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Page 5

by Lauren Dane

  “He’s not offering marriage. He’s wooing me. God help me, that’s enough.”

  Maggie waved that away. “None of these men are going to offer you marriage from date one. Well, maybe Roger if you buy him some goat chow. But what if? What if this could develop into something real?”

  “Goat chow, you’re a laugh riot. And I don’t know. I’ve had my heart trampled on and I don’t want to go back there again. I’m afraid.”

  Cassie put her arm around Liv’s shoulders. “Ah cupcake, I know that feeling. But you say you want to find something real. Someone real. You’ll never know if you don’t let it happen. He won’t cheat on you. He’s too honorable for that. And he’s, well I’ve seen him in his swim trunks out on my dock swimming in the lake and when I say little dude, I’m just being affectionate. I don’t think it’s an accurate way to describe his body at all.”

  “Don’t I know it? Good gracious, when we’re running and he takes off his shirt to wipe his face? Oh, I want to lick him. But he’s so young. I feel like a cradle robber.”

  “Will you quit it with that already? Not quite six years’ difference. You’re hot, he’s hot for you. What’s the issue? He’s certainly old enough to knowingly consent. And here’s the thing, go out with him and see. If it’s not a love match, keep with your plan but you have to date to find Mister Right anyway, don’t you?” Maggie sipped her soda and smiled.

  Marc saw her come in and nearly ripped the felt with his cue. She was all leggy grace and energy and he loved the shiny lipstick she had on. Reminded him of raspberries.

  “Holy moley she looks good enough to eat,” he murmured.

  Matt chuckled and took his turn. “How goes the woo?”

  “She got all stuttery when I brought her the muffin on Wednesday morning and I had lavender sent to her office today. She said it was stressful because it was budget time. Lavender is good for calming and relaxing. I thought it might help.”

  “Oh that’s good. Damn, you’re diabolical, little brother.” Kyle looked over at the three women gathered in their usual booth. “She sure is pretty.”

  “She’s beautiful. I love her laugh. And she’s cocky, I like that. Called Sarah Scott a giggly bottle blonde.”

  Matt laughed. “Well she’s spot on there. Sarah still trying to get you in her bed, Marc?”

  “She’s too damned young. She might be twenty-two but mentally she’s about sixteen. I don’t need that kind of trouble. Never have. No, I prefer trouble with inky black hair and brown cat’s eyes.”

  “You know, if you really want to increase your chances of making this work, you should enlist Momma’s help.” Shane’s gaze drifted to his wife’s and Marc felt that tug between them.

  “That’s true. Neither of these two knuckleheads could have landed such fabulous women without Momma’s interference,” Matt said.

  “Well, certainly not Shane but I landed Maggie myself,” Kyle mumbled but Marc ignored him.

  “Two steps ahead of you. I just happened to mention to Momma that it had been some time since Liv had been to Sunday dinner. Course Momma gave me grief for bringing it up on a Friday afternoon but agreed with me and said she’d invite her for this Sunday. Do not, however, tell Momma I’m interested in Liv. I want to do this my own way and Momma will get up in my business.”

  “I don’t know how you could talk about her that way, Marc. Momma just likes to help.” Matt snickered.

  “You wait, Matt Chase. It’ll be your turn one of these days. And I’m gonna laugh and laugh.” Marc grunted once he’d made his shot.

  After a few games, it was time to get going. Kyle and Shane wanted to get home with their wives and Matt had a date to meet across town.

  “Liv, can I drop you home?” Marc asked as he caught up with her outside The Pumphouse.

  Liv turned and smiled at him and he felt it to his toes. Damn.

  “Marc, thank you for the lavender. It was very thoughtful. I walked here. Hope that’ll get me some extra credit with my personal trainer. He’s such a hard ass.” She winked. “Anyway, I was just going to walk home. It’s not far and the night is pretty warm. Thanks anyway.”

  “I’ll walk with you then.” He caught up to her and easily kept pace as they strolled down Main.

  “Your mother called me a few minutes ago. I can’t believe she has my cell phone number.” Liv laughed.

  “Momma’s got everyone’s number. You’d do well to just accept it. So what’d she want?”

  “She invited me to dinner Sunday. Well, no. Invited means I had the option to refuse, I suppose. This was an order, only said in that pretty, pushy way she’s got. Butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth but it was still an order. Plus she added a twist of guilt. You know, it’s been so long since you’ve had dinner here. I’m beginning to think you don’t like us anymore.”

  Marc burst out laughing. “I see Polly Chase isn’t the only one who’s got everyone’s number. But you said you’d go didn’t you?”

  “You know I did. Is she in on your plan to woo?”

  He put a hand over his chest in mock dismay. “Olivia Davis! I do not need my mother to help me woo a woman. I’m walking you home on a Friday evening. I’ve been watching you all night long. I don’t need her help, thank you very much. My family likes you, Liv. Including my mother. But I’m not going to complain that you’re coming to dinner on Sunday. I like looking at you.”

  They stopped at her front walkway. “Marc, I don’t know what to say when you’re like this.”

  “What do you mean? And you should invite me in. Be polite.”

  She sighed. “If I invite you in, I’ll let you kiss me again and then… Well, anyway. It’s a bad idea. I mean, when you’re genuine I don’t know how to respond. You should just flirt with me and go out with giggle girl. I’m not for you.”

  Marc took her hand and kissed it briefly. “Olivia, that’s pretty hurtful. I’m always genuine. Even when I flirt. I’m not shallow and it’s not fair of you to say that.”

  She shook her head. “No, that’s not what I meant. I’m sorry. I’m not saying you’re shallow. It’s just that when you’re flirtatious, you’re being lighthearted, silly. I can deal with that. Fling it back your way. But when you’re…” She pulled her hand away and shoved a curl behind her ear. “I don’t know how to say it. I just know how it makes me feel.”

  Stepping closer to her, he took her hand again. “And how is that?”

  “Off balance. Confused.” Her voice was no more than a whisper.

  “And you don’t like not being in control, do you, sugar?” He cocked his head. He should feel bad for her but he had her on the ropes. She was going down and he wasn’t going to stop until she had no defenses left. “As for you not being for me? You know that’s a lie. Both of us do. You’re for me, Olivia Davis. All long legs and big brown cat eyes. Sex and sin and all sorts of mischief on your face. I like that.”

  “Oh man. Stop it. This isn’t fair.”

  “Nope. Not fair at all.” Quickly, before she could realize his intention, he leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. Just a feather light touch. His body zinged with her taste.

  Blinking quickly, those sexy cat eyes looked up into his, surprise and a hint of arousal in them. “I have to go in.”

  “Go on then. I’ll watch you until you’re safely inside. I take it you’re not inviting me so I’ll wait. Bide my time.”

  He took in the way she had to swallow hard and then watched as she gathered her wits about her and took a step back, away from the heat they’d generated. Damn, when they made love the first time it was going to scorch the paint off the walls.

  She quickly headed up her walk and rummaged through her bag for her keys. As she unlocked her door she looked back over her shoulder, not speaking for long moments. Finally she said, “Night, Marc. I’ll see you Sunday.”

  He waved and loped back down the sidewalk, grin on his face.

  Chapter Five

  Liv knew what a mistake accepting the dinner invi
tation was when she stepped into the foyer of the Chase’s home. Marc greeted her, kissing her cheek. But not really her cheek, more like the outermost edge of her mouth.

  He smelled good. Different than when they worked out. Marc smelled like warm, sexy man with a bit of cologne. Not too much, but just enough to tickle her senses. And she still wanted to lick him.

  “Come on through. Everyone’s just hanging out in the living room.”

  As they’d done when she was with Matt. But for the first time since they’d broken up, she didn’t feel that loss when she entered the room where the family had gathered. When she saw Matt sitting there, feet up on the coffee table, she didn’t flash to the times they were together. Because Marc took up her thoughts. The way his body was wide at the shoulders but tapered at his waist. The curve of those buns. Yum.

  “Hiya, Livvy. Glad you could make it.” Edward smiled at her from his recliner.

  She smiled back. It was hard not to. Edward Chase was just that kind of man. He smiled and you wanted to smile back as you basked in the warmth of his attention.

  Polly moved to give her a quick hug and kiss and Liv settled on one of the couches next to Maggie.

  “How’s it goin’, momma?” Liv touched her friend’s belly.

  “So much movement now. He, or she is dancing around in there. Going to the doctor next week for another ultrasound. Since they couldn’t see the gender last time they’re giving me another look. I’m really excited. You’re still coming, right?”

  “Dude, like I’d miss it? Has Kyle changed his mind yet about wanting to know?”

  Maggie shook her head. “No. He’ll leave the room when they tell me. And you’re sworn to silence around him.”

  “I want it to be a surprise. It’ll be cool, don’t you think?” Kyle leaned over Maggie.

  “I’m not getting into this one. Uh uh.” Liv put her hands up.

  “Smart girl. Let’s all go in to eat,” Polly called out from the doorway.

  The Kyle-Maggie baby gender discussion continued at one end of the table while Liv tried not to stare at Marc.

  “It sure is nice to have you back at our table, Olivia,” Polly passed a platter of her famous smothered pork chops her way.

  “It’s nice to be here.” Liv concentrated on only taking one chop. They smelled so good her mouth watered. “Especially on pork chop night.”

  Marc laughed. “She is a mighty fine cook.”

  Marc liked seeing her back at their table too. She fit there with them. As Maggie’s best friend and one of Cassie’s closest friends, the connections were there. And his mother clearly adored her, which was half the battle. Woe be to any woman one of them wanted if Polly didn’t approve.

  There was an element of comfort there, but also of knowing. She belonged at that table. At his side. Man, he had it bad and he wanted her to have it bad too.

  At the end of the evening, Liv helped clear the table while the guys did the clean up. Marc watched her, so animated and vivacious. Sharp-witted, clever and bright.

  “Son, you’re besotted,” Edward murmured as he approached Marc. “Don’t think I’ve noticed you look at Olivia that way before. She know?”

  Marc sighed. “She does. Well she knows I’m interested but she doesn’t think I’m serious. She thinks I’m just out for a one night stand.”

  Edward looked him up and down. “Ah, it’s uncomfortable when your past comes to bite you on the butt, isn’t it, son? One of these days I may just tell you a story about me and your momma. Suffice it to say, Chase men like to run and hunt but once we find our woman, that’s it. There’s no one else for us. You saying Olivia is the one?”

  “Dad, I don’t know. All I know is that I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I want more than a few weeks. I like seeing her here. Like feeling she’s one of us.”

  “How does your brother feel? I expect you’d have discussed this with him?”

  Marc nodded as he looked to Matt, who was joking and flirting with Cassie. “I did. He was worried I’d hurt her but he says he’s behind me and this woo plan one hundred percent. I wouldn’t want him to feel bad. He knows she wasn’t the one for him. And it’s been two years now that they’ve been broken up.”

  “Okay then. Well, boy, you let me know if I can help in any way. I do like Olivia quite a bit. She’s a good woman. The kind of woman who’ll be a true partner and won’t run when things get rough. But you’ll have to catch her first because she’s gonna run from you ’til you catch her.”

  Marc laughed and the woman in question turned to face him, a question in those eyes of hers. He winked and she shook her head, turning back to his mother.

  Later, he insisted on walking her to her car. “Good night, Olivia. I’ll see you tomorrow.” His fingers itched to touch her, mouth watered to taste her.

  “Night, Marc.”

  “Don’t suppose you’d let me kiss you just now?” He took a step closer so their bodies were just an inch apart.

  “I…” She gulped and nodded. Triumph roared through him and he leaned toward her.

  “Liv! You forgot your leftovers!” Polly called as she came out the front door.

  Liv jumped and opened her door quickly, tossing her purse inside. “Oh, thank you, Mrs. Chase. You didn’t need to do that.”

  Marc wanted to scream in frustration as he found himself jogging up to grab the bag from his mother. “I’ve got it, Momma.”

  “Of course I didn’t need to. I wanted to. Now go on, drive safe, honey and I’ll see you soon. You need to come back to dinner again. Don’t make me hunt you down.” Polly waved and stayed put on the porch as Marc handed the leftovers to Liv, wanting to groan as she bent to load them into her passenger seat. Her ass swayed a bit with the movement.

  “Okay then. Good night.” Liv waved at Polly and sent Marc a rueful smile. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. I’m collecting on that kiss. Very soon.” He closed the door and rapped the top of her tiny little sports car as she drove off.

  Liv didn’t know whether to be frustrated or relieved that Polly had interrupted the two of them the evening before.

  She smiled as she thought about the slim book of poetry she’d found on her desk when she returned from lunch. Maya Angelou’s, Phenomenal Woman and the little card said, takes one to know one. Lawd. Poetry.

  But right then her thighs burned through the hell on earth that was Stairmaster time. While she tried to ignore the presence of other people, two of them female who flirted outrageously with Marc. And he returned that attention.

  It was his nature she knew. But it still made her sad. She wanted to believe she was different and truth be told, he’d made her feel different too. But the other women. Man, she didn’t know if she could deal with it. Maggie had to, Liv knew that first hand. The women in town responded to all the Chase brothers. It was impossible not to, they were loveable rascals and damned good-looking. Kyle had taken Maggie’s feelings to heart and made a concerted effort to never be more than generically friendly to other women. Women fell all over themselves for Shane but he didn’t spare a second glance at anyone other than his wife.

  But Marc wasn’t hers. No. They hadn’t even dated so her being jealous over flirting was just dumb. And anyway, if she really wanted Marc Chase, she could have him and these little gym bunnies didn’t stand a chance. Liv might be older than they were but she had a lot more experience under her belt, not to mention more intelligence and personality too.

  Sniffing with her own self-righteous superiority, she rejoiced when her time was up and she was free of the wretched torture device from hell.

  “Good job, Liv. Your stamina has really increased.” Marc came over and noted her progress.

  “Yes, well. I’m through for the night. I’ll see you Wednesday. Oh and thank you for the book. I love that poem.”

  He insisted she cool down and stretch before going to change. “I’m glad. I heard her read it on Oprah or something a few years ago. I always thought it was a grea
t poem and I’m fortunate to have many wonderful women in my life. But it seemed perfect for you.”

  The hand he’d been using to make sure she extended her back properly continued to rest there as she finished up.

  “I’m sorry we got interrupted last night,” he murmured. “I have two more clients to see tonight or I’d walk you home.”

  She smiled. “Do your work. I’ll see you Wednesday.”

  “What? No comment on being interrupted?” He pouted and it was pretty devastating.

  “My goodness. I bet that face got you out of a lot of trouble over your life.”

  He chuckled. “Some. Come on, Liv. I’m fishing here. Give a guy a break.”

  She softened. He was very bad for her self control. “Okay. I’m sorry we got interrupted too. But it’s probably for the best.”

  “It’s not for the best, Olivia. In any case, it was only a temporary reprieve. I’m coming for you.” He grinned.

  “Oh man. Go on, your little booster club is waiting. I’ll see you Wednesday.” She turned and put a little extra sway in her walk. She knew she was teasing but she wanted him to think of her instead of those two bimbettes.

  All the way home she thought of how his eyes darkened just a bit every time he made a move. They didn’t change when he flirted. But when he was down to serious business, they darkened from a blue-green to a deep mossy color.

  She could not allow this silly flirtation to derail her plans. She needed to find Mister Right and keep her eyes on the prize. It was libido versus brain, she had to keep her brain in charge.

  “So, now that we know you’re having a boy, I can tell you I went on a date last night.” Liv sipped her tea and looked at Cassie and Maggie. They’d had the ultrasound appointment and it had been pretty clear right away that the bundle of Chase in Maggie’s belly came with a crank handle.


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