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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

Page 42

by Melissa Adams

  I was so angry.

  Abi is sweet, smart and super hot, an odd mixture of sexy and innocent and she's fucking dangerous.

  She's got this compassion: the way she massaged my hand and comforted me when I was in pain without asking questions, makes it hard for me to reconcile this behaviour with someone who would spread false rumours to become popular.

  She’s dangerous because she divided us.

  Only one other girl has managed to do that before and the results were disastrous, it took one of our brothers away from us.

  I don't think I’ll ever recover from Max not believing us when we said that we never touched Emily.

  But the guys and I spoke about Abi before the game last Friday and I told my brothers that I believe her when she says that she didn't spread those rumours.

  Pryce said that he doesn't care whether she did it or not: that he thinks that regardless, Abi learned her lesson and he believes that she likes us enough not to betray us again.

  Reece ...

  He’s still convinced that she did it and he stopped snarling at her at any given chance only because we asked him to and because he admitted that he feels really attracted to her.

  But he made it clear that a part of him hates her for making him feel so out of control when she's around us and for trying to use us to climb up the social ranks at school.

  This is why he won't kiss her on the lips.

  He decided that he can do anything else with her, including fuck her but that kissing someone on the lips is a more intimate, loving act and hate doesn't qualify as a motivation to kiss a girl.

  He’s adamant that Abi’s not as innocent as she wants to make us think and that he hates her for lying about us.

  The movie is over and Abi's asleep in Pryce's arms.

  He tries to move slowly and carefully, not to wake her up but I get there and scoop her up in my arms, marching towards the stairs.

  “Hey! I was gonna take her to my room!”

  Pryce whisper yells, hot on my trail.

  I turn around and level my gaze on him.

  “Na-huh. She was sitting on your lap the whole night and you got to go down on her. I want to sleep next to her tonight.”

  Reece is behind me too but he doesn't get involved in our quiet squabble, he just goes to his room without even looking at us.

  I’m the only one who owns his own house and has no parents living in it, so it's only natural that the guys each have their own room here.

  And I might give a room to Abi, even if I’d rather her spend her nights in my arms.

  I’ve never slept as soundly as the night of the storm, with her on top of me.

  There's something in this girl that makes me feel calm and almost as if my demons were retreating to where they came from.

  I place Abi on my bed, as gently as I can and she doesn't wake up, so I cover her with the comforter and go brush my teeth before climbing in by her side.

  I surround her with my arms and fall asleep with my nose in her hair: it smells like peaches.

  The crowd roars with an applause that lasts several minutes: the arena is sold out, nineteen thousand people roaring and screaming for me and my band.

  Most of them are teen girls and once we finish the last song, bras and panties are thrown on the stage.

  It never gets old: nothing says teen idols like girls throwing sexy underwear at you.

  I attend the VIP event just long enough to select two groupies to invite over to my hotel room.

  I know my mom (or mom-ager, I should say) won't like it but screw her: all I am to her is a fucking pay-cheque.

  She couldn't care less about me, if I’m happy or not.

  So much so that two months ago I told her that I wanted to cut this tour short, that I was feeling burned out and I wanted to take a break and attend classes for my sophomore year with Reece, Max, and Pryce at BHPA.

  I missed my freshman year almost entirely when I was selected to play guitar in a new boy band, Torn Stars.

  At first it was exciting and I’d get my friends flown in anywhere we were playing whenever school wasn't in session.

  But I miss BHPA, I miss playing football with the boys and there's only so much sex a fifteen year old boy can have before it becomes boring like the rest.

  All these girls blend into the background, I can't even remember their faces while I’m having sex with them.

  Certainly the booze and the drugs don't help keep me sharp.

  ‘Stardom isn't all it's made out to be’

  I think while we travel in the limo that my label has hired for me.

  One of them is blowing me, while the other one is filming it: Mom doesn't like the kind of publicity this stuff gives me but my label embraces the bad boy image I’ve got.

  It sells more albums.

  This girl’s quite skilled at sucking cock, I’ve got to admit it.

  Once I’m done, I get the driver to drop them off in front of a Target and get him to call them a cab to wherever they wanna go, no point taking them to my hotel now.

  The girls react angrily: they’re outraged to be dumped after I’ve had what I wanted from them.

  They obviously expected to spend the night at my hotel but I don't feel guilty for using them, they used me too.

  I know that video is probably already viral.

  I take another swig from the bottle of Jack I took with me into the car and I feel so tired that I doze off.

  That was probably a good thing, since it means that I never felt the impact when the driver crashed the car against a tree, trying to avoid a cat crossing in front of the limo.

  When I wake up in a hospital bed, I don't know how I got there and I can't feel my left hand...

  I wake up with a start: I keep having this nightmare.

  When I woke up in the hospital, for several months, I couldn't remember a thing about the immediate minutes before the accident.

  But a few months later, the memories came back in my dreams.

  The two girls, the blow job, the bourbon ...

  Normally this nightmare throws me into a state of panic but tonight, I see Abi sleeping peacefully by my side and I hold her closer.

  Her warm, soft body is comforting and soothing. My hand is throbbing in pain and normally I would get up, take way too many painkillers and drink half a bottle of whatever liquor I have in the house.

  But tonight I don't need to: I know that if I woke her up, she’d massage my hand like she did last week.

  But if I concentrate on her steady breathing, I feel calm enough to fall back asleep.

  I wake up a few hours later: the sun isn't up yet but the sky has that greyness that immediately precedes sunrise.

  Before the accident, my band had released two albums.

  The first one was of songs that our label had commissioned for us.

  The last one was stuff I’d written.

  The accident killed my music career and I’m not entirely sorry about it: stardom isn't all that it's made out to be.

  Since that day though, I haven't touched a musical instrument or written a note or a word for a song.

  Now I look at her: long blonde hair fanning out on the pillow, she looks like an angel.

  And when the words come to me, I get up as quietly as I can and find a note pad and a pen I used to keep in a drawer when writing music was a daily occurrence.

  I haven't written any in eighteen months but these words, they're about her.

  The look in her eyes

  The dream that she is

  When I see her smile

  She makes me believe

  The touch of her skin

  The kiss of her lips

  The tease in her sway

  The way that she quips ...

  I put the notepad away when I see her stir and return to bed next to her.

  She opens her blue eyes and smiles when she sees me, snuggling closer into me.

  “Good morning, angel. Did you sleep well?”

he hides her face against my chest.

  “I don't think I’ve ever slept so well in my life, Chaz. Well, maybe aside from the other night, when there was the thunderstorm. I think that I just love sleeping with you.”

  “Me too.”

  I whisper into her hair and then chuckle at her choice of words ‘sleeping with you’ which somehow implies more than just sleeping.

  When she realises why I’m laughing, she punches me on the chest.

  “Stop it! I didn't mean it that way. Even if ... one day we will, right?”

  Her eyes are big and hopeful and I stop teasing her.

  “Yeah, we’ll ‘sleep together’. But only if you want to.”

  She nods and blushes in that adorable way of hers.

  “I really liked what happened yesterday.”

  “I liked it too, angel.”

  I kiss her lips, softly and slowly, making her moan and hug herself tighter to me.

  “Can we cuddle a bit before we gotta get up?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”


  MAX POUNDS INTO ME from behind: he’s big and he has stamina.

  All power and hard muscle but I can't help imagine that the one inside me, holding onto my hips with his big, strong hands is Reece.

  But our team’s blonde running back hasn't given me the time of day this year.

  Even if I’m his rally girl.

  Ever since that blonde convent reject set foot at BHPA, it's as if I were invisible.

  Max’s thrusts are getting harder and faster and I’d even come if I weren't too frustrated with the guy I want and can't have.

  I feel Max starting to throb inside me, so I purr:

  “I want you to finish on my ass, baby ...”

  And he complies, unloading his hot release all over my butt.

  He’s nice enough to go get me a wet towel and help me clean up and then he tries to pull me near him.

  “Eww. No, you're sweaty.”

  I see a flicker of hurt in his sexy brown eyes but I’m too frustrated with the situation to cuddle.

  “That was hot, coming on your ass, like that.”

  I smile: this is what I’m giving our captain this year.

  Sex without a condom.

  I know that he's clean, he got tested after Marlene had a little STD scare and since she’d blown him ...

  I got on birth control and my goal was to sleep with my Reece again, without anything between us.

  But since Reece doesn't even look at me ...

  Max could be a perfect alternative if I don't succeed in bagging the man I want but I haven't given up on Reece yet and Max can help me.

  I know he wants Abi because he hates Reece and his friends, so we can help each other get what we want.

  “So, did you ask Abi to the party?”

  His relaxed expression tightens and he rolls on his side to face me.

  “I did.”


  “She said no.”

  I’m so mad, I wanna scream and throw things.

  “Maybe you weren't persuasive enough? I mean, you're hot as fuck, you’ve got a huge cock and you’re the captain of the football team and our quarterback. Any girl at BHPA would give away her fucking trust fund to be your girlfriend.”

  His expression darkens, now he looks downright pissed off.

  “Yeah. Any girl but Abi, apparently.”

  “That's fucking annoying! I thought that spreading those rumours and that Facebook post would've pissed off Reece and the others enough to keep them away from Abi. I know that Reece’s dad wants to run for governor and Reece is under strict orders to watch his reputation. After that trial, I thought that if they thought that they couldn't trust Abi ...”

  Max nods.

  “Yeah, I thought that too. But in a way, that makes me want her even more. I wanna take her away from them, the same way they took Emily from me.”

  His serious tone makes me shiver with excitement and a tiny bit of fear.

  “Are you gonna roofie her and ...”

  “Are you fucking crazy? No! I’m not a rapist like those three assholes! My revenge would make sense only if she chose me over them. I can find enough girls who wanna fuck me without forcing myself on them!”

  He’s right.

  He’s hot enough that girls throw themselves at him.

  Including me.

  I start stroking him while we talk and I’m pleased to see that he hardens in my hand instantly.

  “But you know, we could do a very well planned game of Truth or Dare tonight at the party, or any party game with a dare if you lose. And I have another Facebook post up my sleeve. You’ll get your girl, Max.”

  I straddle him and guide his hard length inside of me.

  I start to rock my hips slowly and seductively and he grabs me to press me down on his crotch and plunge inside me as deeply as possible.

  But I see in his eyes that he's miles away and I’m not even mad because I often think about Reece when I fuck another guy.

  But I’m curious, so I ask:

  “What happened to Emily by the way? She didn't come back to BHPA.”

  His grip on my hips tightens and he slams into me so hard that I yelp in surprise.

  “Her parents sent her to summer in Europe. She was too stressed to stick around here during the trial. She gave her testimony by video conference. Now I heard that she's back in LA. Going to Aylesbury Prep.”

  “Has she called you?”

  His next thrust is even more punishing.

  “No. I think that deep down, she must be blaming me for what those three did to her. Because I wasn't there to protect her. This is why ...”

  And each time he grunts one of his ex best friends names, he thrusts into me harder.

  “Reece ...”


  “Pryce ...”


  “And Chaz ...”


  “Have to pay!”

  By then I’m a quivering mess, coming loudly and raking my nails on his chiselled chest, leaving some satisfying red marks on his smooth skin.


  THE LAST PERIOD ON Friday afternoon is a free period and I’ve chosen to use it working in the academy library.

  You’d think that most people would come here to do homework, especially since tonight we have another home football game and our field will be so crowded that if people don't go in early, there's the risk of not finding a seat.

  I’m in my cheerleader uniform again and I’m glad that there's no one in the library because I’m shelving returned books and I’ve forgotten my undershorts in my locker, so right now, when I stretch or bend down, if someone were to stand behind me, they'd get an eyeful.

  I’ll definitely go get the shorts before the game.

  I’m trying to put away a huge tome that goes on a shelf high enough that I have to stretch on my tip toes but not so high that I need a step stool or a ladder.

  When the big book is back in its designated spot, I turn around to get the next volume that needs re shelving but I stop when I find myself staring into a pair of dark blue eyes.

  Reece is standing behind me, with a little smirk on his face and he seems amused by having startled me.

  He stands there with that provocative smile, without saying anything for a long moment and I’d be lying if I didn't admit that I feel like squirming a little.


  I finally cave and his smile widens as he takes a step closer to me.

  “You're an oddly sexy crossover between hot cheerleader and hot librarian right now.”

  Damn it!

  I can feel myself blushing and I’ll admit that since the other night, I’ve been thinking about what happened between me and the guys pretty much constantly.

  Reece is now extremely close to me and one of his big, slightly rough hands comes up to cup the side of my face.

  And I obviously wasn't the only one thinking about that afternoon on Chaz’s couch, bec
ause he whispers in my ear.

  “I can't stop thinking about how hot you looked the other day. And the way you sound when you come.”

  His soft lips are touching the sensitive spot behind my ear, his tongue running up and down the side of my neck, while one of his hands cups my boob, making me feel an immediate rush of heat between my legs.

  He’s just touched me with his lips and I’m already panting, my body arching towards his.

  He’s so tall and powerful, lean but so well built.

  I’ve never seen him shirtless but as I run my hands on his front, I can feel his pecs and his six pack through his shirt.

  His lips are trailing down my neck, his hand playing with my hardened nipple inside my top but over my bra.

  “Abi, this isn't working, seriously.”

  My eyes fly open and I struggle to get my words out because his lips have returned on my neck.

  “Is it not?”

  He stops kissing my neck and his fingers grip my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

  “No, it isn't. I really wanted to hate you for telling that lie and screwing you would be the perfect way to punish you but ... I hate you.”

  “Reece, what ...?”

  I feel tears starting to push out, wanting to roll down my face as his words cut deeper than I was prepared for.

  “I hate you because I wasn't supposed to like you. I think about you all the time, I can't sleep, I can't ... I forgive you for spreading that rumour. I ...”

  My gaze zeroes in on his.

  “I haven't. I don't know who did. But I swear, I’d never say that I slept with anyone. Not even if I had. I ...”

  And then he nods.

  “Ok. I believe you.”

  Butterflies swarm in my stomach when I hear him say that.


  His lips are really close to mine but he isn't kissing me.

  “Really. Tomorrow night. Will you go on a date with me? A proper date. Not as make out buddies or whatever we’ve been. Like ... a girlfriend. A proper date, where we’ll do something romantic and then I’ll kiss you on your doorstep.”

  My heart is beating in my chest so furiously that I have to try to say what I want twice.

  I finally manage.


  “Until then, I won’t kiss you.”



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