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Page 5

by Amelia Wilson

  The rest of the first day was uneventful, but the second day threw everything it could at them. She went through a black-hole-type storm that nearly took them out, almost ran into space debris, and was practically pulled into a battle between two fighting ships. When they finally reached Sarta she caught the ship she’d seen earlier on the radar again.

  That was too big of a coincidence. They entered Sarta atmosphere and looked for somewhere to park near the mall. Rori had told them she was from Oceacenic, so they landed near the only mall Ruby could find in town.

  “Okay,” Sammie said. “Now what do we do?” She had picked Mawri up and the toddler had fallen asleep on her shoulder. Ruby hoped she wasn't sick, but she knew the kid had been through a lot.

  “We'll go to mall security and ask what they know about the abduction.”

  They lucked out. The guy in the security office was a nice Sarta native named Gus. His name was short for a very long one Ruby couldn’t pronounce. He invited them into his office.

  Gus said there had been an abduction three months prior. He didn't remember Rori, but he would be able to help.

  “What's your daddy's name sweet pea?” He asked her.

  Rori stuck her chest out proudly. “Orion Samuel Stork.”

  Gus typed some things into his holopad and waited while it beeped. He turned it around to show what looked like an account for a clothing store.

  There was an address! Ruby couldn't believe it had been so simple. She had expected to have a lot more trouble.

  They decided to take a shuttle as they were only ten minutes from the address. Rori was trying to tell Mawri about getting to see her brother. Mawri shrugged and babbled a bit.

  Rori looked up at Ruby disappointed.

  “You have to remember Mawri is two-years-old and doesn't have a brother. She doesn't understand what it means. I promise, she's happy for you.”

  When they pulled up in front of the house Rori bounced up and down. She recognized it, which Ruby took as a good sign.

  There were missing signs with her picture posted in the yards. There was a reward offered for finding her or any information on what might have happened. Ruby wasn't familiar with the different types of currency on Sarta, but she knew one hundred thousand of anything was a lot.

  They knocked on the door and waited. A man opened it. He looked really tired, his eyes were red. He was not much older than Ruby.

  “Mr. Stork?” Ruby asked.

  “Daddy!” Rori exclaimed and ran forward wrapping herself around his legs. He almost fell over.

  The look on his face was shock. He didn't smile, he didn't hug her he just stared.

  “Daddy?” Rori said, pulling back and looking up at him.

  “Baby?” Recognition finally showed up in his eyes. He picked her up and crushed her to his chest.

  “Oh my God, Rori. Where have you been?”

  “Prison, daddy,” she told him straightforward.

  “Come in, come in and tell me where you found my daughter.”

  Ruby told him the whole story. How they'd been taken and what a brave little girl she'd been. Sammie and Charles sat on the couch with Mawri and nodded at the appropriate times. Ruby wished they would chime in as she felt she was talking too much.

  “Daddy,” a little boy's voice came from the hallway. He looked just like Rori.

  “Rowan,” Rori said and ran to her brother, who started jumping up and down with her. Ruby fought the urge to cry.

  She lowered her voice. “Where is her mother?”

  “When she was taken, Marnie had a mental breakdown. She couldn't tell me what happened to my daughter. No one there could. It was like they all blacked out at the same minute.”

  “The Craintor’s have a very disturbing touch.”

  He nodded. “After she came home, she got worse until I finally had to put her in a hospital. Now that Rori is back, we might be able to get her out.

  After Rori had shown them all her room, which was just as she left it, they told her goodbye. Ruby promised to call her in a couple days to make sure she was doing okay. It was hard for her to leave her, but she knew she was where she belonged. She’d saved her and she could go home knowing that.

  They left after refusing the reward money many times and each getting long hugs from Mr. Stork. Rori was sad she was leaving but so happy to be with her dad. Ruby hoped her mom could get better and come home.

  The three had decided to get another hotel before going to Adna. Ruby needed to explain her planet to them and that she would be leaving to go to school. She didn't think her plans should change just because she’d met someone. The more she thought about it, the less appealing school seemed to her. So much had changed.

  She had never wanted children before now, but after meeting Mawri and Rori, she couldn't imagine not having children. She wanted Charles to give her children. It was a desire that took her by surprise, but she couldn't imagine any other man giving them to her. She was in a lot of trouble, especially if she took them back to her home. They might never leave again.

  When they checked in, each had a nice hot shower then she explained Adna to them, letting them know what it was like. Sammie and Charles seemed intrigued. They didn’t seem put off by the seclusion or the low population. It made her feel a bit better about taking them back to her home. Her parents would have heard about the ship getting taken by now, she needed to get closer to her planet to communicate everything was okay. That was the thing about older ships, they didn’t have the communication capability the newer ones did.

  The three of them fell asleep cuddled together. It was okay they were too tired to make love.

  Sometime in the night Charles woke up and made love to her. Sammie lay sleeping beside them, long leg draped over Ruby’s while one hand cupped her breast. Immediately, her nipples tightened as she felt Charles’s hot mouth suction over the erect peak, dampening the material of her jumpsuit.

  With nimble fingers, Charles unfastened the buttons of Ruby’s jumpsuit and slid a large, warm hand inside. Ruby gasped softly as he slowly traced his fingers along her middle, teasing the narrow thatch of curls she’d kept neatly trimmed. She whimpered as his finger grazed over her swollen clit. Her hips tried to arch into his hand, but the weight of Sammie’s leg kept her pinned.

  Slowly, his fingers slipped into her slick warmth. A sharp hiss escaped her lips as he inched a finger into her trembling channel. His mouth left her nipple and brushed against the tender spot on her neck. Goosebumps dotted her flesh as she shivered with pleasure.

  In and out. In and out his finger went. He slipped two fingers inside Ruby, stretching her wide for him. With each thrust of his fingers, the heel of his hand pressed against her throbbing mound.

  “Charles,” she whimpered softly, just before he captured her lips in a soul-consuming kiss.

  She explored his mouth with her tongue glad to have him to herself this time. She arched her back and dug her nails into his thick biceps, as his fingers picked up the pace. It was a slow, steady rhythm, pushing her closer to climax.

  Sammie stirred in her sleep and rolled onto her side, freeing Ruby’s leg. Charles knelt between Ruby’s thighs, nudging them wider apart. He hovered over her pressing his hips against hers. The tip of his swollen cock teased her entrance, causing her to whimper once more. Planting her feet flat on the bed, they both stared down between their bodies as she pushed herself onto him, joining them. The length of his shaft gliding into her body, his pelvis grinding against her clit.

  He pressed his mouth to hers, his kisses becoming more urgent. His tongue dipped and swirled, teased and tasted as his teeth raked against her bottom lip. Hungry for more, she sucked his bottom lip between her teeth and tugged gently.

  A growl left his mouth. Urgency burned through her as his mouth skimmed her bare skin. His warm lips fastened around her tight nipple and gave a little tug. There was a slight pinch of pain, but it only added to the growing inferno in the pit of her stomach.

  Ruby neede
d his skin against hers. For a few moments, they just lay against one another, soaking in each other’s warmth.

  She moved her hands over his tight chest and abdomen, savoring how he felt beneath her fingers. His body tensed at her touch, and she moved her fingers lower. She wrapped her legs tightly around him.

  He began to move faster pulling out and driving in deeper with each thrust.

  They grunted as their thrusting became more frantic. Each experiencing the tightening in their respective body, closer to climax.

  Ruby gasped. “Charles, I’m close. Come with me. Fill me with your seed.”

  Charles groaned and pistoned into Ruby’s sweet, hot body. She felt the tightening in the pit of her stomach. She moaned out loud as she felt Charles expand inside her convulsing body.

  “Yes. With you, Ruby.” Charles kissed her deep and paused as his body exploded, filling Ruby with his seed. She squeezed her legs around his body. Savoring their intimate moment.

  She fell asleep sated and happier than she'd been in a long time until Sammie woke her up for round two. It was a simple touch to her breast from a sleeping Sammie and Ruby’s body was electrified once more. Sammie began to massage her nipple and lifted her head to watch Ruby on the bed. Ruby let her think she was asleep a moment longer until the need to touch Sammie became too great. She rolled carefully away from Charles, and faced the other woman.

  They explored each other’s bodies as they kissed softly, enjoying the feel of their soft, warm curves. Slowly though, Ruby moved her hand down to the juncture of Sammie’s thighs and found her wet and willing. Ruby teased her pearl out of hiding. Dipping her finger into the heat, she circled her clit careful, tenderly. Sammie trembled and shivered. Ruby had an overwhelming urge to taste her companion intimately, and slowly slid her body, between Sammie’s legs.

  She ran her tongue over her sex and enjoyed the full body shaking she elicited from Sammie. She felt fingers threading through her hair and gentle tugging that let her know she was doing well. With a secret smile, she promised to do even better. Tracing her fingers down her smooth hips, she pulled Sammie’s legs open a little wider, raised her knees and settled her shoulders under Sammie.

  It was almost as if they were moving underwater and Ruby was dreaming at the same time. Pushing two fingers inside, Ruby finger-fucked her gently, teasing her clit with her tongue. Sammie pulled on her hair. Grinding against her mouth, and Ruby felt the climax roll through Sammie’s sex and the mini one that shook her as well, excited that she had done that.

  Sammie grabbed her by her arm and hauled her up, making Ruby grab the headboard as she felt Sammie’s tongue find her own excited bud.

  The way she moved and used her tongue was too much to bear. Just as she was at the edge of her orgasm, Sammie’s mouth left her heated core. In one swift motion, Sammie rolled and pinned Ruby beneath her body. Ruby frowned and gave a protesting little squeak. A wicked smile curved along the other woman’s mouth as she slowly slithered her way up the length of Ruby’s body. Skin on skin, breast against breast drove Ruby to the edge of oblivion. It was as if her release was right there at hand but just out of reach.

  Sammie’s mouth tenderly covered Ruby’s. The difference between kissing Sammie and Charles was like night and day. Charles’ mouth was firm and commanding, while Sammie’s mouth was soft and yielding. It was like having the best of both worlds.

  Finally, Sammie broke the kiss and gripped Ruby behind the legs, spreading her wider than before. Excitement pulsed through Ruby as she watched Sammie position her wet slit directly over her own. The second their mounds connected, fissures of electricity rocked through her body. Her fists curled into the blanket beneath her.

  Sammie’s movements were slow and measured at first, mimicking the rhythm that only hours before Charles had been doing with her. Back and forth their slick mounds glided together. Soft pants and moans filled the room as the bed began to shake.

  Ruby’s eyes rolled back in her head as she reached down and clasped Sammie’s hips, urging her to move harder and faster.

  “Yes.” Ruby panted. “Harder. Oh, yes.” She gasped.

  Sammie leaned forward, grinding her pussy harder and faster against Ruby. Ruby could feel heat swimming through her body. It filled her veins like molten lava threatening to burn her from the inside out.

  “You going to come for me?” Sammie growled as she thrust her hands through Ruby’s hair and jerked her head back.

  “Yes,” Ruby whimpered.

  She watched as Sammie’s heavy breasts bounced back and forth. Reaching up, she plucked a nipple between her fingertips and rolled it. Sammie hissed and cried out. Neither woman no longer concerned about waking Charles. They were too caught up in the moment to care.

  Ruby’s legs began to tremble as Sammie ground her soaking wet pussy against her. Beside them, on the bed, Charles stirred. Ruby looked over to find him watching them with hungry eyes.

  Sammie slowed but he held up his hand. “Don’t stop,” he growled as he threw the sheet back, exposing his thick and very hard cock. He circled his fist around the wide shaft and began to stroke in rhythm with Sammie’s movements.

  “That’s right, baby. Ride her hard and fast,” he commanded.

  Sammie didn’t have to be told twice. She resumed her speed and this time both women cried out as their releases finally found them.

  Ruby’s body trembled with the violence of a storm as wave after wave crashed over her, pulling her back and forth in pleasure. The bed trembled as Charles continued to stroke himself faster and harder.

  Sweat was dotting his brow as clear liquid gathered on the flared head of his dick. Ruby licked her lips eagerly, but he shook his head. He launched himself from the bed and stroked harder three more times before white-hot ropes exploded from him and onto the rumpled sheets. He threw back his head and growled as his body trembled with his release.

  As their breathing returned to normal, Charles walked around to the other side of the bed and pulled Sammie over the side. He spun her around and pushed her forward, bending her at the waist and resting her hands on the bed.

  Ruby was amazed at Charles’ stamina as he quickly entered his wife from behind. Sammie let out a squeal as he filled her. Her fingers curled into the sheets and Charles took her hard and fast.

  Ruby was mesmerized as she watched the couple fuck in front of her. She could feel her own arousal climbing once more. It seemed so natural to be with them. She was beginning to understand the way all her parents felt about one another. To some, it may seem odd, but to her, it just felt natural.

  Sammie and Charles reached their climax together, and collapsed on the bed.

  “Now that was one hell of a way to wake up,” Charles said as he kissed Sammie deeply and then claimed Ruby’s lips.

  “No complaints here.” Ruby giggled. “Although, I’m not sure I’ll be able to walk. My legs feel like jelly.”

  They all got up and got ready before Mawri woke up.

  The plan was to get back to Manta Ray. She would be happy to get rid of the ship she'd stolen there. It was a little surprising to her there hadn't been any consequences. Perhaps, it really had just been a junk ship.

  She would leave it there and they'd take a shuttle ship to fly them to Adna. One, it would be better for them all to get some rest, and two, she could check on her ship when they got there.

  They took off again and had an uneventful five hours. She saw the radar catch the same ship as it had earlier. There was no way a coincidence like that could happen, they had to be following them.

  This time it was making a bigger blip so it was closer than it had been. She called Charles up front. She remembered how fast the Craintor’s had come up on them and wanted to be prepared. All three of them readied guns. Two were from the Craintor’s and one she'd found on the ship.

  “What do you think it is?” Ruby asked

  “The ship is small but there are all kinds of criminals and pirates so it could really be anyone. It's not big e
nough to be someone coming after us from Hallaw or the Craintor’s.”

  “Great,” Ruby said. Just like before, the ship switched into hyperdrive and popped up right beside them. They appeared to be hailing her as her display beeped with an incoming video. She allowed them through.

  “Just stay calm, we don't have anything for them to take,” Charles said.

  The ship was painted black with a big red symbol on the side. It was a lot smaller than theirs, but it somehow looked evil.

  “Not that we know of,” Sammie said.

  She had a point. They had taken the ship. If there was something of value on board, they wouldn't know.

  The picture that popped up was a middle-aged man. He wore a black cloth wrap around his head and a long black trench coat. He had metal wrapped around all his knuckles.

  She'd never seen a pirate, but if she had to guess what one looked like, she'd say this was it.

  “Give us the map. We know it’s there. We want it.”

  “I have no clue what you’re talking about,” Ruby replied.

  “Ah, a female pilot.” The pirate licked his lips and it made Ruby’s stomach lurch. His teeth were mostly metal. “Surrender Hallaw, and give us the map.”

  “We aren’t Hallaw. I stole this ship when they tried to make me their slave. I have no idea what’s on board, I just need safe passage to my planet.”

  “The map, we’re coming on board to get it.” The pirate cut the communication feed with her and she looked at Charles in a panic. How were they going to get on the ship?


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