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Desolation Road

Page 29

by Feehan, Christine

  “Where did she learn?” She wasn’t certain whether to be embarrassed that all of Torpedo Ink seemed to know about the kitten play between them.

  Absinthe shrugged. “You’ll have to ask her.”

  She nodded and continued to look at the display of gifts strewn across their bed. “All of them know I’m your kitten in the bedroom, don’t they?”

  “They know what I need. If you’re my woman, no doubt you give me what I need. Why? Does it bother you?”

  She considered that. Did it? She supposed it should. She pranced around the bedroom on her hands and knees with a collar and a leash and a tail. For him. For Absinthe. Everyone in his family apparently knew. She sighed, looked at him and shook her head. “I must really be in love with you.”

  “I think you’re in love with my cock.”

  “That too,” she agreed, because there was some truth in that.

  The presents that intrigued her the most were the ones Ice had given them. Those sparkling jewels sitting in long velvet boxes. They were rubies to add to the collection he’d started for them. Just looking at them made her so wet and needy. She wasn’t certain how best to ask for what she wanted.

  She’d spent time during the last week and again during the short couple of hours while Absinthe had been in his meeting looking up kitten play online and on YouTube. She wanted to extend her ability to communicate with him and also to move like a cat with her body, slink, be more feline and sensuous for him. She practiced sounds. She read and also listened to other women talking about how much they loved playing the part of a kitten for their “master.” Just reading and practicing made her want Absinthe. She found she wanted to try out the things she’d learned. And she wanted to please him all the more.

  Now, looking at the wedding gifts laid out on their bed, her gaze couldn’t help straying to the sparkling ruby jewels. There were earrings, two pair, both chandelier, one much longer and heavier than the other, with screws on them. A complicated harness that wrapped around both breasts and clearly somehow buckled around her bottom cheeks, and framed her pussy lips. Little rubies were embedded throughout the leather, but the best part was, the harness had a matching collar that said Property of Absinthe. She loved that.

  She licked her lips, her breath causing her breasts to rise and fall. Helplessly, she looked at Absinthe, willing him to understand. He stood her up and turned her around to unzip the dress. “Leave on your stockings. I’ll put the harness on you and attach them to that. I’m going to take you through the house tonight, so the stockings will get ruined, but I want to see the tail with the ocean light shining on it from every conceivable angle.”

  Her heart felt as if it skipped a beat. “I’d like to give you a wedding present, Absinthe, since you’re giving this to me,” she said shyly, feeling very daring.

  His hands stilled on her shoulders. His mouth moved in her hair and then touched her earlobe. She felt his warm breath. “What would that be, miledi? You’ve given me yourself as my wife. There is nothing I want more.”

  “I want to remain your kitten all night, even if it’s difficult. I’d like to do that for you.” They hadn’t tried that once yet. She didn’t know why that was important to Absinthe. Why he craved obedience from his woman, especially when he knew she complied with his every demand of her own free will and loved him unconditionally. She caught, over and over in his mind, how important it really was to him, and she was determined to be his everything, to fulfill whatever he needed until he believed in her. In them.

  “Are you certain? Having a tail in you all night when you aren’t used to it might be difficult. I will wake you often and lube you so you stay as comfortable as possible, but you won’t get much sleep. I’ll use you often.”

  That excited her. She hoped he would. “I want to stay your kitten all night tonight.”

  “It’s our wedding night, kiska, so expect it to be long and sometimes uncomfortable. If it’s too difficult, you are to let me know. But remember, pussycats give their masters what they desire, and they get their rewards. If they don’t, there are no rewards, not even on wedding nights.”

  That was so much a part of what made playing that role so hot for her. Scarlet nodded and allowed the dress to slide from her arms. She carefully hung it in her closet along with the high heels, but she left the white lace thigh-high stockings on her legs. Starting back into the bedroom, she remembered at the last moment to drop to her hands and knees. She crawled, utilizing her new skill set as best she could.

  Absinthe waited for her, already out of his wedding attire, once again dressed only in his silken drawstring pants. He held the harness in his hand and beckoned to her. “Come here, malen’kiy kiska, you’re going to love your harness. Ice made this for you. I gave him your measurements. I wanted him to see you in it just in case he needed to make changes but knew you would be too shy.”

  She was beginning to find the idea of him showing her off to one or two of his friends hot. She knew Absinthe liked the idea of showing her off all decked out in her tail and rubies with him safely on the other end of the leash making certain no one else touched her or petted her. Only him. Ice had walked in on them and he’d already seen her naked. Preacher had as well. It wasn’t as if either of them acted like they wanted to touch her. She was getting used to the idea that Torpedo Ink members thought very differently about sex and nudity.

  Absinthe drew the halter up over her hanging breasts. She had very generous breasts, high and firm and very round. The top two pieces curved over the tops of her breasts and then the leather stretched in a circle around each breast, lifting and dividing them. The harness ran along the sides of her hips down to her front to frame her pussy with jeweled leather, framing her bare lips and the fiery curls of her mound, then ran back up along her hips to her back where the harness buckle was. He tightened it and then snapped her stockings into the garters at her thighs.

  The harness was very snug around her sex and breasts. That brought heightened awareness to her body instantly. Absinthe stroked her skin, her nipples and her sex, touching her all the time, whispering to her how proud of her he was. What a lucky man he was. How beautiful she was. How extraordinary. How he couldn’t believe she’d married him. He made her feel so sexy and wanted.

  He went to the chair by the fireplace and sank down into it. “You remember the special oil, don’t you, kiska? How it made your little ass and pussy burn for me? It does the same for your nipples. When it’s rubbed all over your body, it can make you mad for sex. It starts with a slow burn and then just gets hotter and hotter. I used a mild version on you the first time. Do you see that bottle on the bed right next to your special gift from Ice? The bottle Savage gave us? I want you to bring that to me. Use your little kitten mouth.”

  Scarlet remembered the oil. It had made her a little crazy. Although she wasn’t certain if it was the oil or Absinthe or a combination. She was already so wet and needy she didn’t see how oil could possibly make a difference. Using her newly learned feline, kitty strut, she made her way to the bed, hoping Absinthe noticed she’d been practicing at least a little. She managed after two tries to get the long, narrow bottle into her mouth without using her hands. She brought it to him.

  He took it from her and stroked a caress through her hair. “Very good, kiska. Now, go back and get the heavier chandelier rubies that Ice gave us. Use your mouth, no little paws.”

  Her heart was tripping a million miles an hour. This was the best wedding night ever. The chandelier rubies were in a velvet box that was open and on display on the bed. It was long and narrow. It took even more tries to find a way to get the box in her mouth, but she managed. She was very proud of herself. She strutted back to Absinthe.

  He bent to brush a kiss across her lips. “You are perfect.”

  She purred. A long, drawn-out, rolling purr. He looked happy and rubbed his fingers in her scalp.

  “I see you’ve been working, kiska. That’s very good. I’m lucky to have a kitten caring enou
gh to pay attention to the things that matter to me. Kneel up between my legs.” He widened his thighs so she could crawl between his legs.

  Scarlet eagerly crawled between his thighs, hoping she could undo his pants. He had a thick bulge and she wanted to taste him. He petted her hair, but he didn’t let her get to his cock. He indicated for her to kneel all the way up. When she did, he cupped her breasts and leaned his head down slowly. So slowly. The anticipation made her nipples hard pebbles. Made them ache. Stand up for him. Little drops of liquid heat teased the entrance of her sex.

  She felt his breath, hot, like her empty channel, and then he drew her breast deep, pressing her nipple to the roof of his mouth while his fingers tugged and rolled the nipple of her left breast. She mewled and purred alternately, even when his teeth elongated the nipple and he sucked especially hard before switching sides. She daringly put her nails into his thighs and kneaded the way a kitten might. He increased the stimulation and then smiled down at her.

  “Beautiful, baby. Look how red and gorgeous you are.”

  Obediently, she looked down at her nipples. They were very red from the marks of his teeth and his ministrations. She wanted more and pushed her breasts, framed so beautifully by the harness, toward him. He opened the bottle of oil and poured a little into his hands.

  “You’ll love this so much, kiska. My little pussycat is going to be feeling so good. I love to make you feel good.”

  Absinthe covered both breasts with his palms, her nipples right in the center where a pool of the oil coated his skin. He just held his hands there for a moment, letting it soak into her and then he began a slow, deliberately erotic massage. “Feel good, my sizzling little red-hot kiska?”

  Her breath caught in her throat. At first it felt amazing. His mouth. The massage. The warm oil. A slow burn growing heated, then hot, now it was a fierce fire. He took the chandelier rubies from where they were nestled in the velvet box and held them up as her breath hissed out.

  “Is something wrong, kiska? You’re made for fire.” He reached down with his oil-coated finger and rubbed her bare pussy lips. “That’s why I had to leave some of your curls. That’s why every jewel is a high-quality ruby, especially the one that will be on your finger.”

  Every jewel in the harness was real? On the collars? The leash? Was he crazy? That nearly distracted her from the burning on her bare lips and her nipples. Almost. The burning in her nipples seemed to streak through her body to leave her sex arousing her all the more. It made no sense, and yet still, it burned through her, straight to her most private core. Her gaze was on his hands as he put one of the chandelier rubies back and opened the screw of the other one.

  “This is an alligator clamp. See the rubber tip? That keeps it from hurting. I’m going to put it on and apply the amount of pressure you just felt and enjoyed when I pinched with my teeth and fingers.”

  While he talked to her, he deftly applied the first clamp, adjusting the screw, watching her face as he tightened it. When her breath caught, he added another twist and then slowly lowered the golden chain of three large rubies each surrounded by small diamonds. She felt that bite instantly and the additional flare of scorching heat rushing through her left nipple and breast, streaking straight to her sex. Absinthe flicked the chain and set it swinging, turning his head to watch the light play through the rubies, displaying the exquisite fire onto the wall.

  “Beautiful,” he breathed and bent to press a kiss onto the top of her head. “You’re so beautiful, my little kiska. In a room filled with other kittens and their masters, I would always be the envy of everyone.”

  That made her wonder how often he’d taken other women into rooms filled with other men and their kittens.

  He tugged and rolled her right nipple, the oil on his fingers spreading the heat easily so that it roared through her body as he applied the second clamp and flicked that chain as well. He sat back for a moment, playing with the chandeliers as if she were an object, his plaything, and that fed the fire building between her legs.

  “Such a good little pussy. So patient. Get down and turn around for me.”

  Scarlet did so, putting both hands on the carpet. The moment she did, her breasts shifted in the harness and the chandeliers dropped, the weight of the gold, diamonds and rubies tugging at her nipples and renewing the fire of the oil.

  Absinthe began to knead and massage the cheeks of her bottom, rubbing the oil all over her skin, along the seam meeting her thighs and then pouring a liberal amount into the crack between her cheeks. She gasped and fisted her hands into the thick carpet. He continued massaging and rubbing the oil into her skin, casually sweeping the thick lubricant down that seam, over her inflamed clit and pussy lips, flicking and circling with that heat and then pressing a coated finger deep inside her.

  “You’re already slick, and so tight, little pussycat.”

  She couldn’t help rocking her hips back. The burn had already started. The oil was fierce, much hotter than the other one. With every movement, the chandelier rubies on their golden chains rocked so that the clamps pinched down onto her nipples, sending more darts of fire straight to her sex.

  Absinthe didn’t pick up the pace like she needed him to. He kept that slow massage and then found her little star and began to push his thumb deep over and over. He poured oil into her and used his finger, pushing all the way to his knuckle while he rubbed her clit and pinched it so hard it felt like the fire in her nipples. She undulated her hips, pushed back onto his thumb and then his finger, helpless between the two sensations.

  “This is another tail Ice made for you. I designed it. I love this one in particular. It’s a little longer and fluffier, rides higher. The plug is larger, longer and thicker, and goes a little deeper, but it should be comfortable and fit the contour of your body. If it doesn’t, you have to tell me, especially if you’re going to stay my pussy all night.”

  When they had played “pet” throughout the week, he’d kept to the smallest plug, making certain she was comfortable at all times. She turned her head to look at him when he said the plug was bigger. That scared her a little. He lifted the tail to show her. It was gorgeous. Much fluffier than the other one. Blazing red, scattered with even more gems. This one had diamonds and rubies twisted among the red fur of the tail. The plug was thicker and longer. The glass was a brilliant red like the rubies, with a wide base.

  “Open my pants, kiska, and take out my cock. I want you to compare the length and girth with that plug.”

  She turned back to him and did as he said, her fingers trembling. His cock was beautiful, even more so than she remembered. He had a wonderful taste, addictive. She didn’t know how he managed to taste so good when most men didn’t. He kept himself groomed so he didn’t have hair to get in her mouth. She loved his cock, but he was right, it was a great deal longer and thicker than the glass plug anchoring the gorgeous tail. She purred over his cock and bent to lick the soft, velvety head and the little drops leaking just for her.

  He shook his head. “Naughty little kitten.” He flicked the ruby chandeliers, setting them swinging, sending fire racing straight to her sex. “Turn around and put your paws on the floor right now.”

  She obeyed, excitement coursing through her. She loved that particular voice.

  He rubbed her cheeks again with the oil, poured more and massaged her little star before he began to push the plug deep, a steady pressure that was much fuller and more uncomfortable than the first one had been. Then his thumb was working her clit and two fingers were curling inside her, stroking her sensitive nerve endings, and that sense of fullness mingled with the fiery oil became something altogether different.

  “You like that, don’t you, kiska? You’re going to like my cock when I take your ass.”

  She did like it. She was burning up. Right then, if he had wanted to, she would have let him take her in the ass, or her pussy, either one, she was that desperate. Every part of her body seemed to be on fire for him. Even her mouth. Her brain r
aged for him.

  He kept massaging her cheeks and around to her breasts with more oil, before showing her the new collar. This one was thicker and stiffer. It said Absinthe’s kiska in fiery letters. He buckled it around her neck and attached the leash. The leash was thicker too but had the same sparkling gems.

  He led her over to the bed, where the gifts were laid out. “There is a variety here. That particular tail is unique for a reason. Ice is an exhibitionist. I’m certain you know what that is. Storm, however, is a voyeur. He gets off on watching. Ice made the tail, so he gave me a remote to go with it. Feel what this can do to you on low.”

  He switched it on and instantly the plug began to vibrate, sending little waves of delight right through that fiery wall of nerves. Scarlet thought she might die of insanity as her body coiled tight, but there was no relief. She hissed and rocked her hips. The tail switched madly in the air, throwing streaks of fiery red all over the walls. Absinthe laughed and ruffled her hair.

  “We haven’t even gotten started. Look at all these wonderful gifts.” He opened the long box. “This is from Storm. He calls it the stormy weather. He had Mechanic make a few of them because he’s crazy, but they’re very cool. It’s his design.”

  He lifted it out of the box and Scarlet gasped when she saw the dildo. It seemed large and thick and colored like a dark storm with streaks of lightning. When Absinthe turned it on, white streaks burst across it and with each one the thing jolted hard right through the vibrations. Absinthe smiled at her as he coated it with oil.

  “Storm, of course, was hoping I’d bring my little kiska to one of the parties, stuffed full of his stormy weather and her beautiful tail so he could watch her as she strutted around or sat on her cushion with her little pussy and ass all ready to be fucked. Unfortunately for him, I get that privilege tonight all by myself.” He pushed two fingers into her and then began to slide the toy into her. “It isn’t as large as I am, so you can take it. It will hook to your harness so you won’t have to work too hard this time to keep it in, although it will be good for you to work those muscles.”


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