Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance Page 58

by Melissa Adams

  There's a thick silence for a second and then Reece asks:

  “What do you mean her v-card? You obviously took that, you asshole! I don't know if it was the day that Chaz and I caught you fucking by the pool or even before that!”

  I nod in agreement but Pryce shakes his head.

  “What the fuck are you talking about, dude? Abi and I haven't had sex. The most we’ve done was go to third base.”

  I intervene.

  “Bullshit! About three weeks ago after Reece was a real asshole in the cafeteria, when he thought that Abi had posted the infamous Facebook poll, you were here alone with her and we almost walked in on you fucking her on one of the loungers by the pool! We saw you: she was on top of you ...”

  Pryce explains that the bottom of Abi’s bikini was still on.

  “We wanted to do it that day but when I said that I needed to go get a condom, she told me she was waiting to start the pill and we decided to wait until we could do it without.”

  My voice is shaking when I ask him if he's sure.

  “Of course I’m sure! What you saw was some really fucking hot dry humping. Why?”

  I look at Reece and ask him to confirm that he hasn't had sex with Abi.

  “And you're sure that you haven't had sex with her? Look, Pryce and I won't be mad.”

  “No. I’d tell you the truth. I was gonna tonight but obviously now I feel like a real douche for trying to fuck her in that cloakroom. Sure it was my first time with her but I had no idea that it was her first time. I was sure that what we saw between her and Pryce ...”

  Reece notices that my hands are shaking and he puts a steadying hand on one of my arms.

  “Bro, care to tell me what's going on? You're really pale all of a sudden.”

  I take a shuddering breath and fess up about how deeply I fucked up.

  “If you’d got lucky in that cloakroom, it wouldn't have been her first time.”

  “What the fuck do you mean?”


  I curse, covering my face with both my hands.

  “Abi and I had sex. Actually, that doesn't describe what we did. I fucked her. Only once. On the night of her mom's memorial.”

  Pryce and Reece still look confused.

  “What do you mean you fucked her?”

  And then I explain. I tell them everything about how she woke me up and crawled into my bed and how she seemed to want me to take her hard and fast.

  Pryce looks shocked while Reece looks ready to murder me.

  “What the fuck did you do, stupid motherfucker?”

  “I know. You're right. But you have to understand, man. I thought she was already doing it with Pryce. If I’d known that it was her first time, I would've never done ... I’d have never taken her that way. I didn't even make her come!”

  I groan and I haven't cried since I was seven and I fell off my bike and scraped my knees real bad.

  But now, I’m really struggling not to.

  “I lasted two minutes at the most. But she insisted, she kept asking me to fuck her harder. She didn't tell me that it was her first time. She... I don't understand.”

  Reece does.

  “If it was straight after the memorial reception, it was after she heard her father basically selling her to my father. She was angry and I bet that she wanted to give herself to someone she loved and on her own terms. But she was hurting so much that ...”

  I feel my tears breaking the floodgates.

  “You have to believe me, I never wanted to hurt her. Had I known what she'd just heard and that it was her first time, I would've been tender and taken care of her.”

  Reece gives me a sympathetic clap on my back.

  “I know dude. But if I’m right, she didn't want tender. She was hurting inside and she wanted to feel that pain. And she chose you because she trusts you.”

  “I can't forgive myself for what I did to her, guys. This is why since then she's turned us all down when we tried to have sex with her. Because of me, she thinks that sex is always gonna hurt like that night.”

  Pryce and Reece both nod.

  “You might be right. But if that's the case, we need to show her that sex doesn't have to hurt. She's obviously ok with everything that doesn't involve penetration. We need to talk to her and to show her that it's not always gonna be that way for her. And Chaz, don't beat yourself up, dude. You didn't know. You gave her what she wanted, even if it was the wrong thing because of the circumstances. Let's go lie down next to her and we’ll talk when she wakes up.”


  Love Me Tender


  I OPEN MY EYES AND it takes me a second to realise that I’m in Reece's bed.

  I fell asleep in the limo last night, I was exhausted by the rollercoaster of emotions that the whole day had been.

  But my first date with Reece turned out to be wonderful nonetheless: he’s the most challenging of my boys, always conflicted by tumultuous emotions but he’s got a loving, tender heart under all the fury and the dark scowls.

  As I stretch lazily, I notice that I’m only wearing a pair of soft cotton boxers that must belong to Reece.

  He must've undressed me last night and I remember that he’d taken my panties in the cloakroom.

  It's funny how finding myself in bed and knowing that a boy undressed me while I was asleep seems like such a sweet gesture when it's someone you trust but how quickly this could turn creepy and scary had it been someone else.

  I climb off the bed and hop in the shower, wondering where the boys are.

  And I get my answer when I smell bacon, so I hurry up and dry myself throwing on a light, gauzy white sundress and head into the kitchen.

  There's nothing like the sight of my boys first thing in the morning to make me feel like everything is right in this world.

  Chaz is at the stove, cooking the bacon and as I’m about to steal a piece from the plate where he's putting the ready batch, Pryce takes my hand and walks me to the kitchen table where Reece is waiting for me with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

  As I sit down, each boy sits on one side of me and each of them places a chaste kiss on my cheek.


  They both greet me and I find myself staring in silver and dark blue eyes, both intense and gorgeous.

  Chaz arrives at the table with eggs and bacon and the boys make a point of serving me a little bit of everything.

  When Pryce butters my toast for me, I realise that they're all very quiet this morning and their attitude reminds me of the few times they confronted me at the beginning of our relationship, when they thought that I was spreading rumours about them.

  Only this time they look a little sad rather than angry.

  “Guys, what's going on? You're making me nervous. Did I do anything wrong?”

  Pryce takes my hand.

  “Sorry, our purpose was the exact opposite than making you nervous, sweets.”

  “You haven't done anything wrong, angel. What I wonder is if I did.”

  Chaz's tone is troubled and I realise that there's only one thing he could be talking about.

  He’s sitting right opposite me and his hazel eyes are shadowed by pain, almost like when his hand was hurting.

  I feel like a complete piece of shit because I did that.

  I thought the guys were being bullies with me when they pushed me into that sex deal but what I just did to him isn't much different, especially if I consider that we’re in love now.

  I’m no better than my Father: when I climbed into his bed I thought that I was freeing myself by giving myself to him.

  Instead, I’m a user.

  I use the people I love, manipulating them to serve my purposes.

  A hot tear slides down my face and Chaz and Pryce are instantly crouching on the floor, at my feet, whispering to me with concern in their voices.

  Reece is frozen on the spot, his knuckles are white from how hard he’s gripping the arms of his chair and he has a t
errified look in his eyes.

  “Angel, I’m so sorry. I ruined everything. I ...”

  I rise from my chair and I kneel on the floor, right by Chaz's side.

  I stroke his cheek with a trembling hand and I open my heart.

  “What are you talking about, Chaz? You didn't reject me on that night. You gave me what I wanted, what I begged for. I was hurt and I wasn't thinking straight and I ended up hurting you. I’m worse than my father. I don't know if you’ll ever be able to forgive me.”

  Chaz takes me into his arms and lowers himself onto the floor, sitting with me on his lap.

  “Oh, Abi. You're nothing like your father. You were hurting and I was a dumbass and I thought that you had done it before with Pryce. If I’d known that it was your first time, I would've never taken you that way.”

  I lower my gaze, not daring to look him in the eye.

  “That's exactly why I didn't tell you. I couldn't have let you be gentle and sweet. I felt so unworthy of love that I needed to just feel.”

  “Abi, I’ve never met anyone more worthy of love than you are. You're my angel. You saved me. When I met you, I was drinking so much and popping pills. I justified it with the physical pain, with my hand hurting too much but I knew that I was just trying to numb my emotions after what happened with Emily and Max and after not speaking to my parents for a whole year. So if someone understands how you felt and why you did what you did that night, it's definitely me. But you saved me, Abi. Since that afternoon when I brought you here and we were kissing, since that first night when you slept in my arms, I haven't needed to get drunk. I’ve taken pills really rarely and the prescribed amount only. And it's because you repaired what was broken inside me. That’s why I could pick up the phone and call Max to help on the day you had to say goodbye to your mom and I couldn't be there. Abi, because of you, I started writing music again. Which is what I’ve always loved, not the spotlight but to create something beautiful that other people could connect with.”

  I hug him tighter, my head on his shoulder, surprised and relieved that he doesn't hate me and that he understands.

  “But what happened that night scared you off, right? We’ve realised that whenever we tried to make love to you, you became uncomfortable.”

  I nod.

  “It just really hurt, Chaz. I’m sorry, I know that wasn't how you’d have done it and I pushed you. So I’m only blaming myself. But all I felt was a tearing pain and I hurt for days after. And I was too ashamed to tell you guys because I created this mess.”

  Pryce is the next one to talk.

  “Abi, what you experienced that night was wrong. Your first time shouldn't have been like that. Rougher sex can be super hot and feel really good but not the first time and not right off the bat, without making you ready for it. I promise you that sex won't hurt next time you do it.”

  Chaz agrees.

  “Please Abi, let me show you how it should've been that night. Let me make things right.”


  And he stands up with me in his arms, walking up the stairs and into his room.

  “You're gonna show me now?”

  He smiles with a determined light in his hazel eyes.

  “We have no school today and we're all here. So, no time like the present.”

  I notice that Reece and Pryce are in the room too and I ask:

  “You're all gonna show me? Together?”

  Reece’s smile is sexy and reassuring at the same time.

  “If you're ok with it, yes. Remember that afternoon on the couch? When we showed you what orgasms were like?”

  I nod, feeling a warmth spreading everywhere and settling between my legs at the memory of how the guys made me feel that day.


  I whisper and Chaz lowers me onto his bed and slowly takes his t-shirt off, uncovering his cut chest and abs, his sexy black ink tattoos.

  Reece and Pryce do the same thing and I drink in their fit, strong bodies.

  “All we ask of you baby, is that if at any time something isn't good or you feel nervous or if it hurts, you tell us and we’ll stop immediately. Don't feel like you owe us anything because of what happened with Chaz, ok? This is about you and we understand you and we’ve got you.”

  “And most of all, we love you, Abi. We’re yours the same way you’re ours.”

  Once I promise to be honest about what I want, Pryce climbs on the bed with me and settles behind me, making me lie on his lap, with my back against his chest.

  Chaz kneels on the bed in front of me and he lifts my dress above my head, taking it off me.

  I wasn't wearing a bra, so all that covers me right now are my white lace panties.

  Pryce takes my lips in a kiss that begins ever so softly but heats up quickly once Chaz begins running his hands all over my body.

  I love his touch: it’s gentle and his hands are only slightly rough and they feel incredible on my soft skin.

  Pryce’s tongue enters my mouth and our tongues tangle together in a hot mutual massage.

  At the same time, Reece's hand closes on one of my breasts and his fingers begin playing with my nipples, making them harden under his expert touch.

  Chaz is placing feather light kisses on my stomach, dipping lower and lower with each kiss.

  His hands grab the sides of my panties, sliding them off me and throwing them behind him.

  This is when I think that he’ll kiss me the way I love but instead of starting between my legs, he begins a slow journey from my knee all the way up my upper leg and thigh and while it feels great, I feel my core burning with the anticipation of the touch of his lips, his warm breath and his soft lips.

  When his mouth is just mere inches away from where I want it, he lifts his gaze to meet mine first and then Reece's and as he lowers his mouth on the sensitive skin of my centre, Reece closes his on one of my nipples.

  They both lick me at the same time and I gasp because of the surprise and the exquisite sensation that their mouths are creating.

  They work in perfect sync, every lap of their tongue hits at the exact same time but if I thought that felt amazing, when they begin alternating licking and sucking me at the same time, I can't keep a deep moan from escaping my lips and being swallowed by Pryce's mouth.

  My body is invaded by little jolts of pleasure everywhere the boys are kissing me.

  But I feel that delicious pressure build in my core and I tense up when I’m on the brink of the beautiful precipice, of that free fall that I know is waiting for me in just a few strokes of Chaz's tongue.

  And he knows the signs too because just before I’m about to explode, he takes his shorts off and enters me in one smooth thrust.

  This feels completely different than last time: my body wants what Chaz has to offer.

  I’m wet and his invasion is welcome and there's no pain.

  “Are you all right, angel?”

  He whispers against my neck and only then do I realise that Reece has moved away and he's kneeling on the bed, taking his clothes off and revealing that what we’ve been doing has affected him too.

  But I haven't got any time to dwell on Reece because Chaz begins moving in and out of me.

  Slowly at first and then faster and deeper and I realise that his rhythm is in perfect synch with the moans that are coming from my mouth.

  I’m melting around him, my body hot and welcoming, his hardness creating a delicious friction inside me.

  The feeling is amplified by Pryce's lips trailing kisses down my neck as I’m still lying on his solid body.

  Chaz's breathing gets faster and his movements become deeper and more purposeful.

  My arms are wrapped around his neck but after a particularly delicious thrust, I move them down to his butt, pushing him further inside me.

  And that's when I feel my body tighten and tense almost to breaking point.

  Pryce feels it too and he whispers in my ear.

  “Let go, sweets. I love you.”

bsp; And I do, I let my body explode and shatter, feeling each wave of pleasure wash over me as my inner walls squeeze Chaz’s hard length until he has to let go too.

  This time I welcome his release, I’m eager to feel his warmth flood me and I can't stop a smile from forming on my lips.

  He kisses me, still sheathed inside of me and I feel that this righted my wrong and I love Chaz all the more for it.

  He withdraws slowly, making me miss being a part of him but I get distracted by a look and a smile passing between him and Reece and Pryce who’s behind me.

  I can't see Pryce’s smile but I can feel it.

  Reece leans over me and asks me if I’m all right and my reply is a scorching hot kiss.

  I drag him by his shoulders and when he's positioned between my legs, I stare into his dark blue eyes and tell him how much I want him.

  I know he does too but I see the concern in his eyes.

  “Baby, you don't have to ...”

  I trace the black feathered wings tattooed on his chest and tell him that I need him and Pryce too.

  “You guys were right. You fixed what I broke. What just happened between me and Chaz felt incredible and I'm so sorry for the way I handled things.”

  Chaz kisses the side of my cheek and says:

  “Angel, none of us is perfect. We’ve all made mistakes but the most important thing is that we can forgive each other and move on. I love you more than I can express with words.”

  I smile.

  “I think that the way you expressed it just before was perfect. Now Reece, I need you.”

  And Reece doesn't make me ask twice, he enters me gently and slowly, with his eyes fixed onto mine.

  He moves slowly but goes deep, never breaking eye contact, reigniting the feelings awakened by Chaz, that were beginning to ebb away.

  “Oh my God, Abi. You feel so good ...”

  He feels good too, it's as if my body recognised that it belongs to him, the same way my heart does.

  My connection with each of them is different but it's a total bond of hearts and minds.


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