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Page 24
Favor free but fair trade.
Favor no more annual federal deficits.
Favor only spending on infrastructure that benefits most everyone, e.g. airports, harbors, national highways, and energy projects, as well as beginning to move federal offices out of Washington to be redistributed around the country.
Favor reforming the Entitlements Modernizing Social Security
Convert Medicare to paying directly into individual health maintenance accounts.
Turn Medicaid management over to the states.
Abolish the VA Hospital System except for only direct war-related injuries.
Favor ending the Department of Education.
Favor tying welfare systems to getting clients improved job status.
Favor immigration reform, border security, and a strong, but cost-conscious military.
Favor a Regulatory Review Commission to correct three biases: 1) that every little error needs to be corrected by a rule, 2) it must be recognized that we can’t anticipate and eliminate all future risks, and 3) it should substitute general common sense standards for detailed rules wherever possible.
Aldrich, Nelson W.
Alger, Horatio
Allen, James
Arlidge, Roon
Aso, Taro
Assad, Bashar
Back-Construction Math
Bartley, Robert
Bawer, Bruce
Beinart, Peter
Bezos, Jeff
Blinder, Allen
Boehner, John
Boskin, Michael J.
Boyd, John
Bretton Woods, New Hampshir
Buckley, Frank
Buffett, Warren
Bush, George W.
Carnegie, Andrew
Carter, Jimmy
Cheney, Dick
Chernow, Ron
Chigurh, Anton
Churchill, Winston
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Communist Manifesto
Connally, John
Continetti, Mathew
Coolidge, Calvin
Coram, Robert
Crumpton, Henry A.
Davidson, Dr.
Day, Dr.
Dewey, Thomas
Dimon, Jamie
Eco, Umberto
Eich, Brendan
Feldstein, Martin
Ferguson, Niall
Finn, Chester Jr.
Fitzpatrick, Cara
Flexner, Abraham
Flynn, Michael
Forbes, B.C.
Forbes, Steve
Forman, Milos
Frick, Henry Clay
Friedman, Milton
Frist, Bill
Gary, Elbert
Gates, Bill
Ghengis Khan
Gilder, George
Goldwater, Barry
Gramm, Phil
Greenberg, Stanley
Greene, Belle
Greenspan, Alan
Gunning, Walker
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamze, Nazar
Harding, Warren G.
Harriman, Edward H.
Hayek, Friedrich August von
Helprin, Mark
Henninger, Daniel
Hillsdale College
Hitler, Adolf
Hoover, Bob
Hoover, Herbert
Hounsfield, Godfrey
Hunt, Howard
Huntington, Samuel
Immelt, Jeffrey
International Monetary Fund
Iron Curtain Speech
Janssen, Simon
Johnson, Lyndon
Judis, John B.
Kasparov, Gary
Kemp, Jack
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Paul
Kerry, John
Keynes, John Maynard
Khamenei, Ali
Kissinger, Henry
Kopp, Wendy
Korean War
Kupiec, Paul
Laffer Curve
Laffer, Arthur
Lamont, Tom
Lasch, Christopher
Lawrence, William
Lazear, Edward P.
Ledeen, Michael
Levinson, Marc
Lew, Jacob
Lilla, Mark
Lowenstein, Rodger
Luce, Henry R.
Manno, Bruno
Mao Tse-Tung
Marx, Karl
Masood, Ehsan
Mateen, Omar
McCarthy, Kevin
McCarthy, Mary
McGurn, William
McNamara, Robert
Meade, Margaret
Melila, Allison
Menger, Carl
Merryday, Steven
Mnuchin, Steven
Moore, Stephen
Morgan, J.P.
Morgenthau, Henry
Multiplier Effect
Mundell, Robert
Munger, Charley
Mussolini, Benito
Newton, Sir Isaac
Nixon/Kissinger Visit
Nixon, Richard
Norman, Montagu
Northwall, Virgil & Gertrude
Novak, Michael
O’Connor, Flannery
O’Hanlon, Michael
Obama, Barack
Page, Robert
Pape, Robert
Petraeus, David
Poe, Ted
Pollack, Kenneth M.
Pollock, Alex J.
Poulin, Andre
Putin, Vladmir
Racanelli, Vito J.
Reagan Revolution
Reagan, Ronald
Reinhart, Carmen
Ricardian Epiphany
Rockefeller, David
Rockefeller, John D.
Rockefeller, Nelson
Rockefeller, William
Rogoff, Kenneth
Romney, George xxRomney, Mitt
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rosemary KunclNorthwall
Ross, Wilbur
Rovang, Dana
Rumsfeld, Donald
Ryan, Paul
Samuelson, Paul
Sanders, Bernie
Say, Jean-Baptist
Schiff, Jacob
Schumpeter, Joseph
Shelton, Judy
Shlaes, Amity
Smith, Adam
Smith, Virginia
Sousen, Mark
Stalin, Joseph
Starzl, Dr.
Strong, Ben
Taft, William Howard
Tamny, John
The Road to Serfdom
Thiel, Peter
Tisch, Laurence A.
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Trende, Sean
Truman, Harry
Trump, Donald
Ullman, Al
Vnuk, Wally
Volcker, Paul
von Mises, Ludwig
Walter, Barbara E.
Wanniski, Jude
Warren, George
Weissman, Sidney
Westminster College
Wetzel, C.C.
Wilson, Bill
Wren, Christopher
Zook, Chris
Dr. Northwall was born in Omaha, Nebraska in 1941. He attended Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, and graduated with a B.A. degree in 1963. Dr. Northwall was then accepted into the College of Medicine at the University of Nebraska, and graduated with an M.D. degree in 1967. He had a one-year internship at Nebraska Methodist Hospital in Omaha, then returned to the Nebraska Medical Campus and completed a three-year residency in Radiology in 1968. Dr. Northwall spent one year in a private radiology practice in Loveland, Colorado from 1971-1972, then moved to Kearney, Nebraska and practiced diagnostic radiology from 1972 until his retirement in 1998.
Dr. Northwall served on the Senate Tr
ust Committee from 2000-2002. He currently lives in St. Petersburg, Florida with his wife Ethel. He has two grown children and four grandchildren.
Today my life is good. I love to read and my wife, Ethel, and I travel a lot. I also boat, and recently built a Van’s RV 8A 200 MPH airplane.