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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

Page 16

by Melissa Adams

  I think Ayla imagines where this is going because she smiles and whispers:

  “Typical Alex.”

  I nod.

  “Yeah. I had a knee jerk reaction: I caught the ball and told him to stop being a dick. Those were the first words I’d said in days. I said them right when my Mom was leaving the principal’s office. I wasn't told until years later but they were getting me committed to a psych ward. My Mom decided not to when she saw me talk to Alex. That night, Alex slept over and after throwing that same football around until dinner time, it was the first night I really ever slept since my Dad died. Alex had a nanny, because his parents where always gone and she was obviously happy to be relieved of her duties. So after a while, Mom contacted Spencer, Alex’s Dad and he agreed to let Alex stay with us. He basically lived in my house until sophomore year.”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt your story, honey, but why aren't his parents around?”

  “His Father’s always away for business and his Mom... She's constantly in rehab. This is why he actually calls my Mom, Mom. He calls his mother Janet. By the way, you’ll have to ask him more about his parents but he really doesn't like to talk about them.”

  “So this is how you and Alex became best friends?”

  I nod.

  “What about Tuna?”

  “He and Alex were already best friends and shortly after that first night, Tuna started to come round and we’d spend the night at my house or Tuna’s. We’d become inseparable. I owe those two guys everything, Ayla. They gave me back my will to live after the biggest loss.”

  Ayla scoots closer and hugs me.

  “I’m so glad that you found them.”

  She whispers.

  I look at her without saying anything for a long moment and then I explain:

  “We’ve all helped each other overcome some huge, painful loss. This is our bond, Ayla. This is why we never let anyone in. The A-Team was a silly idea we got in Middle School when popularity started to matter. Now, it's just something we use to keep others at a distance and yeah, I mean... We don't complain that people want in and want to basically be us. They just don't know that our bond isn't about fast cars, girls and the football team.”

  I take a bottle of Mountain Dew out of the basket and pour it into two solo cups.

  I pass one to Ayla:

  “It was my Dad's favourite drink. I always bring him some. You know, he would've really liked you, Ayla. He would've loved how smart you are and he would've told me that I better do everything right with you, because you're also so beautiful. Thank you for coming to meet him.”


  SAM TAKES ME OUT TO lunch and then when we get back to LA, he tells me that he doesn't want to leave me yet and asks me if I wouldn't mind spending the afternoon with him.

  Mom's at work until well after dinner, so I agree to go to his house.

  It's a huge white mansion, the architecture of it, reminds me a lot of the houses I saw in a documentary about Barcelona.

  The inside is minimalist but classy and warm with big pieces of dark wood furniture, a huge stone fireplace in the living room and paintings of several marine scenes.

  “My parents are out for a movie premiere tonight, they are staying at a hotel. And the housekeeper has Sundays off, so it's just us.”

  Sam proposes to sit by the pool and enjoy the sunset and a glass of soda.

  We talk about school and what we wanna do in the future: I discover that we both dream of going to Yale.

  He pulls me onto his lap and before giving me an earth shattering kiss he looks at me for a long time, a little smile on his lips.

  “That's awesome that we're both going to the same college. So we won't have to do the long distance thing.”

  My heart is beating so fast in my chest that I think it might burst: did he just imply that we’ll still be together next fall?

  When he kisses me, I let him claim my mouth and explore every corner of it.

  My hands are on his chest and his are tangled in my hair, cradling my head while his lips own me in the sweetest and hottest possible way.

  “Your kisses always taste sweet. I remember the first time you kissed me. I’d never had bourbon before and now it’ll always remind me of your kiss.”

  I whisper when he takes his mouth away from mine to pepper light kisses down my jaw and neck.

  His eyes sparkle with amusement:

  “That makes me sound like I have an alcohol problem.”

  “No, I—”

  “I know what you mean. It's like your kisses will always make me think about funnel cake and powdered sugar.”

  His eyes turn serious all of a sudden and he kisses me again, his hands now skimming down my shoulder and playing with the little buttons that close the front of my sundress.

  I let him open two and when he tackles the third one, I start feeling brave and lift his t-shirt with hesitant fingers, feeling the muscles of his abdomen.

  His fingers slip inside the thin cotton of my dress and find the delicate skin of my boobs, tracing the edge of each one and then trailing to the centre and down to my nipple.

  I feel that contact all the way down between my legs and squirm a little bit when I feel him harden in his jeans, right under my butt.

  “Ayla, I really want to take you to my room but I want you to know that if you say no I won't be mad. And even if you say yes, we don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Regardless of what you might have done with the others.”

  I nod and brush my lips against his.

  “I know, but I really want to go to your room.”

  He smiles and raises from the chair with me in his arms: he carries me up the stairs as if I don't weigh much at all.

  His bedroom is the tidiest I’ve ever seen, the king size bed perfectly made, the light white curtain on the full length window that offers a view of the ocean billowing in the breeze.

  He places me on the bed and climbs by my side: he takes my hand in his and starts kissing the tips of my fingers.

  He kisses his way down the palm of my hand, the inside of my wrist, the crook of my elbow and all the way up to my shoulder.

  His kisses are warm, slightly wet, slow and sensual.

  By the time his lips reach my neck again and start descending down my chest, I feel wetness between my legs and the thin fabric of my dress burns my skin, an unwanted barrier between our bodies.

  I tug at his t-shirt and pull it over his head while he works on the buttons that close the whole length of my sundress.

  His jeans are next off and I admire how long Sam’s legs are and how muscular his body is.

  He’s the biggest one out of my three boys: every inch of his body is made of hard, chiseled muscles and he’s so sexy that I would never tire of looking at him.

  He takes my bra off and when his mouth closes on one of my nipples my reaction is to wrap my legs around his hips, feeling his hardness against me and almost losing my mind with want when he presses his body harder against mine.

  When our underwear comes off, I don't know what he wants to do but I wait, determined to give him what he wants.

  “Sugar, I know you’ve not done this before, so... I don't mind taking it a little slow.”

  I feel disappointed and relieved at the same time.

  When he takes his underwear off, I don't hide my curiosity: he's longer than Alex but his best friend has more girth.

  When my panties join his underwear on the floor, I see him looking at me with a heat that makes my skin almost vibrate with want.

  “Oh my god, Ayla... You're perfect... You’re beautiful...”

  Those words echo in my head when I feel his fingers explore me and then enter me and stroke my sensitive skin.

  He makes me gasp multiple times by working on all my most sensitive spots until the pressure builds so much that I scream into his mouth, wracked by waves of pleasure so intense that I almost can't take it.

  Then I get him to show me how to touch him an
d I love how hard he feels in my hand, how smooth and soft his skin is and the way he breathes against my mouth when I touch the sensitive skin of his tip.

  When he gets so hard that I think he might explode, I ask him:

  “I want to know how you taste, Sam.”

  I never got to do it with Alex and I feel comfortable enough to tell Sam what I want.

  He nods opening his eyes and looking at me while I wrap my lips around him just seconds before my mouth’s invaded by his hot, sweet and slightly salty release.

  We cuddle up against each other and I think that I know how happiness must feel like: it's feeling close to another human being, body and mind, the way I feel with Sam right now.

  We’d love to spend the whole night together but my Mom’s going to come home at midnight, so he drives me home but we stop at a little Chinese restaurant on the way to my house and sit outside, eating from takeout containers and laughing at each other's corny jokes.

  My birthday was rocky but today, today's perfect.


  Pros And Cons

  Tuna: thirty five points

  Alex: twenty five points

  Sam: zero points (but really twenty one)

  EM: zero points


  I SMASH MY FUCKING iPhone against the wall!

  That fucking skitch (skunky bitch for the slow ones amongst you like Ms. Webber) almost fucked my Sam!

  I mean, seriously!


  I throw my perfume bottle against the same wall I sacrificed my phone against and it smashes into a million pieces.

  And the thing that pisses me off the most, isn't that he made her come. He’s so good with his fingers that I feel a shiver just thinking about it. Not even that she had his cock in her mouth too...


  The thing that really makes me see red is that he was all careful and sweet and treated her as if she would break if he handled her too roughly.

  He didn't take her virginity, he didn't even try to!

  He was all patient with her while with me (ok, I wasn't a virgin, I kinda lied to him about it), he couldn't wait to stick it into any hole I’d let him use!

  And he isn't even playing in that fucking juvenile bet that they have going on because his Ayla is so precious that he even took her to his father's grave.

  He never took me there!

  And honestly, I come from a perfect family, I have what you could call a fucking pedigree, while Ayla comes from a single Mom and her brother’s a pot head!

  I need to do something before she becomes so popular at BHPA that she takes Prom Queen from me!

  This is what dating Alex pretty much guarantees a girl but if she were to date the whole A-Team... Like not hooking up, being their girlfriend, then there’d be no hope to beat her, not even a fucking pop star could!

  Also, I have to do something about EM.

  He was all ‘You should stop listening into the guys phones and reading their texts. It’s unhealthy and illegal. And if they realised that I helped you with it—’

  Fucking pussy!

  He’s so fucking scared to get onto Alex’s bad side that he hasn't even tried with Ayla!

  But I convinced him to continue to help me in exchange for a plan that if it won't get him Ayla's v-card, it’ll make those three alpha idiots believe that he has.

  Perception is fucking everything!

  Like my Daddy always taught me: it doesn't matter if you're rotten inside, as long as you look pristine and nice on the outside...

  Our favourite book is Oscar Wilde’s The Picture Of Dorian Grey.

  So I wrack my brain thinking of how to make Sam want to play that bet but also make him determined to win it.


  I’ve got the right idea!

  All I need is a sample of Ayla's writing and I know exactly where to find one: Ms. Webber keeps all our translations in her locker before archiving them, so I’ll go take a screenshot of it.

  This is such a great idea: the Pro and Cons list I’ll create in Ayla's handwriting, will take into account all of Sam’s insecurities and Tuna’s too.

  This is why I decide to make EM plant it instead of using Tuna.

  After two days of hard work, this is what I accomplish:




  PROS: Most popular, Richest, Hottest, best dick out of the three.

  CONS: Asshole, least likely to make serious commitment, probably my Mom wouldn't like him.


  PROS: Sweetest. Seems in love with me. Mom would like him. Owns a whole Island in the Pacific Ocean.

  CONS: I really don't like the way his dick looks: too big and curved. Useless at fingering: had to totally fake orgasm, so definitely not losing Virginity to him! He's boring: Alex and Tuna are way more fun; the brooding type is so 2010!


  PROS: Funniest. Really sexy eyes. He’s the dumbest out of the three (easy to persuade him to become exclusive).

  CONS: Smallest dick. He’s the dumbest out of the three. His table manners are questionable.

  We’ll see what Sam thinks when he finds this, when I get EM to switch Ayla's Latin Literature book with Sam’s after Friday’s test.

  Ms. Webber's stubborn distaste for electronic devices is really a godsend.

  I’m absolutely positive that Sam will show the list to Alex.

  The meanness towards Tuna is just a bonus in case he gets to see it: Tuna’s really the dumbest out of the three and every decision within the A-Team is taken without even consulting him eight times out of ten.


  THIS TIME IT TAKES Ms. Webber a whole week to turn in the latest test results but it's worth the wait.

  She gives them to us at the end of class and my A+ isn't even the best news: Tuna gets the C+ he needs to be reinstated onto the football team, effective immediately.

  When he shows me the result on his sheet, I forget where I’m at and jump up from my chair, surround Tuna’s neck with my arms and plant a huge kiss on his lips.

  Ms. Webber clears her throat: kissing in the classroom is definitely against BHPA’s code of conduct and could land us both in detention but she’s a cool teacher, despite being strict.

  She has assigned me to Tuna as a tutor, so she probably understands my joy at his improvement and she winks at me and Tuna, while looking pointedly away from us and giving us time to regain our composure.

  When Tuna returns his test sheet to her she smiles softly and tells him:

  “Well done, Alexander. I’m really impressed. Continue with the hard work and I don't see why you couldn't get an A by the end of next semester.”

  As we file out of class, side by side with Sam and Alex, who are also congratulating Tuna on the improvement, EM knocks into me and Sam, causing us to drop the books that we were going to return to our lockers.

  Everything ends up on the floor and EM apologises, helping us to gather everything back.

  “Are you ok, sugar?”

  Sam asks concerned and I nod.

  “I think I’ll take my book home this week... I got an A-... I think I need to study harder. I wanna be sure that Yale won't find any excuse to not accept me.”

  He says winking at me with his sexy blue eyes and I can't help but remember looking into them last Sunday, naked in his arms.

  I blush and he whispers in my ear:

  “I wanna take you out to dinner tomorrow night. What do you think?”

  “I can't wait!”

  Our football team completely obliterates their adversaries and Tuna is named MVP tonight.

  But all my boys play splendidly and I’m so proud of them!

  While normally on a Friday night we’d have a party, tonight Alex asked me out on a date, reasoning that we always seem to be in a group setting and that apart from our nightly goodnight phone call, we hardly ever do boyfriend-girlfriend romantic things.

>   Now, romantic isn't the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about Alex but he definitely deserves a chance to prove me wrong.

  “Do you have a curfew tonight?”

  I shrug.

  “My Mom should be home from work at two am. As long as I’m home by one o’clock, I should be totally fine.”

  I’m still new around LA and Mom takes the car so often that I’ve only had a chance to drive a few times but I’m starting to get my bearings and I think we're going to Alex's house.

  I’m correct and when we drive through the awe inspiring wrought iron gates that protect the perimeter of his property, I don't feel as nervous as I would've a few weeks ago.

  I know that Alex might try to get close to me again but I actually want him to.

  He's been calling me every night and we’ve been falling asleep to each other's voice, talking for hours and I feel that he isn't only interested in getting laid, I’m actually getting to know the real him.

  And he's smart, witty and quite funny if you scrape past his alpha asshole outward attitude.

  The only thing that seems a real taboo is his family: Alex clams up immediately whenever I try to steer the conversation there.

  I’ve never been inside the main mansion, we’ve only ever hung out in the pool house but tonight, he takes my hand and takes me to the huge carved wooden front door.

  He has to pass a retina scan, finger print scan and voice and video recognition to unlock the front door and somehow, I start to understand a lot of things.

  If there's this level of control from his parents, it shouldn't surprise me the way Alex rules BHPA with an iron fist.

  And when I follow him inside through a huge living room and into an equally oversized kitchen, I can't help but notice that while in Sam's and Tuna’s houses I spotted tons of family photos everywhere, here there isn't a single one.

  Everything here looks impossibly expensive but cold and clinically clean.


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