Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance Page 57

by Melissa Adams

  “Did security let you in ok?”

  I try to make small talk as I follow him to the black limo parked in my driveway.

  “Yes, ma’am. Mr Richmond made sure that security had my details.”

  The windows of the limo are tinted so darkly that I can't see the other occupant and that doesn't do anything to soothe my nerves.

  I check my phone one last time hoping to get a text from Reece but there's nothing.

  So I take a deep breath and mentally brace myself for a very difficult day as I slip my cellphone back into my blue silk clutch bag while the driver opens the car door for me.

  As I step foot in the limo, my date isn't facing me: I notice straight away that he must be over six feet tall and really well built.

  All I see is that he's wearing a dark grey tuxedo and he has short blonde hair. He has a big phone plastered to his face.

  He complains that his phone has no reception but before I even take notice of his voice, I take in a few details: the shape and size of his hand, the silver ring he wears on his index finger ...


  He drops his phone, as shocked as I am.


  I launch myself into his arms making him slide down the car seat when I land on his lap and the feel of his lips on mine is one of the most welcome feelings I can think of right now.

  After a heated kiss, the driver speaks to us from his seat.

  “Miss Richmond, Mr Abbot if you wouldn't mind buckling up, we need to be on our way to the Country Club.”

  After we’re both buckled up, Reece presses the button for the divider between us and the driver.

  When he looks at me, his eyes are intense and they have a glint of amusement in their dark blue depths.

  “How's this possible? Are you my date? Or did you kidnap him and he’s hog tied in the trunk?”

  He chuckles softly, cupping my jaw and stroking the sensitive spot behind my ear.

  “What if I did?”

  My smile widens and I shrug.

  “I’ll keep your secret. Just make sure that the driver doesn't find out or we’ll have to tie him up too.”

  This time Reece rewards my joke with a full on laugh.

  “This is why I love you. You aren't only hot AF but you're funny.”

  He gets closer, looking at my lips with the obvious intention to kiss me again but I stop him.

  “Look, there's nothing more that I want right now than to make out the whole way to the Country Club and arrive all dishevelled, so everybody will be able to tell what we’ve been doing, but ...”


  “How is this possible? Are you really my date? And how didn't you know ...? I’m honestly confused.”

  Reece’s expression becomes suddenly serious.

  “I had no idea, baby. When you got into the car, I was actually trying to call you. My phone had no reception for some reason, there's been something wrong with it since I woke up this morning. So between that and these stupid tinted windows, I wasn't paying attention to where we were going. I was actually trying to call you because until last night, I was convinced that I had to go to a political event. Then this morning at breakfast, my dad gave me a whole speech about how I’d meet a lovely young lady and my job today was to show her a good time. But he never mentioned a wedding and refused to give me any details on my date’s identity. He only said that if I managed to charm her, this could be extremely good for our family. So honestly, I started freaking out that if you learned about it, you’d think I was fucking around behind your back, or something.”

  “What I wonder though, is if our fathers knew that we know each other and that we know each other?”

  Reece thinks about it for a moment.

  “I think they must've at least suspected it. They obviously know that we go to the same school and that I play football and you're a cheerleader. And your dad gets that monthly report about you. But even assuming that they didn't know that we're dating, they couldn't possibly think that we didn't know each other.”

  “So why not tell us that they were setting us up?”

  Reece’s jaw tightens for a second.

  “Because they're two selfish, controlling motherfuckers and they don't give a shit about what we want?”

  “It sounds about right. So what are we gonna do? I mean, I’m relieved and happy that you're the guy my dad wants me to date but at the same time, I’m still really pissed off about the whole situation.”

  Reece drags his fingers from my cheekbone, down my jaw, neck, collarbone, the side of my boob and I suddenly couldn't care less about our fathers and their dastardly schemes.

  All I want is to feel Reece's kisses and his hands all over me.

  When we arrive at the Country Club, it takes me a minute to straighten myself up.

  Reece’s hands and lips were everywhere my dress didn't cover and he’d just reached the edge of my panties when the driver announces that we’ve arrived at our destination.


  I LOOK AT ABI AND I can't help but smile: her cheeks are flushed, her lips swollen by my kisses and her dark blue eyes are deep pools of desire.

  I’m very tempted to ask the driver to drive around the Country Club a couple of times, so I can take care of my girl but I also know how nervous she is about getting through today without pissing her father off, so that her and Aubrey can just fly under his radar.

  I’m still reeling at the idea that Spencer Richmond was trying to basically sell his daughter off as part of a business deal.

  The only good thing is that my own Father was his business partner and now I know what the deal must be.

  If he’s elected Governor, he’ll be in charge of lots of supply contracts for the National Guard, the Coast Guard, and so on.

  RGS is the world leading supplier of anything that has to do with security systems and I’m sure he wants the contracts my dad will have influence in stipulating. And it's not lost on me that our family business is weaponry.

  If my dad were cooler and not a fucking asshole, I could probably compare him to Tony Stark. Hmm, actually on second thought, Tony Stark is kind of an asshole too, so the shoe definitely fits.

  The wedding is unprecedentedly lavish, no expense has been spared today.

  The bride looks gorgeous if a bit distant and cold but even the groom’s attitude matches perfectly.

  The speeches aren't given by friends or family but by some of Richmond’s business contracts.

  So despite everything being beautiful and polished, elegant and exclusive, the whole affair lacks the warmth and the emotion that one would expect at a wedding.

  I can't help but think about our fathers plans to have Abi and I marry one day and when I look at my beautiful girlfriend, I realise that I love the idea.

  And I know that the day we’ll get married everything will be different from today: there’ll be love and laughter.

  Both Abi and I don't have much in the way of family but we have friends we love just as much.

  Obviously to marry Abi, I’ll have to wait until she's twenty five or we’ll have to negotiate with her father to make sure that she doesn't lose her inheritance.

  I know that she doesn't care about the money. But part of her dad's plan is to take control of her shares using the clause in his Father's will and I know that after the shitty way he’s been treating her, Abi doesn't want to let him win out of principle.

  But I believe that I can talk to our parents and persuade them to waive that clause, if we were to get married earlier than her twenty fifth birthday.

  I smirk at the idea that marrying Abi will mean competing with my brothers for her hand.

  We’re happy to love her and share her time, after all we’ve always shared everything, and we’d never ask her to choose but it's obvious that if she wanted to be legally married she could only do it with one of us.

  We’re eating the gorgeous white chocolate fondant and raspberry cake and I must be smiling really wide because sh
e looks at me and asks me if I like the cake that much.

  “The cake is delicious but not as much as you are. Come on, let’s dance and I’ll tell you what gave me the sappy smile I’m sporting.”

  The newlyweds have already had their first dance and there are several couples on the dance floor.

  The lights are dimmed and romantic and we can see the beach from up here.

  Abi relaxes in my arms and lets me lead her, swaying to the music.

  “So, why did you have that cute smile?”

  I chuckle.

  “Baby, men aren't cute. If anything we’re handsome.”

  “You're definitely handsome but when you lose that scowl you often wear, then you’re cute.”

  I roll my eyes, trying to contain the smile that made her call me cute and I explain.

  “I was thinking that one day, we could have our own wedding. After all our fathers approve.”

  She pouts a little, and she looks so adorable that I have to keep from biting into her luscious lips.

  “I know, I know. You wanna go to college and I swear that marrying me won't mean choosing, if that's what you're worried about. But one day, Abi, I’ll go down on one knee and ...”

  “Yeah, that's the problem. My father's approval spoils your bad boy appeal. So maybe I should be rebellious and marry Chaz after all. That’d age my father by a good twenty years.”

  She's laughing and I play along.

  “Hey, I’m just as bad as Chaz. I’m actually worse. Would Chaz do this?”

  I let one of my hands slide down her hip and sneak my fingers under her dress, confident that the dim lighting should mostly hide my boldness.

  She reacts by hugging herself tighter to me and asks me if I think it's polite to go home.

  “We ate the cake and we danced, so I guess we could go. Let me call our driver and in the meantime, let's go say goodbye and congratulations to your father, so he sees us leave together.”

  “Ok. I caught him looking at us a few times, he shouldn't have any complaints about the way I treated my date today ...”

  I smirk and tease her mercilessly.

  “Oh, I don't know. I’d play my cards really carefully during the ride home. You know, be friendly ... after all we’ve got a divider to give us privacy from the driver.”

  She giggles and at the end of the song, we say our goodbyes and we make our way to the reception area of the Country Club when my phone rings.

  It's the driver, telling us that the wedding was so big that some cars had to go to a different parking lot and he’ll be out front in about twenty minutes.

  We’re standing between the reception desk and a cloakroom with an attendant that checks in coats and other items that the guests don't wanna have with them at all times.

  “Do you wanna go back out there and dance some more or ...?”

  I see the attendant walk away from her station with my peripheral vision and I nod towards the cloakroom.

  Abi nods with a giggle and we run into the room hiding behind a coat rack.

  My lips are immediately on hers and I kiss her hotly, like I couldn't in public.

  She moans against my mouth, letting my tongue in and kissing me just as eagerly.

  Behind us there's a high ottoman, probably there if someone wants to change their shoes or something and I lift Abi onto it, positioning myself between her legs and kissing down her neck, using my lips, tongue and teeth to tease her delicate skin.

  My hands repeat the journey they’d started on the dance floor, this time successfully reaching the fabric of her panties and dragging them down her legs.

  I put the little scrap of lace in my pocket, making Abi giggle.

  “Am I ever gonna see those again?”

  I grin evilly.

  “I seriously doubt it. I think I’ll keep them as a memory of our first date.”

  I kiss her again, pulling her closer to me by placing my hands on her buttocks and I feel her heat against the soft fabric of my slacks.

  I’m so hard that I’m sure she can feel it too and I become certain of it when I grind into her and she gasps, matching my movement.

  I know that Abi went on birth control a few weeks ago, so I’m not concerned about not having a condom and I lower the zipper of my pants with one hand while I lift one of her legs towards my hip with the other.

  And this is when she goes rigid and a look of terror appears in her eyes.

  “Baby, what's up? Am I doing something wrong?”

  Her voice is trembling when she mutters that she doesn't wanna do it in here.

  And I nod, running my thumb down her cheek and settling it on her bottom lip.

  “Ok, you don’t have to do anything you aren't comfortable with, baby.”

  She slides off the ottoman and I think that she'll walk away but she surprisingly sinks down on her knees and lifts her eyes to meet mine while her hands fumble with the little buttons that close my boxer briefs.

  “Abi, you don't have to ...”

  “I want to.”

  Her voice is more relaxed now and that fear is gone from her eyes.

  So I let her take my cock out of my underwear and I gasp surprised when she immediately wraps her lips around it and begins working on my hard length.

  And man, she's good!

  She uses her mouth and her throat, taking me in deeper than I’ve ever experienced, it's wet and warm and she licks and sucks and uses her hand with a skill I’d never have expected.

  The best thing is that she seems to enjoy what she's doing, she's really into it and that makes an excellent blowjob into a perfect one.

  I feel my orgasm buildup quickly and I realise that the moaning sounds I hear are coming from my own lips.

  “Uhm, excuse me?”

  The cloakroom attendant is standing right behind Abi and there's no way to misunderstand what's going on between me and my girlfriend.

  She stands up slowly and remains in front of me to give me the chance to cover up and I can't help but find the redness on her face really cute.

  I hold her hand and once Abi turns around, the attendant tells us that our driver is just in the lobby waiting for us.

  We climb in the limo and I surround Abi’s shoulders with a protective arm.

  We smile at each other and I place a soft kiss on her temple, whispering that as a first date, this wasn't bad at all.

  “Yeah, it was fun. Even being caught.”

  She says with a little giggle.

  We don't talk much for a few minutes and I soon realise that Abi has fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder.

  I lower the privacy partition and ask the driver to take us to Chaz's.


  REECE TEXTS ME TO OPEN the front door and when I do, he walks in with Abi asleep in his arms.

  “I’ll put her to bed. Do you mind if I sleep next to her tonight?”

  He whispers and I nod.

  I might sleep there too if he doesn't mind, I know Abi likes to sleep between two of us.

  I have California king size beds but I might get a bigger bed custom made for the four of us to sleep in.

  When Reece comes down, he's changed into shorts and a t-shirt.

  He and Abi texted me and Pryce to tell us that they were each other's blind dates for the wedding and that was a huge relief for us.

  At least we didn't have to worry about a creep putting the moves on our girl.

  And it's good that Abi's dad approves at least one of us as a boyfriend, since it was clear that Pryce and I didn't meet his standards.

  Pryce grabs a couple of beers and passes them around and we all step outside on the patio, sitting by the grill area.

  It's Thanksgiving Day but the weather hasn't cooled down much, we still run around in short sleeves for the most part.

  We ask Reece about the wedding and after a brief description of the grandeur of the ceremony and the reception, he tells us how creepily satisfied their dads looked to see Abi and he together.

e thought about pretending to dislike each other for a sec just to ruin the party for them but Abi didn't wanna rock the boat too much.”

  Pryce nods.

  “Yeah, she's right. Aubrey messaged me that she was so relieved too that you ended up being Abi's mysterious suitor. She was really worried that Richmond would carry out his threat to keep her and Abi apart. And she kept sending me selfies of her in her bridesmaid dress.”

  He shows us his phone: Aubrey's really funny. She's making faces in every single photo.

  “You two have become quite good friends.”

  I observe and he smiles.

  “Yeah, she's a really cool girl. Funny and kind. She's more outgoing than Abi but I think deep down they’re very similar.”

  Reese chuckles.

  “Dude, be careful that she doesn't get a crush on you ...”

  Pryce laughs it off.

  “Oh no. No chance. She knows that we’re all hopelessly in love with her big sis but she confessed that she's got a little crush on our former pop star.”

  “Aww, I was afraid that she did ...”

  I groan.

  “Don't worry, she said that she’ll get over it. Apparently she had your posters all over her room and followed you religiously on Instagram.”

  We quietly sip on our beers for a few moments and then Pryce starts teasing Reece asking him if he got lucky in the limo.

  “No, I didn't. And it's so cliché. But I thought I was gonna get lucky in a cloakroom ...”

  And he tells us about the embarrassing moment he and Abi had when they got caught.

  Pryce chuckles.

  “Dude! Her blowjob is just spectacular! Can you believe that she only did it once, with me? I’m getting hard only thinking about it.”

  Reece agrees.

  “Yeah, you're right. I wish we hadn't gotten interrupted but I admit that at first I was a little disappointed because the blowjob was something she offered when she turned me down for sex.”

  And then Pryce has a reaction that leaves me and Reece quite surprised.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Trying to take her v-card in a fucking cloakroom where you could and have been caught? Of course she didn't want to! I should've been more disappointed when she turned me down in my room a few days ago!”


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