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Remember Me

Page 64

by Rainwater, Priscilla Poole

  Then the other two meddling bitches had came bumbling along, forcing her to conceal the weapon and flee to an empty stall. She knew it would be next to impossible to shoot all three women and still escape. Even in a club as noisy as this, three shots would definitely draw unwanted attention. Those sneaky bitches, WHORES, ALL OF THEM! She thought.

  Caressing her own swollen stomach (still believing she was pregnant), she muttered, “Don't worry, sweet child of mine. Tonight she will die, we just have to watch and wait for the right time.” Thinking of a lifetime with Granger, a lifetime of passionate lovemaking, she became so excited she had to clamp her lips together to keep from moaning out loud and alerting anyone to her presence in the stall. With a far off look, she rocked from side to side and whispered to her imaginary child. “We'll have daddy with us soon, and we'll be one big, happy family.”

  Standing for a moment, she listened closely to see if she could hear anyone, then ventured cautiously from the stall and giggled when she spotted Brett leaning casually against a sink, smiling at her. “Brettie! You know you shouldn't be in here, you naughty boy.” she admonished. “You naughty, naughty perv! I ought to give you a spanking!”

  “Don't concern yourself about that my dear, lovely cousin. I'm so pleased you're going to be patient and wait for the right time. Timing is everything, you know, just like grandma' taught us. You must never rush their demise, savor their suffering." Clapping his hands gleefully, he winked at her. “But, I'm very excited you're going to make her pay for her sins against us!”

  Smiling, she blushed, pleased with the rare praise. Running her hands over her stomach, she said, “I don't think the child she's carrying is Granger's! You heard how her and her whore friends were talking about other men! You did hear them, didn't you? I'm going to kill her for deceiving Granger!”

  “I agree!” he frowned. “Removing that treacherous bitch from his life is the best thing you could ever do for him. Now go and wait for your chance to assume your rightful place. Kill her tonight! I'll be watching and rooting for you.”

  Running towards the door, she looked back at him and vowed, “Oh, I'll do it, alright! You'll be so proud. She dies, tonight!”

  As she opened the door and slipped outside, the blaring, earth-shaking music immediately drowned out her maniacal laughter, and then her scream of torment.


  Barely able to keep from exploding, Granger watched the handsome African American man dancing with his wife. He didn't know what pissed him off more, that the damn wet-behind-the-ears kid kept putting his grubby paws on her, or the seductive way she moved her hips and gave him that heart melting smile of hers. It also didn't help matters that she was wearing a Sexy black wrap dress, with black, scrappy heels. The material of the dress flowed seamlessly over and around her curves, and the plunging neckline showed off her fabulous cleavage. Even with the material clinging to the swell of her stomach, seeing her in that dress turned him on.

  At that moment the man took her hands in his and kissed each one, making her giggle. Now he was beyond pissed. She hadn't even cracked a smile at him, or even acknowledged him, when she had finally spotted him. What the hell does that punk have that would make her smile like that? Shit, he's so young he probably hasn't grown his first pubes yet, the little asshat!” He thought sourly. When the young man twirled her around, pressing her back against his front and resting his hands on her hips, he finally slammed his drink down on the bar and muttered, “Oh HELL no!”

  When the three young women from the bathroom finally built up the nerve to approach him again, they quickly turned away and fled like scattering quail when they saw the look on his face.


  As usual, Nicola was enjoying the attention he always got from women in any nightclub, and this one was no exception. American women, especially, after hearing his accent, were putty in his hands. He'd collected several phone numbers thus far, along with several offers for a night of adult fun. A few even asked about Granger, saying their friends were interested in him, but he proudly informed them that his brother was married, and prided himself on being faithful to his wife. Of course he had slipped them his own cell phone number, assuring them that he himself wasn't burdened with such a commitment.

  Glancing up from the girl he was chatting up, whose name was Sherry, he looked out on the dance floor to see Cassandra laughing and apparently having a ball with a complete stranger. Glancing in Granger's direction, he could tell immediately his brother was dangerously close to the breaking point.

  Quickly excusing himself and disappointing the young lady, he rushed to his brother's side and grabbed one arm firmly just as he began heading in Cassandra's direction. “Granger, listen to me, brother. If you go over there behaving like a Neanderthal, you'll do nothing but anger her and push her further away, do you understand?” he shouted over the blaring music.

  Glaring at his brother, his long, aristocratic nose flaring, his cobalt eyes shone with a dangerous ferocity. He was through handling the situation with kid gloves. Snatching his arm away from his brother, he yelled back, “No man but me should be dancing with her or touching her like that ! I'm not going to fucking stand here and watch like some limp-dick punk!”

  “Now you listen to me, you hot head!” Nicola yelled and grabbed his arm even more firmly than he had moments earlier. “Yes! She IS your wife, but she's the wife you're trying to woo back, or have you forgotten already? Play it cool, man, play it cool!”

  Jaw ticking angrily, Granger stared into his brother's own eyes, which were blazing as well, then let out his breath. Nicola was right, if he went and started a fight, it would just be one more road block for them to overcome. He wouldn't show his ass, but he wasn't going to allow some kid to grind against his wife. “Fine!” he snapped. “But I'm going to go cut in on that little dance!” he growled, then headed towards Cassandra once Nicola had relinquished the hold on his arm.

  The last song faded, then Alicia Keys, 'No One', began playing, and Granger took it as a sign, because no one belonged with Cassandra but him, and he planned on proving that to her right now.

  Chapter 52

  “Come on, just one more dance. You've made my night. My brothers envy me, dancing with such a beautiful lady. ” Tony said in a sweet voice as he twirled Cassandra around one last time on the dance floor.

  Flattered by his sweet comment, she fanned her face with one hand and returned the man's smile. He really did seem like a sweet, sincere young man, but as flattered as she was by his attention, she was ready to call it night. Just as she was about to tell him, she was interrupted.

  “Excuse me, I would like this dance with my wife.” Granger said in a deceptively calm voice.

  “Granger!” she yelped as she turned around and saw him standing behind her.

  “Hello, Cass.” he greeted her with a thin-lipped smile, barely able to contain the laughter that was welling up inside. To him, she looked almost like a little girl who had got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

  Tony looked at Cassandra, gave her one last smile, then took both her hands in his and kissed the back of them. Thanking her for the dance, he nodded at Granger gracefully, then left the couple alone on the dance floor.

  As they looked at one another in awkward silence, Alicia Keys' soulful voice reached out to them:

  I just want you close

  Where you can stay forever

  You can be sure

  That it will only get better

  Cassandra felt the baby moving inside her, almost like she sensed her father was near and was happy about it. The little arms and legs seemed to double time.

  You and me together

  Through the days and nights

  I don't worry cause

  Everything's going to be alright

  People keep talking, they can say what they like

  But all I know is everything's going to be alright

  The song spoke to Granger, and every
word seemed to mirror his own thoughts and feelings. His handsome face lit up with a smile, and he leaned forward and spoke to her in a seductive voice. “Come here, baby.” he said, then held his hand out for her to take, which she did.

  Sweeping his wife up in his arms, he slowly began swaying with the music, his hands gently rubbing her back. Kissing her earlobe and feeling her shudder, he whispered, “Watching you dance with that guy drove me insane. I never want to see you that happy in anyone's arms but mine. I just need to be with you. If I could take back what I did, I would. Surely you can see that, can't you?

  No one, no one, no one

  Can get in the way what I'm feeling

  No one, no one, no one

  Can get in the way of what I feel for you

  Can get in the way of what I feel for you

  Melting in his arms, Cassandra closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of them moving slowly together, as one. The sudden touch of his lips on her neck and shoulder made her shiver, and she clamped her lips tight to keep from moaning out loud.

  When the rain is pouring down

  And my heart is hurting

  You will always be around

  This I know for certain

  “Granger, I know this is hard for you. We still have things to work out, and if we ignore the problems that we had, and have yet to deal with, I'm afraid we'll never be happy. I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm just not ready yet to have you back in my life.” she said with an effort. Looking up into his eyes, she wanted him to see and understand what she was feeling. “I remember our past now, when we were first married, and you never really listened to what I thought or what I would tell you I needed. You called the shots from day one, but this time we have to be equals. I won't accept anything less.”

  Rising up on the tips of her toes, she cupped his handsome face with both hands, and murmured the next line of the song to him, meaning every word.

  I know some people search the world

  To find something like what we have

  I know people will try to divide something so real

  So till the end of time I'm telling you there ain't no one

  Her words were cut off by Granger pulling her into a deep, lustful kiss that made her entire firm, lithe body shudder in ecstasy.


  Satin nudged Nicola as they watched Granger nearly consume his wife on the dance floor with what looked like a toe curling kiss. “You told Granger we would be here tonight. Is that why you were at my office, to spy for your brother?” she interrogated him like he was an unfortunate victim of hers on a witness stand in court.

  Gracing both Cynne' and Satin with a smug, yet mysterious smile, Nicola wrapped one muscular arm around each of them, very proud of his handy work. “I told what I heard at your office, and when he decided to come, I simply decided to tag along. You know, for moral support. Besides, my spying was for a good cause. My poor brother was losing his mind, not being able to talk to his wife. I couldn't stand to see him suffer like that, so I took action and gave him a chance to be with the woman he dearly loves.” He winked at Satin, and looked back out on the dance floor. “Besides, he knows what he did was wrong, and he wants a second chance to prove to her he understands what she's feeling.” he explained. Although a womanizer, deep down Nicola was a hopeless romantic when it came to others. It was an enigma, even to himself.

  Looking around the club at all the people that seemed to be watching Cassandra and Granger, Cynne' said, “You know, this setting reminds me of Carrie.”

  Turning to face her with puzzled expressions on their faces, both Satin and Nicola blurted “What???” simultaneously.

  Looking at them impatiently, she replied, “Carrie! You know, the movie! The Stephen King classic!”

  “Oh.” Satin muttered while Nicola continued staring at her in confused silence.

  Frowning, Cynne' seemed to be talking more to herself than her two flabbergasted friends. “Of course Cass isn't some telepathic nut who was scorned by entire high school, towns people, and her bible thumping momma. You remember when the mean girls got the school's hot jock to ask Carrie to the prom? But instead of it being a beautiful night for her, all the popular ho's dumped pigs blood on the poor girl. Ahh well, I guess since everyone likes Cass, it won't happen to her. Protocol says you have to be the outcast to get the pigs blood dumped on you, huh?”

  “Protocol? What protocol?” Satin asked.

  “Horror movie protocol. Jesus, don't tell me you're as dense as that meathead Raidon, are you?”

  Completely baffled, Nicola shook his head and mumbled, “I really think you ladies should stop drinking, like five minutes ago.”


  Unable to bear the sight of Granger dancing with the bitch and kissing her like some horny teenaged virgin, Martina closed her eyes tightly when she saw his hands wander and cup the woman's buttocks. All the years she had waited for him, hoping he would open his eyes to the fact she was meant to be his wife! He was rightfully hers, not that posing slut who had him fooled.

  Convinced everyone in the entire club was secretly watching her and laughing at her rejection and humiliation, she opened her eyes and glared at no one in particular, her face flushed with rage.

  “You know what you have to do, don't you?” a voice behind her asked.

  Snarling, she whirled around, then her faced softened. “Brett! Yes, I think I know what to do now.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Go on and do it.”

  “Aright.” she replied with a grim look, then began making her way towards the exit, rudely shoving people out of her way.

  “Hey lady, watch it!” a waitress screamed at her as several glasses fell off her tray and crashed to the floor.

  “Get out of my way, you trailer park trash!” Martina sneered.

  The scrappy waitress was ready to kick ass until she saw ‘crazy bitch’ written all over the woman's face. And she would know, she had certainly seen enough of them in her line of work. “Fucking nut.” she muttered as she watched the woman kick the exit door open.


  Gently nudging his shoulders and breaking their kiss, Cassandra knew that if she didn't stop, what little was left of her willpower would evaporate and she would cave. “Granger, I really should go. I see my friends are using your brother to prop themselves up. I think they got a little carried away with the drinks.” she said, nodding in the direction of Cynne', Satin, and Nicola.

  Granger looked and saw his brother with the women, one on each of his arms, laughing, and as usual, he was flirting with them. He rolled his eyes when Nicola spotted him and gave him a huge, cheesy grin. “Cass, I'm sure Nicola wouldn't mind taking them home, and you and I could go home. Together.”

  That's what I'm worried about... she thought as she watched Nicola getting touchy-feely with her two friends. Looking at her husband one last time, she gave him a soft smile and kissed him on the cheek. “Good night, Granger.” she whispered, then, feeling a confidence she had never possessed, made her way towards her giggling friends without looking back.


  Making their way through the nearly deserted, dimly lit parking lot, Satin, Cynne', and Cassandra were escorted by Satin's newly found would-be boy toy Stewart, as they discussed Cassandra's plans for putting together a local food bank fund raiser.

  “Let's go to I.H.O.P, I'm in the mood for some pancakes smothered in strawberries and whipped cream.” Satin suggested, her mouth watering at the mere thought. Hours of dancing in the club had worked up her appetite.

  Emboldened by the alcohol rushing through his veins, Stewart's right hand wandered down to Satin's firm backside and rubbed sensuously. With a whisper that was unintentionally overheard by the others, he said, “If you want, babe, I can make you breakfast in bed, after I give you something else in bed.”

  Nudging Cynne's ribs with one elbow, Cassandra snickered, wondering if Sa
tin would take him up on his offer.

  Unable to contain her own laughter, Cynne' giggled, then hiccupped for what seemed like the thousandth time that night.

  All three were so caught up in their teasing of Satin, none of them noticed the silver car idling in the alley across the parking lot.


  After Cassandra and her tipsy friends had left with the young man who had been trying to put the moves on Satin, Granger saw no reason to hang around the club. Thinking about the way she had looked at him after he had kissed her, he thought, I'm wearing her down. He couldn't believe he had actually made any leeway with his wife at all, and as far as he was concerned, her willingness to dance with him, to talk to him even, was a huge step in the right direction.

  As he walked out of the club, he and Nicola immediately spotted Cassandra's small group. Watching his wife laugh and kid with the others warmed his heart, and he knew she had been right about one thing, she had blossomed in his absence, and this time, if there was a 'this time', he wanted their relationship to be on equal footing. Spotting a car idling in the dark alley across the parking lot, he was suddenly overcome with apprehension as Cassandra's group walked past nonchalantly. Protect her! An inner voice screamed as he sprinted across the parking lot and screamed, “LOOK OUT!”


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