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Page 5

by Terry Bolryder

  Harley shook her head at him, leaning against the door as she closed it behind her. “What is wrong with you? You turned me down today. You have no right to come after Fifi, and—”

  Benny couldn’t wait any longer and crossed over to the door, cutting her words off as he closed his mouth over hers, taking what he’d always wanted so desperately.

  She melted instantly, her hands weaving into his shirt and pulling him in tighter as if she were afraid he was going to change his mind and pull away.


  He kissed her deeply, savoring the feel of her lips, the little moans she made as he forced his way into her mouth and went deeper, deeper, until he could feel her kiss in his very soul.

  One hand left the door to stroke down her neck, and he treasured the little shiver she gave as she arched slightly, encouraging him.

  It was better than he’d ever imagined. His hand trailed over her shoulder, stroking her arm through the soft hoodie. It was almost better that he couldn’t feel her skin, that he could only imagine…

  But then she was pushing against him, struggling in earnest, and he quickly pulled back, worried that in getting carried away, he might have upset her.

  But all she wanted was space to pull her hoodie over her head, and the little wiggles she made as she struggled to pull it off only hastened the fire inside him.

  He quickly helped her, tossing the sweatshirt aside, loving the way her hair was mussed once she was free.

  Loving the way her cheeks were flushed, the way her breath was rapid and heavy, the way her legs seemed to tremble as she leaned back against the door.

  He couldn’t help trapping her again, cupping her face with one hand, propping his other hand against the door.

  She trembled slightly, looking up at him, and he leaned down until their lips were close.

  “God, Harley, tell me if you don’t want this, because otherwise, I—”

  Her hands flew up around his neck, yanking him in against her lips, where she kissed him fiercely, her tongue swiping at the seam of his lips until he opened in shock, letting her inside. Her tongue twisted with his for a moment as heat built between them and his body ached to be even closer to hers.

  When she pulled back, keeping their foreheads together, both of them panting, she sounded breathless. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life, you stupid bear.”

  She jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist, and he smiled, loving her eagerness. His hands moved down to her hips, supporting her, but she let out a little growl and grabbed one of his hands, moving it to her butt.

  He didn’t need to be told twice and quickly adjusted so he could hold her soft curves in his hands.

  He pressed her up against the door, though her weight was nothing to him. She might as well have been a feather, but he wanted her to feel the support of the door at her back.

  Wanted her to feel him against her, surrounding her and leaving no escape.

  Wanted her to feel how completely his she was so she would never let anyone touch her again.

  As long as she allowed him, he’d protect her forever, keep everyone at bay so she was safe, make sure she was only happy, never sad or afraid.

  It was all he’d wanted his entire life, and now a stupid bottle of pills was making him unafraid to face it.

  He’d tried to be okay with less, with only friendship, with a life that watched everyone else pass by, having love, having everything, while he had to press his nose to the window.

  But right now, just for this moment—because he was drunk or because he was desperate or because there was no other way left—he would have everything.

  Because she was everything to him.

  He nuzzled her neck as he ground his hips against her jeans, loving the way she moaned and arched back.

  He grinned, knowing the pulsing music outside would keep anyone from hearing them. As much as everyone tried to get involved in their love life, he wanted this moment to be just for them.

  “God, I’ve dreamed of this,” she said, arching back as he kissed down her neck voraciously, stopping to suck hard at the place where her collarbone met her shoulder. He wanted to mark her, wanted to know that no one else could touch her, wanted—

  Her lips closed over his, and he calmed somewhat, sinking into the intimacy of the moment. Harley’s lips. Harley’s hands in his hair. Harley’s soft legs wrapped around him.

  Though he’d always been afraid of being pushed away, all she seemed to want was to be close to him.

  Perhaps part of him had never been able to face that, how wonderful it was and how much he didn’t deserve it.

  Perhaps that’s why he always tried to say they were only friends.

  He held her up with one hand, and the other came forward to run up her waist, stopping just below her bra, waiting for permission.

  “Please,” she gasped against his mouth desperately. “Yes.”

  He palmed her breast, so soft, so perfect, her small nipple pressed out against his hand, and he moved to tweak it gently between his two fingers, marveling at the way her head rolled back in pure pleasure.

  He stepped back from the door, bringing her with him just to protect her head.

  “One second,” she said, wriggling to get down.

  He carefully lowered her, taking a moment to look at her askew bra, her pants on her curvy hips, her flushed cheeks, her wild curls.

  Her fierce eyes.

  She pushed him backward aggressively, and he felt the animal inside him wake to the challenge.

  For a moment, he felt pure panic, expecting the beast to break out. But a second later, he felt the sensation fading.

  Thank goodness. The pills were still in his pocket, just in case.

  She grabbed his shirt and kissed him violently, shoving him back until his butt hit the desk. God, her breasts felt good pressed against him.

  He loved how eager she was, how desperate to be close she seemed.

  But she hadn’t yet seen what desperation was.

  He grabbed her hands and held them together, dragging them down.

  Then he kissed her again, using his other hand to pin her against him, loving the way she writhed in his arms as he pressed kisses all over her neck and shoulders, unwilling to let her escape for even a second.

  “You think I don’t want you?” he asked desperately. “I want you the way the dying want to live. I want you the way birds need wings and the way fish need water. I want and need you every moment of every day. I can’t possibly live without you.”

  His voice was raspy, and he was trying hard to keep his composure as he dared to look down to see the reaction in her eyes.

  He’d expected censure, but all he saw was glowing, burning love.

  Her green eyes were pooling with it.

  “Oh, Benny,” was all she could say as he pushed her back over to the couch, then gently set her on it, laying her down and putting one leg over her, using one hand to pin both of hers over her head.

  “Still okay?” he asked, because he knew he was being aggressive.

  She shook her head, and he instantly released her. But instead of trying to leave, she simply sat up, taking off her bra and throwing it aside.

  For a second, all he could do was stare at the beautiful, pale orbs in front of him, topped with perfect pinky-brown nipples, more amazing than he ever could have imagined.

  She arched back, putting her hands over her head, looking up at him expectantly. “There. Much better.”

  His mouth quirked in a smile. He couldn’t love this girl more.

  “Keep your hands there,” he said. “I don’t want you to move them.”

  She nodded, flushing deeply, her body squirming slightly.

  He put a hand to her button, flicking it open as he kept his eyes on hers, watching her lashes flutter in anticipation.

  Then he dragged down the zipper, feeling his throat tighten at the thought of what he would see.

  Sweet, red panties met his eyes, and h
e gently pulled her jeans down and off of her, along with her socks and shoes, so the panties were all she had on.

  Everything else was just creamy skin, gorgeous hair, a face to die for, eyes that watched him with some sentiment he didn’t deserve.

  He would do his best to deserve it for however many moments he had.

  As much as he wanted her naked, there was still a part of him that knew he had to hold back. That he had to do all of this slowly so he didn’t risk losing control.

  But God, she was the only woman he’d ever seen like this. The only one he’d ever want to see. His hand reverently stroked over the silky material between her legs, and he smiled when he felt it was wet.

  “You want me,” he growled, stroking lightly, watching every tiny movement she made, the way her breath caught in her throat.

  She jerked, and her eyes met his, fiery. “Of course I do.”

  He wanted to rip the panties off, bury himself deep inside her, mate her, and make her scream his name. The bear in him practically demanded it.

  That was precisely why he had to hold back.

  But he could give her something as long as she kept her hands up, as long as she didn’t touch him and drive him even wilder than he already was.

  Just the sight of her trapped there, helpless, ignited all of his protective instincts, and a surge of possessiveness so fierce he could barely stand it overtook him as he lowered his mouth over hers for a kiss.

  He kissed her fiercely, one hand cupping her head, stroking her hair as his other hand found her clit, stroking over her panties.

  She bucked and writhed, moaning against his mouth, but he gave no mercy, working his finger over her until her whole body went tight and she came apart in his arms.

  God, Harley—his Harley—was coming.

  He stared, capturing every second like a man who had been drowning and was coming up for one last breath.

  Her hands dug into the couch, looking for purchase, and he buried himself against her, pushing her hands up around his neck so she could hold on.

  She bucked against him, writhing with a few aftershocks, calling his name as he took all of her sounds into his mouth, wanting to savor everything.

  She was his woman. His love. He wanted to please her.

  He didn’t know how he could ever stop.

  Chapter 6

  Harley felt as if she were dreaming as she slowly came down from the best orgasm of her life.

  She’d had them before, using her vibrator, thinking of Benny, but there had always been an ache associated with them, the worry that she would never actually know what it was like to be in his arms.

  Now that she knew, she would probably only be more addicted.

  She hadn’t known her body could light up like that, like it was so full of energy she was bursting, like happiness could be a feeling that washed over you in waves all the way to your toes.

  She knew it was only because it was Benny. Because he’d always been there, protecting her, caring for her, helping others, making it impossible not to fall in love with the man he was.

  She knew that the emotional high of knowing he wanted her, that she was right, that he had always been holding back, was making things more intense for her.

  But she also knew she didn’t want it to stop.

  She felt so vulnerable almost naked beneath him with all of his clothes on. She badly wanted to see more of what was underneath.

  She brought one hand down, feeling his hard chest, grinning as she stroked over rippling abs and then found his button, toying with it.

  He let out a choking sound as his hand closed over hers, removing it. “We can’t. I’m sorry, it’s just that—”

  “It’s fine,” she said. She was too blissful that this was even happening to question anything. As long as he was happy, she was too. Her hand moved down to feel his hard length through his pants, and she felt herself get even wetter. “You can take them off yourself. God, I want you inside me.”

  She felt him go rigid and looked up to see him closing his eyes, as if trying to fight something off.

  When he opened them, his gaze was almost feral, so dark. “We can’t,” he choked out. “Not tonight. We have to take it slow. I can’t explain why. Just trust me.”

  She nodded, trying not to show any disappointment. She didn’t understand why, but she knew this was hard for him for some reason, and she relaxed back against the couch, waiting for him to make the next move.

  He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, and then opened them and they were normal again. Beautiful hazel, green around the edges, brown at the very center, a little blue in between. She’d always been able to get lost in them. Like him, they were beautiful and so complex.

  Like him, they took time to understand.

  She took a deep breath, willing to do whatever he wanted, despite her body aching for more so much it was painful. “We can stop if you want to.”

  He shook his head emphatically, that dominant gleam she loved coming back into his eyes as he looked her up and down, slowly heating her body. “I’m not even close to done with you.”

  His hand found her clit again, and she arched back, lost to everything but how it felt to have his big finger against her, his lips against her neck as he pressed down again.

  She hadn’t known it could feel so good to be kissed in places that were innocuous, like the base of her neck, the edge of her shoulder, the spot where her cheek met her ear.

  God, when he sucked her earlobe into his mouth, she nearly came, and when he gently grazed her lobe with his teeth, she did.

  She was glad when he came forward again, thinking he would let her throw her arms around his neck while she came. It was grounding during the powerful sensations.

  But instead, his hand came down to pin hers, and his other hand pressed over her stomach, keeping her in place, unable to do anything but experience every sensation that made her feel as if she would split apart.

  All the while, he watched her. And though it was hard to even focus, she couldn’t help keeping her eyes on his, trying to capture forever the look on his face.

  When the waves abated and she was gasping, unable to do anything but look up at him as he stared down, looking powerful and triumphant, he smiled and moved his leg between hers, keeping her arms pinned.

  “Ride me,” he said, pushing his thigh into her softness, giving her a broad, overall sensation that was just what she wanted after being so overwhelmed.

  She’d known that being with Benny would be everything, but this was so much more than she’d ever hoped. He wasn’t just an incredible man; he was an incredible lover, so attuned to her body that it felt she could die from sheer pleasure if he didn’t show mercy.

  One hand kept hers pinned as the other cupped her chin, forcing her to face him as he gently worked his thigh against her clit.

  She flushed deeply, unable to believe he wanted to see her like this. She was wet and wanton, thrusting up against him with little mewls, loving how strong he was, how wanted he made her feel when he pinned her down like this.

  It probably wasn’t a triumph for women’s lib, but she didn’t care at the moment, as long as he made her come.

  His lips closed over hers as her body tightened, and his leg stilled, leaving her cruelly perched on the edge.

  She gasped against his mouth, ready to beg, to do anything.

  “I love you,” he said simply so her lips could feel it as her ears heard it.

  Then his leg moved again, and she came, screaming his name as the third orgasm ripped through her, harder than any before.

  It felt like she was melting from the sheer heat of it, like nobody was equipped to feel so much joy.

  She struggled, wanting to throw her arms around him, and he seemed to sense it, letting her go.

  She loved the feel of his hard shoulders, strong neck, as her arms wrapped around him. Her hands threaded into his hair, and she called out his name as her body clenched over and over again as though it didn’
t know how to stop.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he said, stroking her face gently. “I’m here.”

  How did he even know she’d been almost panicking? She let out a choked sob as she held on tighter, and the waves slowly abated, leaving her soft and pliant in his arms, unable to do anything else even if she wanted to.

  He calmed everything inside her. Set her on fire and then was the cool water to put everything out.

  She put a hand up to his cheek, then threaded the other through his hair. She didn’t know if she would get the chance again or if this moment was just pure magic, and she wanted to touch as much as she could.

  He closed his eyes, letting her touch him, and she stroked through his hair softly, smiling when he let out a little growl that made her think it felt good.

  She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down against her, letting him rest at least some of his weight on her as she stroked one hand over his back and one through his hair.

  She could instinctively tell she was soothing him and that he needed to be soothed and touched and comforted.

  She did all of those things until he raised his head and propped himself up on one arm, blinking at her as if suddenly lost.

  “Harley, I… I got carried away, and—”

  She flinched, shoving him off so she could sit up, ready to leave right that second if he was going to say it was a mistake.

  But he shook his head, pulling her against him onto his lap, holding her close, making her feel safe. “If I did anything you didn’t want me to… If anything wasn’t—”

  “It was all perfect,” she said softly. “How could you not know that?”

  “I’m not… I never trust myself. That’s why I can’t be with you. You’re precious, Harley, too precious to be hurt by me, and—”

  She grabbed his face roughly, but she needed him to hear what she said next. “You could never hurt me, Benny. That’s the last thing in the world you could do.”

  His eyes widened and then relaxed, and his entire expression softened as his body curled around hers and he let out a deep sigh. “How are you so wonderful?”

  She stroked his arm as it wrapped around her, feeling a little thrill at the hard muscles there. Everywhere. “I’m not the wonderful one. Everything you did was amazing, Benny. The only not amazing thing is how much you seem to doubt that you’re all I want.”


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