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Tom vs the Volcano God

Page 14

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  Sondra said, “And you found our public records. And all of the social security numbers and birth certificates and citizenship and financial records were completely accurate. There may have been parts of our service records that haven’t made it into the public domain.”

  Lily said, “Alice, get me a deeper and more complete work up on them.”

  Sondra said, “Alice, I suggest that you don’t. Lily, Marilyn called and gave me a priority code that said this mission was no questions asked. We never ask questions when that’s the case. I assume that we are afforded some amount of the same privilege, especially now.”

  Lily said, “Alice, yeah, don’t go digging. We’re fine.”

  Sondra said, “The real question, but you already know the answer, is, if you didn’t have certain parts of our background, how do you know that this hasn’t been part of some long game scenario to get close to Robby and find out about his empire, or even assassinate all of you? But you know the answer to that already.”

  Robby smiled and said, “Tommy, Lily has a way of knowing the truth, like Sarah does. It’s a different way of going about it, but Lily’s magic is seeing the truth. If the girls had been planning something nefarious, Lily would have known when she first met them. I don’t even pay attention to background checks as long as Lily has looked in their eyes.”

  Sondra said, “Lily? Do you have any questions about our commitment, loyalty, or discretion?”

  Lily said, “No.”

  Sondra said, “Lily, what did you do in the military?”

  Lily said sheepishly, “I drove trucks.”

  Sondra said, “We were genuinely afraid of you, but it had nothing to do with your military skills or threats of death or dropping us in a swamp. We were afraid of you looking us in the eyes and seeing our hurts and insecurities and fears.”

  Lily said, “I’m sorry.”

  Sondra said, “Code Black Picnic. Have you ever heard that phrase before? Before you joined the family here? Did you ever drive for a Code Black Picnic?”

  Lily said, “No. Oh…, wait. I did. Once. Um, it was classified, and I was told to forget I had even heard the term.”

  Sondra said, “Lily, you never saw me or Diane or Ashly until the day that we first few Robby on our first job. Whether we ever saw you before that is a matter we won’t explore.”

  Lily said, “Surely you aren’t really saying that…”

  Sondra said, “I’m not saying anything. And don’t call me Shirley.”

  She smiled and said, “Lily, we like you. This is the last time we get hostile. Ever. And you are family now, and if you ever need anything, we’ll be there for you. You are under our protection now. And we are your minions. You blink and a target disappears. But don’t call me Shirley. My closest family, which until today was just Ash and Dee, call me Sally.”

  We stood dumbfounded, except for Honey, Robby, and Sarah for some reason.

  Lily said, “I’m sorry. Um, Sally?”

  The girl, that we would now call Sally smiled and said, “Yeah, Sis?”

  Lily said, “Um, thank you. For schooling me. I’m glad it was lipstick. Um, welcome to your new home in Wonderland.”

  Ashley said, “So, can we take our clothes off now? I’m kind of really comfortable with that now.”

  Honey said, “Well maybe we can have some time in the pool and the hot tub, but first we have to get Sarah and Tom married.”

  The nine of us walked toward the house and Sally whispered, “It took me a long time to get her to say the word ‘surely’. I thought I was going to have to keep going forever. I wasn’t going to quit until she said it. We could have been there another hour.”

  Ashley whispered, “I’ve never been swimming in the nude before.”

  Dee said, “Is that what you’re thinking about?”

  Ashley said, “It sounds like fun.”

  Honey said, “Alice, is there any problem getting Tom and the girls full access to the house?”

  Alice said, “No. Remember, it’s only the residence at the resort that has that restriction. But implants would still be good. And ear-pieces.”

  Lily, now much subdued, said, “I was pretty stupid, wasn’t I?”

  Diane, or Dee, said, “You were doing your job. And you did it well. Can we please not ever go through that again?”

  Lily said, “OK, I won’t tease you or bully you, I promise.”

  Dee said, “No, not that. Lily, I don’t like being that way. I don’t like thinking about it. I don’t like being threatening or scary or adversarial. I didn’t mind when you teased us, but I don’t want to be what we were. Never again. Of course, if we had to, for family reasons, I would. In a under a heartbeat. But I want a different life now. That hasn’t been part of us for a long time. We stay fit, but at our age, we won’t ever get activated again. They don’t consider us for planning and tactics, so, as far as they are concerned, we don’t exist anymore. And I like it that way.”

  We were at the front door now. Lily pushed it open and Robby said, “Alice, connect me to Peach and Buttercup. Hey, girls, we’re home. I assume you’re naked. Yeah, Tom and Sarah are here, but so are the girls from the plane. We need a family meeting. So, for now, throw on a little something and we can talk by the pool. Great. Love you both.”

  Robby led us through the big open architecture home and out to the back were a huge veranda overlooked a nice swimming pool. There was a conversation pit that would easily fit all of us and Robby had us sit down. I sat next to Sarah, and the three girls sat on my left, with Sally next to me. Robby and Honey sat farther along my left, and Lily sat across from me. A moment later, to gorgeous women walked out wearing bikinis and floral wraps around their hips. I quickly stood and so did my girls as the two stepped toward us.

  We all smiled, and Honey said, “Ladies, this is Tom and Sarah. You know the girls from the plane. Did you meet Sarah before she left us to go get Tommy?”

  One of them said, “No. We were here and um, but hello Sarah and Tom.”

  Honey said, “This is Buttercup and Peach. We all have family names. It’s fun.”

  The two hugged me, and then each of the girls. But when the one called Buttercup hugged me, I thought that I was going to faint. Or maybe cry. It was weird.

  She noticed something and said, “Tom, I love you already. And don’t worry. A nice hug just sometimes feels so good that we don’t know what to do.”

  We held onto each other for at least thirty seconds while the others waited for us to finish. Finally, we let go of each other and we all sat back down, Buttercup and Peach with Lily, sitting opposite me and my girls.

  Robby said, “Well, the evening is moving toward night and we have things to do. I think that we could talk for hours, but not tonight. Tonight, Sarah and Tom are getting married. Cupcake and Flower are going to be here tomorrow, and we will take care of Ashley, Diane, and Sondra soon. Yeah, they have enthralled Tommy and talked him into a big family, too. We told them as much as we need to for now, except for Sarah’s family history, but we’ll cover that soon. What do you say?”

  Buttercup said, “Wow. That was sudden. It makes sense, well as much as anything we do, and it does seem to be the only way to be really happy. Robby, did you offer them some nice choices?”

  Robby said, “No. Well, except for Sarah and Tom. It appears that Tom and Sarah and the girls decided to offer each other choices to be happy together.”

  Peach said, “Girls, do you really feel that this is the right life for you? Being married to the same guy and to each other? It’s not just him you are marrying, you know that right? And you are joining our family too.”

  The girls looked at each other and once again it was Sondra who spoke for all of them.

  She said, “Um, yeah. First, we have what you’d call family names too. It just feels right now, if you could call us by them. It’s like we are starting totally over now, and well, call me Sally. And this is Dee and Ash.”

  Peach said, “Oh, Sally, that’s nice. Bu
t nobody but real immediate family calls you that?”

  Sally said, “Dee and Ash is all the family any of us have had for a long time. And yes, we do want this. On the plane, we just knew it. It happened really fast, and mostly by accident, but we just know it has to be this way. And since you already know how it works, we are kind of leaving it up to you to teach us.”

  Peach said, “That’s wonderful. Robby, this is really great. I want to ask a lot of questions, but I won’t for now. Dee, you have such a striking pair of lips. So subtly beautiful in a way I can’t quite describe.”

  Dee said, “That’s what Tommy said. The first thing he said about me. I’m a virgin.”

  Buttercup said, “Does that worry you Dear? Why? What are you thinking?”

  Dee sat silent and Buttercup said, “You know what? You and I will go talk about that some other time. But I’m glad you told me. I think maybe I have just the thing for you. A present. I’m glad you told Tom, too. Sweetie, did he tell you that he was married before, but that his wife was killed not too long ago?”

  Dee said quickly, “No. That’s awful. But um, well, that makes it feel easier. Were they happily married?”

  I said, “For almost 20 years. We were very happy.”

  Buttercup said, “So, see? Tommy knows a thing or two and you already trust him. I can see it your eyes and how you act with him. And he loves you.”

  Dee said, “He loves me more than anything.”

  Buttercup said, “Oh, you girls are perfect for this. This is marvelous.”

  Honey said, “But let’s get Sarah settled and then we can do whatever we want. Oh, but Alice, would you start on a full genealogical workup on every member of both our families, focusing on common ancestry? Girls, is that OK? I don’t mean to pry at all. I just wonder if we have some family connections in our past.”

  Peach said, “I think that’s a great idea. Now that you mention it, I think that’s a great idea. Sally, how old are you?”

  Sally said, “Thirty-six.”

  Peach said, “But you, all of you, look like you could be 26. And Tom looks at least 10 years younger than he is too. Honey, we should check. What about Robby? Did we ever check on him?”

  Honey said, “No. It never came up until I saw Tom and started thinking about the girls. But let’s all go right now and get started on some new adventures.”

  Chapter 14 - Beach Wedding

  Honey said, “There’s no real reason for anyone to change clothes. It’s more important that we get it done than for us to dress up fancy. But let’s go over what I’m thinking about all of this and make sure it’s OK with everyone. First, we’re going to walk down to the beach. It’s quiet and secluded and private and beautiful. Sarah already has her ring, so I’ll just say a few words and then Tom can kiss the bride and the two of them can head off to the bungalow. You other three, we want to wait until at least tomorrow. We could just have a ceremony for all of you at once, but Cupcake is going to be here tomorrow, and she’ll want to make up something special for you.”

  Dee said, “Shouldn’t it be really special for Sarah too?”

  Sarah said, “Oh, Dee. This is perfect for me. Really. This is just how I want it.”

  Dee said, “Then we could do that too then.”

  Honey said, “Dee, trust me. You want to wait for Cupcake. Whether you make love or not is up to you, but you really will be happier if you wait for Cupcake. But will be doing it here, with us, be what you want? Or do you want a church and a church minister and all of that and a traditional wedding? You can see what happens tonight and then decide if you want to.”

  Ashley said, “Not for me. You can’t all get married together that way, and it will mean more to me if it’s you anyway.”

  Honey smiled and said, “Good. I’m glad you feel that way. Now, what often happens is that we girls kind of throw away our past lives and start completely fresh. All of us have done this thing where we go and burn all of our old stuff and have nothing but our ID at the end. Not even any clothes. Are you all going to take the last name Jensen? We will get new documents all made up and everything will be legal. And, if anyone wants a new first name, this would be a good time for that too. We make lots of room for leaving the past behind.”

  The girls were all adamant that they have the same last name as me, and none of them thought that a new first name was important to them.

  Ashley said, “I fell in love with him as Ashley. That’s who I am now.”

  Honey said, “Then Alice, you can start on the paperwork with Marilyn. Is there anything else?”

  Sarah said, “Robby, can we have a wedding present?”

  Robby smiled and said, “You get a lot of wedding presents, Sarah. What is it you especially want?”

  Sarah said, “Can we have a Poppet? Please?”

  Robby and the women looked at each other, and Robby said, “Well, I suppose you can. I hadn’t thought about that. If that’s what you want, of course you can.”

  Sarah said, “It’s just that I was kind of Poppet, right? And now, I’m kind of Alice. So, maybe there should be a Poppet. For Tommy.”

  Robby said, “Alice, there’s no problem with that, is there?”

  Alice smiled and said, “Not at all.”

  Sarah said, “But can I help figure it all out and what it looks like and some things like that and what it’s like and things like that?”

  Robby looked at Alice and Alice said, “That sounds like a fine idea, if that’s what you want.”

  Sarah smiled and I said, “What’s a Poppet?”

  Sarah said, “A Poppet is the most wonderful thing in the world. But it won’t be called Poppet, of course. You have to name it. And teach it to behave, but not too much because that won’t be as much fun. Thank you, Robby. Thank you for giving me Tommy, too. He’s just what I needed. For me and Ashley and Sally and Dee too. Can we get married now?”

  Honey said, “If we stop talking long enough. Buttercup, do you want to lead the way down to the beach?”

  Buttercup said, “Sure, but why me?”

  Lily smiled and said, “Because you always lead.”

  Buttercup looked puzzled and said, “No I don’t.”

  Peach said, “You do when we walk through the grounds and Robby wants to look at your butt. And Robby always likes to look at your butt. Get going Butter Bottom.”

  Buttercup smiled and took the lead. Robby put his arm around me, and we followed. The rest of the girls walked behind us. The beautiful woman led us around the pool, across a big lawn, and along a path through the tropical forest around the house.

  Robby said, “She really does have the most magnificent rear-end.”

  Honey said, “After the ceremony, the rest of us will go back to the house and talk to the girls a bit more. You are staying at the hotel for tonight. What do you think of having the front desk keep a key for Tom so that when he comes, he can go right up to the rooms? We’ll get two adjoining rooms for you. Later, you might stay here at the house for a while, but we’ll start with you at the hotel.”

  Buttercup said, “But we have to have some talks first. Dee needs to see something. And I want to get to know all of them better, and Ashley needs to get her clothes off and play in the nude for a while tonight.”

  We wound our way about a quarter of a mile into the trees, and then the path opened onto a small beach with a private cove. It was about a hundred feet long and surrounded by trees that came all the way to the water at each end of the beach.

  Honey said, “Now, our weddings tend to be short and to the point. Because you girls have asked us to teach you, I’m going to take a bit longer than usual and add some background instructions that will help you understand and set your expectations.

  We exchange vows and sometimes rings. But what we are after is that forever relationship entered into with commitment and purpose, not a fancy event that often obscures the oneness of our marriage behind the trappings of a wedding. Our weddings are an expression of our connection.

/>   When we marry, we announce and vow to a relationship of oneness. He is hers and she is his. And when more than two are involved, then she is theirs as well.

  This isn’t a sexual thing between the women in our experience. We love each other and we do participate with each other in loving our husband; we may even take part in adding to the pleasure of lovemaking between our husband and other of his mates. But our relationships between the women of our family have not been truly bisexual. We don’t seek out our sisters to fulfill our sexual needs. I’m not saying that it is a prohibition for you but telling you that in our family it hasn’t been an issue. I see my sisters naked and appreciate their beauty and their sexuality. I see them as sexual beings and I encourage their lovemaking. And when one, or even all of them, are with me while my husband makes love to us, if it enhances what we are doing, I will gladly touch, suck, or lick, and certainly say loving things, as part of that time together. And afterward, just so that you know, we do sometimes lick each other’s vulva as a kiss of love and as a way of cleaning up for more lovemaking to come, just like we may suck our lover’s penis clean so that it will be ready for the next of us to have and enjoy it.

  For you, if you were doing what we do, it would mean that while Tom is having intercourse with Ashley, Sarah and Dee might be asked to suck on her nipples, if she enjoys that. And when she has had enough, Sarah might lick his semen from her body so that she is clean enough for whatever is next, whether that is getting dressed for dinner or waiting for another turn with her husband between her thighs, while Dee sucks her husband’s cock so that he will be clean for what comes next as well. What comes next could be more lovemaking, going to dinner, or falling asleep all in one bed.

  The most wonderful thing I know is being loved as I am, one with my man and our mates. The other wonderful thing is expressing that love sexually, giving and receiving as much pleasure as we can, always making each other happy, always respectful, always tender, even when vigorous, being filled over and over physically and emotionally, climaxing continuously until we burst in love. We call that fucking. And we never use that word in any other way. Fucking is sacred to us, the same way that our pussy and his cock are sacred. His cock fucks your pussy as an act of lovemaking because he is one with you.


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