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Remember Me

Page 44

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  “Grandmother, are you alright? You been here all day.” Regan called, speaking in his grandmother's native tongue, knowing how much it pleased her. “Perche' sembrate cosi' tristi? (Why do you seem so sad?)” Peeking in the doorway with wide-eyed innocence, he waited to be invited inside, just as he had been taught.

  Grace's sad face lit up immediately, and a small smile of enchantment touched her lips. Motioning for her grandson to enter, she waited as he approached, then gently patted the space next to her on the priceless antique chaise. Once he was seated, she reached down to the floor and grabbed a heavy, mid-sized fireproof box with both hands. Normally, the box was kept in a hidden safe in her bedroom, a safe that only she and Granger knew about. Smiling, she looked at him and spoke. “Sometimes, when I think about my life when I was your age, I get sad. There are times I terribly miss the years before my mother died and left me alone with my father.” Opening the box, she reached inside and pulled out an old photo, then handed it to him, her eyes beginning to mist and take on a wistful look. “I was just looking at some things from my childhood.” she sniffed, then pointed to a thin, fancily dressed woman in the photo. The woman was wearing a full length, expensive looking dress, and her neck was bedecked with a sparkling diamond necklace. “That's your great grandmother, Madame Zampini Giolitti. She used to host such grand parties, all of the Royalty would be invited, along with the wealthy and influential in banking and government, but she never invited any of those Hollywood celebrities, no matter how famous they were. She always said they were nothing more than commoners who had had the good fortune of being in the right place at the right time.” she said, then tilted her nose up in the air, affecting a pose of snobbery that had always amused him.

  “Grandma, that's not nice.” he admonished, but covered his mouth with one hand and giggled anyway.

  “You know, I was about your age when I met Crown Prince Umberto, he spent a summer with us at the vineyard. He gave me this for my fourteenth birthday.” she said as she reached inside the box again, then proudly handed him a diamond encrusted, monarch butterfly broach. Gazing at the broach, she smiled wistfully again. The broach had been one of the few things that she had been able to keep hidden from her father in his search for things to sell, in order to pay off his staggering gambling debts. Most, but not all of her valuable personal items, she had been able to buy back after her marriage. “Isn't it beautiful? This is true craftsmanship, you'll never see anything like that today. It was hand crafted, one of a kind, and worth a small fortune now. The stuff folks buy these days is trash in caparison, all show and flash, and no originality.”

  “Wow, it's really pretty grandma.” he said, his eyes filled with wonder.

  Watching him, she knew he wasn't putting on an act, that he was genuinely intrigued and enchanted. And that in itself was a rare enough thing these days, she mused. She wasn't so old that she was unaware of the fact most kids couldn't see any beauty in anything past those electronic game things their parents hooked up to their television sets. Her heart swelled with pride, and she suddenly felt close to tears. The feelings she had for him were exceptionally rare for her, she had to admit, even to herself. Very few people in her life had ever held such a special place in her heart. In all her life, she had only cared for and loved three males. Cirino, Granger's real father, and her first and only love. Granger, her youngest son, and her grandson, Regan. Reaching out, she ran a hand over his short, silky hair lovingly. A stab of longing and anguish pierced her so suddenly her breath hitched, and she had to choke back a sob. She would never have another opportunity to share such an intimate moment with her very own son, Granger. Oh...oh Lord forgive me, what have I done with my life? The time wasted, so many things I should have said, but didn't. And now it’s too late. Granger, please forgive me....her anguished mind cried out, and in that instant, she felt as if she would go insane.

  “Grandma, what's the matter?”

  Looking at him, she saw he was studying her with a worried expression on his face. Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she sniffled once, then put on her best smile. “You know Regan, one day you'll be bringing a beautiful young lady home to meet everyone, and when you do, I'll give you this to give to her, along with the engagement ring your grandfather presented to me when I was a girl of sixteen.” she said, her voice hauntingly seeming to come from another place and time, long ago, and half a world away.

  Eyes growing wide, he handed the broach back to her as if it had suddenly turned into a lump of burning coal. “A GIRL? Not happening, grandma!” he exclaimed as his small nose wrinkled in distaste. “Grandma, girls just mess you up. Donny French has a dumb old girlfriend, and all they do is hold hands and look at each other all stupid and gushy and stuff! When we play football, he can't even keep his mind on the game! The last game we had, I threw him a sweet Hail Mary pass, and it just bounced off the back of his helmet, because he was staring at his girlfriend on the sidelines. She's a cheerleader. We lost the game, all on account of that dumb ol’ girl!”

  In a rare moment that would have shocked friends, associates, and enemies alike, Grace doubled over, laughing so hard that tears of a different kind began streaming down her cheeks. And at that moment, she felt a peace and satisfaction she hadn't felt since she was tiny thing, being held in her mother's arms. She wished with all her heart she would have taken the time to share simple moments like this with her son, instead of worrying about money and keeping a husband who hated her. Praying she would have one more chance to make things right between herself and Granger, she smiled and said, “I'm thinking one day you'll find a girl who's so beautiful she'll steal your breath away, and you'll be fumbling that football before you can even TRY that sweet Hail Mary pass! She'll steal your heart, and I bet you'll be looking at her the same way Donny French looks at his girlfriend.”

  Cocking his little head to the side, he seemed to be weighing her words carefully.

  Guilt lanced her heart yet again as she thought about how much the boy had in common with his father, in both looks and mannerisms. But unlike Granger himself, Regan had been nurtured by his father, loved and protected. She wished she had allowed Granger to know not only who his real father was, but to let him get to know him as well. The man had been a strong, handsome, but poor vineyard worker who had stolen her heart with just a smile, the very moment she had laid eyes on him. Although the man would have never been able to give him the finer material things in life, she knew in her heart he would have given him unconditional love.

  “Well...if you say so grandma.” he replied doubtfully, then got to his feet and looked at her gravely. “If I have to have a girl one day, then that's fine, I guess, but only if she's as pretty as you. And I'll pray that's she's just as sweet as you, too.” he finished with a sunny smile, then kissed her on the cheek and ran from the room.

  With a heavy sigh, she looked down at the broach in her hand, then clenched it tightly, as if desperately holding onto the past, and the precious few good times and memories she had of her childhood. Closing her eyes, she whispered in a choked voice, “And I pray she's NOTHING like me.”


  Cassandra watched Granger gaze up at the clear night sky. The three-quarter moon was high and bright, and it seemed there were a million stars twinkling.

  Releasing a deep sigh, Granger stuffed his hands in his pockets, his body still as a statue.

  They had spent the afternoon with her mother and her longtime friend, Tate Redford, retired Sheriff of her hometown, and Cassandra had been shocked at how taken the man had seemed with her mom. He never took his eyes off her as he regaled them with stories of their youth, and he had delighted her with stories about her mother, who apparently had been quite the wild teenager back in the day, thumbing her pretty nose at the establishment, and he a smitten white boy who she wouldn't give the time of day to. As it turned out, she had always had a secret crush on him, but had known better than to let it be known. After all, it had been a tu
rbulent time in the sixties, and they both lived in a predominantly white, mountain town.

  Although he had taken part in the conversation, she knew Granger had been distracted the entire evening. He couldn't seem to relax, it was like he was on high-alert, ready to protect her at a moment’s notice from some unseen menace. And it certainly didn't help matters that two armed bodyguards were always within earshot. But to be fair, she supposed that such an intimidating presence couldn't help but be a constant reminder about who was on the loose, and the threat they posed. Today was a very trying day for all of us. The memories and horror of what happened CAN be overwhelming… she thought. But she had just wanted to help him forget, at least for a little while. Glancing at the bodyguards, she asked, “Do you two mind waiting outside in the hall for a while, please? Just for an hour or so?”

  “Yes ma'am.” the elder of the two replied.

  Once they were gone, she removed the robe she was wearing, then stepped out on the balcony to join her husband. Wrapping her arms around his midsection, she pressed her cheek against his tense, muscular back. “Penny for your thoughts, and a pound to take the worry away.” she whispered, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath, his unique, manly scent intoxicating her.

  Feeling her body pressed against him, he sighed again, but with pleasure this time. Turning to face her, he gripped her lush hips tightly and ground himself against her, making his desire clear.

  “What's wrong darling, you still worried?” she asked in a low voice, then pressed her face into his chest.

  “How's Regan?” he replied, hoping to steer the conversation in another direction, then kissed the top of her head.

  Looking up at him, she smiled, her lovely eyes sparkling. “He sends his love, and he's very excited we decided to come home tomorrow.” she replied, then chuckled as she remembered his enthusiastic reply to her news. 'Cool beans!' he had giggled excitedly. Looking back at his chest, her smile turned sultry as her fingers slowly began unbuttoning his dress shirt. “He has a lot planned for my return.” she said absentmindedly.

  “Uhhh, Cass, there's something important we should discuss, since we'll be returning home.” he said as her small hands ran up his chest to his broad shoulders, pushing the expensive shirt off his body and letting it fall at his feet.

  As her hands caressed his shoulders, she noticed his body was thrumming like a high voltage wire, which was completely unlike him. He's as jumpy a cat on a hot tin roof! Well, I'll I'm going to take care of that for him....she decided. “Hmmm, you're so tense darling.” she purred, giving him a look that would have melted stone. “You need to relax baby, and I have just the thing for you. I won't allow you to get so worked up over something you have absolutely no control over. Relax, and let me take care of you.” she murmured, then, with a boldness she never knew she possessed, she nibbled at his chest while one hand slid down and groped his hard erection, giving it a firm, insistent tug.

  The sexual web she was weaving suddenly muddling his thoughts, he tried to refocus on what it was he had been about to say, but to no avail. His body and his urges had overridden his sensible mind, and they were in command now. “Ohhh, that feels sooo...” he stammered as he felt her hand tug even more insistently, then felt her full lips latch onto a suddenly hard nipple and begin nibbling. Get your mind off your cock, you need to tell her the truth about your father, so you can prepare her! His mind screamed, but was betrayed by his body yet again. “Ohhh Cass, baby, listen...OH HELL, like THAT, baby.” he moaned as he felt her hand begin to knead him, undeterred.

  Knowing her teasing was working like a charm, she felt more confident. “Hush, darling!” she commanded. “We can talk later. You're tense, and I'm gonna' take care of you, that's what a good woman should do for her man. Right?” Stepping back for a moment, she shivered with delight when she saw the look in his eyes as his gaze stole up and down her body, which was clad only in one of his crisp white shirts. Unbuttoning the garment slowly, she slid it off her shoulders seductively, fully exposing herself to him, giving him an eye full.

  “Sweet Jesus!" he muttered, naked desire burning in his eyes as he drank in the sight of her smoothly shaved, lower nether regions. Licking his lips, he smiled, ready to kneel and worship her all night, to beg, if that's what it took. “That bare look, ohhh Lordy.” he stammered, actually feeling faint. “I have to see what it feels like. I bet it's as smooth and soft as it looks.” he croaked, then took a step towards her.

  Placing one hand on his chest to halt him, she wagged an index finger admonishingly. “No, no no no NO!” she giggled. “You can have a taste later, but right now I'm the one calling the shots, big man.”

  Her bold attitude exciting him even more, he grinned like a goofy fourteen year old copping his first feel, hardly able to stand the anticipation. His cock was throbbing as if it had a life of its own, and it felt so hard he was suddenly certain he could cut diamonds with it if he tried. The things she's doing to me, MERCY!! He thought in haze of lust.

  Reaching out, she snagged the waistband of his pants with one finger and drew him to her. Standing one her toes, she gripped two handfuls of his hair and tugged his face down to meet hers. Planting her lips on his mouth, her tongue took complete control as it began searching, probing, exploring hungrily, bending him to her will. Feeling strong, in control, and powerful, something she hadn't felt in years, if ever, she broke the kiss after a moment and pushed him against the balcony railing, forcing him to grab it on either side in order to steady himself.

  Unused to not being the one in control, he suddenly let go of the railing and grabbed her hips, pulling her to him. “Maybe we should go inside, to the bedroom. Let's go, I want you, and I want you NOW!” he panted.

  Grasping both his hands firmly, she put them back on the rail, basking in her newfound, bold, assertive sexual side. “I don't think so. What did I tell you, Junior? Now hush! Keep your hands on the rail, and if you take them off, I'll stop what I'm doing, then go inside and go to bed, leaving you to take care of yourself. And I know you don‘t want THAT, do you?”

  Mouth agape, he could only nod mutely.

  Grabbing his belt roughly, she unbuckled it, then fumbled with the button of his trousers. Unzipping his pants, she hooked both her hands around his boxer shorts and pants, then tugged them both down swiftly and decisively. Lowering herself to the floor and onto her knees, she smiled wickedly as the sight of his rigid member standing at full attention greeted her.

  “Baby, you're killing me!” he croaked in what sounded almost like a wounded whimper. He loved the tease, but he needed her now, and he instinctively reached for her again.

  “WHAT DID I TELL YOU?” she demanded in a sharp voice that was like the crack of a whip.

  Flinching, his hands found their way back to the balcony rail as quickly as a pair of striking cobras.

  Satisfied, she reached out and grasped his swollen rod firmly with one hand, then slowly ran the tip of her tongue over the thick purple head, sampling the pre-cum. “Relax.” she whispered as she took his heavy sack in her other hand and ran her tongue down, then around the treasured family jewels. “What does my big boy want...?” she murmured in a teasing, sing-song voice.

  “You know what!” he gasped in a strained voice.

  “Say it.”

  “I want your mouth, around my cock.”

  “Don't you mean you want to feel your cock inside my mouth?”

  “Yeah yeah, whatever” he babbled.


  “So warm, so wet...just like..just like...” his voice trailed off as his entire body shuddered.

  Hungry to please him, and to please herself as well, she got down to business and took his engorged flesh in her mouth eagerly. As she went to work, she stole a quick glance at him, and was pleased to see his eyes roll back in his head as he ascended to his sexual Nirvana. Pulling back, she slowed down a bit, wanting the moment to last, despite the fact her own center was now pulsing with desire. “Mmmmm, your cock is perf
ection, Granger. Everything about you is perfection, my love.” she mumbled, and was pleased when his body jerked spasmodically, as though her words had affected him just as much as her mouth and tongue. Her own hunger growing by the second, she roughly licked the entire length of his shaft several times, then took his member in her mouth again and began sucking wildly.

  Granger had never had a woman do this, making his knees nearly buckle and his senses literally swoon. He was both turned on and stunned, his Cassandra had never been this hungry, this wild, and it thrilled him like nothing else ever had, eclipsing the first time they had ever made love, even. Resting his elbows on the rail, body shaking, he gasped and moaned, “ been holding out on me baby? That feels soooooo...AHHHHHH....good.” he gasped, then, unable to help it any longer, his hands flew to her hair and buried themselves there roughly. Tugging her hair with both hands, he began thrusting his hips forward and back, in perfect timing with her rhythm.

  Sensing his approaching orgasm, she clutched his taut buttocks with both hands, raking them roughly with her nails.

  Now panting like he had just ran a marathon, he felt his toes curl, then threw his head back as he felt his swollen testicles release their heavy load at last. It was the most mind-blowing orgasm he had ever experienced, and even as he panted and grunted with desire, he feared he would actually pass out and topple over the railing.


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