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A Sweet and Spicy Kind Of Love

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by Minx Charmer

  Yolanda tossed her blonde curls and rolled her eyes. She was a foot shorter than Molly with a pleasant round face and a round body to match. Flamboyant colors and dramatic behavior was her trademark but, Molly had befriended her on the first day of school and they had remained solid friends over the years.

  “Mollyyyyyy” Yolanda cried with an irritating drawl “what in the world are you talking about? Ridiculous stuff, that’s what I say. Anybody can see he is a tasty dish that you could just gobble up, don’t you think?”

  Molly cheeks flamed pink and she looked at her with a horrified gaze “Shhhhhh girl. Everybody will hear you and I don’t want them to know my business.”

  Yolanda ignored her her request. “Puh-lease! Who cares what they think? He’s cute and smart and as far as I know that should be all you need. But… and there is always is a big huge no-no isn’t there? He’s a nerd and that is a bit less appealing. However I think there is a good part to this whole thing. He’s got some dough and his home is a mansion. At least that’s what my mother tells me, and my mother is never wrong. She works up at that big old house off and on remember? I don’t what the deal is that they only hire temporary workers, but folks with money are strange sometimes you know?

  Yes, Molly did know. Templeton Manor was a dark, imposing fortress hidden in the middle of nowhere and controlled by Julian’s father, Lionel Chambers. He had the reputation of being a hard man with a cold demeanor many found imposing. Most of the villagers avoided him like the plague when he made his way to town, but some of them worked on the estate from time to time, because the pay was good. “Yes, Yolanda I know he’s got money and his father is a bit of a gargoyle, although I’ve never met the man. But the money doesn’t mean anything. I like him for him, you do understand that right?”

  Her friend nodded and tilted her head to the side with a twinkle in her eyes “Yep I hear you loud and clear, but having a little bit of cash on the side is not bad hmmm? That way you can buy me all of the cookies and cake I like, if you don’t want to use the money on yourself. So when will you get together?”

  It was Molly’s turn to roll her eyes “Get together? As if he would even notice. The last time he was close enough, he cared more about the horse than me. Anyway I am trying to get him out of my head and you are not helping. C’mon dreamer, let’s get our class work done before Ms. Grant calls our attention and I get in trouble again. I’ve had more than enough to last a lifetime.”


  Lionel Chambers sat in his favorite Victorian armchair, overlooking the decaying gardens beyond the library windows of Templeton Manor. He really needed some help with the plants and shrubs, but at the moment they would stay as they were. He didn’t need any more village hands running back to town, with the news that the flowers were dying because the old man was too bitter to keep them alive.

  Besides, there were a lot more attractive qualities of the Manor itself. The stately home had two floors and eight bedrooms with elegant, arched windows, some of them stained in multicolored hues. The furnishings were mostly oak and rosewood and the floors were tiled in green marble, with Persian rugs and tiered chandeliers.

  Lionel observed the scenery with certain detachment. His thoughts were on the problem of his son and just what the boy would do with his life. He admitted that as a father he was deficient in many ways. The warm feelings that a father would show were severely lacking in his treatment towards his offspring, but the tender feelings of love had died along with the wife he had buried years before. Elenora was his life and the spark that had made Lionel’s world complete. After she died, that spark had left him and he hadn’t been able to recover it since.

  But Elenora was not the subject of his thoughts. Julian was now his concern. The boy needed to be a man and eventually take over Templeton’s holdings, but so far he had proved enigmatic and would not commit one way or another. Lionel found his attitude of nonchalance disconcerting, but he could not get his son to budge and reveal his future goals. It was clear the boy needed a distraction of some kind. Perhaps a good wife would soften him up and make him a bit more malleable. But how could he find a wife for his son in the wretched town of Sunnyvale? The candidates were not appetizing, but perhaps a girl could be found that Lionel could control. And he knew just where to start.


  The mirror never lied and for that, Valeria Trenton was grateful. Slowly she turned from side to side, as she gazed at her reflection in the smooth surface of the handcrafted glass. She was a beautiful girl with large, green eyes heavily lashed and a full soft mouth. She was proud of her slim form, gently curved in all the right places and her midnight hair fell in waves, with wayward tendrils caressing her high forehead.

  As she turned, Valeria pouted with her hands on her hips. She would definitely need a bit more curves to stand out, but for the moment the ones she had, would have to do. After all, she could not rely on just a pretty face. The extra ammunition of a well proportioned body was quite a formidable weapon. And she intended to use it to full. It was Valeria’s aim to stop any male in their tracks, especially Julian Chambers.

  With a gleeful cry she ran over to her pink, canopied bed and felt under the mattress for her personal diary. Her room was princess inspired and decorated to give that impression. The high, arched windows were heavily draped and the wallpaper embossed in white lilies, with copper-like leaves. Each wall was covered with multiple pictures of Valeria, and a three tiered chandelier hung from the ceiling. Two satin, trimmed table lamps were placed in the corners, and the pillows were accented with large flowers in pink, cream and golden hues.

  With the diary in hand, she flipped the pages quickly and found the date she was looking for. With a far away expression she gazed at the page with infatuated longing. Two weeks ago, Julian had given her a white rose and its delicate petals were gently crushed between the pages. Lovingly Valeria picked up the bloom and sniffed with appreciation. The strong scent of sweetness was gone, but a lingering perfumed smell was still there.

  Leaping up from the bed, she danced upon her Oriental rug in an invisible waltz. Julian would be hers. It was only a matter of time if all went according to plan. And yet, there was a fly in the ointment when she thought about it. Molly Makepeace. That red head, little titan could be trouble and her fixation with Julian was clear for all to see.

  With a sudden burst of fury Valeria crushed the bloom within her fingers and yelped in surprise. She did not realize the stem still had a thorn and it was sharp. Putting the wounded finger into her mouth she nursed the pain and smiled again, her burst of fury gone as quickly as it had come. Molly was not going to beat her, not by a long shot. Julian Chambers was spoken for and there was only one name that would forever cross his lips. Valeria.

  Chapter 3

  Molly stared in the mirror as she pinched herself and closed her eyes. Where had all the years gone? Those innocent years that seemed to have melted away and left a young adult in its place? She was seventeen now, almost eighteen, and ready to attend her first prom and hopefully her first kiss, if only Julian would do the honors.

  At the thought of Julian, Molly opened her eyes and reviewed her dress with a frown. She needed it to be perfect, if only for one night. Her body was still curvy, now even more so, but she did not mind. No one wanted to be a stick figure anyway. She would count her blessings and enjoy her womanly form, if only she could catch Julian’s eye.

  After the incident of the runaway horse, Julian had moved to a private, boarding school and Molly had only seen him in town from time to time. On the rare occasion that he did glance her way, she smiled as brightly as she could in hopes that he would bestow one small smile in return. She could be a fly on the wall or an ant on the street, for all it mattered. He never really looked her way and if he happened to cross her path and made eye contact, he quickly exited in the opposite direction.

  Molly never knew love could hurt so deeply, but she was willing to give it another try. With a forlorn sigh, she left her memories i
n the past and focused on the dress. Again. Her red hair was boldly styled in a daring updo, its tendrils tamed for just one night, which was a perfect complement to her black dress. It was a mermaid shaped gown with a sheer neckline and beautiful gold embroidery leaves on the bodice. The lower half of the skirt was made of chiffon in a nude tone and a silver, rose clip adorned Molly’s hair. She had never looked so grown up and she felt rather breathless to contemplate the future ahead of her. What would happen on this night, if only Julian would look her way? And should he kiss her, then what? Shuddering with anticipation she picked up her silver, clasp purse and made her way down the stairs. It was time for her mother to see that her little girl was all grown up.


  Valeria Trenton lounged on the cream, leathery couch as she waited for her date. Tommy Livingston came from an old family and his inheritance was not bad, but he couldn’t hold her interest for much longer. She had bigger fish to fry and that was Julian Chambers. It was time to exercise the charms she had perfected over the years.

  When Julian’s father, Lionel Chambers had paid Valeria’s family a visit a few years back, he had been very explicit on exactly what he wanted. Valeria could still remember that day as though it had happened only a moment ago….

  The Silver Bently gleamed outside the Trenton home, as Lionel entertained the family with a proposal. Julian’s father was a tall, well dressed man, slightly bent with age. His hair was a shock of silver gray, with bushy eyebrows of the same color. He was clean shaven and his face still bore the resemblance of the handsome youth he had undoubtedly been. Now that face was marred, somewhat by age and a perpetual scowl. His gray eyes did not help his stern appearance, but only enhanced his gruff demeanor with its glacial expression.

  As he sat down in the living room of the Trenton home, Lionel surveyed the environment silently, as though judging each oil painting, vase and crystal collection on display. The two floor house was decorated in regal colors of red, navy blue and gold with large Oriental rugs. The lower and upper level boasted high, arched windows, with heavy drapes and each room was arranged in a distinct Victorian look. The Trenton’s were proud of their “empire” and wasted no time in showing off to the neighbors when each new piece of furniture was added, which was often.

  Lionel’s gaze missing nothing but Valeria’s parents, Daisy and Bruce Trenton, could not seem to find the right words to converse with their unexpected guest. It turned out that no words were necessary, since Lionel did most of the talking. “Trenton man, listen to me. And you too Daisy, woman. I want your daughter to be my son’s future wife, and I will take no arguments to the contrary. Right now the child is still young, but soon she will graduate, attend college, and then she will be ready for the suitable place I have arranged for her.

  Julian needs a woman who loves the finer things in life, and will keep him on his toes in the efforts to please her. He also needs the stability that a good job and legacy will give. This is no time for flighty headiness in a man. He needs to be solid, strong and have great character to carry on the Chambers legacy in Sunnyvale.

  Years from now I expect our name to be standing as solid as the ground beneath our feet. For this purpose I have decided that your daughter is the one to bring my son to understanding. What say you about this?”

  Daisy Trenton was a big, buxom woman whose clothing was forever bursting at the seams and her husband, Bruce was the exact opposite. As tall as a beanpole and just as slim. They were proud that their daughter Valeria had received all of the beauty that nature had denied them. And now another gift had fallen in her lap. The chance to be the wife of Julian Chambers, heir to the Chambers fortune and Templeton Manor. The opportunity was simply too good to pass up.

  Daisy did not hesitate. With gushing praise she picked up her large figure and ran over to Lionel, falling upon his cheeks with a resounding kiss. “But my stars Mr. Chambers, of course we would love for our daughter to be joined to your wonderful household. Valeria is the crème of the crème and no man would ever say no to such a lovely debutante as she. Don’t you agree dear Brucey?”

  Bruce Trenton unfolded his tall frame and walked over to Lionel with a glowing face. “But of course I agree dear one, and no doubt so does our daughter. Don’t you sneaky poos?”

  Valeria’s smile could not be any brighter. With lowered lashes she walked over to Lionel with a trembling smile. Using every skill she possessed and then some, she raised her right hand said in a soft voice “Here I am Mr. Chambers ready and willing to serve your great family.”

  It had taken only a few more minutes for Lionel to fill in the details and then Valeria’s future was set. Julian Chambers would be hers when the time was right….

  And now the time had come. As Valeria’s thoughts returned to the present, she waited patiently for her prom date. Tonight was the night to say goodbye to Tommy Livingston. She only hoped he wouldn’t make a fuss. Discussions were so unattractive.


  Julian looked in the mirror and adjusted his “Barcelona” style Tuxedo. It was an elegantly crafted tux made of wool with satin lapels. With a grimace he viewed his reflection and noted his foreboding look. His face was drawn in deep grooves and his green eyes lacked their customary wit. He did not feel like celebrating, but knew he had to attend the last school dance. Duty called and when duty called, the noblest family in the town had to respond. Besides it was his father’s wish. No doubt Lionel would be pleased to see his son finally make the steps towards manhood.

  At the thought of his father, Julian’s hands curled into a fist. He did not want to be upset with the man who gave him life, but at the moment he couldn’t help it. Lionel wanted him to marry the most selfish woman Julian had ever known in his life and the very thought was enough to make his blood boil.

  Valeria Trenton cared only for herself, and no other person could make their way into her cold heart. At first Julian thought she was different. He even gave her a rose as a gift, but her selfish behavior could not be tamed. It was just as fierce as the first day they had met. But perhaps there was silver lining to that dark cloud. Having a selfish wife who only cared for the next diamond ring could be an advantage, if she would only let him alone to work in peace. With a frustrated sigh he tried to forget his troubles and focus on the present. Making it through the night without losing his sanity and his temper.


  The prom was in full swing and Valeria was bored to tears. But more than boredom, fury was coursing through her veins at the crude behavior of Tommy Livingston. After he had spent the entire evening declaring his undying love and trying to steal kisses at each opportunity, he turned to drinking with a passion. Valeria had enough of his ill mannered behavior and wished he would disappear. “For heaven’s sakes Tommy, stop guzzling bottles of bear like its water. It happens to be alcohol you dolt. The scent is making me sick to my stomach and the only thing you will get is a huge headache, if you don’t collapse first.”

  Tommy ignored her advice and took another swig of the golden liquid, as he wiped the wet drops from the side of his mouth with the back of his hand. Then he laughed for no apparent reason, trying to slob wet kisses all over Valeria’s neck. When she wouldn’t respond, his face turned a mottled shade of red as he exploded “Doggone it Val, why are you so mean ha? You are a horrible person and you don’t…you do not…I mean you don’t ca, care for…I mean for…”

  Valeria rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Men could be such bothersome pests “You are drunk Tommy and I am not going to waste my time with your insensitive behavior. I should have known that a mama’s boy would be unable to carry himself with dignity, if his poor mama wasn’t around to hold his hand.”

  At the mention of his mother Tommy flew into a rage and pointed his finger at her “How dare you insult my mother? She is worth ten…thousand…ten more hundreds of thousands…than you. And I…I don’t, I mean I don’t know…I mean… I”

  Valeria turned her head as Tommy slurred his way to coherent speech
. He continued ranting and raving until suddenly all was quiet. He had fallen over in a silent heap, out cold in his drunken stupor.

  With a sigh of disgust, Valeria ignored the crumpled form and surveyed the room. It boasted a high ceiling and was tastefully decorated in blue and gold. It was filled with flashing lights, loud music and party decors. Most of the graduates were dancing, some were talking and others were giggling together in darkened corners.

  None of it held any interest for her, much less the inert form of her drunken date. Her only concern was Julian. He had to arrive sometime soon and the more alert she was to this presence, the better impression she would make.


  Six girls were seated around the party table, talking about their hopes and dreams. Molly was a part of the group, but she had butterflies in her stomach and could not seem to settle down, or join in the happy conversation. She was so eager to see Julian that she could not focus on anything but that eventual meeting. With a shuddered sigh, she withdrew from the group and made her way to the buffet table. The room was large enough to accommodate all of the attendees, but the square table was full as many guests tried to get as much free food and drink as possible.


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