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Tom vs the Volcano God

Page 11

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Sarah said, “What do you want sweetie?”

  Ashley said, “I want Tom to seal it with a kiss. I want him to kiss me on my labia and that will seal them and the promise to help me do the right thing. If he seals them for me, then I can’t open them until he opens them. Oh no! I mean until he agrees that I can open them. Can you understand that?”

  Sarah said, “Not exactly. But that doesn’t matter. If that’s what you want, I think that’s what should happen. So, if he kisses your pussy, then you never let anyone else touch it until he says it’s OK? Is that what you’re saying?”

  Ashley said, “Yes. That’s what I want. And he’s the only one who can do it for me.”

  Sarah said, “What about Robby?”

  Ashley said, “No, he can’t do it. He might want to help me, but for some reason I just know that he can’t do this. He isn’t the right one.”

  Sarah said, “But Tom is? That’s what I think too. Tom is the right one for this. I’m glad that’s what you want. Ashley, Tom offered that if Diane wanted to, since she had let Tom see her naked, that if she thought it was only fair, then she could see him naked. She didn’t do it, but if you want to for some reason, you could.”

  Ashley stared at me incredulously, but spoke to Sarah and said, “Sarah, you aren’t married yet, so what if, as part of this, we make it like a double pledge and what if I touch him and swear that I will never touch anyone again unless he says it’s OK. So, until he says, then he’s the last man to ever touch me, and he’s the last man that I ever touch? Could we do that?”

  Sarah rubbed Ashley’s bare back and said, “Ashley, I think he should be the last man to touch you anywhere.”

  Ashley continued looking straight into my eyes and said excitedly, “My whole body? My breasts and everything? And he could be the last man to kiss me, too?”

  Sarah said, “I think that’s how it has to be.”

  Ashley said, “Me too! Oh, thank you! I feel like my whole life is about to totally change. Can we do it right now?”

  I was a bit stunned by the turn that this had taken, but Ashley was so wonderful, and I wanted to do anything I could for her. Without really thinking about it, I stood up and removed my clothes. When I was naked, I stood in front of Ashley and Sarah and waited. I was semi-rigid in the presence of the two beautiful women as I stood three feet away and they sat beside each other holding hands and staring at my body.

  Ashley said, “OK. I should go first. I should promise he’s the last one I touch before he touches me. It’s bigger than I thought it would be. I’ve never seen one in person, and the websites only show the really big guys, but I don’t see that they are any bigger than Tom. Tom, you’re beautiful. I think Diane was stupid not to take an opportunity to see this. Not just your, you know, penis, but you are so handsome. This is going to be really easy.”

  She reached for my penis and held it in both hands and caressed it for a minute.

  Sarah said, “Why is this going to be easy, Ashley.”

  Ashley said, “Oh, it’s getting bigger. Wow. It’s going to be easy because I swear, I’m going to be hard pressed to find anyone else this attractive. I know that when you’re in love you look at people different, but wow. Talk about setting a high standard.”

  I said, “Ashley, I’m not really that handsome, and my penis certainly isn’t anything special.”

  She was still stroking me as she said, “Um, I must have feelings for you I didn’t know about then. Oh, I have to stop. OK, I promise that I won’t touch any man, and never a cock like this, I mean a penis, until I talk to Tom first and he tells me the guy is worthy of me. OK, I’m letting go now.”

  Ashley took her hands away slowly and said, “Can I lay down for the next part?”

  Sarah got up and Ashley lay down at the edge of the bed.”

  I said, “That was nice by the way. Ashley, you want me to touch your whole body?”

  She said, “Yeah, start at my feet. But don’t go too slow or I’m going to get too excited.”

  I leaned over her and ran my hands up her feet and she started a running commentary.

  She said, “From now on, no man touches me unless I talk it over with Tom and he approves. And Sarah too. Tom is the last man to ever touch me, the same way he’s the last man that I ever touched. Not my feet, my calves, my thighs, my hips, my stomach, my ribs, my breasts, or my nipples. He likes my nipples and from now on they belong to Tom unless we give them to someone else who appreciates me just as much someday. Until then, my nipples are Tom’s. My shoulders, my arms, and even my face. And especially,” and she spread her legs and I bent down toward her sex and she continued, “…my love fruit. It’s sealed with Tom’s kiss and Sarah is my witness and my sister forever.”

  And then I kissed her directly on her slit. I didn’t linger. Ashley had warned me not to arouse her deliberately, so I didn’t.

  She lay on the bed and grinned and looked up at Sarah and I, and said, “Um, we won’t do it, but it would be fun to have one last orgasm, right now, but I know I won’t keep that promise. Sarah, I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but if, after you’re married, if you decided that you and Tom want a girlfriend, you could tell me, and I think I’d do it. I’m not a lesbian, but some people have things that way. And I kind of all of a sudden don’t think it’s that weird if you really love each other, you know? And it would make my promise not to let anyone else touch me a whole lot easier to keep. You probably hate me now.”

  Sarah bent down and hugged the naked girl on the bed and said, “To the contrary. I think I love you. I like the way you think. I can’t promise yet, but I’ll think it over.”

  Ashley went wide-eyed and exclaimed, “Really?”

  Sarah, “Tommy, tell Ashley what you told Diane.”

  I said, “What did I tell Diane?”

  She said, “About the Prophecy.”

  I said, “Oh. Ashley, I don’t know what you guys were talking about, about your prophecy thing, but I think it’s actually important for you. I want you to promise me that you’ll wait for your Prophecy to be fulfilled and that you will never give up on finding the Chosen One that you joked about.”

  Ashley gasped and said, “OK! You got it. You guys, you are my best friends from now on. Can we see each other when we’re in the same place? Please? And can we see you while you’re on Kauai? After this, I feel like I just have to be with you as much as I can. Diane and Sondra will want to, too, but I feel like I am going to really miss you if we can’t see each other. I mean, I like almost belong to you now or something. And I don’t care if it is weird. And if I never gets sexual, that’s OK, but I love you both so much now. But Sarah, I’ll be good around him, I swear. I love you and I won’t do anything to hurt you ever. I won’t.”

  Sarah said, “I know you won’t. And I want you as the closest of friends, too. You really are the only real friends I have. In a very real sense, the first and only ones I have ever had.”

  Ashley sat up and she and Sarah hugged again. Then Ashley, still naked, stood and hugged me tight and started putting her clothes on.

  Sarah said, “Diane asked me to hide her bra in here for her.”

  Ashley said, “OK, but I want you to keep it as a token of our promise, if that’s OK with Sarah,” and she handed it to me.

  Sarah said, “That’s a great idea! I like that. Hey, what if I wear it now and then to remind him?”

  Ashley smiled and nodded as she zipped her dress. She opened the door and walked out and said, “Sondra, your turn,” and she headed for the cockpit.

  Sondra entered the suite and closed the door and turned around to face me and I suddenly remembered.

  I said, “Oh no, Sondra, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I forgot I didn’t have any clothes on! Oh no. See, there was this, well, I can’t think of a good lie so turn around and I’ll get dressed. I’m so sorry!”

  Sondra smiled and sat in the chair and didn’t turn around at all.

  She said, “Well, no po
int now. I’ve seen it all already. No real point trying to hide it either. Mr. Jensen, just why were you in the bedroom suite naked with my pilot?”

  I said, “Um, OK, it’s like this. Um, wait. What did Diane tell you?”

  Sondra grinned and said, “Diane didn’t say anything. She said that you wanted to see each of us. I assumed that it was a job interview. But now I think that it was more that you wanted us to see you. Well, fair is fair.”

  Sondra stood up and slowly removed her dress and then her bra and sat back down in the chair and crossed her legs.

  She said, “Am I to expect a very comprehensive interview, Mr. Jensen? Or have you seen everything you need to?”

  I said, “Sondra, it isn’t like that at all. Do you want me to put my clothes on?”

  She said, “I do not. I have certain questions. If I’m to consider a position under you, I am going to want to know a few things before I commit myself.”

  I said, “Really, Sondra. It isn’t an interview. Ashley was talking to us and telling us a little bit about her past and for one reason or another, she asked if she could see me naked, and um, I undressed, and then I forgot that I was. That’s all.”

  Sondra smiled at my discomfort and said, “Mr. Jensen, you do realize that what you are saying doesn’t explain anything in the slightest.”

  I said, “Well, no, yeah, I know that, but I didn’t take advantage of her or anything.”

  Sondra said, “I see. Well, that’s good to hear. And Sarah, what do you think of all this?”

  Sarah smiled and said, “I think it’s hilarious. He’s being so cute. Look, Ashley wanted to get naked and she wanted to see Robby naked, and we had a fun time and there was no sex, just mostly talking.”

  Sondra said, “Well, now that explains it. Just like this. You’re naked, and I’m naked, and we’re just talking.”

  Sarah said, “Oh, then why aren’t I naked?” and she jumped up and whipped off her dress and threw it to the side.

  Sondra looked surprised and said, “Sarah, crap! You’re gorgeous! Whoa, did Ashley and Diane see you naked?”

  Sarah smiled and shook her head and Sondra jumped for the door and threw it open and yelled, “Diane, Ashley, get in here!”

  Chapter 11 - It's Scary at First

  Ashley had the cockpit door open and both women rushed back to see what was wrong. At the same time, Sondra grabbed Sarah’s arm and dragged her into the main cabin. I ran after them, once again forgetting that I still didn’t have any pants or shirt on.

  Sondra exclaimed loudly, “Look at this!”

  Ashley gasped and said, “Whoa! Sarah. Whoa!”

  Diane didn’t say anything.

  Sondra said, “What the hell? What the absolute hell? Where do they come from?”

  Ashley said, “Crap if I know. I thought Honey was one-of-a-kind. Like maybe not even real. And I never saw her naked, but that’s what she must look like, right?”

  Sondra said, “Just go back up front and crash the plane into the ocean. We’ll give them parachutes and just kill the rest of us. What’s the point? I think I’m going to faint. I want to die and wake up and find out it was a dream and no one really looks like that and I’m not a total troll-princess. I give up. Either I never wear clothes again or I put on a horrid mu-mu and gain a hundred pounds because there’s no way I will ever think of myself as pretty again. Diane, what’s wrong? You look sick. Are you OK?”

  Diane was crying a little bit and said, “She’s beautiful. More than anyone. But I’m pretty too. He told me and I believe him. And if she’s going to be his wife, then he knows what real beauty is, and if he says I’m even a little bit pretty then I have a reason to live. And he did, so don’t crash the plane, because I’m not allowed to die.”

  Sondra said, “Not allowed to die?”

  Diane said, “No. I made some promises and now I can’t do certain things unless he says I can, so I think that means dying too. So, I won’t. And I am pretty. Not like that, but some.”

  Ashley said, “Me too. He told me I’m beautiful and I kind of made some promises too, and Sondra, I kind of belong to him now, so you can’t crash the plane.”

  Sondra said, “You belong to him? Like what? What’s happening?”

  Ashley said, “Tom, tell her. Please. Like you did for us. You like her. She was the first one of us to get to meet you, so tell her too.”

  I sighed and took hold of Sondra’s shoulders and turned her to face me and held her at arm’s length. I meant to tell her that she was beautiful. She was. But the look of dismay and fear on her face made me simply gather her naked body into my arms and hold her tightly.

  I whispered in her ear, “Sondra, my Dove, you are more beautiful than you know,” and, I slid my hand down her back and tenderly cupped her bottom.

  It just seemed like the thing to do.

  There was a pause where Sondra seemed to relax and melt, and nearly faint. And then she started to tremble, and it got worse, and I wondered if she were about to have a convulsion. I held her for a few more minutes, and she calmed down, but still trembled every few seconds. Eventually, she stopped and lifted her head and let go of me. She stepped back into a kind of a line with the other girls all facing Sarah and I, and we just looked at each other.

  Sondra said very quietly, “I’m scared.”

  Diane surprised us all by suddenly yelling, “Fuck me!”

  Everyone stared at her, but she was staring at my penis. Damn, I was still naked. We all were, except for Diane and Ashley, but somehow, I kept forgetting.

  Diane said, “That’s why I said don’t let me see you naked. Fuck me!”

  Ashley said, “Diane?”

  Diane said vehemently, “I don’t give a damn. Tom, just fuck me. If Sarah wants to stop me, she can, but if she doesn’t then just fuck me! I promised to pay attention to the Prophecy fantasy we have and all, but fucking fucking fuck, if you aren’t the Chosen One, then there isn’t one, and if you don’t fuck me I never get fucked and you said you want me to be happy and if you don’t absolutely just fuck me, I’ll never be happy so just fucking fuck me! She’s unreal and all and I’m sick and I’m dying and I am in love and I promised to wait for my Prince on a White Horse but that’s you and you’re magical and I trust you to make it work out, so fuck me! And when you’re done fucking me, then crash the plane if you want to, but I’m wrecked and I don’t care and I don’t have what it takes to go back to some kind of horrible normal. I’ve seen my destiny and I’m not going back. You’ll make it work. Honey is like some kind of magical sorceress and she promised me that my day would come and she meant this if she meant anything. And she promised us it would all get worked out and she’s the one who told us to believe in some Prophesy story and a Chosen One and she gave us hope, so now I know what has to happen. There’s no way that you are even going to ask me to go back. This is it. Tom, fuck me or say some magic words or do what you have to do, but this is it and I know it and I won’t even pretend. Just fuck me. Ashley knows. She said it. She belongs to you. She didn’t admit what she knew, but she knows. Sarah knows. And Tom, you know. And now Sondra knows. So just line us up and fuck us and get it over with.”

  Diane finally paused and took a breath. I squeezed Sarah’s hand. Sondra sat down and started crying. Ashley dropped her dress again. I wished that I had pants on.

  Sarah smiled and shocked me one more time and said, “Of course. Of course, Dears. Of course, I know. I am glad that you know. In a way, I feel like it was some mission that I was programmed with to find you and get you to understand. Diane, come here.”

  Sarah gathered Diane into her arms and said, “Everybody listen. I know that Tommy is going to make all this work out. He has to, just like you said. But remember, you promised to wait until the time was right. A real man makes a commitment for life, doesn’t he? Tom would never want anything less for you. That’s why he hasn’t had intercourse with me yet. Because we haven’t had a ceremony. When we get where we’re going, we’ll work it all ou
t. Ashley, do you really feel the same way? That you would be his wife if you could, just like me and Diane? Not just a girlfriend?”

  Ashley nodded.

  Sarah said to the girl in her arms, “That’s what you mean, isn’t it Diane? That you are going to let us all be together, and all be happy and all be a family? And be Diane Jensen, just like me and Ashley?”

  Diane nodded and sobbed.

  Sarah said, “Sondra, what about you? Is this your path and your adventure too?”

  Sondra said, “Are you kidding? Yes, if that’s possible. Tom, are you going to love me like that too? You do, right? I felt it.”

  I had no idea what to say. How was this happening? Had I just asked these three girls to marry me and I missed it somehow? Why wasn’t I wearing pants? What did I think of this? In the abstract, if not in the concrete yet? Or, forget that. What was I going to actually do? That was the question. I’d figure out the details later. I took a breath and nodded.

  I smiled and said, “Yes, I am. Sondra, Diane, Ashley, I am in love with all of you. And Sarah. And I see that we do need to be together. There’s no other way for us to be happy. I’m going to work it out. I have some people who can do almost anything, I think. I’ll work it out.”

  They were all crying now, and Sarah said, “So, you all wait just a little while and…”

  Suddenly, Ashley exclaimed, “Diane, we’re descending! We have to contact air traffic control. We’re only twenty minutes out. We’re going to get reported to the FAA.”

  The two women ran for the cockpit and jumped into their seats and went to work.

  Sondra, Sarah, and I hurried to the suite at the rear of the plane and put on our clothes. Sondra didn’t wear bra or panties, and obviously neither did Sarah, and I didn’t have any underwear. I reminded us that we had to take the bras that the girls had left in the bedroom with us. There was no need to straighten the bed or take anything else. We went quickly to our seats and gathered up the two pair of panties from the sofa and Sondra grabbed hers from her purse. Taking the bits of lingerie from us, she put them all in a small plastic bag and handed them to me for safe-keeping.


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