Spirits In the Trees

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Spirits In the Trees Page 15

by Morgan Hannah MacDonald

  Gisele crouched down on the floor. “Here, let me get you out of these clothes and into the nice hot tub, then I’ll run downstairs and turn up the heat.” She started taking off her shoes and Maddy winced. She stopped immediately.

  “What, did I hurt you?” When Maddy didn’t answer, Gisele continued until both shoes were off, then she started tugging on the socks.

  “Ouch!” Maddy pulled her foot away.

  “I’m sorry. What’s…” Her voice trailed off as she noticed Maddy’s ankles. Three inch wide bands circled each one. The bruises had faded to a yellowish purple. Gisele could almost make out a hand print on her left leg. It was obvious they were still sensitive to touch.

  “My God, those look horrible!” Gisele gasped, her hand flew up to her mouth.

  Maddy’s eyes followed her friends gaze as if noticing the bruises for the first time. Still she said nothing. Gisele continued undressing her. She noticed more bruises in different stages of healing all over her friend’s body, but she bit her tongue. She grimaced inside. What kind of hell did you endure Maddy? No wonder you blocked it all out.

  After helping her into the tub, Gisele pulled the stool over to talk to her. She wanted to be there for her in case she needed anything. The clock ticked by while Maddy did nothing but stare straight ahead, a glazed look in her eyes.

  “Here, let me get you started.” Gisele squatted next to the tub and picked up the sponge. She squirted some soap on it then started scrubbing Maddy’s back.

  “I love this scent.” Gisele cringed at her feeble attempt at small talk. Never before had she been at a loss for words around her best friend. Then again, Maddy wasn’t her bubbly self either.

  Once she had rinsed her back, Gisele handed the sponge to Maddy and watched as she began to wash herself. Relieved, Gisele stood. “I’m going to go downstairs to check the heater and see if there’s anything I can whip up for dinner. I’ll be back soon.”

  Gisele descended the stairs and noticed the furniture back in place, the fireplace lit, and the broken window boarded up. Have I really been up there that long?

  No sign of Doug.

  While she adjusted the temperature on the thermostat, she heard movement in the kitchen. She found Doug standing over the stove stirring something in a pot.

  “The living room looks great,” she said by way of a greeting.

  “Thought I’d make myself useful. How’s she doing?” Doug looked at her, concern marking his features.

  “I don’t know, Doug, I’m really worried. I don’t know if she’s just tired or what, but her actions are just not normal. There is something definitely wrong here. It’s like she’s starting to remember something, but when I ask, she won’t confide in me.” Gisele filled him in on the scene upstairs.

  “What did the doctor say?”

  “He wants to see us in his office tomorrow, thank God. If not for that, I would be on the phone to him right now.”

  “I hate to keep repeating myself, but I really don’t think she should be in this house. It could do her more harm than good.” Doug stared at Gisele.

  “To tell you the truth, I’m not so keen on the idea myself. I can’t put my finger on it, but this place makes me extremely uncomfortable,” Gisele answered.

  “Maybe you can convince her to stay at my house tonight.” Toast popped up and Doug placed the pieces on a plate.

  “Okay, let me see what I can do.”

  “Either way, I’m not leaving you girls alone. I’ll sleep down here on the couch.”

  “Thanks, Doug. I really do appreciate all that you’ve done.”

  Gisele stood a moment in silence while Doug buttered the toast. Suddenly a loud clanking sound thundered throughout the house. They both covered their ears. It seemed to reverberate from everywhere all at once. Gisele stared at the ceiling wondering where the noise was coming from. Doug stared at the ceiling as well. After ten thuds it stopped.

  “What the hell was that?” Gisele lowered her hands and stared at Doug.

  “Probably just the pipes, you know these old houses,” he answered casually, but the worry lines on his face told a different story.

  “I’d better get back upstairs and see if Maddy needs anything. We shouldn’t be long. That soup smells good, I’m starved.”

  “It’s just a couple cans of cream of mushroom soup. I added some spices to try and liven it up a bit. I hope it tastes as good as it smells.”

  Gisele smiled at the worried expression on his face. As she walked up the stairs, she remembered her father’s idea of cooking. He’d dump every spice in the cupboard into whatever he was whipping up. More often than not, the end result was a disaster. The memory made her smile. She missed her father.

  She hoped Doug hadn’t subscribed to the same philosophy of more was better. By now she was so hungry, she could probably eat anything. Then again, maybe not. She’d eaten nothing but soda crackers all day. Maybe it would be better if she just stuck with toast.

  As Gisele reached the top step, she heard a voice. She tiptoed toward the room craning her neck hoping to hear better. She stopped at the closed bedroom door and pressed her ear against it. It sounded as if Maddy was having a one-sided conversation. She eased the door open as quietly as possible, but silence was all that greeted her. She stepped into the bathroom. Maddy was staring just above the vacant stool.

  “Is everything all right in here?” No movement, no answer. Gisele walked over and sat on the stool. Maddy’s eyes looked right through her in a dreamlike state.

  “Who were you talking to?” Gisele asked nervously.

  Was Maddy having a nervous breakdown?

  Maddy’s face turned toward her, then she blinked a couple of times. “Huh? What?” Finally, Maddy's eyes focused on hers and Gisele let out a pent up breath.

  “It sounded like you were talking to someone,” Gisele hoped Maddy didn’t notice the way her voice wobbled.

  “It had to be you. You’re the only one here.” Maddy smiled at her friend as if she were daft.

  Although relieved by the answer, Gisele couldn’t help but be concerned. “God, it’s cold in here.” Gisele rubbed her arms. “I turned up the heat, but I guess it takes a little while to warm up a house this size. Let me get you a towel and help you out of that tub. Doug’s making dinner, I’m sure he’s done by now.”

  * * *

  Maddy’s grandmother, Mary, was knitting while she sat vigil over her sister’s bed in the ICU of Washington Memorial Hospital. She had been running a fever for days. The nurse had told her this morning that Madeline had had a restless night. Mary was relieved her sister was resting comfortably. A blood-curdling scream filled the room.

  “Oh my!” Mary jumped out of her chair and her yarn dropped onto the floor. The purple ball rolled to the door before it stopped. Mary set her work down and raced to her sister’s side. Madeline was sitting up straight in the bed, a glazed look in her eye and her arms were frantically waving about in the air.

  “Get out, get out! It’s not safe. You must get out of the house!” Madeline yelled.

  Try as she might, Mary could not wake her sister from her horrible nightmare. Not knowing what else to do, she ran for the nurse.


  Gisele and Maddy laid side-by-side in the queen-sized bed talking. It reminded Gisele of when they were in college. She was glad to have her old friend back. Since her mood had improved greatly, and they hadn’t finished with dinner until late, Gisele convinced Doug not to bring up the idea of moving again tonight. She felt morning would be soon enough to revisit that topic.

  They left Doug downstairs on the couch. Maddy had urged him to sleep upstairs in the master bedroom, but he was adamant about staying in the front room where he could keep a better eye on the front and back doors. So they handed him a pillow and a couple of blankets before bidding him goodnight.

  When they began to tire, Maddy turned off the light. She rolled away from Gisele before she said good-night. They lay in the dark a moment
with the window ajar listening to the wind through the trees and the crickets singing.

  Gisele had been waiting to give her best friend her news. With all she’d been through, she wasn’t sure she was up to it, but she decided now was as good a time as any.

  “Maddy, are you asleep?”

  “Not yet.”

  “I have some good news.”

  “What?” Maddy rolled onto her back.

  “I’m pregnant,” Gisele said to the dark.

  “What!” Maddy turned toward her friend and placed her head in her hand.

  “How far along?”

  “Three months.”

  “Oh my, God! Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”

  “Gunter and I were afraid to tell anyone until we were sure I would keep it this time. You know how critical the first trimester is.”

  “Oh, Elle, that’s fantastic!” Maddy hugged her friend.

  “You might not think so. I have a doctor’s appointment day after tomorrow so I’ll have to fly home.” She rushed on before Maddy could say anything. “The doctor is worried about me carrying to term so he’s constantly monitoring this pregnancy. But I could fly back.” Gisele added hoping that would appease her friend.

  “No, I don’t want you to take that chance. It’s not like I’m an invalid or anything. I really appreciate you coming up here as it is. I was so scared and felt so alone. Gunter must be worried sick about you and the baby. No, you go back home. Don’t give it a second thought.”

  “But I do. I can’t imagine what this must be like for you. I’m worried. I have to agree with Doug; you shouldn’t stay in this house. Whoever attacked you could come back.”

  “Actually, it’s kind of weird, but I feel like this is home.”

  “You’re right, that’s weird. How can you say that after what happened to you here?”

  “I don’t know really. Maybe it’s because I don’t remember it, but for some reason, I feel like I’ll die if I leave this house.”

  Gisele was quiet while she mulled over Maddy’s words. They sounded crazy to her, but she wasn’t sure if she should admit that. “Maybe you should explain all this to Dr. Hill tomorrow and see what he thinks. I’m fading. We can talk more about it in the morning. Goodnight.”

  She turned away from Maddy, but was far from falling asleep. She was wondering how she could convince the doctor to let Maddy go home with her.

  “Good-night,” Maddy voice answered her.

  * * *

  Gisele awoke abruptly and realized she wasn’t in her own bed. Her eyes roamed the dimly lit room, then remembered she was with Maddy in Washington. She rolled onto her back and dreamily watched the shadows of the tree branches dance upon the ceiling. The sound of voices murmuring had her straining her ears.

  She turned and faced the window. That’s when she realized the lump lying next to her was not Maddy, but the comforter pushed aside. Gisele jerked her head toward the bathroom, it stood dark, empty. The voices started again, her eyes were drawn to the tops of the trees as they swayed back and forth in the breeze. She slid out of bed and approached the window.

  Then she remembered the attack on Maddy. Her heartbeat ratcheted up. Are they back? She slipped up to the window and peered down. Her breathing escaped in tiny gasps.

  The room turned cold as ice. She wrapped her arms around her body and listened intently. She tried to make out the words. It was impossible to imagine how many voices she heard. It sounded like a cocktail party, everyone murmuring at once.

  Finally she singled out one deep male voice. She concentrated hard. At last, yet ever so faintly, she could make out one single word.

  “Madeline, Madeline, Madeline.”

  A scream caught in her throat, her fear steadily mounted. She pulled the lace curtain aside and examined the yard. She saw nothing out of the ordinary. Not one single person. Her eyes quickly scanned back and forth. The male voice became more pronounced, the murmuring softened ever so slightly.

  It was dark. The new moon cast little light with which to see much more than the shape of trees and the steady rhythm of the waves kissing the shore. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of something white. It flapped in the breeze like a flag. She couldn’t quite--.

  “No!” A panicked cry rang out.

  That sounds like Maddy!

  Gisele ran from the window and bounded down the stairs.

  * * *

  The loud thundering of feet landing on the hardwood floor woke Doug with a start. He jerked up to a sitting position.

  “What! What is it?” he yelled groggily and rubbed his eyes. A flash of pink ran through the room.

  “It’s Maddy!” Gisele screamed behind her without slowing down.

  Doug threw back the covers and raced after her. The back door was standing wide open. Gisele turned and ran down the stairs. Doug, right on her heels, grabbed the banister straight ahead and leapt over the railing.

  He dropped five feet to the grass below, lost his footing and rolled. He got his feet under him and jumped up, then sprinted toward the shore. Gisele trailed behind.

  When he reached the water’s edge, he stopped abruptly before plunging in and turned around. “Where is she?” he yelled between gasps of air. Impatiently he waited for Gisele to catch up.

  “She was standing right here! I saw her white nightgown and heard her scream.”

  “Shit! Has someone taken her?” Doug’s eyes inspected the beach and came up empty. “Let’s split up. They couldn’t have gotten far.”

  The sound of splashing out in the water made Doug stop dead in his tracks.

  “Help!” A sickening gurgle followed the cry.

  “Maddy!” Doug raced a few feet into the icy water and dove in. Kicking frantically it was mere seconds before he arrived at the spot where he’d seen her go down. “Maddy!” He treaded water while he faced the shore. “Where’d she go?” He yelled back to Gisele who stood knee deep in the frigid water. The sound of her teeth chattering carried across the still night. The adrenaline pumping through his body was enough to keep him warm.

  “She went down right there. Doug, you’ve got to save her!” Gisele’s panicked voice reached his ears.

  He dove straight down in the water and felt around. It was too dark to see a thing, but God knows he’d stop at nothing to find Maddy. Blindly his hands swept the water before him, before long he had to resurface.

  “Doug, behind you!” Gisele shouted.

  He swung around in time to see Maddy slip beneath the shiny black water ten feet away. He swam to the spot and dove, heading straight down. Fumbling through the dark, he found Maddy’s outstretched hands and grabbed on.

  But instead of pulling her up, she was pulling him down with such force he felt as if he were flying through the water. Deeper and deeper they went into the abyss. He had no idea of the depth of the bay, but feared he was about to find out. He was losing air. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold on like this.

  The force stopped.

  He didn’t linger, he pulled Maddy up to his level, then grabbed her around the waist, kicking ferociously and pulling at the water with his free hand toward the surface. His lungs burned. Just when he thought they would burst altogether, he breached the surface. A thundering yell pierced the night sky before he greedily gulped in air.

  “Do you have her?” Gisele’s panicked voice rang out.

  “Yes,” he managed, through his gasps.

  “Thank you, Jesus!” Gisele waded out toward them.

  Maddy’s body lay limp in his arms. Doug laid her out on the grass and immediately began CPR. Her flesh was cold, her lips were blue. Diligently he pumped her heart and breathed into her mouth. Her body was unresponsive, but he would not give up.

  Gisele stood over them, her face a mask of fear. The clock ticked by in slow motion. At last Maddy began to cough and expelled enough water to fill a fish bowl.

  Doug thought it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. He swept her into his a
rms and held her tight against his chest. Tears sprang to his eyes and he brushed the top of her head with his lips.

  “I… can’t… breathe,” came Maddy’s muffled cry. Her face smashed into Doug’s shoulder.

  He laughed nervously as he pulled away and looked down into the most gorgeous eyes he’d ever seen. “I’m sorry, I’m just so…” He kissed her again, this time the forehead, then he moved to her cheek. “I thought I’d lost you…again.” He kissed her other cheek. “Are you all right?”

  “I think so,” she managed with a squeaky voice before succumbing to a coughing fit. After gaining control, she shocked him by reaching her arms up around his neck and kissing him tenderly on the lips.

  Doug pulled back and stared at her face. “Do you know who I am?”

  “My handsome handyman?” A smile played at the corners of her lips.

  Elation flooded through Doug and he gave her a no-holds-barred kiss. Soon the numbness he’d suffered from the frigid water had dissipated and his entire body was on fire. When he ended the kiss, he hugged her and thanked God for sparing her life once again.

  He stood, then picked her up in his arms and carried her toward the house. Gisele ran ahead. The moment he reached the living room, Gisele grabbed a blanket off the couch and handed it to Doug. He wrapped Maddy up tight before setting her on the couch beside the fireplace. Immediately he busied himself building a fire.


  When Doug opened his eyes the following morning, he found Maddy wrapped tight in his arms. His heart filled with joy. Across from them, Gisele slept curled up in an overstuffed chair. He kissed the top of Maddy’s head and gazed down at her, God, she was beautiful. He’d almost lost her last night and swore to himself he would never let that happen again. He would stick to her like glue. Gently, he slid out from behind her.

  Before the coffee even finished brewing, Doug snatched the pot from under the continuous stream and poured himself a cup. He was never one for patience when it came to that first cup of the day. After taking a sip, he headed to the back porch and sat with his legs dangling over the side.


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