” Ryan broke in as he went to the fridge and pulled out a coke.

  “Ry, you seem to be the only one who needs calming down,” Annabella said as she looked at her brother. He hated crowed rooms, but the fact that the room was crowded with a bunch of girls he didn’t even like made it more uncomfortable to him.

  “So do you guys want to go down to the café or something?” Travis offered, trying to play nice for Annabella.

  “We can’t do anything yet. We’re still waiting on Aubrey’s boyfriend,” Chelsea’s said, in what seemed like a jealous tone.

  “Who is this boyfriend?” Annabella asked, but before she could answer the front door opened and they were all faced with a familiar face.

  “Nate,” Chelsea finally answered minutes later.

  Annabella’s entire body froze as the man came into the room. Every breath of air left her lungs and all she wanted to do was collapse on the floor as the man with blonde hair and blue eyes entered the room.

  She stood in silence as everyone mingled around her. Aubrey raced to him and gave him a kiss on the lips. It disgusted Annabella to see it. She couldn’t breathe; she needed to get out of here.

  Where was her sweater? She felt naked as she stood in short shorts and a tank top. How any of this could possibly be happening was beyond her. She wanted to die; it was like everything she worked on in that past few months just disappeared. Her thoughts began to darken, and she wanted to run in hide. She felt the stabbing in her heart as Travis put his hand on her shoulder, but it didn’t scare her.

  She just wanted to leave, she needed to.

  She wanted her safe zone with Travis back but in this moment it was ruined. She began to feel sick as he walked more into the room His eyes finally locked on hers. It was something she’d never forget. She could never forget the face of the man who took away her innocence when he raped her.


  “Bella are you okay?” Travis asked, noticing how still she was. It was if she completely shut down. He followed her gaze to the guy who walked in but he couldn’t understand what was going through her mind.

  She stood in silence, not saying anything. She couldn’t take her eyes off Nate. Her heart sank deeper into her chest as she realized he and Aubrey were walking toward her. She wanted to move, to be anywhere but here right now. She couldn’t bear to face him, not after all the progress she’d made with Travis.

  “Sunshine, what’s the matter?” Travis asked again.

  “Hey there little Anna,” Nate said with a smile that was only meant for her. It was a twisted little smile that said he knew he frightened her.

  “Bella, you remember Nate right?”

  “Baby, how could she forget me, she did date my brother,” Nate said.

  “Not to mention you were always at my house,” Ryan cut in as he put an arm around his little sister, who flinched at his touch.

  “You’re speechless,” Aubrey said to Annabella who felt like she was going to puke. It was only Travis who could tell something was wrong. “Travis, this is Nate, Nate this is Bella’s boyfriend Travis, since it doesn’t look like she’s going to introduce you.”

  “Boyfriend?” Nate said, eyeing Bella.

  “Yes, boyfriend. What’s it to you?” Travis asked.

  “You just don’t seem like her type,” he responded.

  “And how would you know her type?” Ryan asked.

  “I don’t, I’m just saying. Matt is sweet, kind, warm and compassionate, and this kid seems the opposite of all that.”

  “You don’t know him,” Ryan said. “He may be a bit rough around the edges, but this guy is definitely a keeper, isn’t that right Bella?”

  Still silence. She couldn’t find her words. She wanted to lean into Travis and sob, but she wouldn’t give Nate that satisfaction. She wouldn’t let him see her broken. She refused. Travis tightened his grip on her hand as for comfort as she finally regained her strength.

  “So, what are our plans for tonight?” Aubrey asked, repeating her question from earlier.

  “Are you guys staying here?” Annabella finally asked, in hopes that they would be going to a hotel.

  “Yeah, your parents said it was okay,” Aubrey answered. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, what are our plans?”

  “I’m not sure what your plans are, but I just remembered that Travis and I have to go. His mom wanted us to have dinner with her, and it’s not something we can avoid,” Annabella lied, knowing that no matter what she said, Travis would back her up on it.

  “Do you have to go?” Aubrey whined.

  “I do. Will you tell Daddy I’ll call him later?” Annabella asked, turning to Ryan.

  “Of course baby girl. Enjoy yourselves,” Ryan said just as Annabella ran up the stairs and closed her bedroom door, leaving Travis behind. She didn’t know how long she stood in her room before a pair of hands touched her shoulders. It was Travis.

  “What the hell is going on?” Travis asked.

  Annabella said nothing. How could she tell him that the man that raped her was downstairs? How could she tell him that she no longer felt safe in her home? She knew if she didn’t get out of here she was going to have a breakdown.

  “It was him, wasn’t it?” Travis asked, putting the pieces together.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me. The man who raped you was Nate, wasn’t it?”

  Sighing, she plopped down on her bed “How did you know?”

  “Bella the minute he walked through the front door you completely shut down. I remember you told me the person who did this was not only your brother’s friend, but Matt’s brother. I put the pieces together. There was something in your eyes I’d never seen before. It was fear, a different kind of fear. You’re still afraid of him.”

  “I don’t mean to be. I never told you, but he said if I ever told anyone he’d kill my parents and Ryan,” Annabella revealed.

  “And you believed him?” Travis asked in disbelief.

  She nodded “Travis, I’ve known him my entire life, and even more than that I trusted him. He hurt me in such a violent way. He betrayed the trust I had for him, and everyone else. If he could do that, then he’s capable of anything. I couldn’t risk them. I love them so much.” Annabella began to cry at the thought of Nate being downstairs.

  “It’ll be okay, I swear I’ll kill him,” Travis said with anger in his voice.

  “Travis, please don’t. I’m begging you don’t start anything. I don’t anyone to find out.”

  “Why are you protecting him?”

  “Because I don’t want them to be disappointed in me. I should have been tougher. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”

  “Look at me,” Travis demanded, crouching down to her level.

  “Stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong. Okay? “

  “Okay. Travis, why does this keep happening? we were doing so well. I can’t… And now, I don’t feel safe in my own home,” Annabella cried into his arms. />
  “Shhh. I know. It’ll be okay.”

  “How? There’s no way I’ll be able to sleep tonight,” she replied, knowing that she couldn’t sleep with her rapist down the hall.

  “You’ll be able to sleep tonight, because you’re not staying here. Pack a bag. Until they leave, I’m not letting you out of my sight, and you can stay with me,” Travis told her, as he went into her closet and pulled out a black duffle bag.

  “Travis, I can’t stay with you,” she whispered.

  “Why not?” he asked in disbelief. How she for one second could consider still saying here when that ass of a man was going to be down the hall was beyond him.

  “I can’t impose on your life like that. I love you, I do but I can’t bring you into this.”

  “Stop it! I’m a part of this now, because I love you. And you’re not going to push me out, not after everything we’ve been through. You said that you don’t feel safe here, so either you’re staying with me, or I’m staying here with you. And we both know that us staying here is a really bad idea for Nate’s face. Annabella couldn’t help but giggle at his last statement.

  “Okay, I’ll come with you. But right now, can you just hold me?” Annabella asked, feel vulnerable.

  “Of course. Come here sunshine.”

  “I love you so much. I feel so exposed and naked. I just want my sweatshirt,” Annabella told him. She hadn’t worn it in months. She and Travis put it away together after he helped her work through her issues that caused her to wear it.

  “You don’t need that. You’re beautiful. Don’t let him drive you back there, baby.” Travis begged her, he was going to fight for her. He was going to fight for her to keep her confidence that she worked so hard to build.

  “Please don’t let him hurt me again. I don’t want him to be near me. Please don’t let him come near me.” She begged in a soft cry.

  “I promise that I’m never going to let him hurt you again. Baby, I love you more than anything in this world.” Travis told her, framing her face between his hands “He’ll have to get through me if he wants to get to you.”

  Letting out a breath of relief, Annabella let Travis hold her. They ended up on the bed and within minutes she cried herself to sleep. Travis held her for what seemed like forever. He listened to her sob and realized it was the most heartbreaking sound in the world. He hated the fact that Nate could still get to her, even after all the months. He hated that the son of a bitch was still walking around, as if it never happened. He watched her as she mumbled in her sleep and be began to feel his stomach twist. He said he wouldn’t go after Nate, but he couldn’t just let him get away with what he’s done. In that very moment Travis vowed to get Annabella the justice that she so much deserved. He wasn’t going to let this bastard get away with hurting the one person who mean everything to him. He’d pay for all the pain and suffering he caused her, if it was the last thing he ever did. He hated that The bastard was downstairs enjoying himself, yet Annabella was here, laying in his arms after crying so much that sleep gave in to her. It seemed unfair to him.

  “Travis,” he heard Annabella whisper as she slowly began to wake up.

  “I’m here,” he informed her as she sat up and leaned over the side of the bed.

  “Thank you. Thank you for comforting me, and just being here. I didn’t mean to cry,” she commented as she got off the bed and put the empty duffle bag she still needed to pack on her bed.

  “You don’t ever have to thank me for that. I’m always going to pick you up when you’re down and right now I just want to take all your pain away. Do you want to stay for a while or do you want to leave now?”

  “Just get me out of here. “ She told Travis as she threw a week’s worth of clothes in to her bag.


  Going back downstairs, everyone was mingled together in the living room. Annabella and Travis walked down hand in hand with the duffel bag in his free hand. Annabella walked in hopes that maybe no one would notice that. She knew once they saw her bag, there was no way she’d be able to make a clean break.

  “Where are you going?” Aubrey asked, getting up from her spot and stopping them in their tracks. Ryan and Nate weren’t far behind.

  “I told you Travis and I are having dinner with his mom.”

  “Why do you have a bag?” Ryan asked.

  “I can’t stay here, and I’m not going to explain why but I just can’t. I’m staying with Travis for the next week but tell Daddy that I’ll be back later tonight to explain everything to him.”

  “What is wrong with you, Bella?” Aubrey asked her in an annoyed voice.

  “Nothing is wrong with me Aubrey,” Annabella said, furious about the fact that Aubrey was dating her rapist, but the she couldn’t be upset with Aubrey, she didn’t know the truth.

  “Then why are you leaving?” Aubrey asked, she had just gotten here and her best friend was leaving, what the hell was up with that?

  “I need space from this house right now,” Annabella said. Aubrey couldn’t figure out what her problem was. All the statements that were coming out of her mouth were vague.

  “What does that even mean, on the phone you were so elated that we were happy, and now you’re treating us like you did when we were here during summer, I mean why? “ Aubrey said in a dramatic voice

  “I just need to go, okay, and frankly it doesn’t matter why. You’re here and that’s all that matters, I said I’d spend time you guys and I haven’t changed my damn mind about that. So just deal with the fact that I want to spend time with my boyfriend, just like you want to spend time with the one you didn’t tell me you were bringing!” Annabella yelled at her, just as the room became silence. All eyes were on her as she let her best friend have it.

  “Is that what this is about? Nate?” Aubrey asked. Just the sound of his name made Annabella flinch “I thought you’d be okay with me dating him.”

  “It has nothing to do with the fact that you’re dating him. You like him; if he likes you then more power to you. You just need to be careful,” Annabella said, not realizing that the warning had come out before it was too late.

  “Why would I need to be careful? Nate would never hurt me. He’s the most loving guy there is out there,” Aubrey said as a light came into her eyes.

  “Sometimes, the people you trust the most are the ones that hurt you the most,” Annabella responded, remembering how much she once trusted Nate until he betrayed her in the most violent way.

  “What are you saying?” Aubrey asked.

  “Just be careful,” Annabella told her, and before Aubrey could say anything else, Annabella led Travis out before she let the truth slip out. The last thing she needed was her best friend to accuse her of lying and she knew that was exactly what Aubrey would do.


  Nate watched as Annabella and Travis cuddled on their towel on the beach. She lay in his arms as she stared out into the ocean while Travis whispered something into her ear.

  He felt fury rise in him as she sat up just enough for Travis to gently massage her shoulders. It made Nate angry that Travis got to touch her in a way he wanted to. He got to touch her with her consent, which was something that Nate had wanted since he met her.

  He’d always thought she was beautiful. He watched her for years, he saw her grow up to the beautiful woman she was today. He didn’t want anyone to have her, except him. She was his, and no matter what it took to get her back, he’d do it.

  “Baby what you are thinking about?” Aubrey asked as she came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his bare shoulders.

  “Nothing, Aubrey. Aren’t you supposed to be mingling with your friends?” Nate asked. He didn’t particularly like Aubrey, but he knew she was his only way into Annabella’s life. Sure, Aubrey had good qualities and it helped that she was good in bed, bu
t it ended there. Nate didn’t care one bit about Aubrey. She was just another piece in his game.

  “Why are being so cranky? I just wanted to spend some time with you,” Aubrey told him with a whine. She cared for him a bit too much. She knew that, but yet she just couldn’t walk away.

  “I’m not being fucking cranky. Will you just please give me some space?” Nate snapped at her, as he watched Annabella’s lips touch Travis’s. He watched as Travis touched the string of her pink bikini and he felt envy. Travis had the one thing in this life that he wanted most. Nate vowed to make sure that he and Annabella had their chance. She belonged to him, and no one else. No grease monkey was going to take her from him, he didn’t care what he had to do.

  “I’m sorry; I just wanted to spend time with you. Don’t worry though I won’t bother you again, Nate. I don’t get why you even came here with me, if you didn’t want to spend any time with me. I mean I am your girlfriend. You could at least act like you cared about me,” Aubrey said.

  Sighing Nate grabbed her around her waist and pulled her to him. He’d come this far to get what he wanted, he couldn’t get kicked out of his opening now.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just really tired; I didn’t get much sleep last night,” Nate smirked as he remembered him and Aubrey’s night of sex.

  “I didn’t hear you complaining last night,” she cooed as their noses touched.

  “I wasn’t. God, you’re so amazing in bed,” he told her.

  “You always say that, how come you’re never romantic?” Aubrey asked, looking at Travis and Annabella who were now in the water splashing each other. She was jealous of their relationship. The moment she met Travis, she knew he’d be good for her, even if she didn’t want to admit it.

  “I told you long ago, I don’t do romance. I like you Aubrey, and we’re having fun, isn’t that enough?” he questioned, in hopes that until he got what he wanted that it’d be enough.


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