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Beauty In The Beast

Page 3

by Erik Schubach

  Chapter 3 – Old Magics

  The man looked around and said, “We are at a dire crossroads, and Wilhelm and I risk all to share this with you. We have already crossed the line by helping you close that stable gateway to the underworld which Styche had created. Everyone was silent as Daria's low growl started to shake the floor, though it was barely audible. Then Ella spoke, but in a different voice than before, with a thick French accent, “'Elp us? When deed you 'elp us? Where were you when zee Red Hood fell? Where were you when Maireni gave all to close zee portal with her blood?” The men looked pained and ashamed as Wilhelm spoke, “Not being there was the biggest help we could have provided. And it will inevitably cost Jacob and me everything. But we have grown... fond of this world. So we had to let her close that portal. There was a cost. One that we and this realm will have to pay.” Ella spoke in her other, rough British accent, “There was a cost!?” Her anger was building and rolling over me in hot sheets. I was still distracted by them saying the Red Hood was dead. It was this Maireni person? Then who was Evelyn? Jacob held up a hand. “There are many pieces in play here you are not aware of. Let us explain, then we will take whatever abuse you feel is our due at that time. Just now, please, hear us out.” Parker wordlessly nodded once, and that seemed good enough for the rest of them who were seemingly looking to her for the proper response. She appeared to be their default leader whether anyone acknowledged it or not. She seemed the most human and humane of them to me as well. Except maybe that Nicole person, who had Rose sitting across her lap in a comfortable looking fluffy chair. Conrad rejoined me, draping across my neck, and Daria laid across my feet as we settled in to listen to the brothers. I absently wondered if what they were about to tell us was the full truth. They had this way of spinning a tale, not all if it believable, but sprinkled with enough truth to be a little scary. Wilhelm looked grim, please excuse the pun, as he always did and let his brother, the more outgoing of the two, do the talking. “This all has to do with old magics. Magics most of you are all too familiar with. We fear pieces were being moved on the board without our doing, a long-running scheme that is just now coming to fruition. We've taken notice of events that occurred which should not have, to manipulate the balance, to cause it to tip ever farther out of balance, keeping Wilhelm and I too busy to see the true game being played behind the scenes.” He settled into his chair and took a long drink from his mug and explained, “You all know the origins of the Lupus Curse? The Marcus brothers made a pact with a demon and dark magics to gain power over all men. To do so, they summoned a demon to give them the power they craved, in exchange for releasing him into the mortal realm. This demon was Styche the Trickster.” I exhaled slowly, not reacting. I knew the story more intimately than any here could possibly know. They all nodded, and the man continued, “That they had sacrificed an innocent, using her blood to bind the power of the demon to activate the spells, condemning her soul to eternal damnation.” I winced. He looked thoughtfully at the cup in his hand. “But the brothers had betrayed their word to Styche, and banished him back to the underworld and killed the witch who had helped them prepare the summoning and the ceremony. They were petty and greedy, and didn't want to share the world with other powerful beings.” He made a sour face. “But Styche had the last laugh, he anticipated their betrayal and had given them what they wanted, just not how they wanted it. Instead of simply giving them what they wanted, they received it as a curse. They were forever bound to the cycles of the moon, only wielding the power they craved and becoming beasts of nightmares during the wolf moon, the full moon.” He set his cup on the table and opened his hands palm up. “And that was the birth of the Lupus Contagion which terrorized the world of man for hundreds of years. That was where we missed something, missed the subtle manipulation of the balance that caused us to act. Doing exactly what was expected of us.” Wilhelm added, “We had argued with the Elders. Told them that this incident had caused an unnatural imbalance of good and evil in the mortal realm. That against the rules, we needed to create a balance where one had not been before.” Jacob took up the thread. “So we were allowed interference, just that once, to balance the scales, but were restricted to binding our actions to that same curse, so as not to throw the world farther out of balance.” He exhaled and looked at each of us before continuing, “We took the white cloak that had been worn by the innocent sacrifice. The maiden, Illiya's blood had soaked into it, staining it a crimson red. We infused that cloak with power equal to that which had stolen the girl's soul, and the cloak of the Red Hood was born.” Wilhelm smirked and added quietly, “As the last act of defiance, we also infused the silver dagger which was used to sacrifice the girl, with an infinitesimal amount of power, making silver an anathema to the wolves. A cheat we know, but it gave the humans of that era a weapon with which to defend themselves.” I held stock still the moment he said my Illy's name, as all eyes turned to me and then the bedchamber beyond. Goddess, they knew or at least had a strong suspicion. I swallowed, not knowing what to do. Should I go to her, get her and myself as far way as I possible? But they made no move toward the door. Jacob watched us all intently, the damn Scales were playing a game here, they knew what they were doing with this story. Then he continued, “The cloak would call out to the closest woman who was pure of heart and infuse them with power once they donned it. Making them the Red Hood. And as part of its nature, as long as the curse of the werewolves existed, there would always be a Red Hood.” Wilhelm let that soak in then exchanged a look with his brother then trained his eyes on Evelyn. “When a Red Hood dies, the cloak chooses another to become the next Red Hood. Maireni Damaschin was the fourth, and Evelyn was chosen to stand in her stead.” I looked between the brothers and Evelyn. Everything came into sharp focus. Her mannerisms and that of the other women. Evelyn felt guilty, like she was somehow betraying this Mari woman and her friends. But she had no say in becoming the next Red Hood if the brothers Grimm were being truthful. Nicole spoke first. “So why are you telling us this now. We knew most of this, except that it was the Scales who created the Red Hood's cloak. And why did you say earlier that Styche is trying to find Mari's body?” Her eyes went to the bed chamber's door again. Jacob shrugged and said like it was obvious. “The answer is twofold. First, he wants to be sure that the blood of the Red Hood cannot be used to close his next doorway to the underworld. He wants to make the mortal realm the new underworld, which he and his brethren can run free in, terrorizing mankind and enslaving it.” Wilhelm added, “To this end, he is targeting all others who could do the same as Maireni did.” He looked apologetically at Evelyn. Jacob explained. “He has been manifesting the hybrid curse in probing attacks specifically to expose the new Red Hood, to attempt to bring her down and obtain the cloak before another can don it. But they are also search parties, hunting for the bodies of the Red Hoods that stood before.” He almost growled. “We have visited the graves of the first three women who stood sentinel for the human race, in the cloak of the innocent, they had been recently dug up and were empty.” That was appalling in its own right. To disturb someone's final resting place like that. But to what end? He answered my unasked question. “As the magics of the Red Hood are bound to his own magic, he is taking their bodies, which had been infused with his energies. By consuming them, he is building his power which was exhausted by that last attempt to summon a stable gateway. He is on the cusp of doing it again.” Parker made a slightly distressed sound as she stared at a map on the wall, with colorful pins in it, like she understood something that was bothering her. Wilhelm said sadly, “Of all those who donned the mantle of the cloak, none stood sentinel longer than Mari had. More power has been infused into her being than any who stood before her. By consuming her, he would have the power he needed to open an even bigger and more stable portal.” Daria's lips peeled back, showing her fangs as she growled. The wave of revulsion and anger which filled the room from the others, echoed her rage. Again, I believed they needed that anger, that disgust, so I stopped
myself from offering peace and serenity to their weary souls. Parker was the voice of reason, cutting through the anger, “You said 'All others'? There are more than just the Red Hood who's blood can disrupt his magics and close the portals he creates?” Jacob nodded. “Cristian Marcus yet lives with the Lupus Curse as an Alpha. He is in hiding in a place sheltered from this realm, and Styche will never find him. That leaves Evelyn.” Rachel spoke up, “What about Mandy and me? We hold the curse in our blood.” Wilhelm shook his head. “It is very weak, and holds little power of its own, and would have little effect. You are a product of the curse instead of the source. It would take hundreds, if not thousands of you to have the effect that a single drop of Mari's blood had.” He hesitated. There was more, but he was holding back, fucking Grimm Brothers and their games. I asked carefully, not knowing if the group would see me as having the right to ask, “That isn't all. What are you not telling us?” Wilhelm smiled at his brother in a 'told you so' manner. Then Jacob looked over to the bed chamber then toward us and said, “Someone has been guiding everything since the original curse, from behind the scenes, pulling strings so that the Scales would be forced to respond over and over. Thus allowing the various Avatars across the globe to converge for the first time in centuries, to combat the growing evil which always seemed to have the upper hand.” He made a sour face. “Then just like that, the rug was ripped out from under us when your group stopped Styche over and over, causing a huge overbalance of good in this realm. It pained us to allow Styche to enact his plans until we realized that was the goal the entire time. To create such an overwhelming imbalance that were forced to act and allow the demons to take the mortal realm in response.” Wilhelm said in a hoarse tone full of emotion, “It took everything inside of us to resist the need to allow it to happen. We were played all these centuries. Someone wanted the mortal realm to be destroyed, and we believe it is one or more of the Elders themselves.” Jacob nodded and added, “They were never satisfied with how the world of man turned out, and wanted to start over again. It was our pleas that forestalled that, and they have been manipulating us since then to make our own actions responsible for the downfall of man.” He sighed. “So instead of stepping in to move the pieces on the board to allow Styche to succeed, we stepped away and did nothing. It was the only thing we could do to help. And Mari... well she was the price we paid for our shortsightedness in not seeing how we were all being manipulated.” There was silence in the room for a long moment, then Ella broke the silence with a sarcastic, “Now you know how it feels, you wankers. Not a good feeling getting' played now is it?” The brothers exchanged a look that had me narrowing my eyes and Parker snapped at them. “For fuck's sake. What?” Everyone turned to Parker and blinked in shock. I supposed that vulgarity was out of character for her. The men grinned at each other and said, “What Styche doesn't know, is that there is another in this realm who can bring an end to him and his plans once and for all. One we had hidden away when we started to suspect. One who has the equal capacity for destruction. One that is bound to his magics in a way no other has ever been before.” I started to stand to move toward the bed chamber as I understood where they were going and I would not risk my Illy. Wilhelm said almost apologetically to me, “She has been away for so very long, first clawing her way back out of hell, then beyond a veil in another realm until just recently. Now Styche will be drawn to her like a moth to a flame.” Parker stood, moved over, and laid a hand on my arm and asked what they had all pieced together, “Your Illiya is the same Illiya who was sacrificed by the Marcus brothers and doomed to eternal damnation, isn't she?” I moved out of her grasp and stood at the bedchamber door, my arms braced across the jamb. “She has suffered far too much already, she will not be used as bait in some sick game.” The others stood and turned to the Scales with Parker, who said far too calmly, “No, she will not.” They were... they were siding with me? Jacob said, “She is the anchor of all of Styche's power here in this realm.” Parker held an arm out in front of me, keeping me behind her, like she was protecting me as she said firmly, “Absolutely not. We're all sick of being pawns in your twisted games. You will not use someone who has already suffered so much because of them. You just said yourself, the girl, an innocent girl, was suffering in hell. And she clawed her way back out. We won't subject her, or anyone else to that torture.” The two brothers looked relieved and then smiled and said in unison, “Good.” Then they moved casually from side to side as Ella took a couple swings at them for even assuming these women were the type of people who would dangle my Illy as bait for the demon. Both of her strikes missed, and she growled at them as they looked on with amusement. Parker implored, “Ok, then. You know where Styche is hiding out, don't try to deny it. Tell us where, so we can end this nightmare once and for all.” Wilhelm shook his head sadly. “It doesn't work like that. You know better.” In the uncomfortable silence that followed, Rapunzel spoke the words we were all thinking. “Fuckin' Grimm Brothers.” I spun when the door behind me opened to reveal my girl, who was in a panic, but she relaxed when she saw me. She blurted out in her warm Romanian accent, “Belle! I woke, and you weren't there.” I pulled her to me, and she just cried into my shoulder as the others looked on. Even after so many years at my side, she is a little broken inside. I thought about it for a second as I came to a realization... just like Rose was. This darkness that threatened to consume them both, to drag them down into madness where they wouldn't have to feel it anymore. I assured her. “I'm not going anywhere Illy.” She looked up with a meek smile, her watery eyes shining. I couldn't stop myself from smiling at her and stealing a quick kiss. The blush on her cheeks made my smile grow bigger. She buried her face in my arm and peered at the men and women crowding the space. Her eyes narrowed and flared red, as a sulfurous smell started wafting up from her when she said in a deep tone that was tainted by her demon. “What are you two doing here?” She had no great love for the brothers either, and we didn't need another battle between my girl's demon and the Scales. The last one leveled an acre or so of forest before I could get to her to calm her. I whispered as I stroked her arm, “Shhh... be at peace, love.” I let peace and calm flow out of me, as the unrest, anger, and fear around me flowed in to take its place. I could shoulder this for those around me if it brought them serenity. I tried not to flinch at the acrid taste of her demonic aspect's blind hatred of everything. Her eyes returned to their crystal blue clarity, and she exhaled shakily and looked up at me and assured, “I'm ok.” I nodded back, trying to hide the pain and strain that the emotions I had to take in had caused me. As I looked around, all eyes were on us, most looking warily at my girl. I shrugged and said, “Everyone, this is Illiya, the woman I love.” Then I made introductions. To my surprise, some of them shook her hand while the wolves kept their distance like they were standing clear of a flame which threatened to burn them. Parker pulled Illy into a hug, I liked the woman more and more. I had to chuckle when Conrad saw it as his duty to scold Illiya. I had to tap his head to reprimand him. Ella brought all of our attention to her when she asked the brothers out of the blue, “What eez it that you meant when you said Styche would be drawn to her?” Jacob looked around and then at me and said, “First, I think you need to know Belle's story to fully grasp it. Her Illiya is the key to this entire mess.” They all turned their eyes to me as Parker handed Illy a cup of that marvelous hot chocolate, saying, “Let me get you something to eat.” She was mothering my girl, and that made me smile. The girls moved from the smaller couch and sat on the floor like they were getting ready for story time. The way my brother and I used to around the fire when mother would read to us before bed. I sensed that they did this a lot. I sat down with my girl on that couch, moved her hair out of her face and smiled at the look of surprise and smile on her face when she sipped the sweet, hot liquid. Then I looked around, shrugged and said, “Where to start?” Rapunzel supplied, “The beginning is always a good place.” I modded my head and grinned at the woman then said, “All right. Th
e beginning it is. Once upon a time.”


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