Beaumont-Hamel battlefield, 48
Château-Thierry American Monument, 120–3, 159
Chemin des Américains (the Americans’ Path), 67
Clairière de l’Armistice, 272–3
Driant’s memorial, 38, 42
Dun-sur-Meuse 14–18 monument, 260
Grande Guerre memorial, 63–4
L’Ossuaire de Douaumont, 43–5
memorial to Dashiell Harris, 253–5
Menin Gate Memorial, 37, 51–4
Montfaucon American Monument, 239
Montsec American Monument, 191
monument to first Americans killed in WWI, 70–7
monument to last man killed in WWI, 8, 276–9
obelisks to 5th Division, 184, 246–7, 264
plaque to 1st Company, 16th Pionier Battalion, 220
plaque to 362nd Infantry Regiment, 216
Raon-l’Étape monument, 41
Seicheprey memorial to 102nd Regiment, 182
Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme, 48–9
Tranchée des Baïonnettes (bayonet trench), 45
Tyne Cot, 51
Ulster Tower, 48
villages détruit (destroyed villages), 42–3, 45, 165, 175
Menin Gate Memorial (Ypres, Belgium), 37, 51, 54
Mercury, Freddie, 153
Merovingians, 241–3, 257
Metz (city), 124, 186, 199, 269
Meurthe River, 63
Meuse River, 3, 37, 40, 169, 197, 218–19, 246
Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, 13, 107, 109, 118, 131, 161, 200, 213, 228, 246, 249
Meuse-Argonne Offensive, 13, 20, 26–30, 198–200, 202, 218
Mézy (village), 140, 141, 143–5, 155, 185, 279
military battalions, 39, 59, 69, 93
101st Machine Gun Battalion, 99
102nd Machine Gun Battalion, 100
See also Lost Battalion
military regiments
5th Marine Regiment, 126–7
6th Field Artillery Regiment, 65
6th Marine Regiment, 189
16th Infantry Regiment, 69–70
18th Infantry Regiment, 69
26th Infantry Regiment, 68, 69
27th Infantry Regiment, 198
28th Infantry Regiment, 69
31st Infantry Regiment, 198
61st Infantry Regiment, 252
69th/165th Regiment, 78, 80
76th Field Artillery Regiment, 136, 146, 155
86th Infantry Regiment, 63
102nd Infantry Regiment, 103–4, 119, 179–82, 217
103rd Infantry Regiment, 93, 102
104th Infantry Regiment, 180
123rd Grenadier Regiment, 248
129th Field Artillery Regiment, 231
167th Infantry Regiment, 79
332nd Infantry Regiment, 198
362nd Infantry Regiment, 23, 216
368th Infantry Regiment, 200
371st Infantry Regiment, 198–9
805th Pioneer Infantry Regiment, 210
Miller, Major Oscar, 215
Milly-sur-Bradon (village), 242
Minenwerfer (short-range, high-caliber mortars), 19, 80, 225
Mirman, Léon, 74
Mitchell, Colonel Billy, 190
Mitchell, Major, 209
mitrailleuse (machine gun), 25, 170. See also machine guns
Moan, Ralph T., 113, 114–18
Moffitt, J. Laurence, 16–17, 20, 21, 119, 181
Monash, General Sir John, 52
Mont-Saint-Père (village), 143
Montblainville (village), 265
Montfaucon (mountain), 222, 224, 237, 240, 263
Montfaucon American Monument, 239
Montfaucon d’Argonne (village), 237, 239
monuments. See memorials and monuments
Moreau, Adolphe Ferdinand, 147
Moreau-Nélaton, Étienne (EMN), 147–8, 150
Moselle River, 169, 184
mud, 32, 65, 71, 77, 78, 91, 119, 158, 187–8, 200
Nancy (city), 56, 59, 75–6, 164, 269
Nanteuil-la-Fosse (village), 3, 102, 113, 118–19, 279
Napoleon I, 33, 87–8, 123, 125, 134, 226, 269
Napoleon III, 34, 168, 269, 270
Narbonne, Comte de, 86
Neptune, Moses W., 279
Neustria (Frankish kingdom), 241–2
Nicholas II, Czar of Russia, 35
Nivelle, General Robert, 39, 88–9
Normandy, 64, 121, 130, 186, 249
Oise-Aisne American Cemetery (Seringes-et-Nesles), 109, 147
Ooley, Lieutenant, 209, 210
Operation Jakobsbrunnen (Jacob’s Fountain), 69–70
operations. See World War I
Ovillers-la-Boisselle (village), 47
Owen, Wilfred, 78
pacifism, 207, 226
Palmer, Frederick, 218
Paris (city), 4–5, 22, 34–7, 42, 58, 66, 124–6, 138, 141–3, 148, 164, 185, 226, 234
Paris Gun, 261
Parker, Colonel John Henry “Machine Gun,” 217
Parroy (town), 77–8, 83
Patton, Colonel George S., 190
Pershing, General John Joseph, 39, 57, 58, 72, 124–6, 133, 154, 162, 178, 181–2, 246
and American cemeteries, 13
and Battle of Belleau Wood, 127–8
and Battle of Saint-Mihiel, 166–7, 185–7, 190–1, 198–200, 247
and Montsec American Monument, 191
Pétain, General Philippe, 39–40, 47, 88, 89, 124, 151, 272, 274, 275
Peters, Eleanor Bradley, 179
Peters, Lieutenant Edward McClure, Jr., 179, 185
Peugeot, 275
Peugeot, Jules-André, 275–6, 278
photographs, 19–20, 43, 62, 102, 131, 133–4, 148–50, 182–4, 193–4, 202, 208–11, 214–16, 225, 236, 245, 252. See also postcards
Picard, Pierre, 226–8
Picardy, 22, 40, 49, 54, 86–7, 178, 199, 254
Pickett’s Charge, 21, 130
pieds de cochon (pigs’ feet), 234–5, 263
Plancard, Frédéric, 274–6
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 78, 111
postcards, 65, 70, 149–51, 155, 165, 182, 193, 207, 211, 214–15, 223
Poulain, Mayor Narcisse, 253
Preston, Lieutenant, 209
prisoners of war, 68–70, 74, 79, 104, 113, 139, 157, 178, 181–3, 194–5, 212–13, 271
“quiet” sectors, 56, 59–60, 64, 77, 79, 93, 169, 177–9, 186, 230. See also sectors
railroad, 114, 117, 142, 145, 211, 257, 271–2
narrow-gauge rail, 26, 91, 167, 174, 201, 207, 258, 259, 265
Raon-l’Étape (town), 41, 63
Ravenel, Maurice, 228–9
Réchicourt-la-Petite (village), 70, 73
regiments. See military regiments
Regniéville (village), 175
Reilly, Colonel Henry Joseph, 79–80, 146
Reims (city), 139–40, 143–4, 151, 226, 269
Reiner, Rob, 121
relics. See artifact-hunting; artifacts
Remenauville (village), 165
Remoiville (village), 247
Renault, 5, 269
rest camps, 16, 18, 177, 200, 203, 208, 219–20, 237, 249
Rethonde (village), 270
revolution. See French Revolution
Ricciardi, Joseph, 110–11
rifles, 15, 170–1, 177, 194, 221, 225, 228, 231, 260
Romagne 14�
�18 (de Vries’ museum), 14–15, 18, 23, 267
Romagne-sous-les-Côtes (village), 3, 7–8, 276
Romagne-sous-Montfaucon (village), 3, 12–14, 16, 19, 23, 107, 149, 161, 167, 213–14, 228, 249, 251, 255, 264–6
Roman roads, 200, 256
Roman sites, 3, 200, 239, 251, 255–7, 263
Roman wall, 255–7
Roman wells, 256–7
Rommel, Erwin, Lieutenant, later Field Marshall, 23–5, 215, 258
Roosevelt, Archie, 58
Roosevelt, President Theodore, 58
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 58
“Rouge Bouquet” (poem, Kilmer), 80–1, 84
Royse, John Wesley, 113
Rubin, Léon Ernest, 64
Rupert, Harry, 206–8, 210–11
Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria, 219–20, 236–7
Sacred Way (“La Voie Sacrée”), 39, 274
Saint-Baussant (village), 175
Saint-Benoît-en-Woëvre (village), 3, 190
Saint-Mihiel (town), 46, 108, 161–3, 166–7, 185–91, 198–9, 247
Saint-Mihiel American Cemetery (Thiaucourt), 108, 112, 161, 162–3, 168, 179, 188, 192
Sainte-Menehould (town), 45, 149, 233–5, 241, 260
Salinger, Feldunterarzt Ludwig, 193, 262
Salomon, Les Familles, 260–2
“Sammies,” use of the term, 90
Sassoon, Siegfried, 78
Flirey Sector, 164
“quiet,” 56, 59–60, 64, 77, 79, 93, 169, 177–80, 186, 230
Sommerviller Sector, 64, 77, 79, 190
Toul Sector (American Sector), 169, 177–80
Sedan (city), 34, 168, 218, 241, 264, 269
Seeger, Alan, 78
Seicheprey (village), 105, 108, 111, 180–2, 195, 217
Seillier, Charles, 260
Sergeant York Trail, 208, 210–11
Seringes-et-Nesles (village), 109, 146, 147
Shaw, Stanley Joseph, 108, 119, 185
shell shock, 78, 111
37–millimeter, 17–20
75–millimeter, 101, 156, 158–9, 251
77–millimeter, 19, 101, 118
88–millimeter, 176
155–millimeter, 15, 158
234–millimeter, 261
340–millimeter, 204
380–millimeter, 261
as artifacts, 15, 17–19, 20, 22, 42, 66, 81–2, 92, 118–19, 142, 158, 167, 185, 204, 227, 236, 246, 255, 261–3, 266
casings, 35, 18, 156, 159, 236, 251
shell fire, 29, 45, 65, 70, 71, 74, 80, 83, 91, 93, 98, 107, 116–19, 142–3, 150–2, 158, 178, 204, 261
shell holes, 12, 42, 49, 62, 82, 92, 129, 148, 220, 227, 236
weight of, 231, 261–2
Sherman, General William Tecumseh, 190
Sibley, Frank, 90–3, 97, 100, 115, 186
Simons, Patrick, 161–9, 171, 174, 176, 182–4, 188, 192, 240, 260, 275
Sipayik, Maine, 279
Soissons (city), 91, 115, 144
Sokowich, Joseph, 105, 185
Solomon, King of Israel, 242
Somme River, 40–1, 46–51, 54–6, 167, 169, 198, 223, 256
songs, war, 86, 211
Souilly (village), 39
souvenir hunting. See artifact-hunting; artifacts
Spanish-American War, 90
Spaulding, Ralph, 93
Stankard, Leo, 110
Staubwasser, Major Otto, 172
Stenay (town), 240–4, 246, 248, 260–1
Stricker, Ernest, 138–9
Strickland, Captain Daniel W., 98, 104, 116, 180, 220
Stubbs, Edwin, 146–7
Sudeikis, Jason, 229
Sweeney, John, 100, 111, 185
Sweet, Dolph, 24
Taylor, Major Emerson Gifford, 179, 188, 191
Thiaucourt (town), 108, 161, 162, 166–8, 179, 182, 188–9, 192–4, 262
Thiepval (village), 48–9
Thierion, Madame Céline, 260
Tilleul, Château de (villa), 244
Toul (city), 179
Toul Sector, 169, 177
tourism, war, 4–5, 18, 23, 47–51, 56, 145, 171, 175–6, 218, 262–4, 266, 273
Treaty of Frankfurt, 34
Treaty of Versailles, 34, 271
Trélou-sur-Marne (village), 156
trenches, 27–30, 36, 49, 56, 59, 62, 64, 68–72, 79–83, 129, 170–80, 211–12, 220, 253–5
bayonet trenches, 45, 160
trenches, 27, 45, 170, 174, 175, 182, 224
Truman, Captain (later President) Harry S., 231
Tuell, Foster Leon., 113–15
tunnels, 93, 98, 164, 171–2, 174, 205, 207, 211, 221–5, 229–31, 233, 243, 262, 265–6
Urpin, Paul, 100, 106
Vailly (village), 92–3
Varennes (town), 234–6, 241, 265
Varnéville (village), 176
Vauquois (village), 220, 222, 226
Vauquois Hill (Butte de Vauquois), 221–7, 232, 239, 279
Vaux (village), 125–6
Vedovati, Jean, 155–9
Verdun (city), 56, 61, 78, 160–9, 219, 221–2, 224, 240–1, 246, 248, 276
Battle of Verdun, 37–48, 88–90, 167, 169, 198, 237, 243–4, 262, 272, 274
and Fort Douaumont, 38, 39, 41–4, 54, 60
history of, 37
symbolism of, 37–8
Vesle River, 145, 150–2, 198
Vezeau, Keith, 104
Victoire de France, 85–6, 95, 101
Vienne-le-Château (village), 200
Vigneulles (town), 186
Villa, Pancho, 57
villages détruit (destroyed villages), 42–3, 45, 165, 175
Ville-devant-Chaumont (village), 3–6, 162
von Berg, Lieutenant, 128
von François, General Hermann Karl Bruno, 244
von Winterfeldt, Major General Detlev, 270–1, 279
Wadleigh, Fred Tilton, 110–11
Waregem, Belgium (town), 49–50
Western Front, 4, 22, 36–7, 41, 46, 50–2, 54, 56, 61, 94, 96–7, 123, 168, 198, 202, 211, 218–19. See also Lorraine; World War I
Weygand, Maxime, 271, 272
Whittlesey, Major Charles White, 250
Wilhelm, Crown Prince of Germany, 219, 237, 239–40, 243–6
Wilhelm I, King of Prussia, 34
Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany, 35, 62, 96, 141, 206, 208, 219, 237, 244–5
Wilson, President Woodrow, 33, 66, 76, 102, 112, 124
Wilvers, Christophe, 163, 167, 168–75, 182–4, 188–90, 240, 275
Woëvre Plain, 167–9, 175–7, 180, 184–7, 191–2, 196, 240, 254
Woinville (village), 191
World War I
Aisne-Marne Counteroffensive, 123
Battle of Belleau Wood, 125–31, 135–6
Battle of Flirey, 164, 166, 175, 185
Battle of Mons, 160
Battle of Saint-Mihiel, 166–7, 185–91, 198–9, 247
Battle of the Frontiers, 35–6, 41, 60, 202
Battle of the Somme, 40–1, 46–51, 54, 56, 169, 198, 223
Battle of Verdun, 37–48, 78, 88–90, 167, 169, 198, 237, 243–4, 262, 272, 274
battles of Ypres, 36–7, 50–2
early years on Western Front, 36–7
first American deaths, 70–75
first American doughboys killed, 65–7
First Battle of the Marne, 36, 88, 164, 219
and Franco-Prussian War, 33�
and “Great Retreat,” 36
Hindenburg Line, 25, 264
Meuse-Argonne Offensive, 13, 20, 26–30, 197–200, 202, 218
Nivelle Offensive, 88–9
No Man’s Land, 21, 69, 71, 79, 81, 82, 92, 161, 176, 178–9, 211
Noria (rotation) system, 39, 41
Operation Blücher-Yorck, 123–4, 139, 141, 150
Operation Jakobsbrunnen (Jacob’s Fountain), 69–70
Operation Marneschutz-Reims (Peace Offensive), 139–45,
and Plan XVII (France), 35–6
Rouge Bouquet, and men buried alive, 78–81, 83–4, 140, 279
and Schlieffen Plan (Germany), 35–6
Second Battle of the Marne, 17, 145–7, 150–2, 154–5, 185, 199
sinking of the RMS Lusitania, 33
US entry, 32–3, 36, 54, 58–9
World War II, 23, 45, 47, 52, 61, 82, 83, 228, 235
attack on Pearl Harbor, 57
French Resistance, 29
German Blitzkrieg, 166
German cemeteries, 227
Holocaust, 235, 260
Nazi Germany, 39, 179, 226–7, 229, 260, 262, 271, 273
shelling, 18
Treaty of Versailles, 34, 271
Worsham, Captain Elijah W., 23, 215–16
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 95
Wright, General William, 240
Wright, Orville, 115, 278
Wright, Wilbur, 115, 278
Xanrey (village), 65–8
Yankee Division (YD; 26th Division). See infantry divisions, US Army
York, Alvin Cullum, 207–8, 210–11
Ypres, Belgium (city), 36–7, 50–3, 169
battles of Ypres, 36–7, 50–2
Menin Gate Memorial, 37, 51–4
Zillebeke (village), 50
Madame George at the Gunther memorial.
Unless noted otherwise, all photographs courtesy of the author.
A wall of unearthed World War I canteens and mess kits in Jean-Paul de Vries’s museum in Romagne-sous-Montfaucon.
Jean-Pierre Brouillon on his farm in the Argonne. In the distance is the Musarde farmhouse, where Rommel spent the night in 1914.
The ruins of a German blockhouse in the woods on M. Brouillon’s property. It was part of the Kriemhilde Stellung, an “impenetrable” defense line the Germans built in the Argonne.
Another German blockhouse in the Kriemhilde Stellung, photographed shortly after it was captured by Americans in the fall of 1918.
Photo courtesy of National Archives and Records Administration
A chamber full of human bones, glimpsed through a small window at the base of the Douaumont Ossuary. The ossuary contains the remains of more than 130,000 unidentified men killed at Verdun in 1916.
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