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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

Page 74

by Melissa Adams

  So I set her straight.

  “FYI, sis, the reason why Aubrey and I haven't slept together is that we’re getting to know each other. I like her, so this was never just about getting laid. In fact, I’m gonna ask her out for next weekend.”

  “Right. If that's what you need to tell yourself ... I bet you fifty bucks that now that you're QB1, her panties’ll fly right off the first time you get her alone. And please fucking hurry up to DTR (define the relationship), so she’ll leave Devon alone and I can close the deal! I have a bet with Macy and Rachel on who fucks Devon first. And your little Aubrey’s always in the way.”

  I scoff at her slutty bet and her petty jealousy.

  “Whatever! She's not in your way with Devon! They hardly ever acknowledge each other. And when they do, I don't think they particularly like one another.”

  Now her laugh is mocking me.

  “Boys! So fucking clueless! You haven't noticed the way those two look at each other? And at that party, when Landon kissed her during that game of ‘suck and blow’, and you and Landon were having a pissing contest about who had the right to kiss her, he went to check on her when she walked away. And I saw them having some kinda private time in the men’s locker room last week. So I think that your Aubrey’s not beyond going after a guy for his status.”

  MARGAUX’S WORDS BOTHER me all evening.

  Is it possible that I misread Aubrey this much?

  That she's into Devon only because he’s the starting quarterback?

  If she’s right, I guess that Aubrey will now be more interested in me?

  But then again, I know that she likes me because she's said yes every time I asked her out and she's never seemed to mind making out with me.

  So how could I tell if she's only after popularity?

  I know that she's been seeing Teague and Landon too and I reassured her that it was fine because we were just getting to know each other.

  That I didn't expect exclusivity, even though I didn't disclose the fact that right now I’m not interested in anyone else.

  I guess if she chose me all of a sudden, because I’m QB1, that’d be my answer.

  And that’s another reason of anxiety for me: what changed coach’s mind?

  I’ve never been majorly bothered about being the team’s star but I won’t lie that after Max graduated last spring, it hurt a little that coach went all out to recruit another quarterback, not even giving me a chance to prove that I’m up to the challenge.

  And what did Devon do to piss coach off so much that he lost his spot?

  He played like a fucking beast last week and his chemistry with Teague and Landon on the field was uncanny: you’d think that they’ve been playing together for years, not two weeks.


  I’m feeling really anxious: between becoming QB1 literally overnight and the stupid doubts that my sister has put in my head, I can't concentrate on my homework.

  So I decide to call Aubrey and ask her if she wants to go out for ice cream or something like that, I know that seeing her will improve my mood.

  And that’s when I see it: I unlock my phone and a Facebook notification comes up.

  It's from Tripp, one of the guys on the team.

  Devon, Teague and Landon have been suspended from the team for doing drugs?

  What the fuck?


  THE SMALL, STUPID, pussy whipped part of me almost stopped her from running away after we confronted her.

  The part that can't believe that the hot, sweet and passionate girl who let me kiss every inch of her body yesterday afternoon, would drug me, Landon, and Devon.

  Our former quarterback storms out shortly after Aubrey, he was visibly upset and I don't blame him.

  I don't know Devon very well, but I certainly admire him as a football player: I’ve never had such a natural understanding with someone I barely knew on the field.

  Landon and I walk slowly towards the parking lot and I realise that Landon hasn't uttered a word since we left the principal's office.

  Or if anything, he's been uncharacteristically quiet.

  I know he liked Aubrey too, so I ask him what’s on his mind.

  “I don't know dude! I was so shocked about all of us testing positive that ... I mean, I haven't been taking any of that shit they said we did. Fuck, I wouldn't even know where to get ahold of it. And when Devon seemed so sure that it was Aubrey, I guess I went with it because it makes sense. The drink she gave us is the only thing we all had before the game. I’ve been thinking about it: Devon went to get lunch off campus on Friday, I had pizza in the cafeteria and you were somewhere sucking face with Aubrey, you lucky asshole! So that's the only thing that could have been tainted somehow.”

  I nod in agreement.

  Landon’s theory makes sense.

  “But why would she do that? She's seeing both of us and ok, she doesn't seem to like Devon a lot but then, even if she hates him, why not drug just him?”

  “I don't know. We all asked for the same flavour drink, maybe she put shit in all of them, because it’d be too complicated to make sure that Devon would pick the right bottle?”

  He thinks about it for a second and then agrees.

  “Yeah, that could be why. But you know what, dude? She really doesn't seem the type to do something like that. Just because Devon’s a bit of a douche? But he’s standoffish with everyone, not just her.”

  I shrug, irritated and still too heartbroken to think straight.

  “So what the fuck are you saying?”

  He says that he doesn't think that Aubrey did it.

  “I think that Devon jumped to a conclusion too quickly. I don't believe that Aubrey did it. I think we should give her a chance to explain herself.”

  I shake my head.

  “But earlier she didn’t defend herself. She ran away crying. That looks guilty as fuck to me.”

  He still defends her.

  “But we came down on her like a ton of bricks. We looked ready to kick her ass. Maybe we need to talk to her a bit more calmly, don't you think? After all, I don't think that she had anything to gain from getting us all expelled or suspended from the team. She hasn't got a motive.”

  Landon looks determined, I wish I could believe his theory as easily as he does.

  But I’ve never given a girl my heart, not since I had it broken for the first time.

  And I was so close to letting my guard down with her yesterday ... and weight loss pills? Could she know about my past? And how?

  I agree to talk to Aubrey again tomorrow, hopefully keep our tempers in check a bit better this time.

  And as I start my bike, I say a silent prayer: ‘please let this be just a huge misunderstanding. Let her not be the one who hurt us.’


  THE DAY AFTER, THE rumours at school run rampant.

  The news about our positive drug tests have been circulating all evening on all major social media and everyone has their own theory about what we took and why.

  Because this is the thing with rumours: people add to them, facts don't have to be accurate or even true to be spread around.

  I almost bail and go home a few times but the thought of speaking to Aubrey and hopefully clearing up this fucking misunderstanding, is the only thing that keeps me on campus.

  Landon and I agreed to try to stay calm and hear her out and our best opportunity is last period.

  We have PE but football players and cheerleaders are exempt, so for us it's a free period that can be used as study hall or for extracurricular activities.

  Aubrey chose to work at the school library, apparently her older sister really got her into books.

  We know that the library's never very busy, people aren't interested in doing any research there when they can do it from their phones and it's the same with books, they can be downloaded on our phones through the school app, so there's very little point to being in the actual building.

  Despite not being very used, BHPA’s library
is a huge building at the edge of campus, right before the football training field.

  Rich people don't need libraries but they like to donate them as a show of grandeur.

  We greet Miss Hayes, the old and austere librarian and go in search of our girl.

  We start to think that she must not be here, when we hear whispered angry voices, in some kind of altercation towards the furthest corner of the room, the ones with all the old, dusty books that no one ever borrows.

  And as we turn into the last row of shelves, we see her: she’s backed into a corner, her back against a shelf and Devon is in her face, yelling at her.

  Or better, whisper yelling at her, because after all, this is still a library and Miss Hayes wouldn't hesitate to kick us all out for being too loud.

  “You’ll go to the principal and fucking come clean about what you did!”

  He seethes with his nose almost touching hers.

  He’s got her wrists in a death grip and she's trying to wrestle free from him, not giving into his demands.

  “I would if I was responsible for what you accuse me of. But I haven't got anything to do with it. So I’m not gonna get expelled to get you out of trouble, Devon.”

  He growls at her.

  “It could only have been you!”

  She doesn't budge.

  “Well it fucking wasn't.”

  This is too much, he's being too rough with her and he’s also ruining any chance of a calm discussion, so I step in.

  “Devon. What the fuck. You can talk to her, without all that—”

  I notice how their fronts are touching and how he's using his larger frame to intimidate her and keep her pinned against the book shelf.

  His head doesn't even turn when he speaks to me.

  “I’m trying to do us all a favour here, Teague. Just fuck off and let me talk to my girl.”

  His girl?

  But I have no time to rationalise what he just said when Landon gets involved.

  “Devon, let her go. I’m sure that this is all a huge misunderstanding. Aubrey isn't the type to do anything like drug people. Especially us, since she doesn't know you that well and she's dating both me and Teague.”

  Devon lets her go and turns to snarl at Landon.

  “Ha! That's where you're fucking wrong!”

  I intervene again.

  “What do you mean, you have proof? After all, she’d have no reason to get us in trouble. As Landon says, we’re dating and she doesn't really know you.”

  Devon’s furious expression twists into an arrogant smirk: there’s a hard light in his green eyes.

  “I see that at least you haven't spilled the beans on giving it up to me last summer, huh?”

  Her eyes dilate in surprise but she stands her ground.

  “That should tell you that I’ve got nothing to do with this shit, Devon. If I wanted to hurt you, why would I go along with not telling anyone that we knew each other? You asked me not to tell and if I wanted to piss you off—”

  He shakes his head.

  “Obviously telling everyone that I fucked you on vacation, would make you look like a slut, so you needed a better way to punish me for dumping you!”

  Hold on a second ... is Devon the guy she was talking about when she told me that she only had sex once?

  Landon is still on her side but my heart is breaking into a million pieces: he said that Aubrey had no motive, but if Devon took her virginity to then dump her ...

  Landon takes Aubrey’s hand and drags her closer to him and away from Devon.

  He swipes at a stray tear on her cheekbone with his thumb.

  “I believe you, sweetie. I know you didn't do anything wrong.”

  Devon shakes his head and chides Landon.

  “You're such a fucking fool. Of course she did! And she didn't even care that she got you two losers in trouble as long as she got her retribution on me, for fucking her and then not calling her. You all deserve each other, you're fucking pathetic. At least I got laid! Or did you give it up to them too, huh baby?”

  I feel so furious, I don't even know with whom.

  Or I guess I’m mad at both of them: at him for being an asshole and for having had Aubrey before me and at her for not caring about taking me and Landon down as collateral damage.

  So, when she doesn't deny sleeping with him, I lash out.

  “Landon, she did do it! What did you expect after all? She wasn't exactly shy with me after I took her out to brunch. Just look at her in her school uniform! She looks like a more innocent version of Britney Spears.”

  I look at Devon and joke cruelly.

  “Right, dude? Hit me baby one more time?”

  Devon scoffs and looks at her, with her hand in Landon's.

  “Nah. She was a lousy fuck. More like ... shitty, shitty bang bang, if you ask me!”

  The noise of Aubrey's hand hitting Devon's face is as loud as thunder.

  She slaps him so hard that his head almost recoils back to its original position.

  “How dare you! I slept with you because I was in love with you. Don't ever talk to me again, Devon. Or next time I’ll hit you where I’ll make sure that you don't fuck anyone else for a long time! Asshole! And you know what?”

  She turns towards us.

  “I don't care what you two believe or don't believe. Just leave me the fuck alone!”


  The School Of Hard Knox


  I’M NOT IN A GREAT mood today: three girls, sophomores judging by their green scarves, gave me their phone numbers.

  They literally came up to me at lunchtime and gave me folded pieces of papers with their numbers.

  Later I checked and they had already sent friend requests on all my social media.

  Now, don't get me wrong, I’ve always got my pick of girls at school but ... sophomores? I didn't even date sophomores when I was a sophomore myself!

  I’ve always liked my girls a little more mature and maybe this is why so far, I’ve never really liked anyone beyond a quick fuck.

  Because let's face it, a lot of seniors at BHPA aren't that deep or interesting: it's all about designer clothes, hair extensions and fucking plastic surgery.

  Even my own sister completely fits that mould and that's a fucking shame because in reality, she's super smart.

  Like, scary smart.

  She aces all her classes and I know I’m in the A-Class and I get really great grades too but I have to study way more than Margaux.

  She has a photographic memory and such a sharp mind.

  So it's really disappointing when she acts dumb and slutty as soon as there's a guy she finds remotely eligible.

  Sometimes it's as if girls think that guys are threatened by intelligence.

  And I know it sounds fucking rich coming from me, but I don't really care about getting laid immediately.

  This is why I like Aubrey and this is why I intentionally took things super slow with her: she's smart and really funny and she isn't scared about being herself.

  She doesn't try to fit a stereotype of what she thinks guys wanna date, she’s herself and that makes her so fucking attractive.

  And then of course she's smoking hot, so that helps a lot.

  But the sophomores ... It bothered me that they were so into me all of a sudden because of what Margaux said: that I’d get all kinds of pussy now that I’m QB1.

  I’m lost in my thoughts as I’m walking to my car after last period and that’s when I see her.

  Aubrey's walking out of the library and she seems flustered.

  Her cheeks are red and her shoulders are set in a rigid manner as she takes fast strides.

  “Hey, pretty girl! What's going on?”

  I stop her and when she lifts her face to look at me, her blue eyes look shiny and her skin a little splotchy, as if she’s been crying.

  “Nothing. Just a shitty day. I’m glad it's over.”

  She looks angry more than sad and seriously, I don't know why I feel lik
e I have to make her feel better, I wanna turn her day around.

  “Would a sweet treat make you feel better? I know this place that makes the best cupcakes ever. Why don't we go?”

  She looks perplexed.


  I nod towards my car.

  “Come on.”

  “I drove to school. I’ll follow you.”

  We eat a few cupcakes and Aubrey's mood seems to improve steadily, because she's soon laughing at all my lame jokes.

  When we walk out of the bakery, I walk her to her car and when she’s about to open her door, I stop her by taking her hand.

  “I don't wanna leave you yet. Can we do something else together?”

  She smiles.

  “I was gonna go home and do homework, you could always join me, if it's not too boring.”

  “Sure, why not? I might learn something.”

  I give her a little smirk, making her giggle and she looks so fucking adorable that I almost decide to ride with her and leave my car here, but that would mean riding back here with Margaux tomorrow morning and I love my sister but for fuck’s sake, she isn't a morning person.

  I’m impressed by Aubrey's house and I’ve gotta admit that I’m a little surprised by the very young and stylish decor.

  She notices my curiosity and she explains about her living arrangement.

  “Ah ok, it makes sense that Chaz chose all this.”

  She gives me a sassy little smile.

  “Why, do you think my taste wouldn't be this good?”

  “No. But I couldn't see for example your mom choosing all black furniture like this. If it makes sense.”

  She agrees.

  “Yeah, on that you're perfectly right.”

  We sit at a shiny black table in the dining room portion of the open space living room, that could easily sit twenty people.

  We’re doing calculus and math is something that has always come easy to me, so I solve my exercises really quickly, casting glances at Aubrey.

  She looks so fucking hot when she concentrates on her homework, I noticed that in class too and I admit that once or twice, I had to excuse myself to the bathroom to try and calm down or ‘take care’ of the problem.


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