Spirits In the Trees

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Spirits In the Trees Page 14

by Morgan Hannah MacDonald

  “Stop it, Elle, you’re scaring me.” Maddy pulled her hand free.

  “Honey, I’m so sorry, but Bob and Emma are gone.”

  “What do you mean gone! Where are they? Where did they go?”

  “Maddy, listen to me. Emma and Bob died in the fire.” Gisele grabbed Maddy’s hand again, but she pulled it back and shook her head.

  “No,” Maddy’s voice was barely audible. “No, that’s not possible.”

  Gisele attempted to hold both of her hands, but Maddy slapped them away.

  “No. Stop it! They are not dead. Do you hear me?” Tears welled up in her eyes.

  Her friend said nothing, she just kept staring at her with that pathetic look on her face. She’s lying. This is not happening. Any minute now I’m going to wake up and it will all be just a dream. Tears slipped from Gisele’s eyes and then she knew.

  “Nooo!” Gisele wrapped her arms around Maddy. She fought the embrace at first, then collapsed in her arms. The sobs that followed were endless.

  “I’m so sorry, honey.” Gisele held her close and stroked her hair. “It took you quite some time to move on with your life. But the important thing is that you did.”

  Some time passed before Maddy pulled away and searched for the tissue box. Gisele picked it up from the side of the bed and handed it to her.

  Maddy blew her nose through hiccuped sobs.

  “The reason you’re here in Washington is to get Aunt Madeline’s house ready to put on the market. Do you remember that?” Gisele said.

  At that, Maddy looked at her friend and shook her head. “Aunt Madeline’s house? I didn’t know she had a house, I thought she lived with Grams.” Maddy grabbed more tissues and wiped her face.

  “She lives there now. This house is from her first marriage. Anyway, that guy, Doug, the one that came to see you? Well, he’s helping you restore the house. He’s a friend of yours. Actually, he may be more than just a friend. He’s the one who found you.

  “If it weren’t for him you could be dead right now. I’ve met him, Maddy. He’s a real nice guy and he seems to care about you. A lot. He’s not bad on the eyes either.” Gisele chucked.

  All Maddy could do was stare at her. Her husband just died and she already had a male friend? Impossible.

  Gisele rushed on, “Anyway, he suggested you to stay at his house while you’re convalescing. He wants to take care of you, protect you.”

  “I don’t even know him! Why can’t I go home with you?” Maddy was shocked that Gisele would suggest such a thing.

  “Well, honey, you know you’re always welcome. It’s just that Dr. Hill thinks it would be better for you to stay here for now and see if you can regain your memory. He claims that since this is were the problem began that something here could trigger your recovery.”

  “Can’t you stay with me?” Maddy asked hopefully.

  “For a little while.” Gisele patted her back.

  “Then why can’t you just take me back to Aunt Madeline’s house? I can recover there.” All this talking in circles was making her crazy!

  “Doug didn’t think that was such a good idea. He’s afraid that whoever attacked you might return. He fears you’re not safe in that house.”

  Maddy put her face in her hands. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “Okay, you’re right. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Anyway, since I’ll be there with you, I don’t see that it will be a problem. Let me see what I can do. You go ahead and get changed. Doug put some of your clothes in the closet over there.” Gisele pointed, then got up off the bed.

  “Dr. Stewart is releasing you today. He says you can do physical therapy on the island. I’ll bring you back for your appointments with Dr. Hill. I’m going to go see what I need to do to get you released.” Gisele kissed her forehead, then left.

  Maddy watched her go. She’d never felt more alone. Her family was gone.

  * * *

  The moment Gisele entered the hall, Doug pounced on her.

  “Well?” Doug’s expectant face stared at her.

  “She’s upset, of course. I hated the fact that I had to tell her that her husband and daughter were dead. You have no idea what she went through, Doug. It was really bad. She blames herself for not dying in that fire with her family.

  “She had an argument with her husband that night, so she slept downstairs. Otherwise, she too would have perished. The fact that the last words spoken to her husband were said in anger has plagued her. I hope this Dr. Hill knows what the hell he’s doing.”

  “What did she say about staying at my house?”

  “Doug, now don’t take this personally, but as you know she has no memory of you. You’re a virtual stranger to her.”

  “I know, but I’m sure once she’s around me a little her memory will return.”

  “Yeah, well…she really hasn’t known you all that long,” Gisele said, trying to spare his feelings. Then with more confidence. “But I’m sure her memory will return soon and the two of you will be just as close as you were before. Maybe closer after she realizes all you’ve done for her. By the way, how close were you two?”

  “I really thought we had the beginning of something great. At least as far as I’m concerned. I thought I felt it from her as well, but I really can’t be sure. Especially now.”

  Gisele really felt for the poor guy. He appeared to be in love with Maddy. He seemed lost. His downcast eyes stared at the ground as he spoke. Obviously afraid that looking up would reveal too much emotion to the stranger that stood before him.

  She couldn’t help it. She wanted to reach out to him, to comfort him. She wanted to make things right, but in her heart she knew that was something only Maddy could do. Instead she patted him on the back and went down the hall toward the elevators.

  Gisele had to see about getting Maddy released so she could take her home. Home. That was something she really didn’t have at the moment. She hoped Maddy would find it with this kind, handsome man. Just as she was stepping into the elevator, she heard his voice and turned.

  “Wait!” Doug ran down the hall to catch up with her. “Where are you girls planning on staying?”

  “At Aunt Madeline’s, why?” Gisele said.

  “You can’t stay there. I already told you, it’s too dangerous.” Doug’s face looked stern.

  “I know you said that’s where she was attacked, but surely no one would dare enter the house with two people staying there. It should be fine, don’t worry.” Gisele stepped into the elevator. Doug followed.

  “No, you don’t understand.” Suddenly he shut his mouth.

  “What?” Gisele tapped her foot as she waited for him to spit it out.

  “The person could still be in the house.”

  “That’s absurd. You think someone is living in the house just waiting for Maddy to return?” Maybe her first impression of this guy was wrong. He’s nuttier than a fruitcake!

  “I mean, he could be lying in wait for her, watching the house.” He amended.

  “Look, if it would make you feel better, you can come with us and check out the house yourself. Okay?” Gisele stared at him feeling a bit perturbed.

  He opened and closed his mouth as if he wanted to protest, then simply answered, “Okay.”

  Silence ensued.

  Gisele punched the button for the lobby and the doors closed.

  After they opened again, Doug said, “I’ll go over to the motel and gather my things. I’ll meet you at the ferry.”

  “Fine, see you there.” Gisele exited the elevator first, then walked really really fast toward admitting. This guy was a little screwy.


  Maddy’s eyes studied the road, searching for anything that might seem familiar. Gisele followed close on Doug’s bumper as he led them to the house. They turned down a long gravel driveway where the truck’s brake lights signaled they’d arrived at their destination.

  Gisele put her rental car in park and turned to Maddy. “D
oes any of this seem familiar to you?”

  “No, but it sure is beautiful.” Maddy stared straight ahead through the windshield. Just beyond the fir trees she could see water glistening in the sunlight. Lots of water. “Just look at that view!” She knew her mouth had come unhinged, but she didn’t care. She scrambled to get out of the car to take a closer look. As she opened the car door, a furry little creature scurried up a tree next to her. She thought it was a squirrel, but it was too fast for her to really check it out. She took a deep breath, that’s when she knew, it was the ocean she was looking at, not a lake.

  “It’s fantastic. Gunter and I would love to have a vacation home in a place like this. Maybe we’ll buy it from you!” Gisele said with a laugh.

  Maddy noticed that Doug guy walking back from his truck toward her. She had to admit, he was a good looking man. He reached out his hand to help her out of the car. She took it, grateful for the help. Her body was stiff, she moved slowly.

  As Doug pulled her up, she winced and grabbed at her side. Immediately he repositioned himself and placed his arm around her shoulders while she put her arm around his waist. They made their way toward the house, slowly. The second they walked around the hedge that hid the front porch, Maddy stopped.

  Gisele almost ran right into her. “Oh my, God!” she said over Maddy’s shoulder.

  The women gawked at the end table lying on its side surrounded by broken glass.

  “It gets worse, believe me. Are you sure you girls want to go inside? I mean, this could be quite upsetting for Maddy. I’m really not sure this is such a good idea.” His eyes scanned the debris, concern evident in his voice.

  “No, I want to go in. Maybe I’ll remember something. I feel like I’m living in a fog,” Maddy answered.

  “It’s up to you.” He broke the yellow crime scene tape away and pushed the door open.

  Maddy stared at the rubble before entering.

  “This does not look like your typical burglary. What the hell happened here?” Gisele said.

  “You’re not kidding. I’d like to know the answer to that one myself.” Maddy hesitated a moment longer before stepping into the foyer.

  “Be careful, there’s glass everywhere.” Doug pushed ahead and scooted glass away with his foot.

  The couch sat askew in the middle of the room and a chair lay on its side. Several items littered the floor; candlesticks, doilies, car keys, the telephone.

  “Looks as if there was quite a struggle,” Maddy said, almost to herself.

  Doug came up beside her. “Are you all right? You’re sure you want to be here?”

  Maddy turned and gazed up at him. He had kind eyes.

  “I have to admit, this is frightening. I don’t remember a thing. Like this house, it’s completely foreign to me. It’s as if everything happened to someone else.” Maddy looked around.

  “The minute you feel like you want to leave, just let me know and we’re out of here,” he said.

  Maddy stepped over the obstacles scattered across the floor and started to canvas the house.

  “I’ll get the bags.” Gisele spun around on her heels.

  “Let me help you,” Doug said.

  “No. You check out the house. If we’re going to stay here, I want you to make sure it’s safe,” Gisele said as she passed Doug on her way out the front door.

  * * *

  After Gisele left the house, Doug turned back to see what Maddy was up to. He really didn’t think they should be here at all. But if the girls insisted, there was no way in hell he was going to let them stay in this house alone.

  “Maddy, I’m going upstairs for a minute. Do you think you’ll be okay down here by yourself?”

  “Sure,” her words were so quiet he wouldn’t have known she answered if he weren’t facing her.

  He put a hand on her shoulder and waited until she looked up at him. “If you need me, just yell. I’ll be down quick as a shot.”

  “Okay,” she said rather distractedly.

  Her entire demeanor had changed the moment she entered the house. She was quiet, withdrawn. Doug watched her make her way to the back of the house and stare out the window. It was dusk. Shadows grew long across the water like fingers as the sun inched its way down into the Pacific.

  A chill raced up his spine.

  Doug turned away and flicked on the hall light at the base of the stairs. The bloodstain caught his eye. He made a mental note to get it cleaned up before the girls noticed it. His mind flashed back to the last time he’d made this climb.

  A sense of dread enveloped him. He shook his head. Maddy’s fine. She’ll regain her memory soon and everything will go back to normal.

  When he reached the top landing, he flicked on another light. He couldn’t help himself. He wanted this place lit up like a Christmas tree. Systematically he moved from room to room switching on the lights and searching each one. The irony of the situation hadn’t escaped him. If what Angie had told him was true, he wouldn’t be able to see anyone lurking in the shadows anyway.

  The last time he’d spoken to Grady, he had no leads. He’d told him that he had pulled in all the rowdies on the island for questioning, but even before he did, he really didn’t think any of them capable of this kind of violence.

  Grady had also questioned all the ferry employees regarding any males making the trip to the island on their own, but came up empty. Not one of them remembered any men, single or in a group of two or more buying tickets around that day. Without evidence to go on, he was at a dead end.

  * * *

  Gisele couldn’t explain it, but she had a very bad feeling the moment she stepped into that house. She wished Maddy would change her mind about staying there, but she’d promised herself she wouldn’t push her. Gisele slipped the key into the trunk of her rental car and the lid popped up.

  A cool breeze assaulted her. It seemed to be coming from all directions at once. Instinctively she wrapped her arms around herself, her body shivered. Movement out of the corner of her eye made her turn her head. It was just a fog bank rolling in, yet there was something peculiar about it. Her heart quickened and the hairs on the back of her neck stood up.

  That’s when she realized the problem. Instead of coming in from the water, the white cloud was swiftly moving from the direction of the street and it was heading straight for her. It circled her legs, then moved on toward the hedge that divided the property.

  It stopped directly in front of one of the oleander bushes. This particular bush was twice the size of the rest of the hedge. The blooms were such a dark shade of red, they appeared almost black. Gisele had never seen an oleander flower that color before. As she watched, the peculiar fog dissipated and with it the distinct cold that had engulfed her. She grabbed the bags out of the trunk and raced toward the front door.

  * * *

  Doug checked all the windows to make sure they were locked. He carefully searched each room, but they were clear. He halted at the end of the hall in front of the master bedroom. As he stood in the open doorway, he stared at the empty bed.

  The image of Maddy broken, almost unrecognizable, flooded his mind. A lump formed in his throat. He knew he’d never forget the moment he came upon her lifeless body. The massive fear that he’d lost her forever toyed with his head. A lone tear slipped from his eye. Maybe I have lost her after all.

  “Doug? Is everything all right?” Gisele’s voice rising up the stairs snapped him back to the present.

  “Uh, yeah.” He cleared his throat. “I’ll be right there!” He swatted at the tear with the back of his hand and took one last look at the bed. It was empty.

  As he hit the bottom landing, he noticed that Gisele had picked up the items off the floor and righted the telephone table. At the moment, she was struggling with the couch.

  “Here, let me do that. You go see to Maddy.” Doug slid the couch back to its original resting place in front of the window.

  “Thank you.” Gisele headed down the hall. Doug watched as she s
idled up to her friend and slipped her arm around her waist.

  “Let’s go up and put our pj’s on. Then we can see if there’s anything in this house to eat,” Gisele said.

  “I’m so cold and sore all over. I would love a hot bath,” Maddy answered.

  Doug watched Gisele help Maddy up the stairs, then ran to the kitchen to find something to clean up the blood stains on the floor.

  * * *

  Gisele left Maddy in the hall while she checked the rooms to see which one contained her belongings. “In here, I recognize that dress hanging on the closet door,” Gisele yelled.

  She headed into the adjoining bathroom and started to search for bath salts or bubble bath, anything with a familiar scent that might spark some recognition in her friend. Maddy watched from the doorway.

  All Gisele could find was some shower gel. She opened the lid and took a whiff. The heavenly aroma of orange blossoms filled her senses. “Perfect.” She spun around.

  No one was there.

  “Maddy?” Gisele stepped through the door and spotted her friend standing at the foot of the bed staring down.

  “What’s wrong? Do you remember something?”

  “What?” Maddy turned toward Gisele. “Oh, no. I guess I’m just tired.”

  “I bet you are. Here, sit down on the bed while I run your bath. You can start getting undressed.” Gisele patted the side of the bed, then left her alone.

  After rinsing out the tub, she tested the temperature of the water. Once she was satisfied, she poured a generous amount of the gel in and watched the tub fill. She called to the other room. “How’s it going? Do you need any help?” She walked back into the bedroom.

  Maddy was sitting on the edge of the bed shivering uncontrollably. A glazed look in her eyes, she stared at the corner of the room. “Maddy?” Gisele rushed to her friend’s side and sat on the bed.

  “What is it, what’s wrong?” Gisele wrapped her arms around Maddy and started rubbing. It wasn’t helping, Maddy’s teeth started chattering. Gisele was at a loss.


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