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Page 14

by Sammy King

  ‘The amulet’ Kade spoke into her mind.

  Ada grasped hold of the amulet and began to chant. Instantly the Witches who had been scattered throughout the room joined her chant as it sped up. The amulet started to heat in her hand and she could see it glowing through her fingers. Ada slowly looked up to Abaddon who frowned slightly. The chants in the room grew louder and she stood strong, with her free hand Ada reached behind her neck and unclasped the amulet from her neck. She raised her hand that held the amulet into the air. Abaddon crossed his arms and cocked his head to look at her.

  ‘Just trust’ she heard in her mind.

  Ada threw her head back and screamed a guttural roar. Her roar was matched by the howls of Werewolves who suddenly circled the building, she could see them at the broken window, snarling and growling, edging towards the shattered opening, waiting for Ada to give the word. Abaddon uncrossed his arms and leant forward his face creased into a frown. He turned to look at the Witches chanting, the volume was deafening.

  The night sky was slowly turning to a deep red as the ancestors whose blood had been shed over thousands of years joined her chant against Abaddon. His wings folded behind him as his face began to pale. Ada continued to roar as the Werewolves slowly crept forward until they started to enter through the window.

  One by one the Werewolves climbed in over the broken glass and advanced towards Abaddon until they had circled him. Their teeth were bared, their heaving bodies panted with eagerness to attack the fallen Angel. Abaddon looked around the room; Ada could see panic begin to creep across his face. She couldn’t shake the smile that threatened to take over her as she roared again dropping her arm suddenly to her side.

  The Werewolves lurched forward nipping at Abaddon’s wings. He screeched the sound of the owl, before transforming into the big bird that hovered above the heads of the Werewolves. They barked and snarled climbing on top of one another in attempt to reach him. A black cloud of smoke suddenly filled the room, choking smoke that took the air from her lungs. Ada couldn’t see in front of her, she had to close her eyes against the sting. The chants faded into coughs as the smoke took her breath away.

  “No” Ada coughed.

  She thrusted the amulet in the air again and watched as a white light shot out into the thick black smoke, dusting it away and sucking it out the window. Abaddon wasn’t in the room. Ada turned quickly looking for him. But there was no sign of him.

  “Where are you?” she screeched. “You fucking coward”

  The Werewolves fled through the window they had entered, howling and leaping over one another as if nothing had happened. Ada ran to the window and climbed out over the glass and ran towards the woods, her legs burning, her chest still filled with smoke, tears flowed from her eyes as she reached the edge of the woods.

  ‘Ada stop’ she heard Kade speak into her mind.

  Ada ground to halt and spun on her heel facing back towards the coven.

  “Damn it” she spat.

  She felt nothing but fury. She wanted Abaddon dead. And she wanted to be the Witch that bought him down.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  “Footsteps up from behind. Your worst nightmares coming to life, you better run or stand and fight. Your time has come” Bullet for my valentine.

  Ada stood on the edge of the forest fuming. Kade arrived next to her. His teeth were bared and his eyes glowed red. Suddenly from the edge of the woods she felt two arms reach out and grab her, dragging her into the dense forest. Ada screamed and fought against the arms before the assailant spun her around to face them.

  “Frankie, what the fuck? You scared the hell out of me” she shouted.

  Frankie put his hand over her mouth and held her tight against him. She could hear Kade’s shouts to her.

  ‘I’m with Frankie, it’s alright’ Ada sent to her Father mind.

  ‘Be safe’ Kade said back.

  Ada felt Frankie turn again and she looked over his shoulder. She could see a glow coming from the middle of the trees, it was a golden light. She flicked her eyes back to Frankie who seemed to be listening. He pulled her in tighter against his chest and suddenly she felt herself shrinking. Before Ada knew it Frankie had changed her and himself into a wild cat and she was running beside him towards the golden glow. Ada didn’t even know that Frankie could do that, but she didn’t have time to enjoy this new experience as they reached the glow she came to a grinding halt.

  There in a circle of magic stones, chained to the large boulder of Warlocks was a woman with flowing blonde hair, her opaque eyes glowing in a trance like state. Merza. She wasn’t dead. She was there in front of Ada.

  Ada couldn’t believe her eyes. She shouted and ran towards Merza. Frankie leapt in front of her and shook his head nodding towards the boulder. Perched on top of the boulder was the owl. Abaddon. Ada felt that same sense of fury. She leapt around Frankie and began to creep up behind the boulder ready to pounce on the owl. Frankie again stepped in front of her, nipping her on the neck to stop her. Ada hissed at him as she felt herself transform into her natural state, Frankie followed suit.

  ‘Ada, where are you?’ she heard Travis suddenly call to her mind.

  ‘Don’t follow me, it’s not safe’ Ada replied.

  Ada suddenly felt a sense of dread fill her body and her blood began to run cold when she watched as Frankie approached Abaddon. Abaddon transformed into his natural state. His black wings outstretched. She could see wounds on his chest that were already starting to heal; wounds that the Werewolves had inflicted.

  Abaddon stepped towards Merza and grasped hold of her face. He turned to Frankie and looked him up and down. Frankie stepped towards Abaddon, who reached out his arm and embraced him. Frankie laid his head on Abaddon’s chest and began to kiss over his nipples. Abaddon threw his head back and moaned in pleasure as he dropped Merza’s head to lull back into an unnatural position.

  Ada wanted to run to her, to hold her up, to unchain her, to protect her. As Abaddon stood to his full height and began to stroke Frankie’s head, slowly Frankie began to kiss down Abaddon’s chest, flicking his tongue out over Abaddon’s nipples. Abaddon let out a roar as he pushed Frankie’s head towards his crotch. Frankie smiled and turned his head to Ada. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Frankie had betrayed her. She had trusted him and he had brought her straight to Abaddon.

  ‘Frankie is the rat, he was the one that let Abaddon free’ Ada sent to Kade.

  She heard Kade roar through the trees. Ada felt the black blur before she saw it as he came and stood by her side. When Kade came to a stop his eyes glowed red, his aura a deep scarlet, his teeth elongated and his face twisted into that of sheer fury. Abaddon looked Kade and Ada over and smiled. He then stepped out of the circle opening up the view of Merza chained. Ada heard the breath leave Kade, with Vampire speed he was in the circle of stones beside Merza.

  Kade leant over Merza, holding her face in his hands. With his thumbs he touched her cheeks and stroked her hair. Kade roared a guttural growl as he turned and grasped Frankie by the throat. Frankie’s eyes bulged as he gasped for breath. Kade lifted him high in the sky and Frankie’s feet dangled kicking at the air. Kade’s teeth grew longer still as he lowered his head into the crook of Frankie’s neck.

  Frankie’s scream echoed throughout the forest, matched only by the howls of the Werewolves. Blood squirted and hit the rocks as Kade fed on Frankie’s blood. Ada felt her stomach churn. Kade lifted his head with a snarl as his eyes never left Abaddon’s who watched on in glee. Kade threw Frankie’s dead body onto the ground as if he was weightless. A smile split across Abaddon’s face. Kade snarled and with Vampire speed leapt at Abaddon knocking him over into a somersault, black feathers from the Angels wings fluttered around Ada’s feet as he slowly stood wiping his lip that had been split in the fall.

  Abaddon snarled baring his teeth as he flew high in the sky, transforming into an owl as he lifted himself, screeching. Kade’s growl was throaty and guttural as he crouche
d and suddenly shot himself off the ground leaping into the air. Ada watched as Abaddon quickly darted out of Kade’s way. But with every piece of fancy flight that Abaddon performed Kade was on his tail. Ada never knew that Kade could fly. But yet there he was. Ada crawled through the rocks and touched her Mother’s face.

  “Mum, can you hear me?” she cried searching the chains pulling on them trying to release her.

  Merza didn’t say anything it was as if she wasn’t really there. Ada could see that she was still alive but she was in some sort of trance that made her essentially dead. Ada heard the screech of the owl heading towards her. She felt the wind from the wings as the talons scratched at her face, piercing her skin.

  Ada screamed and covered her face. She heard Kade roar again as he landed behind Ada pulling her into his chest. He held her as the blood dripped down her chin. Kade lifted her face and put his tongue on the wound. His saliva stung but had a calming effect as he healed the wound. Ada tentatively reached up and touched her face and felt the small raised scar left behind.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  “We will not take this anymore. You want a battle? Here’s a war” Bullet for my Valentine.

  Ada looked around and saw that Abaddon had landed back on the large boulder. He transformed once again into an angel prowling towards where Kade and Ada stood. Kade growled again stepping towards him but Abaddon flicked his wrist and knocked Kade down onto the ground with a thud. Ada spun to check on Kade who hit his head on a rock. She ran to him, he was unconscious.

  “Dad” she screamed holding his head.

  Ada spun on her heel and roared as she ran towards Abaddon. He held up his hand and she felt like she hit a shield. She couldn’t go any further, rendered helpless, held in an invisible jail as Abaddon approached Merza and clasped her face.

  “You have a bitch of a daughter. What’s the saying, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree?” he said before letting her face go. Merza’s head lulled to the side. “I wasn’t going to kill her. But maybe, just maybe I will. Or maybe I could do to her what I started with you all those years ago”

  Ada shook her head and slammed her fists into the invisible force that held her prisoner. Abaddon watched her struggle with a smile across his face. Suddenly Ada heard the chants of the Witches and the howls of the Werewolves approaching, Abaddon heard them too as he suddenly shifted back into an owl and flew away. The invisible force instantly dropped away freeing Ada from her prison.

  ‘Ada’ she heard Kade’s voice in her mind.

  Ada turned to her Father and went to his side.

  “Are you alright?” she said touching the back of his head that was healing quickly.

  “Yeah a little bump on the head can’t keep me down” Kade said.

  “I can hear the coven coming” Ada said.

  Kade stood and dusted himself off.

  “We better go before they get here” he said taking her hand.

  Before Ada realised what was happening, Kade had turned and held her to her side and was racing towards the coven. Ada could suddenly hear the screech of the owl right behind them. Kade twisted and turned and she felt the talons of the owl scrape across her back, she screamed in pain as the talon scored her back drawing blood just as they leapt out of the edge of the forest and into the waiting view of the coven and Werewolves. Ada fell to the ground nausea raced through her body; Abaddon had injected Demon venom into the wound. Travis fell to her side and held her up. Ada looked up, her face pale.

  “Demon venom; He injected me with Demon venom” Ada cried.

  Kade grabbed her and picked her up, carrying her through the back door of the coven and into the living room. Morrigan bustled in behind them, she grabbed Ada’s hand. Travis paced the room.

  “Can’t you heal her?” he turned to Morrigan.

  Morrigan had tears dripping from her eyes as she shook her head.

  “I can’t heal like that” she cried.

  Travis turned to Kade.

  “Can’t you?” Travis said.

  Kade shook his head.

  “My blood won’t help Demon toxin” he said.

  “Well somebody better fucking do something” Ada screamed.

  Her body was burning in pain, she felt darkness starting to seep its way into her brain. Everything seemed to be moving around her so fast; she couldn’t keep up with the movement. There was a loud buzzing in her ears. Images flooded her mind, her Mother playing with her, her Father swinging her around, Frankie reading to her, Dane making love to her and Travis’s face, his love, his laughter, his joy.

  Ada felt her world begin to slip away as the toxin took hold. She screamed again as a pain wrenched at her heart and she felt her arms grow heavy, her lips had become numb as slowly she closed her eyes and let the darkness take over. The last thing she heard was Travis screaming her name.

  Chapter Twenty Five

  “Where’s my calling Angel? At the coffin. Where’s my blue sky? At the coffin. A pretty bouquet and red rose at the coffin. Darling don’t cry at the coffin over my soul” Yelawolf

  Ada sat up surrounded by darkness. There was no sound and even her keen eye sight didn’t help her. She couldn’t see anything. Ada looked around before slowly standing.

  “Am I dead?” she said aloud.

  “No just very sick” she heard a voice return.

  Ada squinted her eyes to try and make out who had spoken to her but still unable to see anything.

  “Who is there?” she called.

  Suddenly a light flicked on and the room lit up. She could see that she was in her childhood bedroom. Posters of singers and actors dotted the room, her big bed covered in teddy bears filled the space and sitting amongst the teddy bears was Frankie. Instantly Ada growled and leapt towards him but she felt like her feet were stuck to the ground. Ada fell forward landing on her knees hard, the pain shooting up her thighs. Ada looked up at him and snarled again. Frankie shrugged his shoulder and continued to watch her as he folded his arms across his chest.

  “You won’t get far with that attitude” he said.

  Ada continued to glare at him, as he climbed off the bed and came towards her. She felt bile rise to her throat from the pit of her stomach as she noticed that Frankie’s neck was torn open from where Kade had attacked him. As if Frankie could read what she was thinking he pointed to it and pulled on the flap of skin that was hanging loosely about his neck.

  “Does this make you uncomfortable?” he asked with a sneer.

  Ada closed her eyes and turned her face as he came towards her continuing to flap at the skin.

  “I thought it was a nice touch” he said with a shrug of his shoulder.

  Ada opened her eyes and glared at Frankie. She felt her stomach churn again with revolt, hurt and betrayal. She wanted to spit in his face. She wanted to claw his eyes out. She wanted to bring him pain. Ada lowered her eyes as an overwhelming sadness took over her.

  “Why did you do it? My Mother and Father were good to you. Why betray us?” she asked.

  Frankie shrugged his shoulder again and began to pace around her.

  “Why not?” he replied.

  Ada frowned and shook her head as her sadness quickly turned to fury.

  “What does that even mean?” she shouted.

  Frankie sighed and sat down at her feet, crossing his legs and putting his elbows on his knees and chin on his hands.

  “You really never saw it? You never got it? Are you that thick?” he said with a mean smile.

  Ada frowned again and shook her head.

  “Frankie for fuck’s sake what are you talking about?” she said exasperation oozing from her voice.

  Frankie barked out a laugh and stood. This time he came close to her face and knocked on her forehead with his knuckle.

  “I loved you Ada. But first you have to have Dane. Then you have to have Travis. But never Frankie” he said. “Nobody for Frankie”

  He stepped back and put his hands on his hips. Ada shook her head and mi
micked his hands on hips pose.

  “Well maybe if Frankie had wanted Ada he should have fucking said something” she spat.

  Frankie gave a sly smile, just moving the corner of his mouth.

  “Are you trying to tell me that you would have joined with me?” he asked.

  “I don’t know Frankie. At the right time then yes I probably would have. But you betrayed me. You broke my heart. You took me straight to Abaddon, who would have killed me had my Father not come” Ada said.

  Frankie dropped his eyes as he slowly shook his head.

  “He wasn’t going to kill you. He promised me that, but now that your Father did this” Frankie said quietly pointing at his neck. “I can’t protect you, I can’t control what Abaddon does to you”

  “Are you fucking kidding me” Ada shouted indignantly. “He is the devil; the fallen angel, Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer whatever other fucking name humans have for him. He is a natural born liar. You think he had any use for you after you brought me to him. If my Father hadn’t killed you. He would have”

  Frankie shook his head and ran his hands over his face turning his back on Ada. He spun to look at her, his face reddened.

  “He wouldn’t do that” he shouted. “He promised me. He promised that he would remove the joining between you and Travis, he would make you mine. We would be together”

  Ada snorted out a laugh and shook her head. Frankie lurched forward and slapped her cheek. She felt her neck crunch under the weight of his slap. Ada narrowed her eyes and turned to glare at him, slowly shaking her head. The taste of coppery blood filled her mouth and she slipped her tongue out and ran it along the split of her bottom lip.

  “You’re a fucking disgrace” she spat.

  Frankie growled lunging at her for a second slap, but as he went to hit her again, his hand went through her face as if she were suddenly a ghost. Ada frowned and held her hand up. She could see the confusion on Frankie’s face and when she looked at her own hand she saw that it was slowly disappearing. Ada felt panic grip her heart again as she looked around.


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