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Green's Thumb (Men of Retail)

Page 6

by Alexander Elliott

  I finished drying off, and followed by the dogs, walked into the bedroom to put on my night clothes. I was never one to get into bed naked, as I found the brush of fabric against my naughty bits too distracting to allow me to sleep. One thing was for sure; if Karl liked to sleep in the nude, I was done for! Thinking of him got me looking for my phone, and I fished it out of my pants pocket. He left me a text while I was bathing.

  “Finally done for the night! Long day, and I am tired. Would sleep better if you were here…well, maybe not! I have a feeling we would be busy keeping each other awake. Did you get lots done in the yard? Are Nike and Blaze behaving? Text when you can – I’ll probably still be up. Kisses…”

  “Hey babe, just got out of the tub a while ago. I’m really tired too. This old man is not used to so much physical activity! I would love to be there (or anywhere) with you, and yes, I would enjoy keeping you awake. Perhaps we can work on it when you get back. The yard is starting to take shape. I’ll send pics in a minute so you can see. The dogs are behaving themselves just fine, but you forgot to tell me where they sleep?? Kisses back at you, handsome.”

  I sent the text and then picked out two of the best photos. They were a little dark, but he would get the idea. I only waited about two minutes before Karl responded.

  “Wow! This looks great already, Mitch. I can’t wait to see what else you have planned. Genius, pure unadulterated genius! I let the dogs sleep in the bedroom with me, though not on the bed itself. They have a big rug over by the closet door which they share. I usually leave the bedroom door open, too, in case they want to get up in the night. I also can’t wait to see how long I can keep you awake…I will have both Monday and Tuesday off this week, so you are staying over Sunday night. Say yes.”

  “YES! I was hoping you would ask. Busy day tomorrow, unless it rains. I better get some sleep. Miss you, Karl. Let me know when you are on the way home. Can’t wait…”

  “They may let us go a little early if we get through all the material. I’ll get home as fast as I can. Miss you so much. Goodnight.”

  I let the dogs out for a final potty break and got myself a snack. I let them back in, checked the locks, and turned off the lights. Blaze followed me into the bathroom as I brushed my teeth, and then over to the bed. “No, Blaze. Go lay down.” I pointed to the rug, where Nike was already sprawled out his back, legs in the air. She gave me a piteous look, and then obeyed, stopping to sniff Nike’s butt, and then curled up gracefully next to him. I turned off the lamp and then snuggled under the covers. The bed was very comfortable, and the thoughts of sharing it with Karl tomorrow night kept me hard, and awake, for a long time.


  A strange slapping sound and something cold against my hand woke me with a start. Blaze pressed her wet nose into my palm, her wagging tail smacking against the side of the bed. It took a moment to remember where I was, and sat up with a groan. Nike was at the back door, barking to be let out, and Blaze followed me through the house like a shadow. I opened the door for them, and they took off to find the right spot to pee. I got their food bowls ready, following Karl’s instructions, and then prepared my own breakfast before letting them back in. We all ate together, though Nike finished first and sat at my feet begging for more. I set my dishes in the sink for later, and then put yesterday’s clothes back on to take the dogs for their morning walk. I grabbed the poop bags, got them leashed up, and off we went. They would have to forgive me for making this a short outing, but it was chilly and I was grungy and only half awake. After I picked up the second pile of steaming poo from someone’s manicured lawn, we turned and headed back towards the house.

  I took a quick shower and headed for the garage to gather up the tools and supplies. The air was a bit warmer, but the sky was only partly sunny. The weather forecast was still calling for thunderstorms later in the day, so I was going to have to work fast if I wanted to accomplish anything. I decided to focus next on the smaller of the front flower beds which rested between the edge of the driveway and the front porch. I already finished the opposite side last night, so this would complete the entire front side of the house, which could be clearly seen from the street.

  With a better idea of what needed to be done, the work went quicker this time. By noon, the new bed was cleared of grass and filled with clean top soil. I sprinkled fertilizer over it and then worked it in with a rake, taking time to remove rocks and other debris. My hunger and thirst drove me inside to take a break, and I spent some time with the dogs, throwing a ball and trying to get them to do tricks for me. As long as I kept the treats coming, Nike would try anything I asked him to do. Blaze didn’t show much interest, though she did learn to shake, and turn in a circle for me. She was like a graceful ballerina who didn’t want to get her shoes dirty. There was no doubt Nike was very intelligent, and learned quickly, but he was definitely lacking in the finesse department. They were so “Felix and Oscar” I laughed often at their hijinks.

  By the time I got back to the flower bed, the sun was no longer shining and the wind was picking up a little. I could see a large bank of darker clouds moving in from the West, and decided to call it quits before getting caught in the storm. In my pocket, the phone buzzed with two texts from Karl saying he would pick up something for dinner on his way in, and he expected to be home around 4:30. Less than three hours!

  Once everything was returned to the garage, I let the dogs in and settled down in the living room to watch a little TV. Glancing up at the window, I could see it was now raining and the wind was much more blustery. The sky was an almost uniform gray, though there hadn’t been any thunder or lightning. Karl mentioned Blaze was afraid of loud noises, but I neglected to ask him what to do if a storm came up. I was not about to distract him while driving, so decided to just play it by ear. They were both sleeping, though Blaze would raise her head every now and then when the wind gusted loudly past the window. Eventually, she crawled over to press herself against my legs, and I reached down to scratch her ears.

  Though time seemed to be moving extra slow, the movie I was watching distracted me for a while. After a glance at the clock, I was startled to realize Karl would be back any time now. When I stood up, Nike went immediately to the door to be let out. It was still raining and windy, but this was as good a time as any for them to do their business. I shooed them out, and decided I needed to go as well. Just as I finished up in the bathroom, a flash of lightning lit up the room, followed by a house-shaking rumble of thunder. I hurried to the back door to let the dogs back in, to find only Nike waiting for me. Ignoring the rain, I rushed out into the yard calling for Blaze. Nike followed me and was now barking over by the deck. More thunder rumbled overhead, and I began to panic. Where in the world could she be? What would Karl say if I couldn’t find her?



  I WAS THANKFUL THE HEAVIEST rains were only during the last 45 minutes of the trip home. I called ahead to have my order of Chinese takeout ready, so it only took moments to grab it and go. With home only a few minutes away, the storm seemed to intensify, and the car shook with rumbles of thunder which surprised me. Poor Blaze! She always got so scared when this happened, but I knew she was safe with Mitch. It was then I realized I hadn’t said anything to Mitch about the mild tranquilizer the Vet prescribed for times like these. I would be home in two minutes, so I could take care of it when I got in the house. I pulled in the garage, happy to see Mitch’s car and all the new garden equipment. I noticed the new flower beds as I pulled in, but with the storm didn’t get a very good look. I grabbed the food, deciding to leave my suitcase in the car for now, and walked into the kitchen. “Mitch? I’m home babe! Mitch?” I set the bag on the kitchen counter and noticed the back door was open. Why would he be outside in this mess? I slipped on my jacket and stepped out on the deck.

  Nike was down in the yard facing the house, barking incessantly at something. I ran out to see what was going on and noticed a section
of the deck skirting had been ripped away. Before I could say anything, Mitch’s head poked through the opening, hair plastered to his muddy face. He spotted me as I crouched down to help him up. “Karl! Quick, help me with Blaze. She’s too strong!” I crawled in after him and got ahold of her front half while Mitch pushed from the back. Nike rushed forward and licked her face, as she whined and struggled to get away from us. Together we lifted her up and carried her into the house, Nike close on our heels. We were all cold, shaking and miserable, but I managed to grab some doggie towels I kept in a nearby cupboard. I gave one to Mitch, and he wiped down Nike while I got to work on Blaze.

  Soon the dogs were dryer than we were, though Blaze was still trembling, cowered in a corner of the kitchen. Another loud rumble of thunder caused her to wet herself and start whining again. I threw one of the dirty towels on the puddle and got ahold of her collar so she couldn’t get away. “Mitch, would you get me the jar of peanut butter and the bottle of little white pills in the corner cupboard, please?” He found them and handed them over, a guilty look on his face. “I’m so sorry, Karl. I put them out for a minute and then the thunder started. I couldn’t find her at first, but Nike helped me figure it out. I crawled in after her, but it was too cramped back there to get a firm grip. I never meant for this to happen.” I put a hand on his arm and looked him in the eye. “It’s all right, Mitch, I’m not angry. The same thing happened to me last Fall, and I forgot to fix the gap in the skirting. See if you can hold her steady while I get this pill in her.” After several false starts, I finally managed to get her to swallow it. We stayed right there on the kitchen floor, petting her and trying to keep her calm. Nike thought this was an indoor picnic, and kept pestering me for peanut butter. Fortunately, the thunder stopped and Blaze was no longer shaking.

  I gathered up the towels and threw them out on the deck, deciding to deal with them tomorrow. The kitchen floor was a muddy mess, but I didn’t really care just then. Mitch filled the dogs bowls, and they were busy eating as I crossed the kitchen floor and wrapped Mitch in my arms. We were muddy, wet and cold, but we were just happy to be together. I pulled back to kiss him soundly, and then got a good look at him. He was a disheveled mess, but my heart was filled with affection for his efforts to rescue Blaze. “Thank you, Mitch. I’m really glad you were here for her. I’m sorry I didn’t get home sooner, but I sure am glad to see you.” I kissed him again and finally felt him relax against me. We turned around to find Blaze almost asleep on her feet. The medication finally kicked in, and the poor girl didn’t know what to do with herself. I brought the dogs into the office to lie down on their big pillows, closing the door behind me.

  Mitch was waiting for me in the hallway, shivering. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into my ensuite bathroom. “Come on, babe, let’s get you out of those wet clothes.” He gave me a quick smile, and didn’t argue as I tugged the shirt off over his head. He toed off his shoes and began to unfasten the pants, but I stopped him. “May I?” He nodded, and I gently popped the button and slid the zipper down. I got down on one knee and tugged the pants down, and then pulled each leg free. He was wearing tighty whities which were soaked through, revealing his package in some detail. I smoothed my hands over his hips, curling my fingers in the waistband, and looked up at him for permission. He nodded once more, and I gently lowered his underwear until he could step out of them. Next came each of his socks, until, at last, I saw Mitch completely naked for the first time.

  It was worth the wait. His body was well proportioned, slim but muscular, and was mostly smooth. He had a small patch of light brown hair under each arm, a loose collection of curls above his cock, and a dusting across his legs. Since he was facing me, I didn’t have a good view of his ass, but it appeared to be smooth, round and full. No tats, large moles or birthmarks could be seen, just acres of lickable skin. His circumcised cock was fully erect, about six inches long, and curved slightly towards his abdomen. His nuts weren’t particularly large, but they hung low in his scrotum, swinging freely when he moved. He let me look for a minute, blushing once more as I practically drooled over his beautiful body.

  Mitch smiled and reached for my soaked shirt, breaking the trance and reminding me of why we were in the bathroom to begin with. In moments he undressed me, and I let him get a good look. I was significantly bigger than Mitch, and certainly much more hairy, but he gazed appreciatively and smiled. We were both covered with goose bumps, so I stepped over to the tub and turned on the shower. Once it was warm, I allowed Mitch to step in and then grabbed a couple of towels from the linen closet, placing them on the counter.

  With a warning I was coming in, I drew the curtain back to find him standing still under the warm spray. We switched places so I could get wet, and then I grabbed the shampoo and worked it into his hair. He tilted his head back, enjoying the feel of my fingers on his scalp as I gently scrubbed. Moving out of the way so he could rinse, I began to wash his body with slow circular strokes. When I paused to focus on his nipples, his body responded immediately with a deep moan and a twitching dick. Next came his back, legs, and ass, which I enjoyed touching; fingers deep in the cleft between his cheeks. He gasped when I glided over his hole, rubbing the pucker with my fingertips over and over until finally slipping a soapy finger inside. He lifted a leg to give me more access, and I moved in and out, gently stretching him while I leaned down to suck on his ear lobe.

  When he started to shake, I pulled him back under the water and carefully rinsed him off. I saved the best for last, and dribbled a line of body wash down his abdomen and into his pubes. He was facing me now, so I leaned in to kiss him at the same time I ran my hand through the soap and grasped his cock, working up enough lather to wash and stroke him smoothly. His thick member fit perfectly in my hand, broad at the base and narrowing until it reached the wide flared crown. I flicked my thumb across the slit, wrenching another loud moan from his throat. His balls were next, as I gently fondled each one with my soapy fingers, and then reached under to lather up his taint. His eyes were closed and his breathing hard when he finally stilled my hand and shook his head. “Not here, babe. I don’t want to cum yet.” I kissed him on the forehead, and then stepped out of the way so he could rinse off.

  Now it was his turn, and I could see the heat in his eyes as he looked me up and down. He pulled me to him, our lips meeting in a hungry kiss, hands everywhere. Eventually, he reached for the shampoo and carefully washed and rinsed my curly hair. Next, he worked up a lather on my chest and arms, enjoying the different feel my hairy body provided. Once I rinsed off, he started in on my back, working his way down to my ass. He bent me forward under the water to thoroughly clean my crack and sensitive pucker. He turned me around to face him, and then pulled me into a gentle kiss while his hands lathered up my cock and balls. My rod was so hard it almost hurt, and his smaller hands felt so good as they slowly stroked me from root to tip.

  Before we could get any further, the hot water began to run out, so we rinsed off quickly and stepped out onto the rug. I wanted to dry him off, but the cooler air of the bathroom forced both of us to get it done quickly. With the towels now around our waists, we stepped up to the sink to brush our teeth. It was obvious we were both sneaking peeks at each other, and we soon discovered how difficult it was to laugh and brush at the same time. With only one sink, we were forced to take turns spitting and rinsing, but finally managed to get the job done.

  It was time, and I could tell he was a bit nervous, so I took his hand and led him to the bed. I turned down the sheets and took condoms and lube out of the bedside drawer and put them within easy reach. Our erections were obvious behind the damp towels, so I reached out to remove both of them, draping them over the headboard for later use. Mitch walked into my arms, his cock nestled against my upper thigh, with mine about even with his belly button. We stood there for a few moments, arms wrapped around each other, enjoying the feel of skin and shared body heat. We met for a slow, tender kiss, and when I pulled back, he had a nerv
ous uncertainly in his expression. “What is it, babe? We don’t have to do anything you aren’t ready for. Tell me what you are thinking.”

  Mitch let me go and climbed into the bed, laying on his side. He patted the mattress, and I laid down facing him, looking into his friendly brown eyes. “I want you very much, Karl, so don’t doubt for a moment. It’s just my experiences with men have been very limited, and I am kind of unsure of what to do! In my imagination it’s never a problem, but now I’m not feeling so confident. I guess I was hoping you would take the initiative at first, until we get used to each other.”

  I leaned in to kiss him, my hand caressing his butt cheek, until he relaxed a little. I leaned back to look him in the eye. “No worries, Mitch. I kind of enjoy taking the lead, but I hope you will always feel free to ask for, or take, what you need. All that matters is we both enjoy what we are doing, and are honest with each other about what we want. Sex should be pleasurable and fun! If I do something you don’t like, just tell me to stop – it’s really very simple. When you start feeling more confident, you can do whatever you want with me. I think we trust each other enough - yes?” He nodded, and then pulled me over on top of him, our dicks hardening again at the intimate contact. We took turns exploring each other’s bodies with licks and strokes which teased, but never enough to achieve ignition.


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