Family Jewels
Page 21
The primitive possessiveness of his thoughts astonished him. A man had to be very careful about expressing such Neanderthal-like ideas. Hidden behind the disguise of civilization, he suspected they were still very true for most men. It took every last ounce of control he’d had not to throw Cynthia on her back, strip her and fuck her senseless in the snow earlier. He wanted to claim her as his mate, bind her to him with words and action.
If she would agree to marriage, he’d do it now!
She bent over him, one hand on each side of his hips and flicked her hot little tongue over the tight buds of his nipples. Pleasure drew his balls up tighter. Her hair fell forward and created a silky, dark curtain around him. He gathered a handful and breathed in her ripe strawberry scent. Her breasts bobbed over his stomach and brushed against the straining ridge of his cock. He closed his eyes and ground his teeth together to keep from howling out his lust.
Cynthia hadn’t flinched when he admitted his true identity as a wealthy British nobleman. She’d shown only mild surprise. Confusion, perhaps. He suspected she’d ask a lot more questions once that new knowledge had a chance to sink in. Being an American woman insulated her from the privilege of his social status. Americans were such an independent, democratic lot and Cynthia expressly so. If she didn’t care about all the baggage he carried with his name and title, it worked for him.
“Cyn, darling, a man can only take so much. I ache beyond bearing.”
“Mmm but you taste so good.” She flashed a carnal grin at him. “And I love that little note of desperation in your voice. That and this body, so hot and creamy sweet. I could lick you all night long.” She moved down his stomach, dipping her tongue into his navel and swirling the ice cream out.
He was in agony and reached for her, grabbing fistfuls of her long hair. “I need your mouth on my cock. Now.”
Cynthia glanced up. She licked a smear of ice cream from her lower lip. “Hurts that bad?”
“Yes. No more playing.”
Her eyes narrowed, looking sly. “Good. Then I’m doing it right.”
“There was nothing wrong with ah—!”
Her lips settled over the burning tip of his cock. His breath whooshed from his lungs when she slid down and took all of him into the wet, velvet heat of her mouth. She moved up his length, caressing the bulbous head with her tongue. Then she probed the tiny slit that crowned it. That simple, erotic act sent hot shivers racing up his spine. She hummed with pleasure, the sound vibrating against his entire shaft. Her cool fingers found his balls and cupped them. She rolled his tight sacs gently but with just enough pressure to make them throb against the smooth skin of her palm.
He jerked his hips up and fucked her mouth. She took it all and pumped his cock with tongue and lips, creating suction to drive him insane.
“Cyn,” he gasped. “I’m going to come. Do you want that?”
She slid her mouth up his shaft, letting her teeth skim him. His cock popped free from her succulent, talented lips and into her hand. “Next time,” she said, panting from her efforts. “But right now, I want this magnificent cock inside me.”
Cynthia grabbed a condom from the nightstand and slid it onto his erection. Then she threw a leg over and straddled him, kneeling on the bed. He grabbed onto her hips and helped guide her down. When his cock touched the hot entrance to her body she surprised him by thrusting herself down, taking him all the way in to his balls. She threw her head back and moaned long and low.
“Yes! Oh God, yes, Trevor. You feel so good.”
She looked so uninhibited and wanton, so enthralled by the tight joining of their bodies. Her hair whipped around her shoulders and draped beside her lovely, bouncing breasts. He reached up and cupped the full globes in his hands, marveling at their soft weight. This was no gentle fuck. She rose up and down, moaned and wailed “yes, yes, yes” with every rapid breath.
Trevor grunted from the rhythmic contractions that began inside her womb. Cynthia’s slick sheath rippled around his cock, squeezing, milking him with every wave of her orgasm. She arched her hips back and forth, drawing him deeper inside her body. He wanted to shout from the thrill of watching her ride him. Groaning loudly, he released the floodgates and exploded inside her. He pumped his hips up, thrusting his cock deeper until an orgasm ripped through him. Her tight pussy clenched around his pulsing cock.
Their rapid breaths and mingled moans of pleasure filled the small bedroom. The heavy, musky scent of their lovemaking perfumed the night air. Sweat trickled down his arms and temples. Cynthia’s skin had a pearlescent sheen to it that glowed in the moonlight, like a marble love goddess come to life. Her breasts tipped up with dark pink peaks.
Eyes half-opened and smoky, she smiled lazily. Her hair tossed like a wild mane around her shoulders when she leaned forward and braced her hands on his chest.
“Trevor,” she said breathlessly, still impaled on his cock with her tiny feminine muscles clenched tight around him. “I don’t want to let you go.”
He grinned, thoroughly pleased, enchanted by her eagerness. “I’m perfectly fine staying inside you.”
“Oh thank God, because I’m not done.”
Despite his level of sexual satisfaction, he thrust his hips up, forcing his cock deeper inside her. “The night is young. What do you have in mind now?”
“A little game.” Cynthia reached across the bed and lifted the handcuffs in the air. A wickedly sweet grin curved her lips. “Wanna play Cops and Robbers, Agent?”
* * * * *
He’d given her a head start. The game had turned into Hide and Seek more so than the raucous Cops and Robbers of her childhood. Cynthia had been thrilled when Trevor agreed to this—despite feeling a little silly too. Quite simply, it felt good to just cut loose and be playful after the stress of the past few days.
She crouched down, wearing nothing but a t-shirt and panties and crept around the dining room table as silent as a mouse. At first, she’d been apprehensive about leaving all the lights off in the cabin. She’d feared having flashbacks from her attack a few nights ago in her apartment. But then the game wouldn’t be this much fun or suspenseful. Casting her fears aside, she’d agreed to leave the lights off. The full moon provided plenty of silvery radiance to see by.
From her hiding place, she listened.
Damn, the man was good! She couldn’t hear a thing. She knew which floorboards in the old cabin creaked underfoot. Certainly he wouldn’t and she’d counted on that advantage to give her clues to his whereabouts.
The furnace kicked on, rattling through the vents for a few minutes until it warmed up. She peeked under the table, looking for signs of Trevor moving about in search of her. A loud meow from behind made her gasp.
Cynthia clapped a hand over her mouth. She found Moses and pulled him to her.
“Shh,” she warned Mo softly, wanting to giggle like a schoolgirl. She petted him to keep him quiet but he started to purr. The cat’s low bass rumble sounded entirely too loud.
There! A tiny sound from the kitchen—like a bare, masculine foot treading on the cool tiles. Cynthia scooted Moses out of her way and moved from the cover of the dining room table toward the hallway. She’d be past the kitchen before he came out and he’d never see her.
The dark hall appeared long and narrow ahead. No windows for moonlight. She hugged the wall, inching toward the first bedroom that used to belong to her brother. Her goal was his closet. It was deep and she’d hidden in there before during a similar, though much more innocent, game. If it were summertime, she’d sneak out the window like she and Paul had done as kids, run around to the back porch and come up behind Trevor before he knew where she’d disappeared to.
Her heart raced with excitement. She reached the door to the bedroom and felt the cool wooden doorjamb beneath her fingers. Quickly she slipped around the corner.
She bumped her nose into Trevor’s chest, uttering a squeak of surprise.
“Gotcha,” he whispered. “I win.�
He wore his briefs and nothing else. Trevor clapped his handcuffs around her wrists again and pushed her face forward against the wall.
Cynthia wiggled her fingers inside the cuffs. She was quite familiar with them now and knew how much she could struggle without scraping her skin. Between their bodies she stroked the hardened length of his cock inside his underwear. He pressed his body into hers, flattening her against the wall, shoving his firm erection into her fingers even harder. Pushing her hair aside, he nuzzled the exposed curve of her neck and ear.
“Damn,” she complained. “I thought you were in the kitchen.”
“Maybe I was. Maybe I wasn’t,” he said, his voice a growled hush. “Either way, you’re mine now, to do with as I please.”
“What are you going to do?”
Trevor’s fingers dipped into the line of her panties and tugged them down her legs. Goose bumps of excitement puckered across her skin. The smooth wall felt hard and cool under her cheek. She tried to push him back, experimenting with how much control he’d give up. The man didn’t budge. His erection probed at her butt cheeks, hot and insistent, stroking up and down. Instantly her pussy flooded with juices at the thought of him taking her from behind again.
He stripped off his own briefs and then nudged a knee between her thighs, forcing her to widen her stance. “You need to be searched. A bad girl like you, I’ll bet you’re carrying a concealed weapon.”
“Maybe I am. Maybe I’m not,” she teased, barely able to keep from giggling out loud.
“Let’s see now,” he breathed into her ear. “Could you be hiding a weapon here?”
One large hand slid under her t-shirt and found the heavy swell of her breasts. He tunneled his fingers between them, drawing tantalizing strokes up and down her cleavage. She gasped when he pinched a nipple, pulling on it before letting go.
“I’m not hiding anything there.” Cynthia squirmed against each tug on her nipples. The sensitive peaks hardened and throbbed. She wished for the soft, warm comfort of his tongue on them and arched more firmly into his hand.
“Or, could you be hiding it,” his fingers skimmed down her belly and cradled her dewy moist sex. “Here?”
She bit her lip and strained against the delightful feel of his large hand cupping her wet pussy. The level of excitement he’d sparked through her blood made her dizzy with need. Tipping her hips forward, she tried to force his fingers to probe past her saturated folds and give her the satisfaction of penetration.
To prolong their role-playing, she shook her head “no”.
“I think you’re lying.” He caught her earlobe between his front teeth for a heartbeat before letting go. “We need a lie detector test. Come here.”
Trevor pulled her wrists behind her and guided her to the bed. He tugged the pillow to the middle, unclasped her cuffs and reattached them to the headboard. “Lie down,” he ordered in a gruff whisper. “Face down, bottom up.”
Eager and obedient, Cynthia knelt on the mattress, using the headboard that her hands were secured to for support. She was ever so thankful her knee didn’t hurt any longer, because it would be such a shame to stop now. Her heart pounded with wickedly sweet suspense. Cream dripped from her greedy cunt, making the insides of her thighs slick. “What do you want?”
“I want your lovely ass in the air.” A sharp smack to her bare cheeks punctuated his point. Cynthia uttered a muffled squeal from the sting of his hand on her butt. A fresh wave of cream flooded the folds of her excited pussy.
“I’ll have to inspect every inch of you first,” he said. “And then I’m going to give you a lie detector test.”
“Oh, please don’t do this,” she begged in role-play but slowly moved into the position Trevor wanted. “Honest, I’ll tell you everything, anything you want to know.”
This bedroom was much darker than the others. The window didn’t face the glowing moon. Cynthia rested her face on the mattress, using her elbows and knees for balance. Trevor soothed her stinging butt cheeks and dipped his fingers into the valley of her ass. He tunneled down to her wet slit, spread her pussy lips and then slicked the moisture back up. He swirled a slippery fingertip around her tightly clenched anus.
“What a beautiful little rose hole.”
She swallowed her trepidation. Did he really mean to try anal sex? Her desire to experience it warred with her notions that it was wrong. Naughty. Forbidden.
God! It was wonderful.
Cynthia pulled uselessly on her handcuffs. She wasn’t ready to use the safe word they’d agreed upon but she needed to let him know this new experience made her nervous.
“Um, Trevor, I don’t know about this.”
He dipped his fingers into her pussy again, gently probing, teasing her vaginally and across her clit, drawing out more of her juices. “Cynthia, you remember the safe word we agreed to?”
She nodded, burying her face into the quilt.
“Do you trust me?”
She gulped air, arching into his fingers. He explored the exquisitely sensitive skin around her anus at the same time. Incredible sensations thrummed inside her, racing up like tingling spirals from her ass to her belly button.
“I trust you, Trevor. I do. But I’m…scared.”
“Shh,” he said, gently swirling slick heat up and down the responsive skin between her ass and pussy. “Don’t be scared. You’ll enjoy this. I promise, darling, no pain. Just the most incredible pleasure. Relax.”
This wasn’t a game anymore. Trevor played with her cunt, fingers dipped in and out, over her clit and back. He stroked her buttocks with the warm palm of his other hand. She believed him and started to relax.
A thick fingertip explored her nether hole. She held her breath, expecting his penetration to hurt. Gently, he pushed a little deeper and stopped, giving her muscles time to adjust and loosen. Using his other hand he slipped two fingers inside her vagina and gently pumped in and out of her slippery flesh.
“Oh,” she moaned. “That does feel good. Do it some more. Fuck me with both hands, Trevor.”
“Gladly. Take a deep breath for me.” Trevor braced her thighs open wider with his knees. The thick finger inside her canal wiggled back and forth, gently stretching that tight muscle open.
Cynthia sucked air into her burning lungs. Every nerve ending in her body sparkled like a Fourth of July firecracker. When Trevor slowly inserted two fingers, her breath rushed from her lungs at the tingling sensations. The fit was incredibly full and tight. He moved his fingers in and out, up and down, creating a sensual rhythm of unbelievable proportions inside her body. Her skin burned. She rocked back and forth, urging him on.
“There you go, darling. Feel it, let it flow. You’re almost ready.”
She barely heard his murmured encouragement. Her vagina tightened around the probing fingers of his other hand. Through experimentation she discovered the control over how much pleasure she felt in her ass. Squeezing her muscles around his fingers when he pulled out increased her enjoyment.
Trevor settled his knees between hers on the mattress. The bed groaned under their combined weight. When he pulled his fingers completely out, she whimpered at the sudden loss. “No, don’t stop!”
“Easy, darling. You’ll like this even better.”
He drove his penis into her vagina twice. She squirmed from the unexpected, deep penetration. Then, he slid out, pulled her ass cheeks open wide and slipped the head of his thick, wet cock into her now well-prepared hole. Cynthia held her breath, bracing herself for the moment of pain but pain never came. Once he was all the way in, he stopped and rested inside her. The length of him throbbed and pulsed, hot and so tight. He draped his upper body over her back and reached between her legs to sink his fingers back into her dripping pussy. Her clit sizzled when he strummed his thumb over the aching nub.
“Oh, oh my God! Trevor,” she panted and bumped back against him. “Fuck me. Please, fuck my ass, your fingers on my clit. Oh yes!”
His chuckle rumble
d into her spine. “Slow, darling. This has to be done slowly. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Doesn’t hurt,” she grunted. The handcuffs binding her to the bed bit into her wrists. She grabbed onto the heavy wood spindle and used it as leverage to make him move inside her. “Feels soooo good! Please, Trevor.”
“Mmm, the lady begs me to fuck her. I think I’ve reached Nirvana.” He rocked his hips back a fraction, withdrawing in a slow slide of ecstasy.
“Oooh, yes,” she hissed. “Again, again.”
He taunted her from her clit into her vagina and out again, covering her slick sex all at once. Her body had never been so alive. His thickly muscled thighs kept her legs spread wide apart in wicked, sinful invitation for more.
Trevor settled into a slow, deliberate rhythm, drilling deep into her with each stroke while low rumbles of pleasure escaped his lips. She ground her eager, burning clit against his probing fingers in shameless demand.
When her orgasm struck, bright lights flashed behind her eyelids. She curled her spine up like a cat and then, gasping, arched back down. Trevor followed her body, rocking and bucking with her. Warmth burst inside her, evidence of his own release. He never let his fingers or his lovely hard cock leave her body until the last tremors died.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Cynthia Lyons snored.
Back in the main bedroom Trevor listened for a moment longer, enjoying the feminine snuffling noises she made. He gathered her limp, warm body closer and tugged the quilt up to her chin. Deep in relaxed slumber, the woman of his heart murmured incoherently and then resumed her soft snoring. He loved that sound.
He’d never been a fan of cuddling. Now, he couldn’t think of anything he wanted to do more than hold her close after the amazing sex they’d shared. Cynthia’s playful personality, impish grin and lusty body had turned the tables on his basic nature. His cock twitched at the mere thought of making love to her again. And again.
She had the most deliciously tight ass. It had taken every ounce of control he had not to pump himself into her deep channel with more force. He hoped she wasn’t sore from her first experience at anal sex. She’d given him her body to pleasure. And her trust. It was a most precious gift.