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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

Page 50

by Melissa Adams

  We kiss until I fall asleep.

  The thing with being in Chaz's arms is that I feel as if I were in a bubble, in a sweet warm place where nothing bad can ever touch me.


  “HEY, SIS!”

  My bedroom door opens and I hide my face in the crook of Chaz's neck.

  His arms tighten around me and I wish I could stay in my wonderful Chaz bubble a little while longer but reality is quite literally at my doorstep in the form of my brother Alex and his girlfriend Ayla.

  “What the fuck? Why is there a dude in your bed?”

  Alex is standing at the foot of my bed with Ayla right behind him.

  Suddenly we’re wide awake and I thank all the gods that last night Chaz comforted me and he didn't try anything beyond kissing me, so we’re fully clothed.

  “I’m not a ‘dude’. I’m her boyfriend and good morning to you too, asshole.”

  Chaz says that with a grin and recognition sparks in my brother's eyes.

  “Atwood? You're dating my sister? Whoa, Abbot and Alistair must be fuming! They both called me a few weeks ago asking about her.”

  Then he turns to me and winks.

  “Good choice, Abs! This one's a dickhead, don't get me wrong, and not worthy of you but he’s less of a douche than his three besties he hangs out with.”

  “Uhm ...”

  I flinch at the word ‘choice’ and while my brother keeps ribbing Chaz and vaguely threatening him if he ever hurts me, I catch Ayla's eyes and I think she immediately knows that there's more to my relationship status than what Alex just assumed.

  “All right, go on sweetie. Your sister needs to get dressed and you can continue to scare the shit out of Chaz outside. We’ll be right out when Abi's ready, ok? Now go.”

  My brother’s always been a handful with an alpha male attitude, he reminds me a lot of Reece and Max, but Ayla has definitely tamed him.

  She handles him gently but firmly and he wraps an arm around Chaz's neck and drags him outside in a semi friendly headlock without arguing with his girlfriend.

  Once the boys are out of the room, Ayla gives me a hug.

  “How are you, sweetie? I’m sorry about your mom. We got here as soon as we heard.”

  “Thank you. Having you guys here makes things more bearable. You and ... Chaz.”

  She smiles softly but there's sadness in her green eyes.

  “Alex only agreed to come to be here for you. He is so mad at your mom. He's adamant that his only mother is Cheryl, Sam’s mom.”

  I sigh: Alex made it clear countless times that he can't forgive Mom for never being there for us.

  “I’ll make sure to thank him, then. It means a lot to me to have you guys here. I can't say that Mom was there for me that much either but we did talk. I had a relationship with her. So it's not just the sadness about her being gone. Dad is ...”

  Ayla nods in understanding.

  “I know. Your father isn't an easy man to be around. Especially during emotional times. He treats everyone around him like an employee, even his own kids.”

  “Yeah. You know him. Probably even better than I do.”

  I put back on the same sheath dress I was wearing last night and Ayla sits on the edge of the bed.

  She doesn't speak until I stand in front of the mirror to brush my hair.

  Our eyes meet in the mirror and she smiles softly.

  “Hey Abs, this isn't any of my business and you can totally tell me to butt out but ...”

  I know what she's about to ask, so I come clean.

  “Yeah. I’m not only dating Chaz. I’m also dating Pryce and possibly Reece. They had another friend ...”

  “Max? I remember him. He was the second string QB for your brother. Is he QB1 now? He and your guys were as tight as Alex, Sam, and Tuna.”

  “Yeah, well something happened last summer and they aren't friends anymore. Things between me and Max didn't start on the right foot anyway, but we decided to try and be friends and I hope that I could help him mend his relationship with my boys ...”

  I explain about what happened between the boys and Ayla doesn't comment for a second, gathering her thoughts.

  “Ok, I’ll ask you this only once: are you sure that they didn't do what Max says they did?”

  “Yeah. It's hard to explain because from the outside, they look like a bunch of bad boys, bullies even. But once you get to know them better ...”

  Ayla nods.

  “I know exactly what you mean. You’ve met your brother, right?”

  I smile and I think that I know some of my boys better than I do Alex. And I know that my brother places the blame equally on both our parents for the fact that we aren't a family, but I blame it mostly on Dad. He could’ve and should’ve been there for us, not try to ‘deal’ with us from afar.

  When I’m dressed, I step outside to hug Chaz.

  “Angel, if you need me to come with you, if you need me by your side ...”

  I kiss him hard.

  Fuck it, if Alex doesn't like it, he’ll have to suck it up.

  But my brother doesn't say anything and just observes when I tell Chaz that I appreciate his offer and I’d like nothing more than to have him by my side but that I’d rather not have to explain anything to my dad.

  “I won't be at school today. Could you tell the principal what's going on and Mrs Stubbs that I won't be at practice?”

  I lower my voice.

  “I’ll text Reece and Pryce, but can you explain what's going on until I have time to call them?”

  “Anything you need me to do. I’ll be back tonight. Can I?”

  I smile and brush his lips with mine again.

  “Please, I don't think I could even sleep without you by my side.”

  Saying goodbye to Mom is strange and sad and upsetting but mainly strange.

  I’ve not seen her in years, I think I was twelve the last time she came home from rehab for Thanksgiving but then relapsed almost straight away and I was sent back to boarding school.

  I have almost no memory of us together and the frail, skinny woman attached to countless tubes isn't how I always pictured her in my mind.

  I take her cold hand into mine and whisper my goodbye.

  Alex is standing behind me, his arm around my waist to support me but he doesn't go close to her, he doesn't touch her.

  I know his emotions when it comes to Mom are complicated and I just appreciate that he's here for me.

  On the way back home, Dad calls a different car, he says that he has arrangements to make for the memorial service that will take place in five days.

  We ride home in the black SUV with his driver.

  I sit between Ayla and Alex and they're each holding one of my hands.

  Is this what family feels like?

  This strange warmth that spreads out in my chest, even if overall I feel a bit numb?

  I’m grateful for their presence and their support, for the dinner that Alex orders and for the bottle of tequila that we all share before I seek refuge again in Chaz's warm embrace.

  He just holds me tight all night and I couldn't think of a safer place to be.




  WHEN I OPEN MY EYES, I find myself surrounded by Chaz's warm gaze.

  All my boys have gorgeous eyes, but while Pryce's are mysterious like faraway stars, Reece's are deep and inscrutable like deep oceans, Chaz has this warmth in his eyes, this light that only gets dull when he's in pain.

  I love looking at the changing colour of his irises: they range from a warm amber to a deep forest green and this morning the green is prevalent.

  When I’m with him, I feel as if nothing bad could ever happen to me.

  He smiles at me and I hide my face in the crook of his neck and I inhale his sweet and spicy scent.

  One of his hands sneaks under the fabric of my tank top and stops on my lower back, splayed on my skin while his fingertips play with the edge of my soft cotton shorts.
  We don't talk for a while, just kiss and cuddle and it's as if until words aren spoken, we could stay in our own little world, where nothing bad can touch us.

  And speaking about touches, Chaz's caresses grow more and more heated, especially when my lips begin tracing the edges of one the tattoos on his chest.

  I feel him hardening underneath me and my body begins to react with a deep need that I’m starting to feel more often when I’m with him.

  We’ve been sleeping in the same bed every night for a couple of weeks and Chaz hasn't tried to push me to go further than a few heated touches and kisses.

  I know that he wants me and I’m pretty sure that he knows how attracted I feel to him, so I decide that maybe he's waiting for me to send him a signal that I want to move our physical relationship forward.

  I start taking my tank top off but I stop mid action when I notice the time.

  “Oh no! If you don't hurry up, you'll be late to school.”

  His eyes don't leave mine and his voice is smooth and low when he tells me that school right now is the last of his thoughts.

  “Unless I pushed you too far, angel. If this is the problem ...”

  “You couldn't be farther from the truth!”

  In a swift movement, I throw my tank top behind me and grab one of Chaz's hands, placing it on my naked breast.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  He whispers.

  He saw me naked that afternoon when we were with Reece and Pryce on his couch.

  He plays with my soft skin, feeling the weight of each breast in his hands.

  “How do you expect me to even think about going to school now?”

  He groans and I really don't want him to stop touching me, I’d actually love to get rid of all our clothes.

  “But today's Friday, babe! If you don't go to school, they won't let you play tonight ...”

  His eyes are intense when he says that he doesn't care about the game either.

  I sigh.

  “I hate to be the one to say this, especially when I’d rather spend all day in bed with you but the game is very important to Pryce and with Reece being away ...”

  He bites softly on my neck and whispers that he hates duty.

  “You're right! But I think that if I told Pryce what I’m having to give up right now, he’d forgive me.”

  He uses his teeth in a soft, teasing graze that makes me giggle and squirm a little.

  And when I hug him tighter and our chests touch, it's my turn to groan.

  “If I didn't know that tonight there might be a few scouts in the crowd, I’d totally encourage you to skip school.”

  “You must really love Pryce, huh?”

  I smile at his amused expression, he doesn't look jealous.

  “Yeah. I love him, Chaz. But I also love you and ...”



  It's just a whisper: with Reece things are still complicated. He apologised on the phone, so I wanna think that he's ready to put his distrust of me behind us but with him things are never simple for some reason.

  “Reece and I need to talk, but I don't know when he’ll be back. His dad didn't say how long he needs him in DC.

  When Chaz is ready to leave, I step out onto the patio with him and give him another hug, reluctant to leave the safety of his arms.

  He’s always very in tune with my emotions, so I’m not surprised when he asks me if I’ll be all right.

  “Yeah. If Alex and Ayla weren't here, I’d come to school with you but I’ll spend the day with them and then we’ll come to watch the game tonight.

  His smile is as soft as his voice when he whispers

  “Good. When I know you're watching me play, I run faster.”

  He kisses me again deeply, and as usual his kisses make the rest of the world disappear. So when a loud squeal reaches us from the pool area, I jump and look around frightened.

  “OMG, OMG, OMG! He’s Chaz Atwood! You're kissing Chaz Atwood from Torn Stars! OMG, you're Chaz freaking Atwood!”

  The screeching comes from a girl in a red bikini.

  She walks towards us. Literally bouncing around and stops only a few steps away from me and Chaz.

  Her dark blue eyes stop on me for a moment before focusing again on my boyfriend who looks almost frightened and ready to hide behind me.

  His hand tightens his grip on my waist and we both look at the newcomer, who's blushing profusely and can't take her eyes off my man.

  “Uh ... Hello, I guess. As you already know, this is Chaz, I’m Abi and you are?”

  “I’m Aubrey. OMG, I can't believe you're kissing Chaz Atwood! I mean, he's only my biggest celebrity crush of all times! Your song ‘Burning Comet’ is my favourite song of all times! It's my ringtone! Please tell me that you're gonna release something very soon, I ...”

  “Uhm, I ...”

  Chaz looks unsure about how he should handle her obvious enthusiasm but I intervene because for the life of me, I’ve never seen this girl before and I’d like to know what she's doing by my pool this early in the morning.

  “Aubrey, Chaz really has to go or he’ll be late for school. In the meantime, can I ask you how you got into the property? There's a guarded gate and lots of security and ...”

  Her pupils dilate in surprise but it only lasts for a moment.

  I’ve never seen this girl before but there's something about her that looks vaguely familiar.

  She takes my hand in hers and I notice the beautiful pale sparkly pink of her manicure.

  I’m not very used to being touched aside from the guys and I try to retract my hand but she doesn't let go.

  Her grasp is firm but still gentle and her eyes are now fixed onto mine.

  “Shit! I’m sorry, Abi. I guess there isn't a good way to say this without making it weird. Trust me a couple of weeks ago, I went through the same shock but ... I’m Aubrey Richmond. Your sister.”


  Actually Chaz and I say that in unison and this time, I don't even give a thought to how many Hail Marys this would get me because, yeah ...

  Aubrey is still holding my hand and I’m thankful that Chaz hasn't left yet and he's ready to catch me when my knees give in.

  Chaz and Aubrey walk me to one of the plush chairs that surround the big table by the BBQ area and once we sit down and I’m still at a total loss for words, my boyfriend is the first one to recover from the shock.

  “Girl, if this is a joke ...”

  Aubrey’s eyes look sad when she shakes her head.

  “I swear, it isn't a joke. We’re sisters, Abi. Well, half-sisters to be precise. I fucking swear that it's typical Dad to move me into the house and not even tell you anything.”

  She sits next to me and I take in her appearance and fuck, I don't need any proof to believe her.

  We’re more or less the same height and build and if the many physical similarities I spot between us weren't enough, her eyes would tell me that she's telling the truth.

  They have the exact same shape and colour of mine and Alex’s.

  That's one trait we both inherited from our father.

  She has long hair but while mine and Alex’s are golden blonde, hers is a rich chocolate brown.

  We have the same nose and the same heart shaped lips.

  I look at her and her gaze is full of compassion.

  Normally this would make me mad because I hate pity, especially when I'm on the receiving end of it but if I’ve gotta be honest, right now I feel pretty sorry for myself.

  “Abi, I’m so sorry. Dad had promised he’d talk to you before we moved in. If I’d known that you didn't know about me, I’d have introduced myself in a different way. I would've tried to be more tactful. But damn, sis! Chaz Atwood! You're already my fucking myth!”

  Yup! She's definitely my sister, when she's nervous she starts babbling, completely out of control.

  We obviously need to talk and it would probably be a good idea to have Alex present too.<
br />
  Chaz offers to go and knock on his door and I protest that if he doesn't leave now, he’ll definitely be late for school.

  “Don't worry, angel. There's no way I’m leaving you. I already texted coach and I might've lied about my car breaking down but he told me to take my time and that he’ll inform the school. He definitely wants me on the starting team tonight. I also texted Pryce and he's on his way here. He told coach that he's coming to the rescue and if coach doesn't wanna lose me, he’d definitely move mountains to make sure that Pryce plays tonight. I’ll be right back with Alex.”

  A few minutes later, we're all sitting by the table that overlooks the pool. Pryce and Chaz are both sitting near me and I’ve never been more grateful for having them in my life.

  But surprisingly, I realise that I wish that Reece were here.

  I know that he’d be the one who’d understand better how betrayed I feel right now.



  I love the man even though he's impossibly strict and impossible to please no matter what you achieve but right now, I’m really mad at him.

  If not telling me my whole life that I have a brother and a sister weren't unforgivable enough, he didn't speak to them about me when I begged him to do it.

  I hate the way Abi and I met, even though ... Chaz Atwood!

  But enough about my pop idol crushes, going back to Abi, I wouldn't blame her if she hated me right now.

  She knew nothing about me until five minutes ago and now I fucking live here, with my mom, and ...

  Ok, I know it's a fucking mess, families normally are.

  I know I owe them an explanation and while Abi looks a little shell shocked but is looking at me with curiosity, Alex’s intense gaze is positively making me nervous.

  He looks exactly like Dad in his high school yearbook photo and I know that gaze, that take no prisoner, merciless gaze.

  Another hot guy just arrived and when he kisses Abi on the cheek, his hand stays on her shoulder way too long.

  If I didn't think that it was impossible because she’s clearly dating Chaz freaking Atwood — internal squeal, sorry but whoever’s had a crush on someone famous will understand how star struck I feel right now — I’d think that Pryce and Abi are way more than friends.


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