Claiming Nina

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Claiming Nina Page 7

by Leslie Johnson

“But,” I say, sensing there’s more he wants to say.

  “But nothing,” I shrug. “As I said, we don’t get along, and I feel like we’re never going to move past what’s happened between us, but that shouldn’t affect their relationship with him.”

  “That’s a very mature way to look at things,” I observe. “And if it helps any, I know how difficult family dynamics can be.”

  “So, what about you?” he asks after a moment. “I feel like all I do is talk about me and the kids. I know so little about you.”

  My heart races. The last thing I want to do is talk about me, but I can only avoid it for so long. That’s the thing about letting people in, they begin to get suspicious when you’re still blocking them out.

  “There’s not much to know, really. I’m really pretty boring,” I say. I force a grin, when inside, I really feel like mush. I’m such a bad liar that I’m sure it’s obvious that I’m holding something back, but if he picks up on it, he doesn’t push it.

  “Who doesn’t like talking about herself,” he observes.

  “It’s not that,” I argue. “It just brings up a lot of pain that I don’t really want to be feeling again, so it’s easier just to push it aside and not talk about it.”

  “The problem with that is it keeps festering until it becomes bigger than it needs to be.”

  “Except when it’s that big in the first place that it can’t really grow any bigger.” I flush, wishing I could take back that sentence, because it reveals much more than I ever wanted to.

  He studies me for a moment. “If you’re in trouble, you know you can talk to me about anything.”

  “I appreciate that, but there’s no need. I’m fine. Really. I guess I’m just tired,” I say, forcing a smile.

  “If you need to get some rest, I can leave.”

  “No. Stay,” I blurt out as he starts to get up. My heart races as he turns back to face me, looking a little bit surprised. “I like talking to you.”

  “Good. I like talking to you. I’m glad you’re here,” he adds.

  “I’m glad I’m here too,” I admit. “I can’t thank you enough for how welcome you’ve made me feel since I arrived. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as nice as you.”

  He looks away as if he’s embarrassed by my words. I reach for his hand, my body tingling when his fingers touch mine. He underestimates what a good person he is. My heart thumps as he moves closer, until his mouth is almost against mine. I close my eyes and sigh as his breath hits my lips. I’m so nervous, because although it’s not our first kiss, it’s the first kiss that I’ll remember. I swallow, my mouth is dry as he presses his lips against mine, his fingers stroking the back of my neck.

  I pull him against me and kiss him again, this time without any reservations or doubts. I can’t think of anything I want more right now other than him. I stand up and stretch out my hand. He looks confused as he takes it, entwining his fingers in mine. I lead him across the room to the bed. He looks hesitant when I glance back at him, but as I begin undoing the buttons on my dress, I make it obvious that I want this.

  “Are you sure?” he murmurs as I sit down on the edge of the bed. He stands between my legs, rocking against me. I nod, not trusting myself to speak because I’m so nervous.

  I want this, but I’m doubting myself. I flush, suddenly embarrassed about how little I know about the art of seduction.

  Don’t think about it. Just go with what feels right.

  “Just relax,” he whispers, as if he senses my tension. He tilts my head up and gently lowers his mouth, pressing it against mine.

  One by one, he undoes the remaining buttons on my dress until the fabric falls open, revealing my white satin lace bra. I swallow as he lowers each strap down over my shoulders until my dress sits around my waist.

  He takes my hands and I stand up, letting it fall past my hips. It pools on the ground, a silky white mess. His gaze moves over my body as his fingers roll over my stomach. I gasp, his touch incredible. I wrap my hands around his neck, my fingers stroking his hair as my mouth meets his.

  “Is this okay?” he whispers, guiding me back onto the mattress.

  I nod as he positions himself between my legs, rocking his erection against me. I groan, struggling to restrain myself because I don’t want to rush this. I breathe in his musky scent, a combination of his aftershave and natural smell, and sigh. I can’t imagine how this could get any better.

  His fingers creep down over my panties, making me jump. I’m throbbing with every touch as he teases me. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold him tightly, cheek grazing against his stubble as he kisses my neck.

  “You’re fucking beautiful,” he growls, tracing his finger over my panties, along my entrance. “And so wet.”

  I gasp as he tucks his finger beneath the edge of my panties. His finger strokes me, but he never quite enters me, enjoying the way my body reacts to his teasing. Eventually, I’ve had enough. I’m aching for his touch, so I take his hand and thrust his finger deep inside of me.

  “Are you sure we’re not moving too fast?” he chuckles softly against my ear while his finger circles my clit.

  “Stop teasing me,” I gasp as his erection presses against my thigh. “I need you inside me.”

  My back arches as he slides his finger inside me, his lips caressing my neck. I lower his zipper and reach into his pants, wrapping my fingers around his length. I kiss him, my body grinding slowly against his as my fingers explore his cock.

  “Oh god,” he groans.

  He takes my hands and pins them over my head. With his eyes locked on mine, he reaches behind my back and unclasps my bra, threading it from my arms. I shiver, feeling exposed as he palms my breasts and pinches my nipples between his fingers.

  I struggle my hands free and run my fingers under his shirt, lifting it over his head. He tosses it aside and kicks off his pants. I gasp as he presses against me, his cock grinding me through my panties.

  “Lift,” he orders, looping his fingers around them. I do as he asks, giggling as he lowers them down over my thighs.

  He kisses his way up my legs, pushing my thighs further apart. I whimper as his mouth closes over my slit, his tongue sliding through my wetness. My hands find his hair as he buries his face between my legs.

  “Oh my,” I gasp as his tongue flicks my clit. I cry out, my body convulsing as he explores me. He groans and thrusts his tongue inside me, every push creating a new ripple of pleasure. “I’m going to come,” I pant.

  “Not yet,” he whispers.

  He pulls away, reaching off the bed briefly until his weight presses into the mattress and I hear the distinct foil wrapper being ripped open. I want to watch him sheath his length, but the coil of nerves bunched tightly in my stomach forces me to keep my eyes screwed closed. He moves up my body until his mouth presses against mine. I sigh as we kiss, exploring my taste on his lips. He places himself at my entrance, teasing me, before quickly rolling a condom over his length. He pushes inside me, slicing through me as I gasp, my fingernails digging into his back.

  “Come with me,” he murmurs, his eyes locking on mine. I stare into them, loving the feel of him inside me as he thrusts deeper.

  He rolls over, taking me by surprise so I’m on top of him. Laughing, I balance myself, groaning as he thrusts back inside me.

  “I prefer the view from down here,” he murmurs.

  With my head back, I bite my lip, rocking myself back and forth. I ride him as he grinds against me. I groan as I press my thighs against his, taking as much of his length inside me as I can. My pussy contracts, sending shockwaves through my body.

  “Harder,” he urges me.

  With a growl, he grips my hips and pulls me down, his lips pressing against mine as he releases inside me. I gasp, my thighs clenching as we come.

  “Come here,” he grumbles, pulling me into his arms.

  I snuggle against him, letting him wrap his arms around me. I close my eyes and listen to his heart racing, trying
to catch my breath. Exhausted, I sigh as sweat trickles down the back of my neck. Chuckling, he licks it off, which sends another rush of shivers down my spine.

  “That was pretty amazing,” he whispers, nuzzling into my neck. I roll over and press my mouth against his.

  “It was incredible.” I grin.

  I open my eyes with a start and look around. My heart races, and it takes a second to remember where I am. Once I do, I lay back down and relax into my pillow, gazing out the window at my view. This definitely beats the hell out of waking up with a sore back.

  Digging my toes into the soft sheets, I stretch out and yawn as memories of last night come flooding back to me. The best sex of my life. I grin, loving the sound of that. A knock sounds on the door and I jump, until Adam’s muffled voice floats through the closed door.

  “It’s just me. Can I come in?”

  “Yes,” I call back. I run my hand through my hair, hoping I don’t look the usual mess I do first thing after I wake up.

  “Good morning,” Adam murmurs as he walks through the door.

  He holds a coffee out for me, his dark eyes locking on mine. He looks sexy in his faded jeans and a light gray shirt that’s he’s rolled up past his elbows. I sit up and wrap the sheet protectively around me, even though he saw everything the night before. I blush, my heart racing. Why do I suddenly feel so shy?

  “Thanks,” I say, taking the cup.

  “How did you sleep?” he asks.

  “Pretty well, actually.” I grin. “I must’ve been tired.”

  He chuckles and sits on the edge of the bed next to me. I blush when I remember what we did last night to make me so tired.

  “So, what are your plans for today?” he asks.

  “Well, that depends.” I grin.

  “On what?” he asks.

  “On what you say next,” I reply lightly.

  He chuckles. “You’re really making me work for this. I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?”

  “Like on a proper date?” I say, playing innocent.

  “Yes.” He smirks.

  He leans closer and kisses me, his lips pressing against mine. My heart races as I kiss him back. I want this, but a little part of me is hesitant on getting too close. We’re moving so fast, but I want to see where this can go. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, and although it’s only been a short time I like him a lot.

  “Okay. Let me go home and get changed, and then tell me where and when to meet you.”

  “Or how about I pick you up,” he laughs. “It is a date, after all. One sound okay?”

  “Sounds great.” I grin.



  As soon as Amanda leaves, I kick myself into gear, starting off with calling my father to see if he can look after the kids. I probably should’ve thought this through a bit better and called him first, but asking her out was a spur of the moment decision.

  When I gave her the coffee this morning, I was just relieved that things weren’t awkward after last night. But she was as relaxed and happy as I’d seen her. But seeing her wrapped in that sheet…God it was all I could do not to throw her back down on the bed and have my way with her again. I shift uncomfortably as my pants tighten, and pick up the phone.

  “Yes,” Dad says when he answers, in his usual no nonsense voice.

  “It’s me,” I can’t keep the sharpness out of my tone. “I was wondering if you would mind watching the kids today?”

  “Sure,” he says. “Is everything okay?”

  He’s fishing for information that I’m not prepared to give him, because I know it will just lead to another argument. Rubbing my forehead, I sigh, because even a simple conversation is a struggle with him.

  “I just have some things to do. I’ll drop them off in an hour, if that’s okay.”

  “Fine. See you then.”

  I have a quick shower and change into a pair of shorts and a fresh shirt, then I set about preparing lunch. I rummage through the fridge, pulling out everything I think might impress Amanda. I’m not much of a connoisseur—in fact I’m more of a sandwiches and beer kind of guy, but I’m lucky that I have a few delicacies on hand thanks to a welcome back hamper from Lily when we moved back.

  The oysters, the pickled herring, and the caviar have all been collecting dust in the back of the fridge for so long that I check to make sure they’re still in date. I throw in a bottle of champagne, some fresh strawberries, and some crackers, and I’m done.

  “Mason, out,” I growl for the fourth time.

  Getting him into the car was hard enough. Getting him out is a fucking nightmare. He finally sighs and stops playing his video game long enough to unbuckle his belt and shuffle out of the car. I grab my phone from him on his way past me and shove it in my pocket. If the kid wasn’t such a pain in my ass I might’ve gotten him his own phone by now.

  “Why couldn’t we just have stayed home?” Mason whines. “I’m old enough to look after myself.”

  “So am I,” pipes up Sadie.

  I roll my eyes and put my hands on their shoulders, guiding them toward the front door. I’m already running late, and I’m not in the mood for Mason’s usual shit. Dad comes out to greet us. He smiles at the kids. Sadie bounds into his arms, but Mason continues to sulk next to me.

  “You’re not coming inside with a face like that,” growls Dad. “If I don’t see a smile in the next ten seconds, you can stay out here and finish digging those holes for me.”

  Mason musters up the biggest fake smile her can. Dad chuckles and ruffles his hair, then moves aside to let him through. Dad turns his attention to me, his mood instantly changing.

  “Working?” he asks suspiciously.

  “No actually. I’m taking Amanda out.”

  His frown deepens. I don’t know what he would’ve been more disappointed in. Me working over the weekend, or taking Amanda out. I can just imagine what he’d say if he knew I’d spent the night with her.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” he asks.

  “I’m not doing this with you now, Dad,” I growl. “I’ll see you later, okay?”

  I call out goodbye to Sadie and Mason, but both of them are too busy to answer me. I mutter something that could be construed as goodbye to my father and then walk back to the car.

  I’m determined to shake off my bad mood and not let my father ruin what I hope is going to be a great day. As I pull up outside the motel room where Amanda is staying, I take a moment to compose myself before I get out of the car.

  As I walk toward her room, she walks from the other direction, smiling shyly at me. My heart races at the sight of her. She looks stunning—even better than this morning, if that’s even possible. She wears a short black skirt and a gray knit top. Her long dark hair hangs loosely down her back, her dark eyes sparkling when they meet mine.

  “Hi,” she says, her lips lifting into a grin.

  “You look beautiful,” I mumble, not caring if my words embarrass her. She looks incredible, and she deserves to know it. I take her hands and wrap them around my waist, pressing my lips against hers. Eventually, we pull apart long enough to take a breath.

  “That was one hell of a hello,” she says as I lead her to the car.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself,” I reply. I open her door, shutting it once she slides in. I walk around to my side, trying to diffuse my erection.

  “So, where are you taking me?” she asks as I turn the engine on.

  “I thought we could go up to the lighthouse and have a picnic,” I reply.

  “The lighthouse?” she repeats, intrigued.

  “It’s beautiful, and you’re missing out if you haven’t seen it. It’s one of the few things St. Simons Island is known for, apart from our seafood. It shows you the most beautiful view of the water.”

  “It sounds lovely,” she says.

  “The lighthouse means more to me than most because my mother used to take me there all the time when I was little,” I say so
ftly. “We used to go and sit right up at the top of the tower to watch the boats come in from fishing.”

  I hadn’t been there since we moved back because the pain was still too raw. I don’t know why, but today it feels right. I want to open up to Amanda and show her she can trust me.

  “You’re lucky to have such fond memories of your mother,” she says wistfully.

  I glance at her, annoyed at myself for putting my foot in my mouth. How could I forget that she lost her mother so young?

  “You don’t remember your mother at all?”

  She smiled sadly. “She died during childbirth, so no. The only memories I have are the ones my father told me of her from before I was born.” She wipes away a stray tear. “It’s hard knowing that she was so happy before me, and that having me effectively ended her life.”

  “But you can’t see it that way.” I frown.

  “Why not?” She shrugs. “It’s okay. I used to struggle with it, but now it just is what it is.”

  “And your father? He never remarried?”

  She nods. “When I was two he met my stepmother. She’s great, but it’s not the same, and she has no control over my father…” She stops, a troubled look clouding her eyes, like she’s angry at herself for saying too much. “You know how families can be.”

  We drive in silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts. I reach over and take her hand, placing it on my lap. She smiles at me, enjoying the intimate gesture. The drive to the lighthouse is only around twenty minutes, but it feels like longer because the last half of it takes us up a beautiful winding road.

  “I hope you don’t get motion sickness,” I warn as I round the first sharp turn up the cliff. She laughs and stares out the window.

  “Is now an appropriate time to tell you that I’m afraid of heights?” she giggles.

  “You’re kidding,” I gasp. She’s has a fear of heights, and I’m taking up a freaking lighthouse?

  “I’m kidding,” she giggles. “But for a split second, I bet you thought you’d ruined our date.”


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