Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance

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Beverly Hills Prep Academy The Complete Boxset : A Light Bully Romance Page 77

by Melissa Adams

  But he didn't call me like he promised when he left.

  For a second I thought about texting him but then I decided against it because I don't wanna act too clingy.

  I know that the first time we went out he said that he wanted to get to know each other, and that there were no promises of anything more than a good time but it certainly felt like more than that yesterday.

  At least for me.

  I think I could fall for Knox, for his sexy, quiet, and covertly sweet personality.

  And maybe I’ve already started to fall for him but I keep trying to keep my feelings in check, because I don't ever wanna feel the way I did when I realised that Devon didn't feel the same way I did about him.

  It hurt way too much.

  I keep checking my phone while I get ready for school but the wretched object stays quiet, the screen a dark rectangle of cold glass.

  I know I get fucking dramatic but, I don't know, I felt so close to Knox yesterday that I’m surprised not to have gotten even a text.

  As I drive to school, I debate if I should stop to get a chai latte for Teague, as a peace offering and I decide that regardless of the way he treated me yesterday, I want to try and mend things between us, hopefully talk.

  I know I tend to overreact to things in the heat of the moment and I can only imagine how scary it must've been to risk expulsion from school.

  And I fucking blame it on Devon: he's the one who's been accusing me the most, thinking that I would do something so psychotic like drug someone just because he fucked me and then dumped me.

  Sure, I think that karma's a real bitch and maybe that's payback for being a selfish asshole, but I’d have never given karma a hand, let's put it this way.

  So, unless the boys took something that they didn't realise could alter a drug test, and assuming that the sports drinks were the tainted source, the only people who could have put something in those drinks were the cheerleaders and the team management staff.

  Margaux, Macy and Rachel asked me to help with the drinks and that stuff is kept in a stock room adjacent to the cafeteria and the only keys are respectively in Mrs Stubbs and Coach Benson’s offices.

  I sigh as I park my car:

  I’m not gonna solve this mystery today, but I need to start keeping my eyes open because I’m not gonna go down for something I didn't do.

  I know that today the guys have morning practice and maybe that's why Knox didn't call me, it's quite an early morning for them.

  So I stand at the edge of the training field, waiting for the team to be released by Coach Benson.

  A bunch of guys walk towards me at the same time and I immediately spot Teague and Devon, talking to each other about some new play that coach explained today.

  They're still allowed to train with the rest of the team despite being suspended, as long as they agree to weekly random drug tests.

  They stop a couple of feet away from me, green and blue eyes intensely fixed on me.

  I take a deep breath and approach them, intentionally ignoring Devon and offering the chai latte to Teague.

  “Hey Teague, I thought you’d like one of your favourite hot drinks as an encouragement—”

  I try to play the rally girl angle but he sets ice cold blue eyes on me, distant like two faraway stars and yet full of something that tells me that he’s not as detached as he wants to look.

  His voice is sharp, missing his usual amused tone and loud enough that all the guys around us can hear him.

  “Really? And what did you put in it this time? Are you trying to make sure that I get expelled?”

  His words cut deep and I know that I should walk away before the tears that I feel coming threaten to spill out in front of every football player in the varsity team.

  I know that I didn't give them all a great first impression, in fact a lot of them still call me ‘fuck me’ since that welcome assembly, when I blurted out those unfortunate words when I saw Devon on that stage.

  But I'm still hoping that he’ll listen to me against all the odds or maybe I’m simply a glutton for punishment, because I stay there, despite Teague’s unyielding expression and the fact that all the other players are stopping to watch our interaction.

  “No, of course not. Please, Teague, can we just talk? You must know that I had nothing to do with what happened. And the drink is just because I know that you like it and I wanna say sorry about the rough times you're having and as your rally girl, I—”

  Teague looks at Devon and then at the other players before addressing me again.

  “Look, Aubrey, I won't drink anything you ever give me, ever again. And as for this rally girl thing? I’ll ask coach to assign you to someone else. Now if you don't mind, I’ve gotta go shower before I’m late to class, or is this your end game, since being suspended from the team put me and the others on automatic probation?”

  Almost the whole football team is here, witnessing my exchange with Teague.

  “No. I’m not trying to cause any trouble for you, like I never did anything to your drink last week. You know what? Whatever!”

  This is when Landon and Knox walk by, from a different part of the field where they were both talking to one of the deputy coaches.

  I look at Knox and I wanna throw myself in his arms, feel his strength and his warmth, like yesterday.


  He looks distant, all the emotion that I thought I saw in his eyes not only yesterday but since our first date, is completely gone.

  It's as if I were a ghost and he saw straight through me.

  His voice is also cold and distracted, almost bored.

  “I’m sorry, Aubrey, I can't talk right now. I’ll catch you later.”

  And he and Landon walk away in a hurry.

  That's when I feel my tears come out in earnest and I know I have literally moments before I break down right by the football field, so I walk away as fast as I can without running and attracting even more attention.

  I think I’ve offered enough of a spectacle lately as it is.

  I walk inside the school building, into the athletic wing and storm into the first girls’ bathroom I find.

  I find an empty stall and let all my tears fall freely, trying to stifle the sobs that want to erupt with my despair.

  What the fuck is it with me?

  I must be really terrible in bed, there's no other explanation.

  First Devon, who by the way said it out loud yesterday that I was a ‘lousy fuck’, and now Knox.

  After yesterday I definitely didn't expect indifference from him.

  I thought that he really liked me but he acted as if he didn't even see me.

  And so did Landon!

  Did Teague and Devon convince him that I’m guilty?

  Does Knox believe him too?

  I know that we aren't officially together but after yesterday afternoon, I thought ...

  I can't stop crying when the first bell rings and I hear footsteps coming into the bathroom.

  “Aubrey, is that you? What's wrong, girl?”

  It’s Margaux.


  Team Work


  I didn't call her last night because I’m a stupid asshole and my sister’s words kept ringing in my ears:

  ‘She'll take her panties right off for you now that you're QB1. Every girl wants a popular boyfriend.’

  I kept wondering if it was true, if Aubrey slept with me only because I got the starting spot on the team.

  The timing of it does line up, but then while I was tossing and turning, unable to shut my fucking stupid brain down, I realised that Aubrey isn't like that.

  That she agreed to go on a date with me way before there was ever a chance of me replacing Devon in the team.

  That if she were looking for popularity, she'd have bragged about her fling with Devon rather than keeping it a secret.

  And by the way, if she wanted a popular boyfriend on the starting team, she had Teague and Landon vying for her
attention too.

  ‘But one thing is a boyfriend on the starting team, another thing is QB1 ... no one’s more popular than the quarterback ...’

  I groaned at the sound of Margaux’s voice in my ears.

  I know she's into all this popularity hype, but this is one of the things that attracted me to Aubrey to begin with: she doesn't give a shit about who's who in the school ranks.

  She treats everyone nicely, regardless of who they are.

  I don't know her that well but I noticed the way she talks to everyone, from people at school to waiting staff in a restaurant, to a random stranger in the street.

  It's that warmth and that genuine smile that drew me in, together with her hotness, and her slight klutziness that makes her all the cuter.

  So I wanted to call her to tell her that I missed her, once I got my head out of my own ass, but it was two am and somehow, I thought that it was better to wait for the morning.

  And then when I got up and picked up my phone to call her, Tripp called me instead to ask me if it was true that Aubrey was behind Devon’s suspension from the team.

  “Of course not! Why would she ever do anything like that?”

  Tripp’s tone is apologetic when he tells me what he heard.

  “Look, man, I’m only repeating something I heard just in passing. Don't shoot the fucking messenger, ok? I heard that she did it because she wanted to fuck him and he turned her down. After all she did yell ‘fuck me’ at the welcome assembly, when he walked on the stage.”

  Fucking high school!

  This is why I hate it sometimes.

  People have got nothing better to do than run their mouths on stuff they know fuck all about!

  I don't set Tripp straight on the fact that Devon did fuck Aubrey because it's not my truth to tell, but I tell him it's nowhere near the truth.

  “Dude! That's fucking bullshit. Look, there's some kinda history there between Devon and Aubrey but nothing like you heard. And Aubrey has nothing to do with that shit. She isn't that type of girl.”

  He gets defensive.

  “Calm down, man. I haven't said she did, I’m only telling you what the rumours are. Actually there's also another rumour that you did it.”

  I almost drop my phone.

  “Me? What the fuck? Why—”

  “People say that you wanted to be QB1 and get rid of Devon.”

  I bark out a disbelieving laugh.

  “Honestly, Tripp? I’m gonna fucking get to the bottom of this. The only reason why I got into the team to begin with is because I wanted pussy, and being in the team gives you instant status at school. Not having the pressure of starting was actually awesome. Aubrey didn't do anything and neither did I. Seriously. And I’d like to remind you, that Devon wasn't the only one caught up in this shit, Teague and Landon got suspended too. None of this shit is true, so for fuck’s sake, stop repeating it. Whoever did this to the guys, risks expulsion and lots of consequences if they get caught. I’m pretty sure that drugging people is a crime.”

  So I abandon every plan of calling Aubrey and rush to school to try and find out where these ridiculous rumours come from and to try and put a stop to them for both my sake and Aubrey’s.

  And I know exactly who can help me: Landon.

  Aubrey said that he believes in her innocence, I only hope that I can convince him about mine.


  I WAIT UNTIL THE END of practice and approach Landon, who's just been pulled in for a random drug test.

  He's talking to Coach Benson and his assistant.

  When they’re done, I clap him on the shoulder.

  “Hey man, can we talk?”

  He looks at me with diffidence in his blue eyes: Landon and I haven't exactly been on speaking terms after he kissed Aubrey at my party, when she was there as my date.

  “What about? I'm seeing Aubrey and you need to fucking live with it. I asked her out for a date after Friday’s game and she said yes. I’m not gonna stop pursuing her unless she tells me that she's made a choice and I’m not the one she wants.”

  We’re still in the middle of the field and I nod curtly at him: this isn't the place to have a blow up about who’s dating Aubrey.

  “This is not what I wanna talk about. Can we go somewhere more private? Maybe let's talk after we shower. First period is a free period for all of us today, do you mind waiting until everyone else goes to class?”

  He doesn't have the time to answer because we hear a commotion from the edge of the field, where Aubrey is having some kind of confrontation with Teague and the whole team is standing there watching.


  Landon starts walking towards them.

  “If Teague makes her cry again, I swear to God, I’m gonna beat the shit out of him.”

  He says with a scowl on his normally friendly face.

  We get within earshot right when Aubrey says to Teague:

  “No. I’m not trying to cause any trouble for you, like I never did anything to your drink last week. You know what? Whatever!”

  Teague and Devon are both glaring at her and she's visibly upset.


  She’s looking at me and I wanna take her into my arms and kiss her and ask her to be my girlfriend but I’ll do that later.

  First I have to speak to Landon and while I’m at it, to Devon and Teague, to convince them that Aubrey didn't do what they think she did and possibly get their help in uncovering the truth.

  So I say:

  “I’m sorry, Aubrey, I can't talk right now. I’ll catch you later.”

  It's lucky that Devon, Teague and Landon are in the A-Class, we’re the only ones who have a free period right now, so while everyone else has to rush to class, we’re the last ones left in the locker rooms.

  “So, what the fuck did you want?”

  Landon looks at me with animosity in his eyes and I realise that even though we're both on the same side, Aubrey’s, this isn't gonna be a walk in the park.

  I speak loudly enough to be heard by Teague and Devon who are still getting dressed by the lockers.

  Both Landon and I are already in our school uniforms.

  “I know that you don't believe that Aubrey is behind this fucked up shit that happened to you guys. I don't think so either. Rumours are starting to spread like wildfire and I wanna find out who did it. I don't want my girl to have any trouble.”

  Landon scowls at my words.

  “Your girl? As I said, she hasn't made a choice yet and if I can help it—”

  I shake my head.

  “I’m sorry. Ok, you’re right. It's her choice and we’ll let her decide who she wants. But you know better than me that she hasn't done anything wrong to you and the others. I wanna find the piece of shit who got you in trouble, before anyone in the faculty decides to look into the rumours. Aubrey’s upset enough having some of you guys believe that she could ever do something so horrible, I don't want everybody to start looking at her with suspicion.”

  Landon seems to consider my words for a second and then he nods.

  “Ok. I wanna know who did it too. I just had to take my first random drug test and if I have to be honest, even though I know that I haven't done anything wrong, I’m fucking worried that like last time, someone could've somehow messed with me.”

  “No one’s gonna mess with you. Unless Aubrey isn't done playing her stupid games.”

  Devon is looking at us with his arms folded over his chest.

  I haven't had the chance to talk to him since this whole mess began but I guess there's no time like the present.

  And he better see sense, because since I found out how he took Aubrey’s virginity to then dump her and ignore her, I’ve been itching to kick the shit out of him.

  “She hasn't done anything wrong, Devon. Believe it or not, Aubrey still cares about you. Even if you treated her like shit. After you fucked her and then ghosted her.”

  Devon shakes his head and I see the fury in his green eyes, so I brac
e myself for his next words.

  “Ah, so I see that she's been running her mouth. Can't you see that she's done all this to punish me because I didn't want a relationship with her? And actually on second thought, isn't it highly suspicious how you're so keen to prove her innocence? Is it that hard for you to get in her pants that you have to do all this? Or are you trying to muddy the waters because you're involved too? After all, you're the only other person with a motive to get me kicked off the team. Because you took my spot.”

  I take a step toward him.

  “I don't actually want your fucking spot! I was happy with the way things were. Trust me, I was getting more than enough pussy as a second string QB.”

  Devon laughs.

  “Yeah but I know how hard to get Aubrey plays. So maybe you thought that being QB1 would give you a leg up?”

  I take another step closer.

  “No. She likes me for me.”

  He scoffs, his top lip quirking up in a cocky smirk.

  “Sure, bro. If that's what you need to tell yourself. You're pathetic, trying so hard. Girls smell desperation and it's fucking off putting.”

  I could be the bigger man and just let him believe what he wants, but I hate his arrogant attitude, so I set him straight.

  “You know what? I did sleep with Aubrey. And by the way she was screaming when I made her come, over and over, I don't think she cares much if I’m the starting QB or not. While I hear that you were a two pumps chump.”

  Devon grabs the collar of my shirt in a threatening way.

  “Repeat that, if you have the guts. I’m gonna kick—”

  I’m not scared of him.

  “You hurt her, Devon. You took her virginity and didn't even care enough to give her a good time!”

  He lets me go and looks at me with shock on his face.

  “What did you just say?”

  I’m more than happy to make him feel like the piece of shit that he is.

  “That you took her virginity and—”

  “Her virginity? What the fuck are you talking about? She must be saying that just to get back at me! She wasn't—”

  Teague speaks for the first time: he's been standing behind Devon, listening to our fight.


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