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His Last Chance : Sons of Lost Souls MC Book Seven

Page 18

by Ellie R. Hunter

He’s obviously tracked me down for a reason, so I ask, “What do you need me to do?”

  “I want you to take Nina and the baby home. I’ll talk to your dad and get him to take your mom home too. After you’re both away from prying and paranoid eyes, I want you both going through every single brother and prospect’s movements. Focus on Kyle first. Go back a year to start with, and if you don’t find anything, go back further.”

  “Cas, the brothers will flip if they find out.”

  What he’s asking us to do is go against the men wearing our patch, treating them like possible rats until we prove they’re not.

  “Hence why you and Slade will do this away from the club. I’m not asking, Zach, this is an order, and the only way they’ll find out is if you tell them. Besides, a few brothers are already looking differently at others. We need this shit squashed as soon as possible.”

  Fuck. Obviously, I’m not going to tell anyone.

  “You believe that old guy, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” He’s unwavering in his answer. “I don’t believe it’s a brother. I’m pretty sure it’s Kyle, but I want all bases covered. If you don’t find anything on anyone, we’ll have to reevaluate and change course. Someone’s talking to a fed, and we need to know who and what they’ve said. One way or another, we’ll find them and take them out.”

  He opens the door and heads back over to the clubhouse. I’ve forgotten I’m holding the crib and its stand until it nearly falls from my fingers, and Alannah starts walking down the stairs.

  “God, Zach, put some bloody clothes on.” I don’t say a word. I head for the bottom of the stairs and wait for her to descend so I can get up.

  “Did I hear Cas?”

  “Yeah. He popped over to see if you were awake, but he went back over to the bar.”

  Nodding her head, she walks off into the kitchen and I climb the stairs. Cas vowed he wouldn’t hide anything else from the brothers, and this is huge. But I’ve been given my orders, and I’ll carry them out because one, it’s my job too. And second, I believe Cas is only doing what he thinks is best. I wouldn’t want the weight of his patch for all the money in the world.

  Nina’s moved to the edge of the bed, and once I have the crib safely back on the stand, she lays our son down and tucks him under his blanket.

  This is going to be the first time in a long time where we lie together without anything or anyone between us, and I take full advantage by pulling her back flush against my bare chest. Home. She’s my home, and no matter what I have to do for the patch, she’s the one I zero back to.

  “I love you, Neen.”

  “I love you too.”

  She stretches her head around and kisses me far too briefly before getting herself comfortable. Holding her once again, my eyes droop, and my body begins to fully relax. As soon as I’m on the verge of sleep, Sebastian cries out. Nina must have been close too, because she groans before dragging herself up and out of bed.

  His cries quieten as soon as he’s in her arms, and once she’s back in bed, offering him his milk, he doesn’t take it. I sit up to see his beady little eyes are wide open.

  “Is he not hungry?” I ask.

  “Doesn’t look like it.”

  His little arms start flapping while he kicks his legs out. “Is this him being playful?”

  “Looks like it,” I say, and as tired as I am, I grin. “Hey, little man, you pick your moments, don’t you?”

  “He needs to sleep. It’s bedtime.”

  “I don’t think he understands that, babe. Besides, it’ll be nice to finally meet him.”

  She passes him over, and I run the pad of my thumb across his cheek. It’s about time he laid eyes on me properly. “Hey, little guy. I’m your daddy.”

  Come tomorrow, I’m going to be fucked. I haven’t slept good in days, and last night I didn’t get any. You can add it to a long list of things I don’t give a shit about, though. This time spent with my son and Nina is all I need. With her soon to be my wife, I’ll have it all. The trouble with the club will never end. If we conquer one enemy, another will rise. The one thing I know for certain is that I’m going to learn from everyone else’s mistakes and not let it touch my family, not again—never again.

  The Rat

  Shit! Fuck!

  Once I saw who was walking into the diner, my heart started to race, and sweat began to glide down the back of my neck. I saw the moment he saw me. Bert took in every brother, but his eyes lingered on me for a few seconds longer than everyone else. He knows who I am. I just can’t work out how he knows what I’m up to.

  I haven’t been able to leave the bar since Cas ordered everyone back to the club. I’ve moved around from table to table after going for a drink, or using the bathroom to listen in on different conversations with the brothers. Talk has been rife, and while I haven’t heard any accusations or names, brothers are certainly looking at everyone else differently.

  It’s Cas and Sparky I watch the most. Cas left a half hour ago, returning less than ten minutes later, took his seat, and hasn’t moved since. He’s on edge, as he should be. He’s about to enter a world of destruction he never saw coming.

  They’re talking too close to each other, and if I were closer, I’d still only hear hushed voices. No matter what Cas said earlier, he isn’t letting this go, and it’s only a matter of time before he zeros in on me. I’d be stupid not to be wary, though I’ve managed to fool them all for years. Cas will kill me when he learns the truth. He’s not a foolish man, and I’ve seen him in action, dealing with problems and death. Every brother has someone to protect and kill for, but my mission is to bring down the Lost Souls before they come for me, and I will fight to the bitter end.




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