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Tattoos and Cupcakes (Amulet of Queens Book 1)

Page 26

by Everly Taylor

  “I don’t think they mean any harm to me, or even to those close to me. They care a great deal about protecting humanity and the clan. I don’t think they would have trained me otherwise. I just feel like something is off, maybe with the balance of things or they know more than they were letting on, hiding or protecting something perhaps,” I pondered. “It might be nothing, it’s just this odd feeling I’ve had since meeting Lamia and seeing her have some sort of magical disguise.”

  “Why would they be hiding something?” Damien questioned suspiciously.

  “I’m not sure really. To protect me maybe, so I wouldn’t worry about more than I was already dealing with. Possibly to protect the queens of the Well so they aren’t concerned about her condition. I’m not really sure,” I shrugged, “but that brings me to the next thing I found out while I was there.” I really hoped they took this next bit of news well. They were all extremely protective and I knew this information would piss them off.

  “Lena, whatever it is we’ll handle it together,” Adrien promised, taking my hand. Ugh, this guy freaking stole my heart.

  It occurred to me that it might be best if we had Valentina here for this conversation too. She was connected to the amulet also and would more than likely be part of this battle after all. “How’s Valentina’s health at the moment?” I asked.

  “She’s in great health actually. About an hour before you returned, her strength was restored and she has been doing amazing ever since. Why do you ask?” Damien responded.

  “I think it may be best if she’s here for this conversation as well, since it will affect her as much as the rest of us.”

  “That’s a good call,” Aldrich agreed. After a brief moment, he said, “She’ll be here soon.”

  “Thank you,” I told him. Being able to speak to her telepathically like that was handy. I wondered if I had that same ability or not. Theirs was a blood oath gift so I wasn’t sure, but I was technically still connected to her by blood so I might. Not to mention, I was also able to read people’s minds and wasn’t that a form of telepathy in itself? I wanted to test it now, but since she was feeling better I didn’t want to startle her, and make her fall down the stairs or some shit.

  “How long was I gone this time?” I inquired. Time seemed to pass differently between this world and the Well of the Queens, I wondered how much of a time difference there had been this time.

  “We aren’t sure when you left in the night, but it’s only early afternoon the following day,” Adrien answered. “How long were you there?”

  “An entire day, from sunrise to sunset,” I said.

  “Interesting,” Aldrich stated, seeming to draw the same conclusion that I had. I didn’t have time to ask him about it though, as the door opened and Valentina strolled in.

  She looked more radiant than I had ever seen her before, and her platinum hair was full and shining. It was so vibrant it almost glowed on its own, making her look otherworldly, and in a way I guess she was. Her magic came from the amulet and there was some connection to the Well that I hadn’t made yet, so it only made sense. Her eyes shone bright and her once gaunt, frail frame was now strong and tall, filling out her beautiful royal purple gown as it flowed around her.

  Valentina crossed the room and grasped my hands. “I’m so glad you’re back safely. I feel terrible that I allowed you to be sucked into all of this. That I risked your well-being by letting you bleed on the amulet,” she bewailed, tears welling in her eyes.

  I pulled her against me for a brief hug, surprising both of us. “You had no way of knowing what would happen, don’t blame yourself,” I consoled, pulling away.

  “Thank you Selena, but if it weren’t for me none of this would have happened in the first place,” she disagreed.

  “We both knew it needed to be done, and because it happened we’re all better prepared to deal with it. Rather than blaming yourself, let’s just move forward instead.” Seeing her nod I continued, “So during my training with Calledora and Lamia, they gave me information about the amulet that I don’t believe you know.”

  “Wait, you saw my mother and Lamia together?” Valentina asked in shock.

  “Yes, they both trained me,” I replied.

  “That’s impossible Selena, I don’t know much about them, but I do know they were from two of the three rival clans. Even if they somehow found themselves thrust together miraculously through time, they never would have worked together,” she insisted.

  “They seemed to get along really well actually. The two of them even worked together at points to train me. At one time they might have hated each other, but they were certainly united now.” It was interesting that she thought for sure that they would hate each other so much. The banter I had seen between them definitely said otherwise.

  “Interesting,” she murmured, still not seeming convinced. I continued anyways, there was no way I was convincing her of anything she didn’t want to believe. She just needed time to accept that even enemies could possibly have a change of heart for the greater good.

  “During my training they explained that the amulet doesn’t just provide protection as you were led to believe. It’s a way for a queen to channel the natural magic from within her and that’s what protects the clan. This is the reason you must bleed on the stone, so you can form that bond and it will act as a conduit for your power,” I explained.

  “So why was her health declining then? It doesn’t make sense,” Aldrich wondered.

  “This is where most of our problems now lie, and I don’t know how big it is yet. There is also a great darkness that exists within the amulet. Blood that is freely given to the stone by the queen provides enough good to counteract the bad, a necessary balance if you will, and enough to keep that darkness contained.

  “I had the amulet with me for twenty-six years with no blood. That was more than enough time for that balance to be tipped in favor of the darkness that resides in the amulet.”

  I took a deep breath before I continued, “The other thing is when I first started coming into my power, I was using the amulet as a conduit as it was intended, however without knowing the consequences. With my powers being so great, the darkness had been able to siphon it off as it passed through the amulet, gaining strength while it did so.”

  They all stared at me, processing what I had just explained. I had time to accept it, I knew what a shock it was to them.

  “So Selena, what does this mean now?” Valentina inquired. “Surely they gave you some kind of clue as to what we should do?”

  “Calledora was pretty cryptic, and Lamia was too. All they said was a great darkness is coming and they hinted that Sylred was involved somehow. They didn’t seem to be able to get too involved, but wanted to make sure they helped where they could by training me.”

  “Sounds like mother, she always was fond of half answers and doing whatever suited her best in the moment,” Valentina commented.

  “She does like her half answers,” I agreed laughing, “but you should give her more credit than you think, she really cares about you.”

  Valentina remained silent, thinking about what I had said. I knew Calledora cared a lot for her, I had seen it myself and I wouldn’t let her think any differently.

  “How do we find this darkness then?” Aldrich asked, ready to make a plan.

  “I have no clue, they didn’t say anything about that. I’ve told you everything that I know. Right before I left though, I did have this overwhelming sense that I needed to be back here. I’ve tried to start trusting my instincts, so maybe something will happen here?”

  “We will continue to brainstorm on this, for now Selena rest, you have been through a lot,” Valentina instructed.

  “I could use a drink if that’s okay? Honestly, this has been a lot to process,” I admitted and laughed.

  “Of course, the guys will make sure you are taken care of downstairs, the club is empty so you will be able to relax,” she said.

  “Thank you,” I replied
as she left the room. Before she could disappear I quickly rushed after her. “Valentina,” I called, making her turn around as I caught up to her. Damn she was quick for having just been almost dead-dead.

  “I just wanted to tell you, right before I left the Well I caught a thought from Calledora. I know how much she loved you, I saw her actions as she took her own life to save you. When she died after I was born, it wasn’t because the amulet killed her, she took her own life to protect you, to protect us. She knew that something else existed in the amulet and the power from the three of us would be tempting to the darkness buried deep within it, so she sacrificed herself to save you,” I told her.

  A tear ran down her cheek as I heard the guys start to come out into the hall. She swallowed and quickly wiped her cheek, the quietly murmured, “Thank you for telling me Selena.” She nodded quickly and made her way back to her room.

  I turned back to the guys. “Let’s have that drink, shall we?”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I made my way downstairs with the guys and they guided me across the space of the main floor to the bar. Sam had decided to stay upstairs and catch Jordan up on everything. Something was definitely going on between them, but now that I knew she was a vampire, I guess it wasn’t that big of a deal.

  Adrien moved around to the back of the bar, while Damien and Aldrich took stools on either side of me as I slid onto my own.

  “So what will you have Cupcake?” Adrien asked, acting as bartender.

  “Surprise me, just make it worth drinking,” I replied.

  “Careful, you know what they say about our drinks here princess,” Aldrich taunted, winking at me.

  “That stuff doesn’t bother me, remember?” I replied smugly, making Damien laugh.

  “I’ll give you something to bother you alright,” Aldrich unexpectedly teased, before laughing at me.

  “Too bad the club’s closed, I might actually be bothered then…” I trailed off, grinning as I let my eyes slip to the stage and linger there for a second.

  “So you did like the show then?” Adrien probed as his eyes lit up, and he slid a bright fruity concoction across the bar to me. I picked it up and took a sip, enjoying the tropical splash as it covered my tongue.

  “I guess I did,” I confessed. “It’s too bad the club’s closed though.” Shrugging, I turned back to them.

  “Why’s it a shame?” Damien asked, his eyes heating.

  “I can’t appreciate the view like I did last time,” I commented as if it were really that obvious.

  “You have a view you would like to enjoy then?” Adrien inquired.

  “Maybe, it’s a shame that there’s no one here who has the guts to get up there and dance for me,” I answered into my drink.

  “Oh, really?” Damien drawled next to me. “That sounds like a challenge to me. Adrien, did that sound like a challenge to you?”

  “It sure did.” He grinned, tossing away the towel he had used to wipe the bar off with. “Pay attention Cupcake, don’t want you to forget this show.” Taking his shirt off he tossed it onto my lap and jogged toward the stage, smoothly leaping onto it with Damien right on his heels.

  Aldrich moved from my side and dimmed the lights, before starting the music and returning to me. Leaning over, his lips close to my ear, he whispered, “I am going to sit this one out, because I want to watch how much it turns you on.”

  As the music started, chills chased over my skin from the excitement of getting ready to watch the guys strip in front of me, and the idea of Aldrich sitting here watching me become aroused by them.

  Damien quickly removed his shirt, and he and Adrien moved to stand center stage. Damien stood close to the pole, gripping it as the music started, and Adrien stood facing me, our eyes connecting just like the first day. The tempo of the music picked up and they started moving.

  Adrien removed his pants and his erection was very apparent since he liked to go commando. Damien spun around the pole and with a flourish, held on with one arm while grinning at me, before swinging down to the ground, landing easily. Pausing for a moment he removed his pants, and I giggled when I saw his cupcake boxers. It was no wonder I loved these guys.

  My eyes widened at the realization, but I had no time to dwell on it because they both held on to the pole, thrusting their hips against it rhythmically to the music. Heat pooled between my thighs as it made me remember the things they had done to me the night before. Aldrich stepped up behind me, sliding his hands around my waist and nipping at my ear.

  “It turns you on, doesn’t it princess? You like to watch them like this and imagine them fucking you just like that? Taking you two at a time?” he whispered quietly against my skin, causing me to catch my breath.

  I tried to look at him but he stopped me. “No, watch them, don’t look at me. Watch them dance for you and see how much you turn them on,” he murmured as he slid his hand down my torso to the top of my jeans, flicking open the button making me quietly moan. He slipped his hand into my jeans, finding me already hot and wet from the show in front of me.

  He slowly licked behind my ear, causing quick tremors to run through me as he teased and tempted, before finally finding my center with his finger. He dipped it inside me, running it back out across my clit to circle it, and my thighs clenched tight as he did so. I leaned back against him and started to close my eyes as the pleasure built.

  Aldrich nipped my shoulder. “Keep your eyes open, watch them while I pleasure you,” he demanded and slipped two fingers, hot and demanding, inside me at once, making me cry out in desire.

  On stage the guys’ eyes heated as the music slowed for a moment, but they continued to dance. Damien reached above Adrien and pulling himself up on the pole as he slowly swung outward. Adrien mirrored him, but lower on the pole, circling in the opposite direction. Damn those two had some serious fucking muscles, I briefly thought before Aldrich distracted me again with his fingers thrusting inside me, curving to hit my g-spot and driving me crazy.

  The music started to pick up and they swung nimbly around the pole, picking up speed with it. The music’s bass seemed to pound into my very skin, stimulating me from the inside out. Adrien moved away from the pole, dancing on the side of the stage and Damien continued to dance around it, making me wish it were me instead.

  Adrien locked eyes with me, and purposely reached down and stroked his cock. I arched against Aldrich’s hand in response. I needed more than just a few fingers. I tried to shift on the stool to allow him better access, but he firmly planted my hips in place, forcing me to take only what he allowed me.

  I hissed out a breath of frustration as he flicked his finger over my clit, racking my body with pleasure and making me come undone on his hand. I looked on the stage and saw Damien watching me intently, his dark blue eyes piercing into me as my orgasm washed over me.

  The music faded as I sagged against the stool. The guys hopped off the stage and walked toward me, their eyes intense and passionate like they were predators stalking their prey. I supposed in a way they were, they came to get what they wanted, but I wasn’t running.

  I licked my lips in anticipation and noticed their eyes drop to my mouth with the movement. Damien descended on me, capturing my mouth with his, rough and demanding. His desire from stage was finally being unleashed as he poured it into the kiss. He delved into my mouth with his tongue, mixing with the flavor of the fruity drink from earlier and making me feel like I was drunk from pleasure.

  He reached up and ran his hands into my hair, this time fisting it tight, pulling my head back firmly and giving him access to my neck. Damien trailed kisses down my jawline to my throat, sucking for a moment on the curve of my neck. I felt his fangs descend with his desire, matching my own. “Damien please,” I moaned, my own fangs coming out to be sated.

  “Lena,” he responded, his voice thick with need, “are you sure?”

  “Damien, I want you all to be a part of me, please, I need you now,” I stat
ed definitively, gripping his hair as he had mine, and pulling his head back toward my neck. We both sank our fangs into each other at the same moment, the pleasure coursing through me making me grip his hair tighter. I moaned against his throat wanting to drink deeper, his intoxicating blood coursing through my system.

  Time stilled as we remained like that, both taking our fill of the other. Wrapped in ecstasy we lost ourselves, sating our desires.

  He was the first to pull back, withdrawing his fangs, and licking my neck slowly and sensually. Even that action made me into a wanton mess ready to pool at his feet. I extracted my own fangs and sealed his wounds.

  Damien looked at me, his eyes giving away his emotions more than any words ever could. There had been more to that exchange of blood than he was letting on. I would have to think on that later, since he reached over and pulled my shirt over my head. He leaned down and kissed the swell of my breast peeking above my bra, as he reached around and unclasped it.

  Behind me Aldrich resumed kissing my neck. Taking Damien’s place at my breasts, he gave them attention, sending tingles across my skin while Damien worked kisses down my stomach. Aldrich reached around to my nipples and gently rolled them between his fingers, bringing them to a hard pebble, before pinching them lightly, making me gasp as he chuckled.

  Damien lifted my hips, pulling my jeans off with my shoes and discarding them next to the stool. He traced kisses back up my legs, lingering a moment on the side of my knee, and I realized I had never known it was so sensitive. He moved on toward my already waiting pussy, finding it with his tongue as he unhurriedly licked my clit, making me arch my back and want to beg for more.

  From two stools behind Damien, Adrien watched intently, stroking himself and driving me even further toward the edge.

  Aldrich pinched my nipple harder, forcing me to bite my cheek to stifle a moan as I arched back into him against my seat. He leaned over, kissing my neck and playing with my breast, sending shivers down my spine.

  Between my thighs Damien was relentless with his tongue, stroking and teasing. Licking my nub before he took it between his teeth, he gently nipped it, and my gut clenched as the thrill of it raced through me. He dipped his tongue inside me, and I was unable to hold back my moan this time, but Aldrich captured my mouth with his own to suppress it.


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