Book Read Free

My Step-Dad's Brother

Page 7

by Fiona Davenport

  Maggie’s fingers dug into my ribs, but I ignored the warning.

  “I don’t think anyone wants a repeat of what happened earlier.”

  Stanley’s faced turned red with embarrassment, pretty much matching the color of Maggie’s when I glanced down at her. Bunny however, threw her head back and laughed hysterically.

  Stanley frowned. “Until she has a ring on her finger, you will sleep in the guest room and she will sleep in her bedroom while you are in this house,” he commanded.

  “I figured you’d say that and I respect your wishes,” I countered. He looked mollified by my acceptance. “That’s why we’ve already found a place and started moving into it.”

  Again, Stanley sputtered, but eventually, his face registered acceptance. He looked at Maggie. “I love you as though you were my blood daughter, Magnolia. Your mom and I will always be here for you.”

  Maggie and Bunny both beamed at him while I breathed a sigh of relief that everything had worked out. I was sick of hiding things and I was ready to get my woman to our house and christen every room, making sure the walls were all embedded with the sound of her screams.

  “Thanks, Stanley. That means a—” Maggie halted mid-sentence and her hand flew to cover her mouth. Then she took off running. I followed right behind, entering the bathroom just as she dropped to the floor in front of the toilet and lost her breakfast.

  Well fuck. That was fast. I hid my grin as I knelt beside her and held back her hair. Bunny handed me a damp wash cloth while she and Stanley stood worriedly in the doorway.

  Maggie sat back after it seemed there was nothing left and I wiped down her face with the cool rag. I looked up at the couple in the doorway. “Could we have a minute?”

  Bunny dragged Stanley away and shut the door. I grabbed a cup of water and handed it to Maggie, which she took gratefully. “I wonder if the sushi from last night was bad,” she mused.

  “I’m not sick,” I reminded her, since we’d both eaten it.

  “Oh, right.” She seemed lost in thought for a minute and I wondered if I would have to spell it out for her. Then her eyes widened and her mouth formed a little O. “I couldn’t be...” she denied, shaking her head.

  “Baby doll,” I sighed. “I’ve been fucking you without a condom for two weeks. A lot. I’m surprised it happened this fast, but with the amount of come I’ve filled you with, I probably shouldn’t be.” Her cheeks pinkened and I couldn’t help chuckling.

  “But what about our plans?” She seemed torn between being happy and worried.

  “We’ll make it work, sweet Maggie. I’m going to give you everything you ever wanted. If that means taking a nanny with us all around the world, that’s what we’ll do.”

  A bright smile creased her face and she never looked more beautiful to me. “I love you,” she grinned happily.

  “Damn good thing since I’m never letting you go.”


  “Fuck! You’re so tight!” I panted as I bucked my hips, my cock dragging along the walls of her pussy. “Nobody but me can hear you, baby doll. Let me hear how much you want me to make you come.”

  “Yes! Please, Harrison! Oh, yes!”

  She was so fucking hot when she begged. I sucked one turgid nipple into my mouth and gave it a deep pull. Her back arched and she cried out. “I want to live inside this pussy, baby doll,” I growled, fucking her harder. My balls were drawing up and my spine was tingling. I wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer.

  I felt wilder tonight, almost feral. It seemed to be fueled by the knowledge that I’d done my job as a man and knocked up my woman. It was a good thing that we waited to take the test until we’d gotten to our place because the second it came up positive, I was on her.

  I slid my hands up her arms and wrapped her fingers around the headboard. “Hold on tight.” She gripped it and I moved my hands to her ass, lifting her and tightening her legs around my waist. Then I planted my fists into the bed, elbows locked, and dug my feet into the mattress for leverage. I began pounding into her so hard the bed slammed into the wall over and over.

  “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she screamed.

  “Oh fuck! Squeeze that pussy, Maggie. Yes! Fuck!”

  Dropping my head, I took her mouth in a rough, tongue twisting kiss and it pushed her over the edge with me following right behind.

  It took a while for us to come back down and when we did, I was still hard as a fucking rock. I flipped us over, still buried inside her so she was straddling me. “Ride me, baby doll,” I commanded gruffly. I held her hips and guided her into a steady rhythm of rising and falling on my cock. Her gorgeous fat tits were bouncing in my face and I was mesmerized by the sight.

  My hands slid around to cup her plump ass cheeks and I jerked her into me so I was hitting all the right spots every time she fell back down on my shaft. My eyes dropped to her flat belly and just like that, I exploded inside her with a roar. My orgasm fed hers and she screamed my name as she splintered apart.

  Later, we cuddled in bed, her naked body sprawled across mine and my hands rubbing lazy circles on her back. I was still deep inside her, despite being only semi-hard. I couldn’t bring myself to separate from her.

  “When are we going to tell them about the baby?” Maggie inquired softly. “Aren’t you supposed to wait until the third month or something?”

  She was probably right, but I knew myself better than that. I wouldn’t be able to hold out that long. “How about we tell them next weekend? We’ll have them over for dinner to celebrate and tell them then.”

  She placed her hands on my chest and lifted up to look at my face. “What will they think we’re celebrating?”

  I reached to my left and opened the nightstand drawer, pulling out a little velvet pouch. “I was thinking that we could celebrate our engagement,” I told her as I dangled it in front of her by the drawstrings.

  Maggie gasped and stared at the little bag as it spun around. But, she made no move to take it.

  “Well?” I said impatiently.

  She raised an eyebrow and looked down her nose haughtily. “What?” she snapped without real malice. “Don’t you have something to ask me before I open my present?”

  I laughed, making Maggie’s body bounce on me and her walls clamped down on my cock in a reflexive action, making me instantly hard. I groaned and rocked against her.

  Maggie snapped her fingers in my face. “Focus, Harrison!”

  I couldn’t help chuckling again. “You are so fucking cute. You know that?” Her face glowed with pleasure, but she shrugged nonchalantly.

  Opening the pouch, I dumped a sparkling diamond ring into my waiting palm. “Magnolia Rose Bloom, I love you more than anything. I want the world to know without any doubt that you are mine, will always be mine. Will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” Maggie squealed and dove down for a deep, wet kiss. By the time she pulled back, we were both moaning from the friction where we were still joined. I slipped the ring on her finger and proceeded to make her give me the same one word answer over and over again throughout the night.



  The clicking of his camera alerted me to Harrison’s presence before anything else did. It was a sound I’d quickly grown familiar with since he always seemed to have it in hand whenever we went on a trip. Cracking my eyes open, I placed a hand on my forehead to block out the sun so I could see his face when I looked up. “You’re back!”

  “I sure am,” he confirmed, flashing me a devastating grin as his gaze swept up and down my swimsuit-clad body. “And you’re a sight for sore eyes.”

  His eyes darted to the pool, scanning it quickly, before his smile turned into a frown. “Where are the girls?”

  “Off learning about traditional dances with Amara.” I pointed up at the balcony overlooking the pool. Two little blonde heads were barely visible, but Amara’s eyes were latched onto them as they all moved to the music that drifted down towards the pool. She was one of the babysitters
on staff at the lodge, and she’d been a life saver for me over the past month. “They wore me out and leapt at the chance to dance their little hearts out for a little bit while Mommy took a quick nap.”

  Harrison crouched low, resting a hand on my still-flat lower belly. “It’s a good thing we’re heading home soon. I’ll feel better about the pregnancy once we can get you in to see your doctor.”

  “There’s nothing to worry about,” I reassured him. “I’m not that far along. There isn’t anything for the doctor to even do yet, except to tell me I’m pregnant, and we’ve already confirmed it with that test you got me. Although, I’m still not sure how you managed to get your hands on one while we’re in the middle of the Serengeti.”

  We were hours away from anything, surrounded by vast Acacia-studded grassland savannahs, riverine forests, swamps, hills and valleys. The lodge where we’d been staying was gorgeous, but the main attraction for most visitors were the countless species of wild animals and birds in the area. When Harrison had been invited to serve as the photojournalism expert for a well-respected African photo safari company, I’d begged him to say yes. It was a great opportunity since he only had to accompany one group for nine days and provide them with a behind-the-scenes perspective during their trip.

  We’d arrived in Africa two weeks early, giving us plenty of time to explore with Ginger and Rose. Ages two and four, they were quite the seasoned world travelers since we made it our mission to take them on trips several times a year. It started with an extended tour of Italy on an extended honeymoon, although, I hadn’t gotten the champagne Harrison had promised me since I was four months pregnant with Rose at the time. Since then, we’d been to ten different countries on four continents—well, five now since we’d finally made it to Africa.

  “Are you really surprised?” he asked. “You needed the test, so I made sure you had it.”

  “Like always.” It had been like that since the day we met, Harrison doing whatever it took to take care of me. Making my dreams come true with all the adventures a girl could want and the growing family I’d always dreamed about. “But this time around, you get to tell my mom and step-dad that you knocked me up again.”

  “Bunny will be thrilled,” he chuckled, knowing damn well that he was right. My mom had taken to the role of grandma like she was born to it. “But I have a feeling Stanley is going to threaten my balls.”

  “That’s what you get for getting me pregnant while we’re in the wilds of Africa. You know how worried he gets, especially when we take the girls with us.” Stanley was an amazing grandfather to the our daughters, but he was also quite the worrywart—which he liked to say was because he had to do double duty as their uncle too. “And if it’s finally a boy this time, I just might let him have your balls since we won’t need them anymore.”

  “Oh, yeah?” he huffed.

  I cocked my head at him sassily before giggling. “Maybe not. I think I might want one more out of you either way.”

  “Whatever you want, baby doll.”

  Little did we know, he’d already given me the boy I wanted, along with another baby girl. Fraternal twins to round out our family.

  Continue on for a bonus read, Baby Steps (Yeah, Baby #2)

  Baby Steps

  Yeah, Baby 2

  Guy Rule #2: No sleeping with your step-sister

  Lucas St. James is accustomed to women wanting something from him. They tend to see his good looks and fat bank account but never the man underneath. After a passionate weekend with Jade Jones, he assumes she’s no different and cuts her loose. But he’s in for the shock of his life when he sees her again at his dad’s lawyer’s office.

  Jade swore she’d never follow her mom’s advice about it being as easy to love a rich man as a poor one. Although she has the blonde bombshell looks to attract a sugar daddy, she’s not the gold digger Lucas accused her of being. Her mom might have lured his dad into marriage before their untimely death, but Jade is focused on making it on her own.

  Now they’re permanently connected by their parent’s marriage, the terms of his dad’s will—and the fact that Jade is carrying her step-brother's baby.

  Warning: This novella contains a sexy alpha, insta-love, and an "oops" baby! It's quick, hot, and dirty.

  **This is the second novella in the Yeah, Baby series, but each story can be read as a standalone and features a different couple.

  The pregnancy might be accidental, but their love is not.

  Chapter 1


  “I’m sure your step-brother will be here shortly.”

  “Step-brother?” I repeated dumbly, having no clue what the heck the lawyer was talking about. When I got the call yesterday, I thought the request to come to Mr. Wilkinson’s office to discuss my mom’s death was odd. She had died four weeks ago and I wasn’t expecting to inherit anything from her since she didn’t have much to pass down to me except maybe some debts. Although, when I attempted to take care of them, they’d been mysteriously paid off. Then, when I’d entered their posh offices and been ushered in to see one of the named partners without waiting, I’d wondered if they’d mistaken me for someone else. Now, the mention of a mystery step-brother cinched it. I knew for sure something weird was going on here. “There must be a mistake. I don’t have a step-brother.”

  He rifled through a stack of papers on his desk and pulled one out. “Your mom was Diamond Jones, correct?”

  I cringed at his use of her full first name. She hated it and preferred to be called Di, which was odd when you thought about it since she named me after a gem too. What kind of person who hated being named after a precious jewel turned around and named their only child after one? It made no sense to me. Then again, I never claimed to understand anything about my mom. She and I had always been polar opposites. “Yes.”

  He stretched his arm across the desk and handed the paper to me. I glanced down and the words “Marriage Certificate” jumped out at me. My mom was listed as the bride, and it was dated for the day before the car crash which took her life four weeks ago. “My mom got married?”

  Sympathy shone from the lawyer’s eyes. “Theirs was a whirlwind courtship. I’m sure she was going to discuss it with you when she and Jonathan returned from their honeymoon. He was a very private man, and there were public relations issues to work out before they went public with the marriage.”

  My mom married a guy who had to take public relations issues into consideration? One whose fancy lawyer referred to him by his first name? Oh, Mama. You finally landed the golden goose you’d always dreamed of, only to die the next day. If that wasn’t irony biting you in the ass, I didn’t know what was.

  “When I was contacted about her death, the police mentioned there was a man in the car with her at the time. Was it Jonathan? Did he survive the crash?”

  “I’m sorry to say he lingered in the hospital for a week before passing away,” he explained. “Unfortunately, someone dropped the ball and neglected to contact you sooner so we could help with the arrangements for her funeral and make sure you were taken care of during this time of crisis.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered. “But I have everything under control. My mom has already been buried. I spoke with her landlord and the rent on her apartment was already paid up for last month and this one too. I have a little time before I need to clear it out which was a godsend since I have a show to prepare for and not a lot of free time right now.”

  “I don’t think you’ll find many personal effects at the apartment. I believe most of her things had already been moved into Jonathan’s estate,” he explained. “If you need additional time, I’m sure we can make arrangements to have the remainder of her items packed up and moved for you.”

  “That’s kind of you to offer, but I guess I don’t really understand what I’m doing here.”

  “My assistant should have explained when she called yesterday.” He sent an irritated glance towards his door, as though she could see him. “You’ve been named in
Jonathan’s will.”

  “Why would he even do that when we’d never met? I mean, I didn’t even know he existed,” I mumbled the last part, cringing a little at blurting it out like that. “When would he have had time to add me to his will?”

  “Jonathan was a man who knew how to get things done quickly.” I held back an inappropriate giggle while thinking about how fast my mom had to have moved to get him to marry her so swiftly. Apparently spritzing men’s cologne in a high-end department store finally paid off. “And considering the size of his estate, he didn’t want to leave anything to chance once your mom was a part of his life.”

  I couldn’t help but think of all the men who’d paraded through my mom’s world while I was growing up. As different as we were and despite the distance between us, I loved her dearly. It was deeply saddening to know she’d finally met a man who apparently treasured her the way she’d always wanted, only to die shortly afterward.

  I stood, intending to step away for a moment to gain control of my emotions before I ended up sobbing in front of a stranger. My stomach had another form of embarrassment in mind instead. The breakfast burrito I’d gobbled down this morning crept back up my throat. My gaze darted around the room, frantically searching for a place where I could vomit. “I think I’m going to be sick,” I mumbled past the hand I’d slapped over my mouth.

  The lawyer rolled his chair back and started to pull a trash can out from under his desk. I didn’t have enough time to wait for him and scampered around to his side, falling to my knees and thanking my lucky stars when my puke hit the bottom of the trash can. A couple minutes later, once my stomach was empty, I realized I’d trapped Mr. Wilkinson in his chair because the wall was right behind him. Grabbing the handkerchief he was holding out for me and lifting it to swipe at my lips, I felt my cheeks heat as I rose to my feet again.


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