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Remember Me

Page 9

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Still uncomfortable being addressed as Cassandra, she remained silent, unable to deny the proof Doctor Bishop had provided her with, proof that confirmed this stranger was indeed her biological mother. What do I say to this woman? She wondered. Looking away awkwardly, she placed her drink on the bedside table and sat back against the pillows.

  Oh Lord I want to hold her in my arms and tell her how much she means to me! I want to grab my baby and never let go again.. Jocelyn thought, but wisely heeded Cynne‘s advice about not spooking or upsetting her daughter so soon. “I uhhh…picked up a few things for you, since you’ll be here for a few more days.” she said, doing her best to hide her disappointment at her daughter’s initial reaction to her. “ I got you a night shirt you can wear instead of that dreadful hospital gown, and some socks, too. You know how you…well, you used to like to sleep with them, because you hated for your feet to get cold.”

  Cassandra watched as her mother pulled out an assortment of toiletries from the bag, and was surprised to see that all the items were brands she liked and used on a routine basis. She had even bought her new underwear. She couldn’t help but smile at the thought that this was what she had wished many times, having a mother who fussed over her. Someone she could spend time with and draw strength from. The entire time she had thought she was an orphan, she had found herself wondering about her real mother on many occasions. “Thank you, that was very thoughtful of you, really.” she said in a voice so soft Jocelyn almost didn’t hear her.

  Very slowly, so as to not alarm her, she gently stroked her daughter’s cheek with one hand as she blinked back tears. “For three years I’ve prayed for you to come back home safe, and my prayers were answered. And your son Regan will be so happy to hear his mommy is coming home, wait till’ you see him, he has grown so much!”

  Stunned, and uncertain she had heard correctly, she frowned and shook her head. “Son?” she asked in a confused voice as she first looked at her mother, then at her best friend.

  Jocelyn hoped she hadn’t said the wrong thing, at the wrong time, but she had hoped telling her about Regan would spark some lost memory of the life she had before that sick animal had attacked her and took her away. “Now now, don’t let that upset you, I just want to show you something." she assured her in a calming voice. Reaching down into the bag she pulled out a thick photo album. With a smile of pride, she opened the book and laid it gently on her daughter’s lap. Pointing at a large school photo, she said, “Your son, Regan Stephen Mortenson. He’s six years old, he was born January 6th, 2001. He’s smart as a whip, and the sweetest child anyone could ever want.”

  Picking up the photo album with hands that shook slightly, she felt her heart flutter as she looked closely at the photo. The child looked familiar, yet…not familiar. And the sight of him made her suddenly feel sad, lonely, and empty. Almost unaware of it herself, tears began to trickle down her cheeks as she gazed at him. Suddenly she gasped, as it finally hit her. Oh my God, I’ve seen him before, in my dreams! She thought. Not bothering to wipe the tears away she took the picture out and handed it to Cynne’. “So, this is my son….” she choked, letting the image burn in her mind.

  Gazing at the picture, her own lips began to tremble. After what seemed like hours, she finally managed to tear her gaze away, and grabbed several Kleenex from the box on the bedside table. Leaning forward, she gently dried the tears from her friend‘s face. “He’s so beautiful, he has your smile.” she said.

  Nodding, she began flipping the pages slowly, studying every photo in excruciating detail. As she did, her mother, who was now seated beside her, regaled her with stories, one for each photograph. When she came across a photo of herself, apparently pregnant, the moment became even more surreal to her because of who else was in the photograph. In the picture she was sitting on the ground, her hands resting on her large belly. Sitting behind her, with his arms wrapped around her, was the man who was claiming he was her husband. Granger.

  “This was taken two days before Regan was born." Jocelyn explained. “Granger was so excited, and let me tell you, that man was sooo funny when you went into labor.” she said, and chuckled at the memory. “He was barking orders like a Marine drill sergeant, trying to tell everyone how to do their job. The man must have read two hundred books on childbirth after he found out you were pregnant. The doctor who was delivering the baby finally got so fed up with him, he told him if he didn’t shut up and just stand there and hold your hand, he would have him kicked not only out of the delivery room, but the entire hospital.”

  To her own surprise, Cassandra suddenly found herself laughing along with Cynne’, at Jocelyns’ story.

  Encouraged that some anecdote might spark her daughter’s memory, she continued. “Granger is usually so in control, but let me tell you, after you went into hard labor, every time you winced in pain, he would demand that they do something. He didn’t want to hear it was natural for you to feel pain. He kept claiming you were dying. He was feeling guilty for putting you through that. Child, I laughed so much that night! I saw a side of him that night I don‘t believe anyone else ever has.”

  Looking at her friend closely, Cynne’ saw something in Cassandra she had never seen before, her laughter was full of joy, and it showed on her lovely features. And hearing about her son seemed to put a glow there she had never seen as well.

  Reaching out gently, Jocelyn took Cassandra’s hand in hers, and happiness washed over her when her daughter gave it a squeeze, and held on. “When that baby was delivered, that husband of yours was crying and carrying on so, he had to be helped out of the delivery room. He swore he would never put you through that again, it just about killed him seeing you in pain, knowing there was nothing he could do.” she smiled, remembering how two nurses had helped the pale man out of the delivery room. It had taken them nearly twenty minutes to calm him down.

  She remembered Granger looking up at her, his blue eyes glowing with unshed tears, and saying, “I’ll never forget the pain she suffered. I thank God for my son, but I can’t see her like that again. I won’t hurt her like that again”


  Brett stood outside Cassandra’s room, and his fists clenched tightly at the sound of laughter inside. He recognized Cassandra’s voice, and he himself had never heard her laugh like that, it sounded almost angelic. I’m supposed to be the only one who can make her laugh like that, her happiness should be because of me!

  Opening the cracked door a little wider, he froze as all three women inside turned and looked at him, their laughter subsiding. Clearing his throat self-consciously, he put on his best smile and stepped inside. “Hello, Karen. I understand you had rough time while I was away.” he said, not liking the way the older black woman was looking at him, as if she could see all his carefully hidden secrets. His eyes darted over to Cynne’, who’s face wore a similar expression. I ought to kill you, you meddling little bitch… he thought.

  Unaware of her mother’s distrust of Brett, Cassandra smiled brightly, stretching her hand out to him. “Brett! Hi, come in and meet my mother, Jocelyn Ames.”

  With the false smile still in place, he nodded at Jocelyn and mumbled, “Nice to meet you.” and extended his hand.

  “Doctor..” was all she said as she shook his hand quickly.

  Walking to the head of the bed, he leaned down and gave Cassandra a hug, and had to struggle to keep from releasing a moan of pleasure at feeling her warm body in his arms.

  “Mom, Brett’s the one who has been taking care of me ever since I was injured.” she said as she smiled up at him brightly and warmly.

  As Jocelyn watched the two of them it was clear to her that the man had more than just professional concern for her daughter. This man is not helping her… she thought automatically. “Well, I suppose I should be thankful to you…” she replied slowly with a neutral expression.

  His thin lips twisted into a cynical smile, knowing the woman wasn’t the least bit th
ankful. “You’re welcome, it‘s been my pleasure. Uhhh, ladies, could you please give me a few minutes with Karen, alone?” he asked briskly as he opened her chart, making it seem more of an order than a request. He was also legitimately checking to see what had been done with her in his absence. He had gotten rid of the blood, erased the orders for the lab tests from the computer, and he wanted to make sure nothing was documented that could possibly show the drugs he was giving her.

  “Cassandra!” Jocelyn snapped, discarding all pretenses of false civility. “Her name is Cassandra, DOCTOR. She’ll be twenty-nine years old in two weeks, she has a son whose name is Regan, he is six years of age, and she’s married to Granger Mortenson. ”

  Putting the chart back in place, he turned around and looked at her. From the look on his face, it was evident to everyone in the room he wasn’t used to being addressed in such a manner.

  Narrowing her eyes, she openly glared at him. She knew all about people like him and Grace Mortenson. Always putting on a show of respectability, while in reality their hearts were as black as coal and cold as a December morning in the mountains. He wasn’t what he appeared to be, she was certain of that. His good looks and dapper dress was covering for something very bad….very evil. “There’s so much more about MY baby I’m going to tell her.” she said as she rose to feet and kissed her daughter on the forehead. That done, she shot him one last withering glare and left the room.

  Smirking in silence, Cynne’ followed suit and left. Finally!!! Finally someone else sees right through that sneaky bastard! She thought, wanting to do the Homer Simpson “Woo-hoo!".

  The tension was too thick for Cassandra not to have noticed, and her own smile disappeared at the way Brett was looking at her friend as she left the room. As his jaw continued to tick, she touched his hand and softly said, “Brett, can you believe it? I belong to a family! I have a son, the detective you hired was wrong all along.”

  Instantly, his heart sank with misery at hearing the happiness in her voice. Managing a small smile with great effort, he touched her cheek as she smiled up at him with those beautiful, trusting brown eyes. Not all is lost, she still trusts me. I’ve still got that going for me, at least… he thought." Yes, it seems you aren’t the person we thought you were. And you know what else? It boggles my mind that you, of all people, are married to Granger Mortenson. You’re so kind, gentle, and loving, and he’s so… powerful and ruthless. I wonder too why he claims he just started looking for you? What could he be trying to hide?”

  Suddenly confused, the inner voice began again, conflicting with everything her mother had told her about her husband Granger. Brett is the only one I can trust. Granger, he wants to hurt you… the voice echoed.

  “Now, don’t you worry my dear, we’ll get you out of the hospital the day after tomorrow, and together we’ll work thought this. You do want that, don’t you, for us to work through it together?”

  Nodding dutifully, she said, “I know you’ll help me. I was so afraid before all this happened, and you weren’t there for me. I felt so alone, confused, and frightened, all I could think to do was run."

  Hearing the need in her voice gave him a charge like nothing else could, and he thought She’ll always need me. She ran from him, and wanted ME.

  “Brett the doctors were asking me about the medication. I told them I didn’t know the names, and they seemed surprised.” she said innocently.

  Trying to remain calm, he immediately thought of Granger. The man was a complication, and he hated complications. Things would have been so much easier if that fool had played the game with Martina and me. All the oaf had to do was marry Martina, and I would have Cassandra all to myself.

  Pulling two syringes from his lab coat, he slowly injected them into her IV, and her body instantly relaxed. Reaching out to the light switch, he dimmed the lights and said in a soothing voice, “Don’t worry about that right now, what matters is I’m here, and I’ll take good care of you, as always. You do trust me, don’t you, Karen?"

  As her body slumped back into the pillows a dazed look came over her face.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, he caressed each side of her lovely face almost reverently. Taking one of her hands in his, he brushed his lips against her knuckles. Knowing she was now in a deep suggestive state, he murmured, “Cassandra. Is that what you really want me to call you?”

  Dazed and in a dreamlike state, she simply nodded and gave him a lopsided grin.

  Using the back of his hand to smooth her hair back, he thought, She’s so beautiful, and soon she’ll be mine, completely. “Very well, Cassandra…I want you to remember that I’m the only one you truly trust. I want you to block out any other thoughts or false memories you may have, about being happy as Mrs. Cassandra Mortenson. Trust my word when I tell you Granger was the one who hurt you. Do you understand?”

  For a moment she seemed to hesitate, as if struggling, but finally nodded her head reluctantly.

  Startled, he thought.. That’s never happened before…. but just as quickly dismissed his own growing sense of unease. So much is being thrown at her at one time, it’s confusing her… he reminded himself, then spoke aloud. “Cassandra, you have to be very careful, Granger is using people around you to get to you, just so he can harm you again. Stay away from them, they aren’t your real friends.” he finished as he gently wiped perspiration from her brow.

  A light knock on the door caught his attention, and he jumped up from the bed quickly. Turning, he saw the door swing open, and without invitation, a rather plain looking brunette woman stepped inside.

  “Excuse me, I’m Detective Rhodes, I would like to speak to Mrs. Mortenson, if that’s possible.” Looking closely at the doctor, she immediately got the feeling she had interrupted something, but dismissed the thought. She glanced at the woman in the bed, who seemed to be in a deep sleep, and was surprised to see she was African American.

  Disposing of the two syringes nonchalantly, he picked up her chart and pretended to make several notes. “Sorry detective, but now is not a good time, I just gave her something to help her rest and ease the physical discomfort. Right now what she needs more than anything is rest, this whole matter has caused her a great deal of emotional and physical distress. To be honest, she’s in a very fragile state, and it’s my professional opinion that if she’s pushed too hard or too fast, she could suffer a psychotic break.” he finished as he put the chart back in its proper place. He had hoped he would have more time before someone came in, and it had been a close call. The only drawback of his drug was that it required frequent doses in order to reinforce hypnotic suggestion.

  “That’s fine, I can come back and see her some other time. However..” her voice trailed off as she looked at him evenly, “…if you don’t mind, I would like a word with you. There are questions I have about your patient’s disappearance. And at the moment, you seem to be the only person who may have answers.”

  Stay cool, this is standard operating procedure in her line of work.. He thought. “Of course detective, but can we meet me in my office after I’ve finished my rounds? I have to do an intake and must be going.” Turning to Cassandra, he once again took her hand in his, gently rousing her from sleep. Almost immediately, her eyes began closing again. “I’ll return tonight. If you need me, just have the nurse page me,” he said softly, knowing full well she would be out like a light until the following morning. Which was just as well, it meant her mother and that nosy, bitchy little friend of hers wouldn’t be trying to fill her mind with doubts concerning him.

  A little more alert now, she carefully studied every move the doctor made, the way he touched the woman, the look in his eyes, and the softening of his voice. Suddenly she positive there was more going on here than the standard doctor-patient relationship. She would have bet money the doctor was in love with this patient. “Ok, doctor, I’ll see you at your office in about, oh…an hour. Be there, I have important things of my own to attend to." she said, making it clear it wasn’t a requ

  Giving her a condescending look, he gave her a curt nod. “Fine! Now I suggest we both leave. Like I said, she needs her rest.” Gazing one last time at his sleeping beauty, he suddenly knew he must find ways of dealing with people who could possibly take her away from him, including inquisitive detectives.

  Chapter 10

  “Sorry, doctor, but the lab said the blood samples were either misplaced or completely lost. Strange thing, too, they can’t even find your order for the tests in the computer.”

  Without replying, Joy snapped her cell phone shut and looked at her lunch companions in silence.

  “Damn! Yeah, I heard it, sis.” Raidon said. “Look, you HAVE to find a way to get more blood from her without Doctor Parker finding out. Listen, I did some checking up on this guy. He moved to Virginia six years ago, leaving a lucrative practice behind, and under a cloud of suspicion. A young woman, actually, an eighteen -year-old black female who was his patient, claimed he drugged her and took advantage of her. The investigation ended when the girl was found dead of an apparent overdose.” he finished as he showed them the file that had been forwarded to him by authorities in Mendocino California.


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