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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

Page 52

by Melissa Adams

  Dad flinches and he’s about to complain but Eva turns a steely gaze on her fiancé and to our shock, he leaves the room without another word.

  Aubrey seems to be used to the power dynamic between her parents because she doesn't react in any way.

  A house staff member I’ve never seen before serves several platters with eggs, bacon, sausages, French toast, and a few bowls of fresh fruit.

  Tea, coffee, and juices are also put on the table.

  Eva doesn't talk until she’s alone with the three of us again.

  “I was very young when I met your father. I’d just turned twenty one and flying as a stewardess had always been my dream. He's only three years older than me and when I met this super young and attractive businessman going to Hong Kong to secure a very lucrative business deal for his father's company... I was fascinated. And your father was and still is a very attractive man. And charming when he wants to be. At the time, your mom had just been admitted into a psych ward because she’d overdosed on such medication that the doctors thought about a suicide attempt.”

  Her eyes move from me to Alex when she says:

  “When your father and I got together, I didn't know that he was married and he never told me because he was distraught about your mom's condition. The prognosis at the time wasn't good.”

  Alex is about to interrupt her but Eva stops him by extending a hand forward, palm facing my brother.

  “I know, he should've told me and he admitted that much many times. It was just supposed to be a foolish weekend but a few weeks later, I discovered that I was pregnant with Aubrey. We didn't exchange phone numbers or anything but our names. Your father had been all over the news because the business deal he secured in Hong Kong had made RGS the biggest security company worldwide. Not having Aubrey was never an option, so I reached out because I thought he should know that he was going to be a father. I obviously didn't know that he already was.”

  Alex is about to comment and by the look in his eyes, I can tell that it isn't gonna be kind, so I shake my head and signal to let Eva continue.

  “When he came clean about having a family, I was very upset and scared. He told me that his wife started misusing prescription drugs because of the pressure of being alone with two small kids due to his constant travelling. And that he could never leave her for fear that it’d tip her over the edge.”

  This time I can't stop Alex from voicing his thoughts.

  “How cliché!”

  Eva nods.

  “You aren't wrong. I thought the same thing at the time. And for three years, your father and I weren't together. Not as a couple at least. I had Aubrey and he had visitation, he wanted to be in her life.”

  This time I’m the one who can't keep in a bitter remark.

  “Well at least we’ve established that he wanted to be in one of his kids’ lives.”

  Unsurprisingly, Eva comes to her fiancé’s defence.

  “He was trying, Abilene. Every moment that he wasn't working, he was with you guys and he brought you and Alex to see Aubrey a few times. I have some photos where Alex is four, you’re one and Aubrey is just a baby. Our intention was for you guys to be in each other's lives as much as possible but it didn't work out that way and your parents and I share responsibility for it. In the three years your dad and I weren't together, your mom was admitted to rehab about six times. Three of those times after a serious overdose. It was clear that she wasn't going to be able to raise you or even have much of a normal life and I can guarantee you that your dad was devastated.”

  Alex shakes his head.

  “Being devastated didn't prevent him from hooking up with you the first time!”

  “You're absolutely right. As I said, we all share responsibility for how things turned out. He and I became closer again and the plan was to raise you three as our own and if your mother ever recovered enough, we’d cross that bridge but neither of us wanted to deny her access to you, provided you guys were safe. Then, when we were ready to move in together, my dad got really sick and I had to go and help my mom with his care. Aubrey and I lived with them for six months and thankfully my dad recovered. Those six months were the toughest of my life and I'm really ashamed to admit that when I came back, I told your father that I didn't think I could take care of three small kids. Even with hired help, it was too much. I was depressed, I struggled with anxiety for years. I’m not looking for excuses, that was totally on me. At the time, you guys had nannies to look after you, then you met Sam, Alex. And when his parents offered to take you in, your dad thought that it was a perfect temporary solution.”

  Alex has his fists clenched tightly and I see the struggle in keeping the tone of his voice polite.

  “A temporary solution that lasted ten years!”

  Eva nods.

  “I know. The only explanation that I can give you for it, is that at the time your mom seemed to improve and there was hope that maybe ... I don't know, Alex. I was struggling and when your dad said that you could stay with Sam and that Abilene could go to boarding school until I was ready or your mom got out of rehab, I thought it was ok. And then your mom didn't get out and the longer you were kept away, the more guilty I felt about it. It became a vicious circle, the initial avoidance made me feel so guilty that I shoved the situation aside. ‘Just a little longer’, that's what I kept telling myself but the months became years and then we moved to Hong Kong and we thought ... I don't know. As I said, we’re all guilty of doing wrong by you. All I can do is apologise and understand if you don't want a relationship with me or your father but I hope you’ll get to know Aubrey. Like you two, she’s a victim of a situation we created and you're siblings and ...”

  Her eyes fill with tears and she looks away, trying to regain composure.

  My sister is looking at her and at me and Alex and I can see that she's clearly upset.

  Alex is the first to speak.

  “Yeah. Aubrey, sweetie I’m sorry about this fucking shit situation. I wanna get to know you and I’ll do everything in my power to be around during breaks, and if you wanna come visit me and Ayla at Yale, you're always welcome. As for the parental unit? I doubt that’ll work for me. And actually Eva, I know the invitations won't go in the mail until after tomorrow’s memorial but I’m sure that I’ll sit that wedding out. I’d like to say that it's not personal but it’d be a lie. And I think we’ve had enough lies in this pathetic excuse for a family to last us for a lifetime.”

  Eva nods.

  “I understand, but just know that if you were to change your mind, our door is always open. It might not look like that for your father but he cares. When he’s in the wrong, he clams up and he lashes out, like you’ve seen him do moments ago. But I know that he regrets the mistakes we've made as much as I do.”

  Alex stands up.

  “Too little too late, I’m afraid. Aubrey, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Then he turns to me.

  “Abi, I’ll be here tomorrow if you wanna ride to the memorial with me and Ayla. I’m having dinner with her family tonight. But if you wanna join us, let me know and I’ll come pick you up.”

  He sets his hard gaze on Eva and nods.

  “Ma’am ...”

  He walks out of the room, leaving the three of us to look at each other, unsure about how to proceed next.


  I’M RELIEVED THAT ALEX and Abi want to have a relationship with me.

  What Mom and Dad did to all of us was really shitty but especially to my brother and sister.

  I don't know if I could ever forgive them if I were in their shoes.

  After Alex leaves, Mom declares that everything we need for the next month has been taken to the Beverly Wiltshire and that she’ll spend the rest of the day at the hotel’s renowned spa.

  “Girls, you're more than welcome to join me.”

  I don't look at her when I ask if I can stay here with Abi.

  “I guess I could send the driver to pick you up later on ...”

  Mom offers but I lift my gaze to hers and explain that I’d like to stay in the pool house with Abi during the whole time the main house is undergoing renovation.

  Mom’s expression immediately hardens but I see that she's trying to be gentle in her denial.

  Since I found out about having siblings, I’ve given her and Daddy quite the silent treatment.

  “I’m not sure that Abilene wants you around, darling. She must have tons of homework to catch up with since she missed a few days of school this week and ...”

  “Abi, please? I swear I’ll be really quiet if you need to study. But please, please, please can I stay with you?”

  I know the begging’s quite undignified but I’ve always wanted a sister and now that I have one, I just can't wait to be best friends with her.

  And there might be the chance to see Chaz Atwood some more, since they're dating. Chaz frigging Atwood!

  Mom looks quite displeased by my blatant disregard for her plans and objects one last time.

  “Aubrey, don’t be a brat! You're putting your sister in a very awkward position if she doesn't have time for you.”

  But Abi smiles at me and promises that we’ll be fine.

  I squeal and hug my sister but Mom clears her voice one last time.

  “Girls, I hope I’m being clear that there's no parties, no drinking no weird shenanigans involved. Are we clear? Abilene is eighteen but can I remind you that you're only seventeen and if I catch wind that something even remotely untoward is going on, I’ll have you back at the hotel and grounded before you know it. And I don't care if you never talk to me again. Do we understand each other, Aubrey?”

  After Mom leaves, Abi and I change into our bikinis and settle down by the pool.

  My sister's so pretty!

  With that blonde hair and her petite figure, she isn't skinny but she has a gorgeous body.

  No wonder she bagged Chaz Atwood!

  “Thank you for letting me stay, Abi! I swear I won't be a pain in the ass. Did I get in the way of your plans?”

  Now I feel suddenly a bit guilty, just in case she felt obligated to let me stay with her.

  But she shrugs and explains.

  “To be honest, I was gonna go stay at Chaz's for the whole month. I’ve been spending more time at his house than here anyway. But I doubt that your mom would let you stay there. Chaz can stay here at night, so no big deal. Can I trust you won't say anything to your Mom? I’m sure Dad wouldn't be happy that I have boys staying over.”

  I swear that I won't say anything and Abi continues telling me that if she's gonna hang out at Chaz's, I can go with her.

  I was excited to have a sister before I knew that she was dating a pop star and now I get to see his house too!

  I hug my big sis with a little squeal and ask her if Chaz has a younger brother by any chance.

  “No, he has a sister I’m afraid.”

  “Aw what a shame! I was already planning a double wedding!”

  “Who's getting married to whom?”

  As if summoned by my thoughts, Chaz walks in and picks Abi up from her lounger, kissing her the way I dream about being kissed.

  Don't get me wrong, I’ve kissed a few boys but no one like Chaz. He looks like he knows what he’s doing and my experiences so far have been awkward and tentative at best.

  When Chaz releases her, Abi explains about my hopes of marrying his brother.

  “Who's getting married to whose brother?”

  Pryce walks by and I know I’m gawking but damn if he isn't a divine looking creature!

  He's taller than Chaz, at least six foot three, has dirty blonde hair and the most gorgeous silver eyes I’ve ever seen.

  I saw him at breakfast and on the field at the football game on Friday but now that I get the chance to see him up close ... holy shit!

  And then he does the same thing Chaz just did: he picks Abi up from her lounger and kisses her hotly on the lips.

  “What the fuck?”

  I barely realise that it's my own voice when I hear that curse.

  I look at Chaz, worried that he’ll try to kick the other guy's ass for kissing his girlfriend but he looks completely fine with the situation.

  When Abi breaks the kiss, she turns to me and she explains the situation and holy shit!

  “Aubrey, Pryce is my boyfriend as you’ll have probably figured out by now.”

  Pryce gives me a knee weakening wink and then both he and Chaz, turn towards the kitchen.

  “Up for an ice cold drink? It's fucking October but I swear that this is an Indian summer, I’m melting!”

  Abi smiles at him and I see the love in her blue eyes.

  “I’ll be right with you guys. You go ahead, give me a sec.”

  I can't keep my mouth shut, I know it's none of my fucking business but ...

  “I thought Chaz was your boyfriend?”

  “He is.”

  “But you just said ...?”

  Abi explains her unconventional dating arrangement and I look at her for a long moment, admiration being the vastly prevalent emotion in my heart, maybe mixed with a tad of jealousy.

  “Wow! And they aren't jealous of each other?”

  “Sometimes ...”

  Abi shows me a photo of a third guy who apparently is on a political campaign with his father and explains that she's in love with him too and that he and the other two boys are best friends.

  “So are you dating Reece too?”

  She sighs.

  “With Reece things got a little complicated before he left but I hope we’ll be able to make things work.”

  I have a bajillion questions.

  “But aren't you jealous when they are with other girls?”

  She explains that their relationship isn't open, that she is faithful to them and they to her.

  “Wow! I thought you were badass before but I was wrong! You're a fucking goddess!”

  Abi giggles and drops another bombshell: Ayla, Alex’s girlfriend is in a similar situation.

  “She's dating Alex and also his two besties, Sam and Tuna.”

  “Holy shit! I mean, you girls have to tell me how to bag three hot guys!”

  Abi’s smile softens.

  “Neither of us set out to date more than one guy. It just happened. And Aubrey, I beg you, don't tell Dad. If he knew about it...”

  I nod.

  “Yeah, he’d have you shipped to a convent ... again! Even if you're eighteen. He’d find a way.”

  “I don't know about that, but he might have a problem with you and I spending time together.”

  I nod in agreement but at that point in time I’m grossly underestimating how many things our daddy disapproves of.

  I GET SOME CLARITY a few hours later.

  We spend most of the day by the pool, swimming, laughing and listening to music.

  I feel at ease with Abi and her boys and I’m so glad that my sister allowed me to stay with her.

  So far, having her in my life is even more awesome that I’d imagined whenever I dreamed of having a sibling.

  In the early afternoon Abi and Pryce disappear for an hour in the pool house.

  Chaz keeps throwing glances at the patio door but he doesn't say anything.

  I can only try to imagine how hard it must be for him knowing that his girlfriend is having sex with another guy, even if they're best friends.

  When the sky starts getting dark, Chaz decides to light the grill in the backyard and we raid the fridge in the mansion finding some steaks and veggies to BBQ.

  After we eat, the music is back on and we all dance together under the moonlight.

  The jasmine flowers in the shrubs that surround the pool area fill the night with their fragrant scent and the way both boys share Abi as a dance partner, is sweet and hot at the same time and makes me wish that I had two super hot boys who took any chance to steal a kiss from me.

  I watch how gentle Chaz is with her, he’s nothing like I thought he’d be from the newspaper articl
es and paparazzi photos that portrayed him like a heartless man whore.

  I can’t take my eyes off the way he's brushing his lips on hers, looking into her eyes, his hands on her hips, making her sway to the music.

  “What the hell is going on here? And who are you?”

  Daddy is standing by the kitchen door and I don't know if the look on his face is more incredulous or furious but either way he’s scary as fuck.

  Chaz doesn't lose his cool and extends his hand for my daddy to shake.

  “Hi, I’m Chaz Atwood. I’m your daughter’s boyfriend.”

  Daddy looks at his hand as if it were covered in shit — I know it's not a ladylike way to express myself, my mom would definitely scold me but there's no other way to put it — and doesn't shake it but glares at Chaz until recognition dawns on him.

  “You're that singer that was always pictured with different groupies, doing drugs and getting blown in your limo or backstage. What the hell are you doing in my house?”

  Chaz remains calm and repeats his explanation.

  “I’m your daughter’s boyfriend. We go to school together, sir. And yeah, I admit that I wasn't always an example of virtue but since I quit the band, I ...”

  “Get out!”

  Daddy’s tone of voice is as cold as his glacial stare.

  “Sir, please, let's discuss this. Pryce and I are here to support Abi during this difficult time and ...”

  “I said get out!”

  Abi speaks for the first time.

  “But Dad, I need them. Look, they aren't bad guys, tomorrow you can get to know them at the reception ...”

  Daddy cuts her off.

  “They most certainly won't attend your mother's memorial and aren't welcome here. There's security and press at both events and if I see you within ten feet of my daughters, you’ll be extremely sorry. Now, out!”

  Abi faces off with him.

  “I’m going with them.”

  “Not if you want to see your sister again. She's still a minor and if you leave with those two, you won't see her again until she turns eighteen at the very least. I can't ship you to a convent but I can definitely ship her to St. Mary’s.”


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